Guess what rich person paid an 18.4% tax rate last year?


Active Member
Feb 22, 2012
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid the lowest effective tax rate since they moved into the White House by taking advantage of the most popular — and expensive — benefits in the tax code.

Tax returns released by the White House on Friday show that the Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18.4 percent on more than $608,000 in adjusted gross income earned in 2012. Last year, their rate was 20.5 percent.

They were able to lower the amount of income on which they were taxed by more than $258,000 by claiming several big-ticket deductions.

I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.
Where are all the libs to decry taking advantage of tax loopholes in order to pay less in taxes? Or is it only "wrong" when Romney/a Republican does it?

It really does look like Obama is Junebug's fourth term. But that was clear to me the day he announced Geithner. It tickles me a lot that nutballs only focus on the differences, when the similarities between Obama and the filthy scum who preceded him are far more important - and damaging - to the United States.
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Makes almost as much as someone I know very close to me, almost intimately I would say.

Yes, he needs to pay more. Change the laws to make the rich pay their fair share.
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Makes almost as much as someone I know very close to, almost intimately I would say.

Yes, he needs to pay more. Change the laws to make the rich pay their fair share.

so you admit obama is a hypocrite for saying the rich should pay more when he does not himself?
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid the lowest effective tax rate since they moved into the White House by taking advantage of the most popular — and expensive — benefits in the tax code.

Tax returns released by the White House on Friday show that the Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18.4 percent on more than $608,000 in adjusted gross income earned in 2012. Last year, their rate was 20.5 percent.

They were able to lower the amount of income on which they were taxed by more than $258,000 by claiming several big-ticket deductions.

I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.

$115,000 in and I quote from their tax return page 8 of his return:
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS $115,516!!!
President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House

THIS IS A CLASSIC tax loophole write off! NOW folks.. maybe you can excuse this as being "smart" savvy" I call him the biggest hypocrite BECAUSE
How many times have we heard him complain about tax loopholes for millionaires/billionaires JUST LIKE the one he took?
Why, yes, I really do believe that the President should pay the same rate as I do. As should every other wealthy person in the US. Of course, not mentioned is that he paid more than Romney ever has. But both are complying with the present tax laws. And the primary problem is this;

[ame=]Wealth Distribution in the USA - SHOCKING! - YouTube[/ame]

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