Guess what Hillary Lied Again.

Knowing what you do about how untruthful Hillary is, would you still vote for her.

  • No matter what i would vote for her, because i am as stupid and untrutful as she is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Jill Stein, only because i cant trust Hillary and her habitual lying.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Gary Johnson, because i know a vote for him is still a vote for Hillary.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Tump, he isnt perfect, no one is, but at least he wants to make America Great Again

    Votes: 13 100.0%

  • Total voters
The question asked of Hillary was on military actions and service member deaths
Most people will vote for Hillary or a 3rd party candidate rather than Trump.

Trump has proved himself to be insane and inept.

If there is a sizable turnout this year, it's because people are voting against both Clinton and Trump.
Both Comrade Trump and HRC agree with Carlin, obviously.

Gadhafi , Hussein, and now Assad, all a huge threat to everyone.

1. Gaddafi, a dictator WE put into power, was NOT a 'huge threat'. As mentioned AND reported, he had begun HELPING the United States combat terrorists in Northern Africa. Perhaps it was because he began hearing and understanding they wanted to overthrow him and take over, which is what they did WITH BARRY'S & HILLARY'S HELP!

2. It turns out Hussein, a dictator WE helped put into power, was a threat to his own people and to Iran. His whole claim that he had nuclear and biological weapons / agents turned out to be a BLUFF he was using to keep Iran at bay, a bluff he took too far. All the political (GOP AND DNC) saber-rattling turned out to be for nothing. He wasn't a threat to the U.S. We did a good thing liberating an oppressed, tortured people from a tyrannical dictator Was it worth the price we paid? Depends on who you ask. While many GOP and DNC will tell you 'no', the Iraqis believe differently.

3. Assad, another dictator WE helped put into power (see a trend?), was no threat to the United States, either. Assad reportedly used chemical weapons against his own people - NOT OUR BUSINESS! THAT IS WHY WE HAVE THE U.N.! Barry couldn't help sticking his nose into the mess, though, even though we weren't even sure it was Assad who used the chemical weapons. Many believe it was the rebels, trying to influence outside powers to turn on Assad. If true, it worked.

Barry rushed to the forefront to lay down his 'Red Line' to Assad, his own personal bluff, and Assad called him on it. In front of the whole world Barry was left with 2 options - carry out his threat or back down in disgrace. he backed down, in front of all of our allies and enemies. Worse yet, Barry tried to blame the whole world, saying it was THEIR 'Red Line'...and the whole world laughed at him.

Barry bit off more than he could chew, as both Russia and Iran came to Assad's aide. Obama became OBSESSED with Assad, determined to redeem he turned to rebels - ISIS. Promising to help overthrow Assad, which would have put another country in the hands of terrorists, Obama finance, supplied, armed, trained, and protected ISIS...and they played him. He stood by doing nothing as mile-long convoys our military could have easily destroyed entered Iraq, taking over territory our military had liberated at great cost.

NONE of these 3 were REALLY threats to the United States.

Libya is now in terrorist hands. Iraq was invaded due to an early/ill-advised pull-out too soon AND due to inaction when ISIS began flowing into Iraq. ISIS rose into a world threat due to Barry's failed 'Red Line' and obsession with Assad. Boots WERE put back on the ground in Iraq due to Barry's failure to act to stop ISIS before they got into Iraq. The United States has been dragged into the middle of 2 civil wars between terrorists and dictators, dragged into 2 WARS without any Congressional approval to do so.

President Barak Obama's, the Nobel PEACE Prize Winner's, foreign policy has resulted in a liberated nation having to un-necessarily fight invaders, 2 unauthorized wars, terrorists taking over their own country, the dramatic and deadly rise of ISIS, and the leading exporter of terrorism in the Middle East being given a path to becoming nuclear, and the world's perception of the US having paid a ransom for hostages - which has lead them to take even more hostages.

The answer to the question of whether the world Is better or worse off after Barry is definitively WORSE off.

No one died during the military action against Qadafy in 2011. That is an accurate statement.

This is Hillary's gift of 'political sleight of hand'. She doesn't mention that the Libyan war was the result of her and Barry allying themselves with Al Qaeida, entering the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator, that they dragged the US into their own personal war without Congressional approval...or even ASKING for such approval, or that 4 Americans died because of her failures, incompetence, and failure to act.

No, she can't mention any of that because she's running for President.

So she makes the accurate statement that no one died DURING the war. It's not USUALLY the things Hillary says that are damning - it's all the things she decides to LEAVE OUT!
Hello everyone! I am happy to find this board and help the liberals find the truth and vote for Trump in November! Yes, Hillary lies with such ease she doesn't even know what is truth or a lie anymore.

And that cough! Wise up, liberals. She's got stage one emphysema.
Terrorists attacked and, as often happens, lives are lost.

WOW! Candy finally admitted it was a terrorist attack and not any crap about a video.

Like Hillary, you leave a lot of facts out, Candy.

- Every other nation had ORDERED their people out of Benghazi due to the known threats. Even after 2 terrorist attacks in weeks prior to 9/11/12 Hillary refused to order the Americans in Benghazi (who had to be rescued by GADDAFI ex-forces) out prior to the EXPECTED / WARNED terrorist attack.

- Over 60 pleas by Ambassador Stephens for additional security ignored.

- 14 Members of his security team were pulled AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound right before the 9/11/12 attack - even after claiming to know the military was incapable of responding in time in case of an attack.

- Hillary claimed she, the Sect of State, was not responsible for THAT State Department business, blamed someone else in the State Department, and declared she had no idea what was going on in her own State Department.

On and on and on......failure, incompetence, inaction, ignorance!
What Clinton is saying is that in the "Lybian Intervention", where allied forces used bombings etc, there were no service member deaths.

What time period is designated as "The Lybian Intervention"?

In there, is your answer of zero service member/military deaths.
Ah, her answer goes back to bill Clinton's defense - the definition of the word 'is'?! :p
Terrorists attacked and, as often happens, lives are lost.

WOW! Candy finally admitted it was a terrorist attack and not any crap about a video.

Like Hillary, you leave a lot of facts out, Candy.

- Every other nation had ORDERED their people out of Benghazi due to the known threats. Even after 2 terrorist attacks in weeks prior to 9/11/12 Hillary refused to order the Americans in Benghazi (who had to be rescued by GADDAFI ex-forces) out prior to the EXPECTED / WARNED terrorist attack.

- Over 60 pleas by Ambassador Stephens for additional security ignored.

- 14 Members of his security team were pulled AFTER the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound right before the 9/11/12 attack - even after claiming to know the military was incapable of responding in time in case of an attack.

- Hillary claimed she, the Sect of State, was not responsible for THAT State Department business, blamed someone else in the State Department, and declared she had no idea what was going on in her own State Department.

On and on and on......failure, incompetence, inaction, ignorance!

1. Gaddafi, a dictator WE put into power, was NOT a 'huge threat'. As mentioned AND reported, he had begun HELPING the United States combat terrorists in Northern Africa. Perhaps it was because he began hearing and understanding they wanted to overthrow him and take over, which is what they did WITH BARRY'S & HILLARY'S HELP!

We didn't put Gaddafi into power.. No, he wasn't a huge threat, but what he was doing to his own people was so bad the UN, European Union, Arab League and NATO all asked us to step in.

This is Hillary's gift of 'political sleight of hand'. She doesn't mention that the Libyan war was the result of her and Barry allying themselves with Al Qaeida, entering the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator, that they dragged the US into their own personal war without Congressional approval...or even ASKING for such approval, or that 4 Americans died because of her failures, incompetence, and failure to act.

No, 4 Americans died because an Ambassador ignored reports that there was unrest in the city and went anyway. But no one wants to dump on the dead guy, and you guys just love,love,love using coffins as soap boxes.
1. Gaddafi, a dictator WE put into power, was NOT a 'huge threat'. As mentioned AND reported, he had begun HELPING the United States combat terrorists in Northern Africa. Perhaps it was because he began hearing and understanding they wanted to overthrow him and take over, which is what they did WITH BARRY'S & HILLARY'S HELP!

We didn't put Gaddafi into power.. No, he wasn't a huge threat, but what he was doing to his own people was so bad the UN, European Union, Arab League and NATO all asked us to step in.

This is Hillary's gift of 'political sleight of hand'. She doesn't mention that the Libyan war was the result of her and Barry allying themselves with Al Qaeida, entering the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator, that they dragged the US into their own personal war without Congressional approval...or even ASKING for such approval, or that 4 Americans died because of her failures, incompetence, and failure to act.

No, 4 Americans died because an Ambassador ignored reports that there was unrest in the city and went anyway. But no one wants to dump on the dead guy, and you guys just love,love,love using coffins as soap boxes.
Sorta like what Saddam Hussein was doing to his people? You know the guy John Kerry voted to go to war against, before he voted against it? The same guy that Hillary and Bill sent cruise missiles to an aspirin factory that killed an innocent janitor? Wow, as long as liberal democrats take US to war, the liberals love them, but when a liberal republican takes US to war, impeachment is shouting as loud as can be. Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all. I thought the 4 US citizens died because Hilldabeast said it was spontaneous, from a movie about the prophet? Yeah, she lied about that also.
No, 4 Americans died because an Ambassador ignored reports that there was unrest in the city and went anyway. But no one wants to dump on the dead guy, and you guys just love,love,love using coffins as soap boxes.

The US Govt / State Department KNEW of the threat of a terrorist attack against Benghazi on 9/11/12 - every nation with people knew it, which is PART of the reason they ordered their people out.

Ambassador Stephens is the one who filed those reports about 'unrest' - terrorist activity - in Benghazi.
HE was the one who reported a gathering of over 500 Al Qaeida.
HE was the one who reported MORE terrorist training camps opening up in Benghazi.
HE was the one who reported terrorist attacks, the other part of nations pulling their people out.
HE was the one who reported Al Qaeida flags flying from Benghazi Govt Buildings.
HE was the one who reported the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound prior to 9/11/12
HE was the one who sent over 60 requests for additional security
He was the one DENIED those requests
HE was the one who strongly opposed 14 members of his security team being pulled after those 2 attacks

'Dumping on the Dead Guy' is EXACTLY what Hillary and Democrats are doing!

HILLARY was running the State Department - Not Stephens or some scapegoat she blamed.
HILLARY was ultimately responsible for the safety and security of US Embassies and Americans abroad - not Stephens or some scapegoat she blamed.
HILLARY was ultimately responsible for the security assigned to Ambassadors and Embassies - not Stephens or some scapegoat she blamed.
HILLARY claimed she didn't even know what was going on...and she was the Secretary of State.

Libs blame Stephens for not ordering himself out of Benghazi. They obviously blame Stephens for not ordering every other American out that was there on 9/11/12 before the attack happened...BUT THAT WAS NOT HIS JOB! That's the State Department's job. That was HILLARY CLINTON'S job.

FAIL! 4 Dead Americans.

Evidently, like Hillary, Dems love the fact that she had the TITLE but believes she was not responsible for anything that went on.

It is apparent, from all the released emails, that Hillary and Huma were too busy running the satellite office of the Clinton Foundation out of the State Department to be bothered with terrorists attacking and preparing to murder an American Ambassador.
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Give it a rest.
When Hillary and Bill are 6 feet under, then I will give it a rest, until then, I will shout loudly how corrupt they are. Shame that 43% of US citizens are dumb enough to vote for the vagina, only because she has one. She sure doesn't have any accomplishments for her to run on.
here is the full quote, with context.

"With respect to Libya, again, there's no difference between my opponent and myself. He's on record extensively supporting intervention in Libya, when Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population. I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action."

So she lied her ass off, shocker. And tell me where was Hillary when hundreds of thousands of people were actually being slaughtered in the Congo at the time? Why no intervention, could it be because Europe gets oil from Libya? In fact yest, Hillary made that quite clear that we had to help Europe in Libya to protect their oil supply and we owed Europe for helping us in Afghanistan.
Sorta like what Saddam Hussein was doing to his people? You know the guy John Kerry voted to go to war against, before he voted against it?

Well, no, actually, Saddam was actually pretty well behaved after the 1991 cease fire. He did shitty stuff when Reagan was president, and Reagan denied those things were happening.

The same guy that Hillary and Bill sent cruise missiles to an aspirin factory that killed an innocent janitor? Wow, as long as liberal democrats take US to war, the liberals love them, but when a liberal republican takes US to war, impeachment is shouting as loud as can be.

Well, when Democrats take us to war, it's quick surgical strikes with a set goal. (I think you are also confusing Clinton's 1993 strike on Iraq with his 1998 strike on the Sudan, the latter of which has nothing to do with Saddam... but you are easily confused, I know.)

Double standards, without them, liberals would have no standards at all. I thought the 4 US citizens died because Hilldabeast said it was spontaneous, from a movie about the prophet? Yeah, she lied about that also.

Um, I know you got all these reading comprehension problems... but the fact is, Stevens went to Benghazi DESPITE all the unrest that movie was churning up. But in your binary world, of course, problems can't have more than one cause.
The US Govt / State Department KNEW of the threat of a terrorist attack against Benghazi on 9/11/12 - every nation with people knew it, which is PART of the reason they ordered their people out.

Ambassador Stephens is the one who filed those reports about 'unrest' - terrorist activity - in Benghazi.
HE was the one who reported a gathering of over 500 Al Qaeida.
HE was the one who reported MORE terrorist training camps opening up in Benghazi.
HE was the one who reported terrorist attacks, the other part of nations pulling their people out.
HE was the one who reported Al Qaeida flags flying from Benghazi Govt Buildings.
HE was the one who reported the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound prior to 9/11/12
HE was the one who sent over 60 requests for additional security
He was the one DENIED those requests
HE was the one who strongly opposed 14 members of his security team being pulled after those 2 attacks

'Dumping on the Dead Guy' is EXACTLY what Hillary and Democrats are doing!

Assuming he knew all that, going from his SECURE EMBASSY in Tripoli to an unsecured compound in Benghazi on the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11, no less, seems like a pretty dumb idea. But someone his bad judgement is totally Hillary's fault.
Assuming he knew all that, going from his SECURE EMBASSY in Tripoli to an unsecured compound in Benghazi on the ANNIVERSARY of 9/11, no less, seems like a pretty dumb idea. But someone his bad judgement is totally Hillary's fault.

More importantly, it was not just Stephens who knew all of that - THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND HILLARY KNEW ALL THAT! Stephens' American STAFF was in Benghazi - Stephens was not the only American in Benghazi on 9/11/12. It was NOT Stephens' job to order HIMSELF out of Benghazi any more than it was to strip HIMSELF of 14 members of his security team after 2 terrorist attacks or to order the rest of the Americans there in Benghazi out! It was THE STATE DEPARTMENT'S JOB...IT WAS HILLARY'S JOB!

Hillary did not work for Stephens. Stephens and those other Americans worked for Hillary!

GOOD GRIEF, Hillary was the Secretary of State, responsible for EVERYTHIBG going on in the State Department, ultimately responsible for the security and safety of all Americans / Ambassadors working for the State Department.

What you are arguing is that Hillary is completely innocent and not responsible for anything that happened in the State Department because she was Secretary of State IN NAME ONLY!
Joe I have found out is mentally ill. He believes everything he says, even when proven wrong, over and over. Why else is he so dependent on the government to take care of him. When a child speaks out of turn, he is reprimanded and sent to a corner. Unfortunately this site cant put Joe where he belongs. Better just to ignore the spoiled kid.

Leading Psychiatrist Says Liberalism is a Psychological Disorder
“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

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