Guess they're not getting Trump Tower this week.

Trump doesn't own it, as of 2021. GMAC Commercial owns it.

Now, why would a guy with $10B need to get another mortgage on a property that he built 40 years ago?
To buy another property. I do love how you guys are not at all afraid to declare your rank ignorance as to how business, in particular, RE development works.

Didn't have the balls to seize Trump's assets.

The bond of the fake civil trial has been reduced to $175 million and 10 days grace period to secure the bond.

New York Times article...archived of course...

So much for the courts being biased against your blob, right?

Oh wait...let me have a conspiracy theory to explain this too, right?
He built it 40 years ago and he still doesn't own it. And then he had to take out more loans with GMAC.

But keep believing he's a $10B man. He's counting on you!
Counting on a Brit in Southern Scotland, weird.

I think Trump is worth $2.4 bn -

So I disagree with your figure.
It's hilarious that the superfans of a lifelong criminal are jumping up and down in joy because he has to come up with "only" $170M bond to keep from having his assets seized by the state.
Your freakout is exquisite.

Next up...the appeal and the next liberal mental breakdown.


Dear Sir with the extremely punchable looking face, I believe the "extenuating circumstance" on which the appellate court is basing this reduction is...that they believe this kangaroo court civil judgement will be overturned on appeal.

So looking forward to that violent leftist meltdown.

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