Guess Who Has The Most Powerful Military Force In The World

The U.S. spends over $600 Billion on its Military. And that's just what we know of. It spends an additional unknown amount on Black Ops. No other nation on earth comes close.

Nations we're supposed to fear like China and Russia, spend only a fraction of that on their militaries. China spends about $100 Billion, and Russia about $50 Billion.
The U.S. spends over $600 Billion on its Military. And that's just what we know of. It spends an additional unknown amount on Black Ops. No other nation on earth comes close.

Nations we're supposed to fear like China and Russia, spend only a fraction of that on their militaries. China spends about $100 Billion, and Russia about $50 Billion.

The Republican party did exactly what Dwight Eisenhower warned us all about:


The modern Republican party stands for corporations and the wealthy. Their middle name is "Tax Cuts" though they've never cut spending a dime.
The U.S. spends over $600 Billion on its Military. And that's just what we know of. It spends an additional unknown amount on Black Ops. No other nation on earth comes close.

Nations we're supposed to fear like China and Russia, spend only a fraction of that on their militaries. China spends about $100 Billion, and Russia about $50 Billion.

The Republican party did exactly what Dwight Eisenhower warned us all about:


The modern Republican party stands for corporations and the wealthy. Their middle name is "Tax Cuts" though they've never cut spending a dime.

UNDER PROGRESSIVES the very richest have gotten even richer, the very poorest got even poore; BOTH GOT RICHER AND POORER AT A FASTER PACE UNDER DEMOCRATS than under Republicans



if you were not such a braiwshed intellectual midget and COWARD CAMPBELL, you could see this as an opportunity to embarrass me in front of every body here by saying what part if this isnt true

BUT YOU CANT, and we both know that

YOU just want to regurgitate spoon-fed stupidity about corporations and the wealthy
The U.S. spends over $600 Billion on its Military. And that's just what we know of. It spends an additional unknown amount on Black Ops. No other nation on earth comes close.

Nations we're supposed to fear like China and Russia, spend only a fraction of that on their militaries. China spends about $100 Billion, and Russia about $50 Billion.

The Republican party did exactly what Dwight Eisenhower warned us all about:


The modern Republican party stands for corporations and the wealthy. Their middle name is "Tax Cuts" though they've never cut spending a dime.

UNDER PROGRESSIVES the very richest have gotten even richer, the very poorest got even poore; BOTH GOT RICHER AND POORER AT A FASTER PACE UNDER DEMOCRATS than under Republicans



if you were not such a braiwshed intellectual midget and COWARD CAMPBELL, you could see this as an opportunity to embarrass me in front of every body here by saying what part if this isnt true

BUT YOU CANT, and we both know that

YOU just want to regurgitate spoon-fed stupidity about corporations and the wealthy

Tax cuts for the wealthy beginning with Reagan caused it...all of it since 1979. After Bill Clinton raised tax rates on the uppercrust things were headed back to normal till numbnuts W Bush got hold of it. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms then look at where it headed after 2003, Bush's second tax cut. Oh!! I folks on the Right get your news from Fox. Observe that after taxes the bottom 80% have actually lost ground. In other words working for less than they were 20 years ago:

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again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us
...We took over Iraq and Afghanistan with no trouble...
The shades of 200+ American (and so-called 'Coalition') dead during the Invasion, and the 5000+ dead in the years after the initial victory, might disagree with you.

...Just didn't know what to do after...
True. It's what happens when you fail to construct an effective, realistic front-to-back (invasion-to-exit) strategy and then stick to it.

In the case of Iraq, it's what happens when you invade another country for no damned good reason and lie to your own people and the world about the causes.

In the case of Afghanistan, it's what happens when you force-out the Bad Guys, fail to capture the Head Bad Guy let him escape to another kindred country next-door, then hang around, for years, afterwards, for no good reason, and to no useful purpose, in a region of formidable and tortuous terrain that historically swallows and buries invaders.

In the case of Iraq, Bush got the US Congress including Senators Clinton and Kerry to authorize the act as well as the right to enforce the UN Resolution that verified material breach of the cease fire that was in place.
The fact that OBL escaped to Pakistan could not be blamed on Bush, but the special ops teams he was responsible for finally located and eliminated the SOB.
You really need to pull you head out of Obama's ass and find out what is real and what is make believe.
I'm an Obama fan?

You're out of your tiny little mind.

In the case of Iraq, it doesn't matter one good goddamn who Shrub managed to sucker into going to war - he and his people knew it was bullshit - that's all that counts.

In the case of Afghanistan, the US military - operating under Shrub's command - flubbed the capture at Tora Bora, and then stayed years too long, for no good reason.

Afghanistan was as close to a 'righteous shoot' as we're like to come in modern times, but we should have been in and out of there within six months, tops.

Iraq was total bullshit - a squandering of American blood and treasure - although I made a great show of supporting the troops in my blogging at the time, so as to avoid giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Who signed-on and who did not sign-on is not the frigging point.

If you bullshit people, then, of course they're going to be more inclined to agree with you.

It is the bullshitting that is at-issue with respect to Iraq, not who inadvertently bought into the bullshit.

Not everyone who keenly focuses upon the 'bullshit' is an Obama fan, nor even a Democrat.

The world is a little more than simple black and white, although 'grey' is not dreamt of in your philosophy.
again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit
much of our military expenditures has alot to do with treaties we are involved in that provide for the defense of others. instead of crying like pussies why dont you left-wingers say who you want to abandon, besides Israel of course?????

and of course neither of you morons addressed the earlier point that was made; do you and your magical Messiah have good jobs waiting for the hundreds of thousands of military members and people who work in the Defense industry making good money, that you want to put out of work???

it's a simple question, but you idiots wont answer it with anything that isnt more stupidity of course
again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit

Proportion of GDP is irrelevant

If you have a GDP of $1 billion and spend $500 million on your military, you still have a very small military

The US by any measure has a military larger than the next 14 nations combined. By your twisted logic, we would fear the nation with $500 million military because they spend a larger "proportion" of GDP
much of our military expenditures has alot to do with treaties we are involved in that provide for the defense of others. instead of crying like pussies why dont you left-wingers say who you want to abandon, besides Israel of course?????

and of course neither of you morons addressed the earlier point that was made; do you and your magical Messiah have good jobs waiting for the hundreds of thousands of military members and people who work in the Defense industry making good money, that you want to put out of work???

it's a simple question, but you idiots wont answer it with anything that isnt more stupidity of course

Jobs follow the money

If you move $500 billion a year from defense into building infrastructure, healthcare, research, energy, jobs will be created in those fields. You will also get a greater contribution to society
much of our military expenditures has alot to do with treaties we are involved in that provide for the defense of others. instead of crying like pussies why dont you left-wingers say who you want to abandon, besides Israel of course?????

and of course neither of you morons addressed the earlier point that was made; do you and your magical Messiah have good jobs waiting for the hundreds of thousands of military members and people who work in the Defense industry making good money, that you want to put out of work???

it's a simple question, but you idiots wont answer it with anything that isnt more stupidity of course

Jobs follow the money

If you move $500 billion a year from defense into building infrastructure, healthcare, research, energy, jobs will be created in those fields. You will also get a greater contribution to society

of course you have nothing at all to back that up; but that is typical of you.

if that was the case there wouldnt be 13 million more on food stamps in obama's 7th year
again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit

Proportion of GDP is irrelevant

If you have a GDP of $1 billion and spend $500 million on your military, you still have a very small military

The US by any measure has a military larger than the next 14 nations combined. By your twisted logic, we would fear the nation with $500 million military because they spend a larger "proportion" of GDP

proportion is irrelevant in the minds of pathetic left-wing losers desperately trying to stick to a spoon-fed narrative, as any inconveniant fact is.
again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit

Proportion of GDP is irrelevant

If you have a GDP of $1 billion and spend $500 million on your military, you still have a very small military

The US by any measure has a military larger than the next 14 nations combined. By your twisted logic, we would fear the nation with $500 million military because they spend a larger "proportion" of GDP

by MY logic? no idiot by YOUR logic. because you're just a coward. the level of fear wasnt what was being discussed; it's just the latest hoop you put ourself through desperately trying to stick to the false narrative. i never said a higher proportion of spending made anybody more lethal. of course everybody knows your main premise is money, specifically the Left argues we spend too much money on our military.

actually idiot you make the point for the other side, we DO have the most powerful military, and we got it spending a smaller proportion of our GDP than others spend

thanks for playing though dummy
much of our military expenditures has alot to do with treaties we are involved in that provide for the defense of others. instead of crying like pussies why dont you left-wingers say who you want to abandon, besides Israel of course?????

and of course neither of you morons addressed the earlier point that was made; do you and your magical Messiah have good jobs waiting for the hundreds of thousands of military members and people who work in the Defense industry making good money, that you want to put out of work???

it's a simple question, but you idiots wont answer it with anything that isnt more stupidity of course

Jobs follow the money

If you move $500 billion a year from defense into building infrastructure, healthcare, research, energy, jobs will be created in those fields. You will also get a greater contribution to society

of course you have nothing at all to back that up; but that is typical of you.

if that was the case there wouldnt be 13 million more on food stamps in obama's 7th year

Economics 101
again you morons; the USA is fourteenth in military spending as a percentage of GDP
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit

Proportion of GDP is irrelevant

If you have a GDP of $1 billion and spend $500 million on your military, you still have a very small military

The US by any measure has a military larger than the next 14 nations combined. By your twisted logic, we would fear the nation with $500 million military because they spend a larger "proportion" of GDP

proportion is irrelevant in the minds of pathetic left-wing losers desperately trying to stick to a spoon-fed narrative, as any inconveniant fact is.


How about you explain to the nice people what impact proportion of GDP has on your overall military strength in the world or how it is relevant to this discussion
much of our military expenditures has alot to do with treaties we are involved in that provide for the defense of others. instead of crying like pussies why dont you left-wingers say who you want to abandon, besides Israel of course?????

and of course neither of you morons addressed the earlier point that was made; do you and your magical Messiah have good jobs waiting for the hundreds of thousands of military members and people who work in the Defense industry making good money, that you want to put out of work???

it's a simple question, but you idiots wont answer it with anything that isnt more stupidity of course

Jobs follow the money

If you move $500 billion a year from defense into building infrastructure, healthcare, research, energy, jobs will be created in those fields. You will also get a greater contribution to society

of course you have nothing at all to back that up; but that is typical of you.

if that was the case there wouldnt be 13 million more on food stamps in obama's 7th year

Economics 101

which you know nothing about leftard

take any number of left-wing positions that defy Economics 101 basics

keep trying..................
What possible relevance would that have?

If you are a shithole country constantly at war with your neighbors, you have to spend more of your GDP.....that is not us

Surely you jest!! We spend more than the next fourteen countries combined:


again you idiot; you are talking total amounts, not percentages. if PROPORTION has no place in your word because it is inconveniant to your brainwashed narrative then OF COURSE you will so no "possible relevance".

then again that is why you and rightwinger get laughed at daily; you have all kinds of charts and shit and they dont mean shit

Proportion of GDP is irrelevant

If you have a GDP of $1 billion and spend $500 million on your military, you still have a very small military

The US by any measure has a military larger than the next 14 nations combined. By your twisted logic, we would fear the nation with $500 million military because they spend a larger "proportion" of GDP

proportion is irrelevant in the minds of pathetic left-wing losers desperately trying to stick to a spoon-fed narrative, as any inconveniant fact is.


How about you explain to the nice people what impact proportion of GDP has on your overall military strength in the world

yet another straw man. you're not concerned with our overall strength are you? do you want us to be weaker??
if you cant even be honest with yourself why do you want answers to lies you tell YOURSELF??

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