Guess what rich person paid an 18.4% tax rate last year?

aren't you the guy that just posted some crap articles about how much Romney paid?

I was suggesting that if obama really wanted to set an example of "paying your fair share" he could have sent in more.

Yeah, and George Bush could have picked up an M-16 and flew to Iraq if he wanted to fight the Iraqis that badly.

Have you no idea how idiotic you sound? Are you that far gone?

speaking of sounding idiotic------------Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it. Is that really the best you can come up with to justify the failed presidency of the kenyan halfbreed?

You're the one who insisted that a president ought to voluntarily act out any of the policies he supports.

btw, how many Republicans have voluntarily cut their own salaries by 5% because of the sequester?
hypocrisy is alive and well in most politicians of both parties. But your diversionary tactic once again fails.

Obama could have led by example and he did not. thats what this is about.

He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.

We're waiting for you to show us when Obama demanded that the rich voluntarily pay 30%.

The only hypocrites around here are the ones who defended Romney's 13% rate who are now attacking Obama for 'only' paying 18%.
hypocrisy is alive and well in most politicians of both parties. But your diversionary tactic once again fails.

Obama could have led by example and he did not. thats what this is about.

He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.

And Romney deserved it too. He made millions more than Obama and paid a very generous 14 or 13 percent in taxes. That's way too little. Obama paid more on less income. Mitt got hammered for it, and it's HIS FAULT that he got hammered for it. Seriously, you lost to Obama twice, you buffoons. You're the thick headed ones.
He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.

We're waiting for you to show us when Obama demanded that the rich voluntarily pay 30%.

The only hypocrites around here are the ones who defended Romney's 13% rate who are now attacking Obama for 'only' paying 18%.

Romney paid smaller percentage than Obama.

Who is smarter?
The oil and gas industries pay on average a 44% effective tax rate.

And this jackass/off of a President intends to hit these industries with an additional $40+ billion tax bill.

Hell I pay almost 22% but according to Bam Bam and the sheep I should pay more.

Your effective federal income tax rate is 22%? That puts you in the 1%.


You think Bam Bam isn't in the 1%?

He makes way more than I do.
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

Obama shouldn't. Obama should.

lol, make up your mind.
So, Obama should pay more than he is legally required to? The ODS is strong with this one.

Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

Obama shouldn't. Obama should.

lol, make up your mind.

Hey I'm not the one saying people who make ove 250K should pay higher taxes am I?

The guy is a fucking hypocrite just like all the rest.

If he truly believes he should pay more then he should write a fucking check payable to the US treasury for his "fair share"
Nope, and neither should Romney or any other rich guy or corporation. Thats not the point.

If obama was really serious he could have led by example and sent in more. But he didn't. Thats the point.

Obama shouldn't. Obama should.

lol, make up your mind.

Hey I'm not the one saying people who make ove 250K should pay higher taxes am I?

The guy is a fucking hypocrite just like all the rest.

If he truly believes he should pay more then he should write a fucking check payable to the US treasury for his "fair share"

He doesn't believe only he should pay more. Stop lying about what he believes.
Obama shouldn't. Obama should.

lol, make up your mind.

Hey I'm not the one saying people who make ove 250K should pay higher taxes am I?

The guy is a fucking hypocrite just like all the rest.

If he truly believes he should pay more then he should write a fucking check payable to the US treasury for his "fair share"

He doesn't believe only he should pay more. Stop lying about what he believes.

So he never said rich people, AKA, those who make over 250K a year should pay their fair share?

Of course he did. What you're saying is that he is being a hypocrite about it because he is free to lead by example and pay his so called "fair share"

But we all know he doesn't lead by example as the best leaders do.
Obama's 18% shows that we need to remove deductions and loopholes.

Which is what he has been wanting.

Where is the hypocrisy?
Obama's a Progressive. He thinks tax fairness only applies to OTHER PEOPLES MONEY.
The Obamas' falling tax rate - Steven Sloan and Kelsey Snell -

President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, paid the lowest effective tax rate since they moved into the White House by taking advantage of the most popular — and expensive — benefits in the tax code.
Tax returns released by the White House on Friday show that the Obamas paid an effective tax rate of 18.4 percent on more than $608,000 in adjusted gross income earned in 2012. Last year, their rate was 20.5 percent.
They were able to lower the amount of income on which they were taxed by more than $258,000 by claiming several big-ticket deductions.
I'm shocked-- shocked, I tell you!-- to learn that Obama is a blatant hypocrite.
$115,000 in and I quote from their tax return page 8 of his return:
Item 15 Net long-term capital gain or (loss), Combine lines 8 through 14 in column (h) Then go to part III on page 2: LOSS $115,516!!!
President Obama and Vice President Biden?s 2012 Tax Returns | The White House
THIS IS A CLASSIC tax loophole write off! NOW folks.. maybe you can excuse this as being "smart" savvy" I call him the biggest hypocrite BECAUSE
How many times have we heard him complain about tax loopholes for millionaires/billionaires JUST LIKE the one he took?
You apparently didn’t look far enough beyond the point you are trying to make. If you had made it to page 25, you would see that he was not able to make use of this because he had no capital gains, so he received no benefit from this “loophole”. In any case, long term capital loss carryovers are not a “tax loophole”; the government takes a cut of your profits when you have capital gains, and they give a part of it back when you have capital losses. Since these often do not happen in the same calendar year, the rules allow you to take the losses when (and if) you have future gains.

As for his other deductions (and for most deductions, by the way), they are not really a benefit to the rich taxpayer. If someone gives to charity, yes they get a deduction for that gift. But who benefits from the deduction? The rich guy does not have to give the money in the first place, saving himself the 60% of his gift that is not subsidized by the government (a gift of $100 generates a maximum tax reduction of $40 (40%) at the top marginal rate; the other $60 is from the giver). No, the beneficiary of the deduction is the charity, and it is the organized charities that fight the hardest to make sure that deduction remains in place. As a result, you as a taxpayer support all charities through this process; Planned Parenthood, National Public Radio, the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, Muslim mosques, etc., many of which you may or may not wish to fund. Even if the government stopped funding for, say, Planned Parenthood or NPR, we would still be funding them indirectly through this tax expenditure.
I'm less concerned about Obama's 18% rate. He gave a great deal to charity - good for him!

What does bother me is that he wishes to deny to other people the same opportunity to do well and to donate to the charities of their choices...and his income is dwarfed by the enormous taxpayers subsidies to his $1B per year lifestyle, for which he pays 0% in taxes.
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He is leading by example. He followed the laws. Thinking they should be changed doesn't make him a hypocrite. You guys are really flailing here. No wonder you lost to him twice.

He also is still married to his first wife, unlike Noot and El Drugbo. Noot and Rush have been biblically married how many times now between them?

Once again, slowly. you on the left demonized Romney for exactly the same things that you are now worshiping obama for------------its called hypocrisy.

Geez, liberals are thick headed.

And Romney deserved it too. He made millions more than Obama and paid a very generous 14 or 13 percent in taxes. That's way too little. Obama paid more on less income. Mitt got hammered for it, and it's HIS FAULT that he got hammered for it. Seriously, you lost to Obama twice, you buffoons. You're the thick headed ones.

Both of them complied with the tax code. Both of them!

your issue is with the tax code that was put in place by congress.

Romney got hammered by a biased media that refused to tell the truth that Romney was in full compliance with that tax code--as was obama.
Sure he's a hypocrite but paying 18 percent is still way to high. Id like to see it down around 12 percent.

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