Guess what Hillary Lied Again.

Knowing what you do about how untruthful Hillary is, would you still vote for her.

  • No matter what i would vote for her, because i am as stupid and untrutful as she is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Jill Stein, only because i cant trust Hillary and her habitual lying.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Gary Johnson, because i know a vote for him is still a vote for Hillary.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Tump, he isnt perfect, no one is, but at least he wants to make America Great Again

    Votes: 13 100.0%

  • Total voters
I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.
The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.

I’ll place your post next to the letter Trump has from the NFL and of course, the Bible…his favorite book. Your messiah can’t go 2 seconds without lying.
Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.

I’ll place your post next to the letter Trump has from the NFL and of course, the Bible…his favorite book. Your messiah can’t go 2 seconds without lying.
Your vagina cant go 1 second without lying, as when ever Hillary isn't barking like a dog, or having spazms, while her pie hole is open, you know a lie is coming. When you understand how Sociopaths behave, you can see why Hillary does what she does.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time
5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.

I’ll place your post next to the letter Trump has from the NFL and of course, the Bible…his favorite book. Your messiah can’t go 2 seconds without lying.
Your vagina cant go 1 second without lying, as when ever Hillary isn't barking like a dog, or having spazms, while her pie hole is open, you know a lie is coming. When you understand how Sociopaths behave, you can see why Hillary does what she does.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time
5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Nice dodge. It sounds like you’re talking about trump in 2-5 there…like dead on accurate.

Where is Trump’s letter from the NFL? The one they say they didn’t send.
Do you really believe the Bible is his favorite book?

Just two of many lies. Do you think he also knows more than the Generals about ISIS?
Better look now but ISIS, doesn’t seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy.

Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don’t have an issue with that?
And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.

I’ll place your post next to the letter Trump has from the NFL and of course, the Bible…his favorite book. Your messiah can’t go 2 seconds without lying.
Your vagina cant go 1 second without lying, as when ever Hillary isn't barking like a dog, or having spazms, while her pie hole is open, you know a lie is coming. When you understand how Sociopaths behave, you can see why Hillary does what she does.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time
5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Nice dodge. It sounds like you’re talking about trump in 2-5 there…like dead on accurate.

Where is Trump’s letter from the NFL? The one they say they didn’t send.
Do you really believe the Bible is his favorite book?

Just two of many lies. Do you think he also knows more than the Generals about ISIS?
Let me see if any of this works.
Sociopath #2 - Hillary barking at the audience, goes into a Frenzy near Bill, falls down on the steps requiring MEN to help her up.
#3 - At this point what difference does it make, whether it was a movie or a full fledge attack that had an Ambassador and 3 men protecting them killed.
#4 - As we were landing in Bosnia, we were dodging gun fire, I did not send or receive marked classified info.
#5 - Even as she is mentally Ill, she still is running as the vagina candidate because she had to put up Bill's women abusing, which she covered up, so she can now have what she has always wanted, extreme power.

You have said Trump is only 2 of the 5, while Hillary is 5 of the 5, much worse, not only for you , but for the rest of the country. What achievements has Hillary achieved while being the Secretary of the State(and remember she wasn't the first woman there either, so cant use that argument).

And you equate brutality with some sort of advanced threat? When you look at their standard MO, it’s basically what Kleibold and Harris did; suit up some fairly small weapons and attack soft targets. Precisely what happened at the McDonalds in San Yisidro in 1989 if I recall.

Advanced terrorism is 9/11, twin synchronized attacks on embassies in two nations, and having soldiers in the field who are capable of carrying out plans; not having to use your own bomb maker to detonate the bombs.

Are these attacks terror attacks? Sure. Are they anything more than what some gang banger does with a pistol and a 6th grade education? Not really.

But don’t let me spoil your day with facts.
Libya: Indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas in Tripoli and Benghazi amounts to war crimes
Such indiscriminate attacks that result in death or injury to civilians amount to war crimes. Intense fighting between rival armed groups and militias in both cities has killed 214 people and injured 981, according to the Ministry of Health, as well as causing damage to civilian property. Medical workers reported that the dead and injured included civilians, in particular women and children.“
Events like this have happened all over the middle east since Hillary decided to remove Gaddafi and leave a vacuum in his place. So we have to take "her" word that what she did was to prevent deaths by the dictator. Hmm, I like many others, DONT believe her. I guess that is what happens when you lie to the US citizens all the time.

I’ll place your post next to the letter Trump has from the NFL and of course, the Bible…his favorite book. Your messiah can’t go 2 seconds without lying.
Your vagina cant go 1 second without lying, as when ever Hillary isn't barking like a dog, or having spazms, while her pie hole is open, you know a lie is coming. When you understand how Sociopaths behave, you can see why Hillary does what she does.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#4) Sociopaths invent outrageous lies about their experiences. They wildly exaggerate things to the point of absurdity, but when they describe it to you in a storytelling format, for some reason it sounds believable at the time
5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.

Nice dodge. It sounds like you’re talking about trump in 2-5 there…like dead on accurate.

Where is Trump’s letter from the NFL? The one they say they didn’t send.
Do you really believe the Bible is his favorite book?

Just two of many lies. Do you think he also knows more than the Generals about ISIS?
Let me see if any of this works.
Sociopath #2 - Hillary barking at the audience, goes into a Frenzy near Bill, falls down on the steps requiring MEN to help her up.
#3 - At this point what difference does it make, whether it was a movie or a full fledge attack that had an Ambassador and 3 men protecting them killed.
#4 - As we were landing in Bosnia, we were dodging gun fire, I did not send or receive marked classified info.
#5 - Even as she is mentally Ill, she still is running as the vagina candidate because she had to put up Bill's women abusing, which she covered up, so she can now have what she has always wanted, extreme power.

You have said Trump is only 2 of the 5, while Hillary is 5 of the 5, much worse, not only for you , but for the rest of the country. What achievements has Hillary achieved while being the Secretary of the State(and remember she wasn't the first woman there either, so cant use that argument).

Again, nice dodge. I can’t blame you for not wanting to come to Trump’s defense. I
According to Trump, who is convinced the whole world is against him, Hilliary has lied about everything.

Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.

We have been over this, she has the only qualification you look for. Regardless of your registration.
I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.

We have been over this, she has the only qualification you look for. Regardless of your registration.

She has the qualifications that most Americans look for. That is bore out in the polling and will be vividly clearly demonstrated; even to you, come November.
What is wrong with you that you make such a comparison? It is you who should be upset. Hillary voted for the wars and supported them fully until she didn't. SHE was in charge at Benghazi. When I am a supervisor i assume the responsibility for the safety of my crew. She said she accepted responsibility but what good is that if there is no consequence?

so did you lose your job because an employee got injured due to his own negligence? Because if that's the comparison you want, that's probably what applies here. Stevens knew Benghazi was dangerous, and he went anyway. He left most of his security detail in Tripoli instead of bringing them with him. And he stayed the night instead of going directly home.

No liberal gives a shit about the scandal that just wont go away. You like Chris Mathews probably sucked Obama's dick(needle dick that is) and loved it so much, that no matter what he does, you just continue to get that THRILL that runs up your leg and the mayo that runs out of your mouth. But as the POLLS are showing, Hillary is taking a nose dive(sometimes for real) while Trump just goes on and on. You must be a welfare queen, knowing that if Hillary doesn't win, you will have your FREE stuff cut off. That is why you are so radically vehement towards those that have common sense. Now go ahead and insult me again, as that is all you have to bring to the debate.

Dude, Hillary is still beating Trump in every poll except the CNN one, which is already being seen as being flawed. (They oversampled mouth-breathing rednecks).

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

But I do love watching your dumb, inbred bible-thumping ass going into convulsions when someone points out to you that no one cares about your fake scandals.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn't seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy. Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don't have an issue with that? No, because it is the messiah who is wrecking havoc on the world, which he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet. Boy did he fool the shit out of you guys on that one.

Guy, that region was perfectly stable until your boy Bush overthrew Saddam. I am glad Obama is not doubling and tripling down on Bush's mistake by throwing away more American lives on a lost cause.
That filthy ass bitch lies every time she opens her mouth.

Why anybody would vote for that corrupt dishonest and incompetent piece of shit is absolutely beyond comprehension. I guess there are a lot of stupid Moon Bats in this country. After all they elected Obama so they don't have much of a moral or intellectual foundation.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn't seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy. Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don't have an issue with that? No, because it is the messiah who is wrecking havoc on the world, which he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet. Boy did he fool the shit out of you guys on that one.

Guy, that region was perfectly stable until your boy Bush overthrew Saddam. I am glad Obama is not doubling and tripling down on Bush's mistake by throwing away more American lives on a lost cause.

What the hell are you talking about? Saddam invaded Kuwait and when he got his ass kicked out he started one huge environmental disaster. Saddam used chemical weapons against the Kurd, his own people. Saddam and Iran were almost constantly at war. Saddam was funding suicide bombers. Man how you folks pretend to forget.

To say that what Bush did 15 years ago and now what Hillary and Obama did takes a special kind of denial.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn't seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy. Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don't have an issue with that? No, because it is the messiah who is wrecking havoc on the world, which he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet. Boy did he fool the shit out of you guys on that one.

Guy, that region was perfectly stable until your boy Bush overthrew Saddam. I am glad Obama is not doubling and tripling down on Bush's mistake by throwing away more American lives on a lost cause.
Stable, sure it was, that was why Kohbar Towers was blown up killing American Soldiers or 2 embassies in Africa, or the USS Cole and don't forget Sept 11th 2001(thank you Bill Clinton). Yep as stable as Joe's ass, after he went to the Orlando Night Club for some Whoopiee.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn't seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy. Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don't have an issue with that? No, because it is the messiah who is wrecking havoc on the world, which he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet. Boy did he fool the shit out of you guys on that one.

Guy, that region was perfectly stable until your boy Bush overthrew Saddam. I am glad Obama is not doubling and tripling down on Bush's mistake by throwing away more American lives on a lost cause.
Stable, sure it was, that was why Kohbar Towers was blown up killing American Soldiers or 2 embassies in Africa, or the USS Cole and don't forget Sept 11th 2001(thank you Bill Clinton). Yep as stable as Joe's ass, after he went to the Orlando Night Club for some Whoopiee.

And we should remember the no fly zone and Saddam shooting missiles at our planes.
What the hell are you talking about? Saddam invaded Kuwait and when he got his ass kicked out he started one huge environmental disaster.

Uh, yeah, except that Iraq was still intact as a Nation State and kept Iran in check. Now the Iranians are running rampant over the region.

Saddam used chemical weapons against the Kurd, his own people.

Chemical Weapons Ronnie Raygun sold him and turned a blind eye to when he used them.

Saddam and Iran were almost constantly at war.

Which again, Ronnie Raygun ecnouraged.

Saddam was funding suicide bombers. Man how you folks pretend to forget.

That wasn't our problem. If the Zionists don't like suicide bombers, they can always go back to Europe where they came from.

To say that what Bush did 15 years ago and now what Hillary and Obama did takes a special kind of denial.

Well, no... Saddam was taken out because Bush wanted revenge on him, not because his own people were revolting against him. Qadaffy was taken out because his own people were rebelling against him and he was slaughtering them.

Stable, sure it was, that was why Kohbar Towers was blown up killing American Soldiers or 2 embassies in Africa, or the USS Cole and don't forget Sept 11th 2001(thank you Bill Clinton).

Okay, except none of those things had anything to do with Saddam. Now, if Bush kept his eye on the ball and pressed on in Afghanistan and brought Bin Laden to justice, you might have a point. Instead he toppled Saddam, didn't send in enough troops to secure the country, and chaos ensued.
Why anybody would vote for that corrupt dishonest and incompetent piece of shit is absolutely beyond comprehension. I guess there are a lot of stupid Moon Bats in this country. After all they elected Obama so they don't have much of a moral or intellectual foundation.

Okay. Here's why I'm voting for Hillary.


Any questions.

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