Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

the US is not #1 in military spending as a percentage of GDP, NOT #2, OR #3. TRY 14TH

so much for your charts and graphs idiot

What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

we are currently under invasion with illegal immigration

very true, and they are winning.
the US is not #1 in military spending as a percentage of GDP, NOT #2, OR #3. TRY 14TH

so much for your charts and graphs idiot

What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?
the US is not #1 in military spending as a percentage of GDP, NOT #2, OR #3. TRY 14TH

so much for your charts and graphs idiot

What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

There are various things you could call it. An invasion isn't one of those things. Quite clearly.
the US is not #1 in military spending as a percentage of GDP, NOT #2, OR #3. TRY 14TH

so much for your charts and graphs idiot

What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion
Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

That would be those countries that can get America to squander it's wealth and people to do the heavy lifting.

The Saudis and the Israelis come to mind.
Putin thinks he is taking out ISIS

Maintaining a peace in that shithole is the hard part....ask Bush

Putin has done more in two weeks than obozo did in two years. But you are correct about maintaining peace in that shithole.
Obama has been plunking off terrorists for seven years. Obama got bin Laden

Putin has been in the game for two weeks.....Guess who republicans worship?

Intel gathered during the Bush admin got OBL, obozo just reluctantly gave the go ahead for the hit.

as to ISIS, it did not exist until obama pulled out of Iraq and declared defeat.

Bush had seven years and his Intel got us into Iraq

As to ISIS, it never existed until the Bush doctrine upset the balance of power in the region

Look dude, the Iraq war was a mistake. But Bush did not do it on his own. Both parties voted to authrorize and fund that fiasco, including senator hillary clinton. And every one of them had the exact same flawed intel that Bush had.

But Bush is history, today's reality is the mess that obama has created both domestically and internationally.

Put your revisionist history where it belongs---------up your ass. concentrate on today, or would you like to go back and call Truman a war monger and murderer for killing millions of innocent japanese?

Then why did Bush and his cronies have to tell 935 documented lies? I's there in historical records and will not be erased.
the US is not #1 in military spending as a percentage of GDP, NOT #2, OR #3. TRY 14TH

so much for your charts and graphs idiot

What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

good one moron. so what are YOU saying? Since 9-11 wasnt an attack in your definition of one what would our response to 9-11 have been? would it have required a military? you say we havent been invaded in 200 years? so again what are YOU saying mindless moron? that every conflict we've been in has been unjustified in the last 200 years?

if you arent saying that they you ARE saying it doesnt matter much if we were "invaded" in the direct sense of the word are you not leftard?

geeesh what idiots left-wingers are!!! just spouting stupid shit and hoping it wont be called out
i'm thinking the way left-wing lemmings are so rabidly worshipful of their great Dear Leader obama that if 9-11 happened on his watch there would be no country on the planet safe until the Left got revenge for their Dear Leader..........................

then again the American Left only seems to have animosity for fellow Americans who dont think like they do. Maybe they just would have apologized profusely and offered one of their awsome "jobs bills" to the people that slaughtered 3000 Americans that day

idiots and hypocrites
we were attacked, is that a better word leftard?

geesh no wonder the planet is in flames while left-wing nutjobs play semantics games

əˈtak/strike, charge, pounce;More
bombard, shell, blitz, strafe, fire, besiege
"they attacked along a 10-mile front"
antonyms: defend
  • (of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill.
    "a doctor was attacked by two youths"
    synonyms: assault, assail, set upon, beat up;More
    batter, pummel, punch;
    informaldo over, work over, rough up
    "Chris had been brutally attacked"
  • (of a disease, chemical substance, or insect) act harmfully on.
    "HIV is thought to attack certain cells in the brain"
  • criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.
    "he attacked the government's defense policy"
    synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn, pillory, savage, revile, vilify;More
    informalknock, slam, blast, bash, lay into
    "the clergy attacked government policies"
    antonyms: praise
  • begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way.
    "a plan of action to attack unemployment"
    synonyms: address, attend to, deal with, confront, apply oneself to, get to work on, undertake, embark on;
    informalget cracking on
    "they have to attack the problem soon"
  • make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player.
    "the home team showed some good attacking play"
  • Chess
    move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece).
noun: attack; plural noun: attacks
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
"he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint"
What does our GDP have to do with the potential threat against our country?

We spend 42 cents of every military dollar to defend a country that hasn't been invaded in 200 years

Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

good one moron. so what are YOU saying? Since 9-11 wasnt an attack in your definition of one what would our response to 9-11 have been? would it have required a military? you say we havent been invaded in 200 years? so again what are YOU saying mindless moron? that every conflict we've been in has been unjustified in the last 200 years?

if you arent saying that they you ARE saying it doesnt matter much if we were "invaded" in the direct sense of the word are you not leftard?

geeesh what idiots left-wingers are!!! just spouting stupid shit and hoping it wont be called out

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat

9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar.
Hmmm, soooooooooooooo, 9/11/2001 was 200 years ago?

9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

good one moron. so what are YOU saying? Since 9-11 wasnt an attack in your definition of one what would our response to 9-11 have been? would it have required a military? you say we havent been invaded in 200 years? so again what are YOU saying mindless moron? that every conflict we've been in has been unjustified in the last 200 years?

if you arent saying that they you ARE saying it doesnt matter much if we were "invaded" in the direct sense of the word are you not leftard?

geeesh what idiots left-wingers are!!! just spouting stupid shit and hoping it wont be called out

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat

9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar.

repeating stupidity just makes you look dumber leftard
Do you understand what an invasion is?
It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat
9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar

good one leftard!! then according to your logic above what can normal people conclude about what you think should have been our response to Pearl Harbor??? that wasnt an invasion, it was a one-shot deal no leftard??
we were attacked, is that a better word leftard?

geesh no wonder the planet is in flames while left-wing nutjobs play semantics games

əˈtak/strike, charge, pounce;More
bombard, shell, blitz, strafe, fire, besiege
"they attacked along a 10-mile front"
antonyms: defend
  • (of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill.
    "a doctor was attacked by two youths"
    synonyms: assault, assail, set upon, beat up;More
    batter, pummel, punch;
    informaldo over, work over, rough up
    "Chris had been brutally attacked"
  • (of a disease, chemical substance, or insect) act harmfully on.
    "HIV is thought to attack certain cells in the brain"
  • criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.
    "he attacked the government's defense policy"
    synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn, pillory, savage, revile, vilify;More
    informalknock, slam, blast, bash, lay into
    "the clergy attacked government policies"
    antonyms: praise
  • begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way.
    "a plan of action to attack unemployment"
    synonyms: address, attend to, deal with, confront, apply oneself to, get to work on, undertake, embark on;
    informalget cracking on
    "they have to attack the problem soon"
  • make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player.
    "the home team showed some good attacking play"
  • Chess
    move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece).
noun: attack; plural noun: attacks
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
"he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint"

Semantic games.

It's called using vocabulary properly.

"Oh, my you just fucked my daughter" "No, wait, what I actually meant was you gave my daughter a nice birthday present, enough of those semantics, I KNEW WHAT I WANTED TO SAY, you're a fucking retard for thinking that when I said "you just fucked my daughter" that I actually mean "You just fucked my daughter", so why don't you fuck off retard and learn how to understand the English language when I speak it......"
Do you understand what an invasion is?
It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat
9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar

good one leftard!! then according to your logic above what can normal people conclude about what you think should have been our response to Pearl Harbor??? that wasnt an invasion, it was a one-shot deal no leftard??

No one is saying that just because the Japanese didn't invade Pearl Harbor that the US response shouldn't have been war.

What people are saying is, that when someone says the US hasn't been invaded for 200 years, then people come and say "9/11 was clearly an invasion", that there's a problem, because someone is talking crap, and it's the latter person.

Do you understand that if I use the term "invasion", I mean "invasion", and if I use the term "attack", I mean the word attack. And that if I use the word "attack" this doesn't necessarily mean that someone has been invaded?

I mean, how does a debate, with supposedly educated (I'm assuming you graduated from primary school) adults ends up with people unable to use a word like "invade" properly.
we were attacked, is that a better word leftard?

geesh no wonder the planet is in flames while left-wing nutjobs play semantics games

əˈtak/strike, charge, pounce;More
bombard, shell, blitz, strafe, fire, besiege
"they attacked along a 10-mile front"
antonyms: defend
  • (of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill.
    "a doctor was attacked by two youths"
    synonyms: assault, assail, set upon, beat up;More
    batter, pummel, punch;
    informaldo over, work over, rough up
    "Chris had been brutally attacked"
  • (of a disease, chemical substance, or insect) act harmfully on.
    "HIV is thought to attack certain cells in the brain"
  • criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.
    "he attacked the government's defense policy"
    synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn, pillory, savage, revile, vilify;More
    informalknock, slam, blast, bash, lay into
    "the clergy attacked government policies"
    antonyms: praise
  • begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way.
    "a plan of action to attack unemployment"
    synonyms: address, attend to, deal with, confront, apply oneself to, get to work on, undertake, embark on;
    informalget cracking on
    "they have to attack the problem soon"
  • make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player.
    "the home team showed some good attacking play"
  • Chess
    move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece).
noun: attack; plural noun: attacks
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
"he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint"

Semantic games.

It's called using vocabulary properly.

"Oh, my you just fucked my daughter" "No, wait, what I actually meant was you gave my daughter a nice birthday present, enough of those semantics, I KNEW WHAT I WANTED TO SAY, you're a fucking retard for thinking that when I said "you just fucked my daughter" that I actually mean "You just fucked my daughter", so why don't you fuck off retard and learn how to understand the English language when I speak it......"

no it IS semantics you poor angry moronic idiot.

and your analogy above is just weird you fruticake.

thanks for playing though idiot
9/11 was an invasion?

what would you call it? an attack? a terrorist bombing? an act of war? or "bush did it" ?

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes a occupying force capturing territory

Pearl Harbor was an attack, not an invasion

good one moron. so what are YOU saying? Since 9-11 wasnt an attack in your definition of one what would our response to 9-11 have been? would it have required a military? you say we havent been invaded in 200 years? so again what are YOU saying mindless moron? that every conflict we've been in has been unjustified in the last 200 years?

if you arent saying that they you ARE saying it doesnt matter much if we were "invaded" in the direct sense of the word are you not leftard?

geeesh what idiots left-wingers are!!! just spouting stupid shit and hoping it wont be called out

Do you understand what an invasion is?

It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat

9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar.

repeating stupidity just makes you look dumber leftard

You might also want to sort out your grammar too. I'm sure a little punctuation in there might have made this sentence understandable. As it is........

What seems to be the point is that you're saying repeating the same stupid crap over and over and over doesn't make it right. You'd be right, and we're trying to tell you that this is the case, but you're not listening.
Do you understand what an invasion is?
It takes an army and a navy to ward off an invasion, an attack is a one shot deal intended to damage but not defeat
9-11 does not justify the US spending 42 cents out of every defense dollar

good one leftard!! then according to your logic above what can normal people conclude about what you think should have been our response to Pearl Harbor??? that wasnt an invasion, it was a one-shot deal no leftard??

No one is saying that just because the Japanese didn't invade Pearl Harbor that the US response shouldn't have been war.

What people are saying is, that when someone says the US hasn't been invaded for 200 years, then people come and say "9/11 was clearly an invasion", that there's a problem, because someone is talking crap, and it's the latter person.

Do you understand that if I use the term "invasion", I mean "invasion", and if I use the term "attack", I mean the word attack. And that if I use the word "attack" this doesn't necessarily mean that someone has been invaded?

I mean, how does a debate, with supposedly educated (I'm assuming you graduated from primary school) adults ends up with people unable to use a word like "invade" properly.

you moron. if you're admitting that an attack can also be justification for a military response then you just addmitted your obsession over using the word invasion as opposed to attack IS A MOOT POINT

it isnt rocket science idiot

cant have it both ways

ok go cry
we were attacked, is that a better word leftard?

geesh no wonder the planet is in flames while left-wing nutjobs play semantics games

əˈtak/strike, charge, pounce;More
bombard, shell, blitz, strafe, fire, besiege
"they attacked along a 10-mile front"
antonyms: defend
  • (of a person or animal) act against (someone or something) aggressively in an attempt to injure or kill.
    "a doctor was attacked by two youths"
    synonyms: assault, assail, set upon, beat up;More
    batter, pummel, punch;
    informaldo over, work over, rough up
    "Chris had been brutally attacked"
  • (of a disease, chemical substance, or insect) act harmfully on.
    "HIV is thought to attack certain cells in the brain"
  • criticize or oppose fiercely and publicly.
    "he attacked the government's defense policy"
    synonyms: criticize, censure, condemn, pillory, savage, revile, vilify;More
    informalknock, slam, blast, bash, lay into
    "the clergy attacked government policies"
    antonyms: praise
  • begin to deal with (a problem or task) in a determined and vigorous way.
    "a plan of action to attack unemployment"
    synonyms: address, attend to, deal with, confront, apply oneself to, get to work on, undertake, embark on;
    informalget cracking on
    "they have to attack the problem soon"
  • make an aggressive or forceful attempt to score a goal or point, or gain or exploit an advantage in a game against an opposing team or player.
    "the home team showed some good attacking play"
  • Chess
    move into or be in a position to capture (an opponent's piece).
noun: attack; plural noun: attacks
an aggressive and violent action against a person or place.
"he was killed in an attack on a checkpoint"

Semantic games.

It's called using vocabulary properly.

"Oh, my you just fucked my daughter" "No, wait, what I actually meant was you gave my daughter a nice birthday present, enough of those semantics, I KNEW WHAT I WANTED TO SAY, you're a fucking retard for thinking that when I said "you just fucked my daughter" that I actually mean "You just fucked my daughter", so why don't you fuck off retard and learn how to understand the English language when I speak it......"

no it IS semantics you poor angry moronic idiot.

and your analogy above is just weird you fruticake.

thanks for playing though idiot

Now we're down to insults hey? Wow, your argument is an insult.

No, it's not semantics. It's simple, basic English usage.

But hey, it's fine, I understand that the US education system isn't great for many people, and a lot of adults come out of it unable to spell. Hell, I know a guy from Philly who tried to spell behavior in front of his boss today, and he couldn't. 28 years old and unable to spell behavior, quite sad.

You just keep trying to save face by insulting people.

I mean, you got in what, at least 5 insult works into three sentences, you managed two capital letters, none of them at the beginning of the sentence that is, you got in two full stops, not bad for three sentences, not sure what a fruticake is, but it sounds like it might taste nice. Luckily you got "your" right. Well done, you get a 3/10 for your assignment on English insults.

Only, this is a topic, not about insults, but about the military. Do keep up.
Why do conservatives struggle so much with the english language and the context of a discussion?

I make a statement that the size of our military is not justified because we have not been invaded in 200 years

To which moron conservatives respond...What about 9-11?

Do these morons really think 9-11 qualifies as an invasion?
Do you ever read the news? Check the dateline on this piece:
Bush Administration Adds $4 Trillion To National Debt
"With no fanfare and little notice, the national debt has grown by more than $4 trillion during George W. Bush's presidency.
You must then absolutely hate The Obama.
Obama has borrowed over two trillion dollars just to pay interest on the Reagan/Bushes debt....
This is, of course, a lie; total debt service from FY2009 on is just over $1T

$4899B in debt, over 8 years
$7527 in debt, over 6.75 years

Only a mindless partisan bigot will complain about Bush and not more loudly so about The Obama.

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