Guess What's Gonna Happen...

Would you be all for a foreign country (let's say North Korea) setting up military bases throughout our country? Yes or no?
This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.
Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you know fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.
I WAS a real liberal for 40 years. Voted for libs for president from McGovern in '72 to Obama in 2008. Don't need coaching on liberals.

I remember your thread on that. I don't recall being very impressed with your summarization then either.
What a coincidence. I'm not impressed by anything you're posting. Especially being ignorant of the objectives of military strategy. Have fun with tennis.
Would you be all for a foreign country (let's say North Korea) setting up military bases throughout our country? Yes or no?
This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.

You didn't answer at first, you edited your post and our posts crossed, then you failed to read my latest reply before mouthing off at me.

Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you now fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.

Hahahahaha! Don't flatter yourself, you are delusional. No tutoring there at all, you just proved what I already thought, you are a hypocrite, and a deeply indoctrinated ignorant one at that.
The President could meet with Congress before starting a conflict, discuss his strategy and get their cooperation ahead of time.

The current Congress is completely useless for anything ... they could have been stopping foreign influence on our elections but instead have been stopping domestic influence on our elections ... good thing they're incapable of either ... Iran could rain nuclear hell on Israel today and it would be 20 years before Congress gave the President authority to retaliate ...

You mean that they stood by and did nothing while an elected official tried to blackmail a foreign leader into digging up dirt of a political opponent?


Well obama did try back in 2015 and 2016
Democrats have a long history of fucking themselves. It’s why I’m seeing an easy win for Trump in 2020. :)

Yep, we'll most likely find a way of dividing our support like we did in 2016 and shave off just enough people who will stay at home.
Trump will win because he’s delivering what this country needs. Democrats are struggling because they’re still pushing stupid shit that’ll hurt everyone.

Actually Trump is borrowing heavily, cutting taxes and the Fed is keeping interest rates low. All the while Obama's jobs number were better, the rate of those with health insurance grew and we didn't look like the dumbfucks of the world.
We are at a 50-years record-low unemployment

Flashback to 2011 when now Speaker of the House Pelosi said Obama “did not need authorization” to use force in Libya. This contrasts with her current criticism of President Trump’s decision to kill Iranian terrorist leader Qasem Soleimani. Be sure to like the video and subscribe.
Article 1, Section 8, of the US Constitution: "The Congress shall have Power ... to declare War" ...

That's right children, only Congress can authorize the use of military forces against another nation ... but Congress knows they can't always meet and vote quick enough to properly defend the United States ... so they passed a law that allows the President to use the military for 60 days without congressional approval ... the War Powers Act ... and the President has to report these military operations to Congress in a timely manner ...

If The Donald can get into Iran, defeat them, and have the troops back out in 60 days ... without spending any money ... then he is free to do so without congressional approval ... if The Donald wants a trillion dollar emergency appropriation and longer than 60 days ... then he'll need House approval ...

It's a shame so many people scream about protecting our system of government without understanding what that system is ... do you know nothing about late 12th Century English history, and how that impacted mid 18th Century English history? ... the same people who think cutting taxes is the best way to fully fund our public schools ...


The President could meet with Congress before starting a conflict, discuss his strategy and get their cooperation ahead of time.
Are you really drunk enough to think the scum democrats are going to help Trump do anything?
Would you be all for a foreign country (let's say North Korea) setting up military bases throughout our country? Yes or no?
This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.

You didn't answer at first, you edited your post and our posts crossed, then you failed to read my latest reply before mouthing off at me.

Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you now fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.

Hahahahaha! Don't flatter yourself, you are delusional. No tutoring there at all, you just proved what I already thought, you are a hypocrite, and a deeply indoctrinated ignorant one at that.
Are you really that brain bent ? I know liberals generally are, but I've already instructed you on this
Still don't get it, I see.

Again (some people have to be told twice), there is no hypocrisy. You only see it like that because you have been indoctrinated by your Libby masters to make you think politics is all about fairness.

It is, when possible. But self-defense and security overrule fairness when necessary. I don't suppose this is going to sink into your liberal brain, rotted by years of lib media lunacy, but somehow I feel the obligation to keep the subject correct.

As for your ignorance (take my quizzes to find out how much), all I can say is - Not my problem. (as long as one of you Loons doesn't get elected president - but I doubt that).
What a coincidence. I'm not impressed by anything you're posting. Especially being ignorant of the objectives of military strategy. Have fun with tennis.

Heh heh. Silly goose. Do you think I do it for you?
So you still think that military strategy is based on fairness ? If so, like many other undereducated liberals, you might also use the irrelevant word "unarmed" in police shootings, as is so common in the brain-twisted liberal press. Same liberal ignorance, caused by domination of US "education" by clueless liberals. (particularly clueless about military, police, and guns)

The most dangerous thing about you guys is how ignorant you are about your ignorance. You actually believe you're knowledgeable. :rolleyes:
"What Americans did Soleimani kill? Our troops, who were forced to invade Iraq, a country next to his which had nothing to do with 9/11? No_Our beloved troops were sent there to their deaths by Bush, Cheney &the 29 Democratic Senators who voted to commit this war crime. The Truth.

Soleimani’s gas attack in the Washington Metro! The Iranian commando with an AK-15 who shot up that high school in Oregon! The water in Flint! Soleimani poisoned the water in Flint! Of course, it all makes sense! What took so long to figure out he was the terrorist who did it!" - Mendacious Michael Moore
Would you be all for a foreign country (let's say North Korea) setting up military bases throughout our country? Yes or no?
This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.

You didn't answer at first, you edited your post and our posts crossed, then you failed to read my latest reply before mouthing off at me.

Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you now fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.

Hahahahaha! Don't flatter yourself, you are delusional. No tutoring there at all, you just proved what I already thought, you are a hypocrite, and a deeply indoctrinated ignorant one at that.
Are you really that brain bent ? I know liberals generally are, but I've already instructed you on this
Still don't get it, I see.

Again (some people have to be told twice), there is no hypocrisy. You only see it like that because you have been indoctrinated by your Libby masters to make you think politics is all about fairness.

It is, when possible. But self-defense and security overrule fairness when necessary. I don't suppose this is going to sink into your liberal brain, rotted by years of lib media lunacy, but somehow I feel the obligation to keep the subject correct.

As for your ignorance (take my quizzes to find out how much), all I can say Not my problem. (as long as one of you Loons doesn't get elected president - but I doubt that).

You are hilarious. Unlike you, I have NEVER been a lefty or liberal, not even close. I expose them, if anything, so how arrogant can you get, to label me a liberal when you don't even know me, simply because I don't agree with NWO warmongering foreign policy based on lies. I'm far more conservative than most around here, but unlike you, I'm not a neocon.

Furthermore, you're projecting, in a big way. You are deeply indoctrinated, that is so freakin obvious. You believe what you're told, and you respond in the exact way you've been manipulated to respond, like a good little marionette.

You don't have to worry about the boogeyman in the M.E. You're going to be just fine. :itsok: (Unless the PTSB are planning a false flag, which could spark more chaos.) But you might want to start worrying about your loss of liberties, the continued shredding of the constitution and the move toward world government where you will be nothing but a serf. But hey, based on your posts, maybe you wouldn't be opposed to that. :dunno:
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The President could meet with Congress before starting a conflict, discuss his strategy and get their cooperation ahead of time.

The current Congress is completely useless for anything ... they could have been stopping foreign influence on our elections but instead have been stopping domestic influence on our elections ... good thing they're incapable of either ... Iran could rain nuclear hell on Israel today and it would be 20 years before Congress gave the President authority to retaliate ...

You mean that they stood by and did nothing while an elected official tried to blackmail a foreign leader into digging up dirt of a political opponent?


This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.

You didn't answer at first, you edited your post and our posts crossed, then you failed to read my latest reply before mouthing off at me.

Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you now fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.

Hahahahaha! Don't flatter yourself, you are delusional. No tutoring there at all, you just proved what I already thought, you are a hypocrite, and a deeply indoctrinated ignorant one at that.
Are you really that brain bent ? I know liberals generally are, but I've already instructed you on this
Still don't get it, I see.

Again (some people have to be told twice), there is no hypocrisy. You only see it like that because you have been indoctrinated by your Libby masters to make you think politics is all about fairness.

It is, when possible. But self-defense and security overrule fairness when necessary. I don't suppose this is going to sink into your liberal brain, rotted by years of lib media lunacy, but somehow I feel the obligation to keep the subject correct.

As for your ignorance (take my quizzes to find out how much), all I can say Not my problem. (as long as one of you Loons doesn't get elected president - but I doubt that).

You are hilarious. Unlike you, I have NEVER been a lefty or liberal, not even close. I expose them, if anything, so how arrogant can you get, to label me a liberal when you don't even know me, simply because I don't agree with NWO warmongering foreign policy based on lies. I'm far more conservative than most around here, but unlike you, I'm not a neocon.

Furthermore, you're projecting, in a big way. You are deeply indoctrinated, that is so freakin obvious. You believe what you're told, and you respond in the exact way you've been manipulated to respond, like a good little marionette.

You don't have to worry about the boogeyman in the M.E. You're going to be just fine. :itsok: (Unless the PTSB are planning a false flag, which could spark more chaos.) But you might want to start worrying about your loss of liberties, the continued shredding of the constitution and the move toward world government where you will be nothing but a serf. But hey, based on your posts, maybe you wouldn't be opposed to that. :dunno:[/QUOTE
This is one of the problems with leftists. They think everything is supposed to be based on fairness, as if this was a tennis match.

Ever see a dangerous criminal being apprehended and subdued by 5 cops ?


First of all, thanks for the laugh, it's very rare that anyone is idiotic and ignorant enough to call me a leftist simply because I don't agree with unconstitutional wars based on lies.

Secondly, answer the question. Yes or no? It's not a hard question. You can do it!
I DID answer it, dumbass.

You didn't answer at first, you edited your post and our posts crossed, then you failed to read my latest reply before mouthing off at me.

Ok, you edited your post after I replied. So thank you for your answer, it's what I thought it would be.
You're welcome. So now you now fairness isn't the criteria/objective. Amazing you needed tutoring for that.

Hahahahaha! Don't flatter yourself, you are delusional. No tutoring there at all, you just proved what I already thought, you are a hypocrite, and a deeply indoctrinated ignorant one at that.
Are you really that brain bent ? I know liberals generally are, but I've already instructed you on this
Still don't get it, I see.

Again (some people have to be told twice), there is no hypocrisy. You only see it like that because you have been indoctrinated by your Libby masters to make you think politics is all about fairness.

It is, when possible. But self-defense and security overrule fairness when necessary. I don't suppose this is going to sink into your liberal brain, rotted by years of lib media lunacy, but somehow I feel the obligation to keep the subject correct.

As for your ignorance (take my quizzes to find out how much), all I can say Not my problem. (as long as one of you Loons doesn't get elected president - but I doubt that).

You are hilarious. Unlike you, I have NEVER been a lefty or liberal, not even close. I expose them, if anything, so how arrogant can you get, to label me a liberal when you don't even know me, simply because I don't agree with NWO warmongering foreign policy based on lies. I'm far more conservative than most around here, but unlike you, I'm not a neocon.

Furthermore, you're projecting, in a big way. You are deeply indoctrinated, that is so freakin obvious. You believe what you're told, and you respond in the exact way you've been manipulated to respond, like a good little marionette.

You don't have to worry about the boogeyman in the M.E. You're going to be just fine. :itsok: (Unless the PTSB are planning a false flag, which could spark more chaos.) But you might want to start worrying about your loss of liberties, the continued shredding of the constitution and the move toward world government where you will be nothing but a serf. But hey, based on your posts, maybe you wouldn't be opposed to that. :dunno:
You're a poor student. I already informed you that NWO and move toward world government is a Democrat thing. Like Obama and Hillary support of NAFTA, TPP, UNESCO, UNRWA, UNHRC, I-RNFT, the Iran "Deal", the Paris Agreement and other international trade agreements, which Trump has either revised, or quit entirely.

I'm a Trump, Nationalist Republican. Just the opposite of what you foolishly call me. Hillary was even a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and also the Trilateral Commission. Both globalist organizations

And Democrats are firm supporters of all this globalist idiocy, while we conservatives, keep telling them the reason "the world" doesn't like Trump is because he's not doing their bidding, like it was before he took office.

Please stop talking to me. You don't know what you're talking about
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"What Americans did Soleimani kill? Our troops, who were forced to invade Iraq, a country next to his which had nothing to do with 9/11? No_Our beloved troops were sent there to their deaths by Bush, Cheney &the 29 Democratic Senators who voted to commit this war crime. The Truth.

Soleimani’s gas attack in the Washington Metro! The Iranian commando with an AK-15 who shot up that high school in Oregon! The water in Flint! Soleimani poisoned the water in Flint! Of course, it all makes sense! What took so long to figure out he was the terrorist who did it!" - Mendacious Michael Moore
Soleimani killed over 600 US troops and coalition members. He trained and equipped Al Qaeda fighters to fight and kill Americans in 6 different middle eastern countries, according to ex US General David Patreus. That's good enough for me.

What's YOUR source ? CNN?
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You're a poor student. I already informed you that NWO and move toward world government is a Democrat thing.

Haha. Oh my word, I'm starting to wonder if you actually believe the things you say. No, I hate to burst your bubble, but there are NWO globalists in both major parties.

Now, if what you meant is that the NWO is going to be based on a form of collectivism (which maybe you are using interchangeably with "Democrat thing"?) then yes, that would be correct. But what you don't seem to realize is that there are collectivists / globalists in both major parties, who try to pass themselves off as true Democrats or Republicans, when they're not, it's just a letter by their name.

Have you forgotten who made the term New World Order popular in the first place? George HW Bush who was a REPUBLICAN. Yes, he was a RINO, but again, the point is that these globalists exist in both parties.

You also have GW Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, and so many others.

Like Obama and Hillary support of NAFTA, TPP, UNESCO, UNRWA, UNHRC, I-RNFT, the Iran "Deal", the Paris Agreement and other international trade agreements, which Trump has either revised, or quit entirely.

I'm a Trump, Nationalist Republican. Just the opposite of what you foolishly call me. Hillary was even a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and also the Trilateral Commission. Both globalist organizations

And Democrats are firm supporters of all this globalist idiocy, while we conservatives, keep telling them the reason "the world" doesn't like Trump is because he's not doing their bidding, like it was before he took office.

Please stop talking to me. You don't know what you're talking about

The only reason I'm posting to you is because you are stating misleading things and I don't like anyone reading to be misled. Plenty of so-called Republicans supported NAFTA, TPP, etc. You are being incredibly naive (or willfully blind) if you sincerely believe that only those with a (D) by their name are globalist sellouts, and all with an (R) by their name are good, honest patriots. TRUE Republicans who care about the constitution are obviously against the NWO. But you seem unable to grasp that there are many phonies in DC, so you need to look beyond the letter by one's name.

And no, if you support being the world's "policeman", perpetual wars, nation building, continually growing the empire (based on lies and deception) then you are NOT a nationalist, what a joke. Supporting those things is as neocon as it gets.
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You're a poor student. I already informed you that NWO and move toward world government is a Democrat thing.

Haha. Oh my word, I'm starting to wonder if you actually believe the things you say. No, I hate to burst your bubble, but there are NWO globalists in both major parties.

Now, if what you meant is that the NWO is going to be based on a form of collectivism (which maybe you are using interchangeably with "Democrat thing"?) then yes, that would be correct. But what you don't seem to realize is that there are collectivists / globalists in both major parties, who try to pass themselves off as true Democrats or Republicans, when they're not, it's just a letter by their name.

Have you forgotten who made the term New World Order popular in the first place? George HW Bush who was a REPUBLICAN. Yes, he was a RINO, but again, the point is that these globalists exist in both parties.

You also have GW Bush, Cheney, Kissinger, and so many others.

Like Obama and Hillary support of NAFTA, TPP, UNESCO, UNRWA, UNHRC, I-RNFT, the Iran "Deal", the Paris Agreement and other international trade agreements, which Trump has either revised, or quit entirely.

I'm a Trump, Nationalist Republican. Just the opposite of what you foolishly call me. Hillary was even a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and also the Trilateral Commission. Both globalist organizations

And Democrats are firm supporters of all this globalist idiocy, while we conservatives, keep telling them the reason "the world" doesn't like Trump is because he's not doing their bidding, like it was before he took office.

Please stop talking to me. You don't know what you're talking about

The only reason I'm posting to you is because you are stating misleading things and I don't like anyone reading to be misled. Plenty of so-called Republicans supported NAFTA, TPP, etc. You are being incredibly naive (or willfully blind) if you sincerely believe that only those with a (D) by their name are globalist sellouts, and all with an (R) by their name are good, honest patriots. TRUE Republicans who care about the constitution are obviously against the NWO. But you seem unable to grasp that there are many phonies in DC, so you need to look beyond the letter by one's name.

And no, if you support being the world's "policeman", perpetual wars, nation building, continually growing the empire (based on lies and deception) then you are NOT a nationalist, what a joke. Supporting those things is as neocon as it gets.

You need to exercise a degree more of self-control, and not be so assuming. Some of the things you say I don't know, I've known for more than 50 years.

Regarding Republicans who supportED (past tense) NAFTA, there have BEEN some, especially when the Bushes were around, but that is past history. I 'm not misleading anyone about anything. Obama, Hillary and the whole Democrat party are open border globalists, who, even in this forum continue to blabber about the "world", and we keep telling them (as in another thread right now) that Trump is President of the United States, not the world.

If the world doesnt like what we're doing, tough ass, world.

As for the military stuff, world policeman is not the idea. I doubt that Trump or fellow Rs care one bit what they do in other countries, as long as it doesn't threaten or bother us. Trouble is a lot of what they do Does harm us, and we have to be there, as a self-defense activity. That's not what is commonly described as "globalism". I listed a bunch of organizations that are globalist.

So now after you telling me what I "seem" like to you quite a bit, let me tell you what YOU seem like to me. You seem to have your ideas, and that's OK (albiet not entirely matured), but you also seem to have an inclination to want to disparage me (no matter what my posts say).

I sense a tad bit of insecurity coming from you, that you work at healing or covering, by knocking the other guy down. You may not know how evident this appears.

Don't worry about me pal. I'm 73 years old, and I've been watching politics for 65 years, and you're not going to to coach me on much of anything.
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