Gruesome Gavin Newsome: if i lose, I think it would have profound consequences nationwide and go to not just politics, but to policy and policymaking

God love Larry Elder. he's no Gary Coleman!
Newsome is a pretty boy who got elected by it as he spouted the right things and he is from a corrupted regional political family. People never learn. It is like a thousand years a go and thousands of years before it.
One can only hope his losing the recall might bring big changes!
things change...except in politics...let's hope tommorrow will be different!
Newsom is burnt toast. Hopefully California will soon be free of all the 4 families that have ruled over it for 80 years.
For 80 years the Brown, Newsom, Pelosi, and Getty families have ruled over the State of California. Turning it into the economic and social disaster that we see today.
Newsom is burnt toast. Hopefully California will soon be free of all the 4 families that have ruled over it for 80 years.
For 80 years the Brown, Newsom, Pelosi, and Getty families have ruled over the State of California. Turning it into the economic and social disaster that we see today.
what happened to Reagan,Deukmejian,Wilson,Davis and Arnie?....

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