Guess what Hillary Lied Again.

Knowing what you do about how untruthful Hillary is, would you still vote for her.

  • No matter what i would vote for her, because i am as stupid and untrutful as she is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Jill Stein, only because i cant trust Hillary and her habitual lying.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Gary Johnson, because i know a vote for him is still a vote for Hillary.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I would vote for Tump, he isnt perfect, no one is, but at least he wants to make America Great Again

    Votes: 13 100.0%

  • Total voters
More importantly, it was not just Stephens who knew all of that - THE STATE DEPARTMENT AND HILLARY KNEW ALL THAT! Stephens' American STAFF was in Benghazi - Stephens was not the only American in Benghazi on 9/11/12. It was NOT Stephens' job to order HIMSELF out of Benghazi any more than it was to strip HIMSELF of 14 members of his security team after 2 terrorist attacks or to order the rest of the Americans there in Benghazi out! It was THE STATE DEPARTMENT'S JOB...IT WAS HILLARY'S JOB!

Are you some kind of stupid person? Our embassy wasn't in Benghazi. It was in Tripoli. Tripoli is the capital of Libya. I know they probably didn't cover this in whatever home school you went to.

Oh, yeah, the man's name was STEVENS, not Stephens...

If he felt Benghazi was that dangerous, then he shouldn't have gone.
Joe I have found out is mentally ill. He believes everything he says, even when proven wrong, over and over. Why else is he so dependent on the government to take care of him. When a child speaks out of turn, he is reprimanded and sent to a corner. Unfortunately this site cant put Joe where he belongs. Better just to ignore the spoiled kid.

Andy, budd, are you still feeling the butthurt of the last time I spanked your dumb, inbred, bible thumping redneck ass?
Not even going to respond to the insanity that Joe shows. Would love to meet Joe face to face someday, see how much of a spineless liberal he really is.
The FBI exposed that Hillary Clinton claimed that a classification designator on her documents looked like an 'alphabetical ranking' instead of classification markings and that she had no idea they meant different classifications of the information to the right of the designator.


“One of our contacts has reviewed the three emails that had classified markings and they told us that one of the emails has multiple classified markings, the ‘C’ for confidential, which is the lowest level of classification, and then every other paragraph is marked with the code ‘SBU,’ which means ‘Sensitive But Unclassified’ and you never see these codes in the context of anything but classified information,” Herridge said. “And this really undercuts Clinton’s claim to the FBI that when she was asked about the ‘C’ she thought it was like an ‘ABC’ alphabetical listing. This does not jibe with those documents.”


"Anyone who has handled classified material would know this to be utter nonsense. Paragraph markings appear in all classified material to note the specific classifications within the sections of each page, while the page itself bears a marking of the highest classification information within it. Even without that knowledge, though, Clinton’s explanation still makes no sense, because the alphabet doesn’t start with C. If she legitimately wanted to employ this imbecilic alphabet defense, the follow-up question is obvious: “How could you think this if there was no (A) and (B)?”

Clinton’s explanation of her ignorance tests credulity even further. “Clinton could not give an example of how classification of a document was determined,” agents wrote, “nor could she recall any training or guidance provided by State.” Had she gone from a lifetime in the private sector to becoming secretary of state, that explanation might hold up. However, not only did Clinton spend eight years in the White House in somewhat close proximity to sensitive material, she spent an equal amount of time in the U.S. Senate. In fact, Clinton spent six of those years on the Armed Services Committee, which routinely accesses highly classified material as part of the legislative branch’s duty to oversee the operations of the executive branch."


Hillary's own staff testified that Hillary ordered them at times to strip the classified markings off the documents (INTENT) so they could be sent via Unclassified ways.

Some experts suggest that she or her staff may have stripped the major markings off the top and bottom of each page but did NOT remove the individual paragraph markings (such as '(C') in the margins to the left since they obviously had no clue what they were!

It is obvious that Clinton's unbelievable lies are not for anyone who actually knows better but are instead for the uninformed, ignorant, and rabidly partisan supporters who really don't give a damn if she did something wrong anyway.

Everyone else laughs at her pathetic, OBVIOUS lies.

Fox: Say, does (SBU) follow or precede (C) in the alphabet? - Hot Air
Not even going to respond to the insanity that Joe shows. Would love to meet Joe face to face someday, see how much of a spineless liberal he really is.

Oh, no, looks like we got ourselves....

The FBI exposed that Hillary Clinton claimed that a classification designator on her documents looked like an 'alphabetical ranking' instead of classification markings and that she had no idea they meant different classifications of the information to the right of the designator.

Yawn, guy, nobody cares about this fake scandal...

It's like you guys learned nothing from the Lewinsky thing where you huffed and puffed about Subornation of Perjury and Obstruction of justice, and normal people said, "Dude, it's only a blow job!"

Dude, it's only e-mail.
Yawn, guy, nobody cares about this fake scandal... .
Keep repeating that and maybe someone will begin to believe it...and then Hillary's numbers will stop dropping.

Okay, but Trump''s aren't going up... and at the end of th day, that's all you go tto go with. Until he melts down.
Actually they ARE. Depending on which poll you look at now Trump is anywhere from down only 2 to up 4 on Hillary.
Clinton Claims No One Died in Libya, Tell that to Ambassador Chris Stevens
Hillary Clinton replied “I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking that action was the right decision.”

USA – -( At tonight’s NBC News Commander-In-Chief Forum congenital liar, Hillary Clinton dropped another bombshell lie when she claimed no one died on her watch in Libya.

She should tell that to U.S. Ambassador Chris Steven’s family, oh wait she already told them another lie. I am having trouble keeping them straight.

I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.
Clinton Claims No One Died in Libya, Tell that to Ambassador Chris Stevens
Hillary Clinton replied “I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking that action was the right decision.”

USA – -( At tonight’s NBC News Commander-In-Chief Forum congenital liar, Hillary Clinton dropped another bombshell lie when she claimed no one died on her watch in Libya.

She should tell that to U.S. Ambassador Chris Steven’s family, oh wait she already told them another lie. I am having trouble keeping them straight.

I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.
And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

No, it wasn't. The war they started was withQadaffy. He was dead.

So I'm a bit confused over wingnut logic- 4 dead in Benghazi is the worst thing ever but 5000 dead in Iraq, no big deal?

What is wrong with you that you make such a comparison? It is you who should be upset. Hillary voted for the wars and supported them fully until she didn't. SHE was in charge at Benghazi. When I am a supervisor i assume the responsibility for the safety of my crew. She said she accepted responsibility but what good is that if there is no consequence?

Those who volunteered and went to Iraq, I assume you not one of them, were soldiers that is what they signed up for. The ambassador, was a civilian and except for running guns had little or no business in Libya.

And the action was a continuation of Hillary and Obama raining death down on Libya.
Clinton Claims No One Died in Libya, Tell that to Ambassador Chris Stevens
Hillary Clinton replied “I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking that action was the right decision.”

USA – -( At tonight’s NBC News Commander-In-Chief Forum congenital liar, Hillary Clinton dropped another bombshell lie when she claimed no one died on her watch in Libya.

She should tell that to U.S. Ambassador Chris Steven’s family, oh wait she already told them another lie. I am having trouble keeping them straight.

I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault. Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

The FBI exposed that Hillary Clinton claimed that a classification designator on her documents looked like an 'alphabetical ranking' instead of classification markings and that she had no idea they meant different classifications of the information to the right of the designator.

Yawn, guy, nobody cares about this fake scandal...

It's like you guys learned nothing from the Lewinsky thing where you huffed and puffed about Subornation of Perjury and Obstruction of justice, and normal people said, "Dude, it's only a blow job!"

Dude, it's only e-mail.
No liberal gives a shit about the scandal that just wont go away. You like Chris Mathews probably sucked Obama's dick(needle dick that is) and loved it so much, that no matter what he does, you just continue to get that THRILL that runs up your leg and the mayo that runs out of your mouth. But as the POLLS are showing, Hillary is taking a nose dive(sometimes for real) while Trump just goes on and on. You must be a welfare queen, knowing that if Hillary doesn't win, you will have your FREE stuff cut off. That is why you are so radically vehement towards those that have common sense. Now go ahead and insult me again, as that is all you have to bring to the debate.

You like Chris Mathews probably sucked Obama's dick(needle dick that is) and loved it so much, that no matter what he does, you just continue to get that THRILL that runs up your leg and the mayo that runs out of your mouth.

Now go ahead and insult me again, as that is all you have to bring to the debate.

You be a fucking punk. Lets trade insults you stupid fuck. Your turn. LMAO.

You believe you are doing "good work" here..don't cha?
You like Chris Mathews probably sucked Obama's dick(needle dick that is) and loved it so much, that no matter what he does, you just continue to get that THRILL that runs up your leg and the mayo that runs out of your mouth.

Now go ahead and insult me again, as that is all you have to bring to the debate.

You be a fucking punk. Lets trade insults you stupid fuck. Your turn. LMAO.

You believe you are doing "good work" here..don't cha?
Don't like it when your own Rules for Radicals is used against ya? Little pussies can give it out, but cant take it. No big deal, I am not thin skinned like you sorry ass liberals are.
Clinton Claims No One Died in Libya, Tell that to Ambassador Chris Stevens
Hillary Clinton replied “I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action. And I think taking that action was the right decision.”

USA – -( At tonight’s NBC News Commander-In-Chief Forum congenital liar, Hillary Clinton dropped another bombshell lie when she claimed no one died on her watch in Libya.

She should tell that to U.S. Ambassador Chris Steven’s family, oh wait she already told them another lie. I am having trouble keeping them straight.

I’ll stand to be corrected on this.

Please quote her as saying as such.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.

Hillary Clinton forgets Benghazi, claims ‘we did not lose a single American’ in Libya

And before you say it, Benghazi was a continuation of the war that Hillary and Obama help start.

The full quote:

"“When [former Libyan leader Msoammar] Gadhafi was threatening to massacre his population, I put together a coalition that included NATO, included the Arab League, and we were able to save lives. We did not lose a single American in that action,” she said.

Ahh, context. Refreshing.

Hardly different. It is great that she admits that her raining death and destruction down on Libya was her fault. She admits that the who caused the ME being in flames and the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2 is all her fault.
She does? I”d love to view the quote to where Secretary Clinton “admits” that she caused the ME “being in flames”. First, she wouldn’t use such soporific prose. Secondly, the ME has been “in flames” as YOU put it since it was arbitrarily created in the post World War era by the victors.

I suppose you preferred Quadhifi be able to “massacre his population” as she put it?

Simply amazing and you still support her? She admits to creating the power vacuum where ISIS was able to thrive.
So we’ve traded one established dictator who sends terrorists out into the world to wreak havoc for a much less influential group of losers who send terrorists out into the world? It’s a net win. The costs is a destabilized Libya and while I would prefer that no other nation suffer the fate of having a self-appointed dictator run it’s affairs…I can live wit it.

Interesting that we did the same thing in Iraq; toppled a murderous dictator and spent the next 8 years over 2 administrations trying to come to terms with it.

Double standard on your part? You betcha.

It shows you the limits of American power when we insist on a “good little war” being the only costs we’re willing to bear for intervention. We need to come back with total annihilation when provoked accordingly.

Look at the this video, and you want THAT as president? Really? I can't imagine if Bush would have said such an ghoulish thing. This is the POS you support for no other reason than a D behind her name.

Not a Democrat.
Just a liberal.
She is the best qualified person to seek the office in 30 years. So she gets my vote.
Better look now but ISIS, doesn't seem to be the Jr Varsity team who gives out candy. Many people have been burned alive, drowned, beheaded, yet I guess you don't have an issue with that? No, because it is the messiah who is wrecking havoc on the world, which he was going to lower the oceans and heal the planet. Boy did he fool the shit out of you guys on that one.

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