Guess what rich person paid an 18.4% tax rate last year?

"fair share" "do your part"

He says the rich should be paying 30%, why didn't he kick in an additional 12%?

lol. You're an idiot.

Obama = Do as I say leadership.

No, Obama is doing what the GOP said. They blocked almost all of the tax increases on the rich that would have caused Obama's taxes to go up,

in fact, had the GOP had their way, Obama's taxes would have gone down dramatically.

Now you 'nuts are complaining because he paid more taxes than you wanted him to.

That's nuthouse material.
Blind Trust, does that phrase mean anything to you?


Just How Blind Are Blind Trusts, Anyway? : Planet Money : NPR


Investigation: Mitt Romney?s Offshore Accounts, Tax Loopholes, and Mysterious I.R.A. | Vanity Fair

Maybe you need to be shocked. Though, I doubt you will read the links, for the shock of congnitive dissonance would likely cause you to think and that might be fatal.

Neither Obama or Romney violated any provisions of the tax code. Thats not what this thread is about. You and I may not like some of the tax code, but it is what it is and both guys followed it.

this is about obama's hypocrisy calling for the rich to pay 30% while only paying 18%. If he really wanted to lead by example, he should have paid in an additional 12%. Then he might have some credibility.

B L I N D T R U S T. Do you understand now?

Yes, dipshit. I understand the tax provisions relative to blind trusts. Thats not the issue. Try to keep up and stay on topic.
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

So, Romney should have paid more than the law required him to do?

According to the liberal icon, Harry Reid, Romney paid no taxes at all.
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

That's more of what makes you an idiot.

How many rich Republicans will lead by example and not take advantage of the loopholes that Romney/Ryan promised to get rid of???

lol. You're an idiot.

Obama = Do as I say leadership.

No, Obama is doing what the GOP said. They blocked almost all of the tax increases on the rich that would have caused Obama's taxes to go up,

in fact, had the GOP had their way, Obama's taxes would have gone down dramatically.

Now you 'nuts are complaining because he paid more taxes than you wanted him to.

That's nuthouse material.

damn, you are thick headed. this is about obama's hypocrisy, not the tax code or what bills were before congress. :cuckoo::cuckoo:
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

That's more of what makes you an idiot.

How many rich Republicans will lead by example and not take advantage of the loopholes that Romney/Ryan promised to get rid of???


None of them have ranted and raved about the evil rich and that they should be paying 30%.

please look up the word "hypocrisy" and then come back.
If ALL the wealth of the so-called 1% were confiscated and applied to the national debt, the effect would be mathematically, negligible.

This entire "fair share" argument is nothing but Marx/Lenin/Alinsky inspired nonsense, based on envy, jealousy, hate and avarice by Democrats - including this President - toward people who are smarter and more astute financially than themselves.

Of course you are entitled to you opinion but I know that 1) you've never read a word written by Marx/Lenin/Alinsky; 2) not all Democrats (and not all Repulicans) are the same; and 3) one does not need to be smart if doors are left open for them and they are privy to insider trading.

You might try tuning in on reality and tuning out the sources which are misleading you. You might then be credible.
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

The only point I see is the on top of your head.
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid the lowest effective tax rate since they moved into the White House by taking advantage of the most popular — and expensive — benefits in the tax code.

Tax returns released by the White House on Friday show that the Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18.4 percent on more than $608,000 in adjusted gross income earned in 2012. Last year, their rate was 20.5 percent.

They were able to lower the amount of income on which they were taxed by more than $258,000 by claiming several big-ticket deductions.

I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.

There's no hypocrisy here. The law was followed. This story may keep AOL's email servers busy, with all the rightwing grey hairs emailing to each other, but it's really NBD.

You don't know what hypocrisy means, do you?

A better example of hypocrisy would be a "fiscally prudent" , "small government" GOP passing an unpaid-for expansion of Medicare during Bush's first term. That is hypocrisy.

Or having members of the "family values", "biblical marriage" GOP at the 2008 convention applaud Sarah Palin while she was standing next to her sexually promiscuous daughter, pregnant with bastard. That was hypocrisy.

You're welcome.
^^^typical response from a braindead obamabot. attack the messenger when your hero shows himself to be a fraud and a liar.

When did the President ever demand that the rich should voluntarily raise their own effective tax rate to 30%, regardless of the law calls for?

aren't you the guy that just posted some crap articles about how much Romney paid?

I was suggesting that if obama really wanted to set an example of "paying your fair share" he could have sent in more.

Yeah, and George Bush could have picked up an M-16 and flew to Iraq if he wanted to fight the Iraqis that badly.

Have you no idea how idiotic you sound? Are you that far gone?
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid the lowest effective tax rate since they moved into the White House by taking advantage of the most popular — and expensive — benefits in the tax code.

Tax returns released by the White House on Friday show that the Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18.4 percent on more than $608,000 in adjusted gross income earned in 2012. Last year, their rate was 20.5 percent.

They were able to lower the amount of income on which they were taxed by more than $258,000 by claiming several big-ticket deductions.

I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.

There's no hypocrisy here. The law was followed. This story may keep AOL's email servers busy, with all the rightwing grey hairs emailing to each other, but it's really NBD.

You don't know what hypocrisy means, do you?

A better example of hypocrisy would be a "fiscally prudent" , "small government" GOP passing an unpaid-for expansion of Medicare during Bush's first term. That is hypocrisy.

Or having members of the "family values", "biblical marriage" GOP at the 2008 convention applaud Sarah Palin while she was standing next to her sexually promiscuous daughter, pregnant with bastard. That was hypocrisy.

You're welcome.

hypocrisy is alive and well in most politicians of both parties. But your diversionary tactic once again fails.

Obama could have led by example and he did not. thats what this is about.
When did the President ever demand that the rich should voluntarily raise their own effective tax rate to 30%, regardless of the law calls for?

aren't you the guy that just posted some crap articles about how much Romney paid?

I was suggesting that if obama really wanted to set an example of "paying your fair share" he could have sent in more.

Yeah, and George Bush could have picked up an M-16 and flew to Iraq if he wanted to fight the Iraqis that badly.

Have you no idea how idiotic you sound? Are you that far gone?

speaking of sounding idiotic------------Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it. Is that really the best you can come up with to justify the failed presidency of the kenyan halfbreed?
Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

That's more of what makes you an idiot.

How many rich Republicans will lead by example and not take advantage of the loopholes that Romney/Ryan promised to get rid of???


None of them have ranted and raved about the evil rich and that they should be paying 30%.

please look up the word "hypocrisy" and then come back.

Romney ran on cutting his own already very low tax rate even further, while busting the budget even worse in the process.
The 18.4% effective tax rate is about average for the top 1%.

Yes it is. I don't recall anyone saying it wasn't. Obama complied with the tax code, so did Romney and every other rich guy.

The question is: why didn't obama lead by example?
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.

There's no hypocrisy here. The law was followed. This story may keep AOL's email servers busy, with all the rightwing grey hairs emailing to each other, but it's really NBD.

You don't know what hypocrisy means, do you?

A better example of hypocrisy would be a "fiscally prudent" , "small government" GOP passing an unpaid-for expansion of Medicare during Bush's first term. That is hypocrisy.

Or having members of the "family values", "biblical marriage" GOP at the 2008 convention applaud Sarah Palin while she was standing next to her sexually promiscuous daughter, pregnant with bastard. That was hypocrisy.

You're welcome.

hypocrisy is alive and well in most politicians of both parties. But your diversionary tactic once again fails.

Obama could have led by example and he did not. thats what this is about.

He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?
Obama attacked Romney for taking advantage of tax loopholes when claiming credit for the MILLIONS he gave to charity.

But Obama taking the same credits for the THOUSANDS he gave to charity is ok?

Do you not see the point of the thread?

It's wrong for Romney but its ok for Obama.

Double standard. Get it?

When did Obama ever attack Romney for giving to charity?
That's more of what makes you an idiot.

How many rich Republicans will lead by example and not take advantage of the loopholes that Romney/Ryan promised to get rid of???


None of them have ranted and raved about the evil rich and that they should be paying 30%.

please look up the word "hypocrisy" and then come back.

Romney ran on cutting his own already very low tax rate even further, while busting the budget even worse in the process.

OK, right :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

I think I hear the orderly coming down the hall with your paxil dose for the morning. How are things in the institution this morning?
There's no hypocrisy here. The law was followed. This story may keep AOL's email servers busy, with all the rightwing grey hairs emailing to each other, but it's really NBD.

You don't know what hypocrisy means, do you?

A better example of hypocrisy would be a "fiscally prudent" , "small government" GOP passing an unpaid-for expansion of Medicare during Bush's first term. That is hypocrisy.

Or having members of the "family values", "biblical marriage" GOP at the 2008 convention applaud Sarah Palin while she was standing next to her sexually promiscuous daughter, pregnant with bastard. That was hypocrisy.

You're welcome.

hypocrisy is alive and well in most politicians of both parties. But your diversionary tactic once again fails.

Obama could have led by example and he did not. thats what this is about.

He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.
If ALL the wealth of the so-called 1% were confiscated and applied to the national debt, the effect would be mathematically, negligible.

This entire "fair share" argument is nothing but Marx/Lenin/Alinsky inspired nonsense, based on envy, jealousy, hate and avarice by Democrats - including this President - toward people who are smarter and more astute financially than themselves.

Of course you are entitled to you opinion but I know that 1) you've never read a word written by Marx/Lenin/Alinsky; 2) not all Democrats (and not all Repulicans) are the same; and 3) one does not need to be smart if doors are left open for them and they are privy to insider trading.

You might try tuning in on reality and tuning out the sources which are misleading you. You might then be credible.

1. I have read enough of all those I mentioned with the possible exception of Alinsky. I was raised in Communist Hungary, which I managed to escape in 1956, so I know far more about Marx and Lenin by personal experience than you will ever know being indoctrinated by your phony professors.

2. There are decent Democrats and there are despicable Republicans. Examples will be provided upon request.

3. The door of opportunity IS open to everyone, as it always has been. Nobody needed affirmative action until some brain-dead Democrats came up with that still born idea. I, myself, came here, not being able to speak a word of English, yet I wanted or required no government to look after me. Till this day I still have a handicap of being AUDIBLY different, which is absolutely no different from being VISIBLY different.

The only difference is that I always managed to make my case, while those who could not, had to rely on affirmative action.

And as an added bonus, check out the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation of liberals who will undoubtedly disagree with me. While you are at it, note that I never use profanities, since my points are supported by facts.

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