Guess where all that tax cut money for the rich is being spent?



When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.
See what I mean? Republicans are so concerned that rich people get all that money. So they can create jobs. When you point out they created those jobs in China, the right shrugs and says, (yawn) "So what?"
Obviously the old mantra that if it is good for Wall Street/corporation it is good for america is just claptrap.
When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

Uh. Most of the tax cuts went to individuals, not corporations.

Corporate income taxes are less than 7% of all federal tax receipts.
When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

Uh. Most of the tax cuts went to individuals, not corporations.

Corporate income taxes are less than 7% of all federal tax receipts.

Yea, and none of those invested over a trillion on anything. They just kept it in their bank accounts and sat on it.


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Right-Shore Outsourcing Services by MyBusinessAssistant

I love what this guy says in his blog. I was going through each of his accusation one at a time to make sure he's not saying anything wrong. And he wasn't. He did his research.

Republican Senate Candidates and Overseas Outsourcing - Jonathan Kantrowitz - Connecticut News
GOP Blocks Bill to Punish Companies that Move Jobs Abroad - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Republicans, with help from a handful of Democrats, used a filibuster to block a measure that would have used the tax code to punish big companies that shut U.S. manufacturing plants and move the jobs overseas. (It's always a "handful" of Democrats. Why don't they just join the Republican Party? They always vote Republican. At least people would know where they stand.)

Outsourcing bills falls short in Senate - The Hill's On The Money

The Senate on Tuesday decisively rejected a bill that Democrats said would have restricted the ability of U.S. companies to send jobs overseas.

Members voted 53-45 for the legislation, seven short of the 60 votes need to break a Republican filibuster. Forty GOP senators voted against the bill, along with four Democrats and independent Sen. Joe Lieberman (Conn.).

“But Republicans continued their job-killing agenda today by protecting these tax breaks for CEOs who offshore American jobs and preserving the same failed Republican policies that cost 8 million Americans their jobs,” Reid said.

But our manufacturing decline—which hit particularly hard during the Bush Administration, when America lost nearly a third of its manufacturing jobs—is one of the reasons why middle-class families are finding it difficult to make it in America today.
Wait a second, do right wingers think American corporations are "patriotic"? That they care about this country beyond a safe place to store money?
The income tax cuts or raises won't effect any of those companies bottom lines. C-Corporations (all the corporations you just named) have a dual taxation. The company gets hit with the corporate tax and their executives get hit with income taxes. The executives are not the owners so taking money out of their pockets doesn't effect the profits or bottom-line of the corporation. Again C-Corps get hit with the 35% Federal Corporate Tax + State Corporate Tax = Higher than Even Japan is Many states!

HOWEVER, the companies that are directly effected by a raise in the income tax is all other businesses. S-Corps, LLC, LLP, LP and GP! The vast majority of SUCCESSFUL small business are not C corps they are usually S-Corps, LLC and LPs. These companies get hit with the flow through taxation. Since the stakeholders in these companies are the the owners, any raise taxation, reduces profits! Hence raising income taxes reduces their cost.

The LARGE PORTION of SUCCESSFUL small business (who can employ up to 500 AMERICANS) have NET PROFITS of between $250K-$750K some even to $1 mil! If Obama got his way and raised the income taxes on these guys, then the VAST majority of the SUCCESSFUL Small Business would have been hit with the tax increase!
Uh. Most of the tax cuts went to individuals, not corporations.

Corporate income taxes are less than 7% of all federal tax receipts.

Yea, and none of those invested over a trillion on anything. They just kept it in their bank accounts and sat on it.

Given the current economic uncertainty, companies preserving cash are making a smart move. Many have seen banks yank working capital lines of credit. The only thing that ensure solvency is enough cash in the bank to weather the current economic doldroms.
Guess where all that tax cut money for the rich is being spent?
Dont know, dont care.

I do know where it isn't being spent.

It isn't being spent on warfare anywhere, be it the war on terror, on poverty, or on drugs.

It isn't being spent on some useless bureaucrat thinking up some more stupid bullshit like how much water my shower head should spit out, the wattage in my light bulbs, or what web sites I should be allowed to peruse.

It isn't being spent maintaining the blockade on Cuba

It isn't being spent on studies that will result in some stupid fish being put ahead of the livelihoods of California farmers and the food they are no longer producing.

It isn't being spent on public service ads on T.V.

It isn't being spent on a host of other shit that the government and the mental midgets that love it, would like to see it spent on.
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Guess where all that tax cut money for the rich is being spent?
Dont know, dont care.

I do know where it isn't being spent.

It isn't being spent on warfare anywhere, be it the war on terror, on poverty, or on drugs.

It isn't being spent on some useless bureaucrat thinking up some more stupid bullshit like how much water my shower head should spit out, the wattage in my light bulbs, or what web sites I should be allowed to peruse.

It isn't being spent maintaining the blockade on Cuba

It isn't being spent on studies that will result in some stupid fish being put ahead of the livelihoods of California farmers and the food they are no longer producing.

It isn't being spent on public service ads on T.V.

It isn't being spent on a host of other shit that the government and the mental midgets that love it, would like to see it spent on.

You're right. We are paying for Iraq and Afghanistan with Chinese credit cards. Much, much smarter.
The money does not belong to you. YOu don't get to spend it.

Money always goes to where it gets the highest return.

China, with several times the population is just now getting up the level of manufacturing capacity that we are dropping down to.

What belongs to me belongs to me. And what belongs to you belongs to you. I don't get to spend your money, you don't get to spend mine.

How is that such a hard concept for you?
When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

Uh. Most of the tax cuts went to individuals, not corporations.

Corporate income taxes are less than 7% of all federal tax receipts.

:lol::lol:wasting your time B...
The money does not belong to you. YOu don't get to spend it.

Money always goes to where it gets the highest return.

China, with several times the population is just now getting up the level of manufacturing capacity that we are dropping down to.

What belongs to me belongs to me. And what belongs to you belongs to you. I don't get to spend your money, you don't get to spend mine.

How is that such a hard concept for you?

I love America. The middle class is paying for two wars most didn't want. Republicans gave away America's future, but that's OK with you. Weird. The reason those rich people want to live here is because it's "safe" and "clean". If they want to keep it "safe" and "clean", they should "pay for it". Right wingers are being played and there aren't enough left wingers to take care of them. When they are living in cardboard boxes, they'll learn. I love that right wing saying, "Keep Government away from my Medicare"!

US Companies Created 1.4 Million Jobs This Year...Outside the US

"All but 4 percent of the top 500 U.S. corporations reported profits this year, and the stock market is close to its highest point since the 2008 financial meltdown."

US Companies Created 1.4 Million Jobs This Year...Outside The US | The Daily Feed |
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When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

You have not made the connection between tax cuts for the rich and spending in China. Income tax cuts have nothing to do with corporate foreign capital investment.

China accounts for about a third of all US imports, or roughly $800 billion. That means Chinese imports are about 5% of the total economy. So to say that tax cuts for the rich went to China is silly.
Why should I pay $500 for an iPhone so Americans can manufactur it and Barack Obama can buy union votes?
When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

You have not made the connection between tax cuts for the rich and spending in China. Income tax cuts have nothing to do with corporate foreign capital investment.

China accounts for about a third of all US imports, or roughly $800 billion. That means Chinese imports are about 5% of the total economy. So to say that tax cuts for the rich went to China is silly.

If you suddenly have a few million dollars extra, what do you do with it?
If those 1.4 million jobs were created here, then that would have brought down unemployment more than one full percentage point.
When Republicans cut taxes for the rich the first time, 52% went to just 1.7% of the population. Where was it spent?
And now that they managed to do the same thing again, where is that money going to be spent? The answer might surprise you.


U.S. Companies That Invest Big In China -

All-American companies from Apple ( AAPL - news - people ) to Ford Motor ( F - news - people ) to Nike ( NKE - news - people ) to HJ Heinz ( HNZ - news - people ) to the Gap ( GPS - news - people ) are expanding in mainland China. Last year American companies ponied up $3.6 billion in foreign direct investment in China, up sharply from the $2.9 billion invested in 2008, according to the U.S.-China Business Council.

Much of the money was spent building or expanding factories (in China). Nearly half of the investments so far this year--more than $18 billion--came in the manufacturing sector.

China factories close to catching U.S. manufacturing output - Jun. 21, 2010

The value of goods produced by China's factories reached about $1.6 trillion last year, compared to $1.7 trillion by U.S. manufacturers.

But Tonelson said the share of U.S. purchases of more expensive products made in China has risen steadily in the past decade. The Chinese share of the U.S. computer market now tops a third, for example.

"This is not just shoes and toys and T-shirts," he said about the growth of Chinese manufacturers. "And you ain't seen nothing yet."

Made in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2007 Chinese Export Recall

2008 Chinese milk scandal

2009 Made in India scandal

Made in China: tainted food, fake drugs and dodgy paint

Seafood ban latest threat to China's reputation in U.S.

US halts China seafood imports

Chinese Regulators Say Goods Substandard

death toll from Chinese toxins rises


I'm just trying to figure our what the right wing thinks it's doing? Why are they so eager to support "China"? I know many on this site don't believe that China is a communist country, but it is. Even if it weren't, why so much support? Republicans are working to invest in China while Americans are tearing up our roads to replace them with gravel. Hi tech trains in China and gravel roads here? Someone please explain to me. PLEASE!

Tight times put gravel on the road -

Gravel roads, once a symbol of quaint times, are emerging as a sign of financial struggle in a growing number of rural towns.
High costs and tight budgets have prompted communities in Maine, Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Vermont to convert or consider converting their cracked asphalt roads back to gravel to cut maintenance costs, officials in those states say.

You have not made the connection between tax cuts for the rich and spending in China. Income tax cuts have nothing to do with corporate foreign capital investment.

China accounts for about a third of all US imports, or roughly $800 billion. That means Chinese imports are about 5% of the total economy. So to say that tax cuts for the rich went to China is silly.

If you suddenly have a few million dollars extra, what do you do with it?

Invest it.

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