Guess who just apologised

No link then? Typical.

I just clicked in to see if Rump apologised for the first time in his life. But no, the record stands. :rock:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Bing

I am not doing this to help the douche nozzle OP'er but she did apologize which is the correct course of action...

Why? Are we not all entitled to an opinion?

We're all entitle to our opinions just like our ass is entitle to spew crap out of it... Just sometimes people will view the opinion of other to be the crap we spew...

Do i disagree with her opinion?

Nope, but she is more professional than I am and should have known it was not going to be taken lightly either...

When did she say she expected it to be "taken lightly"?
Why would you bother saying anything at all if it was going to be "taken lightly"?
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.
you forgot to mention she is a supreme court justice.....there lies the difference....

Because she is a Supreme Court Justice she can't have a personal opinion?
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.
It's because she's a Supreme Court Justice and traditionally supposed to be above the political fray, even the New York Crimes..... uummmm Times bashed her over it.
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.

As a Justice, she should be impartial.

or, dont' you like impartial judges?

That's within a case. Not everywhere about everything. No one can do that.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.

That post is a completely dishonest take on the situation. You should be ashamed of yourself.
No link then? Typical.

I just clicked in to see if Rump apologised for the first time in his life. But no, the record stands. :rock:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Bing

I am not doing this to help the douche nozzle OP'er but she did apologize which is the correct course of action...

Why? Are we not all entitled to an opinion?

We're all entitle to our opinions just like our ass is entitle to spew crap out of it... Just sometimes people will view the opinion of other to be the crap we spew...

Do i disagree with her opinion?

Nope, but she is more professional than I am and should have known it was not going to be taken lightly either...

When did she say she expected it to be "taken lightly"?
Why would you bother saying anything at all if it was going to be "taken lightly"?

Look, if you believe she was correct in what she did then so be it. I have stated I do not disagree with her on her opinion but expressing it openly, well that is a different story and yes I do believe she was wrong for openly saying it...

You will disagree and tell me how wrong I am but I would write the same damn thing if it was Thomas and you would be agreeing with me if it were Thomas but of course you will deny that too...
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.
you forgot to mention she is a supreme court justice.....there lies the difference....

Because she is a Supreme Court Justice she can't have a personal opinion?
Having a political opinion and giving voice to it are two different things for Justices. Traditionally they have always been expected to stay above the political fight.
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.
you forgot to mention she is a supreme court justice.....there lies the difference....

Because she is a Supreme Court Justice she can't have a personal opinion?
sure she can but if it is about a guy who may have cases coming up in your court it might be best to keep it to long as she has been a judge she should know this...
Stupid move by Ginsburg to apologize.

Even stupider to have said it in the first place.
I disagree. Evil triumphs when good men (or women) do nothing.

She's a Supreme Court Justice they are prevented from voicing their personal opinions about POTUS contests. She broke the law, and she violated her Code of Ethics. Color me unsurprised that you have no problem with that violation.
Lol I think this is becoming the new norm for you loons. Anytime you decide you don't like someone, you declare they've broken the law and demand punishment! :rofl:
She will have to recuse herself from any case involving Trump. If Trump is elected president, she will have to recuse herself from any case involving the United States. Her career is effectively over.
How horrible that somebody showed humility and character by apologizing and admitting a mistake/laps in judgement... Funny that you think that is a shortcoming.

You think Trump would have the balls to do the same? Or maybe you just think he is always right?
I wonder if I can get my judgement to take laps instead of me having to do it. :dunno:

Yeah...i hate laps.
Unless were talking lap dances.
That's right Ginsberg!
Guess the old hag has lost her mind.
BUT! She helped Trump get another 100K votes. Thanks bitch!
Every vote helps.
These LIBs can't help themselves.
Emotional hemophiliacs.
She's an 83 year old Jewish grandmother. Done well to keep quiet this long. I'm kind of sorry she apologized. Why do so many people LOVE Trump for being politically incorrect, but an 83 year old woman tries it and BLAM. Hang her.
you forgot to mention she is a supreme court justice.....there lies the difference....

Because she is a Supreme Court Justice she can't have a personal opinion?

Sure she can...if she keeps em to herself.
They are not going to throw her in the river to see if she floats to find out whether she's made of wood or not.

She's an old lady who said something she regrets. She apologized. No harm, no foul.

I'll give her a pass on this one.

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