Guess who shot the cop?

They should make sure those "toys" really look like toys. Once they take out that little red plastic cap off the end, they can look like a real gun. Better idea is to not be out in public playing with a toy gun.

well, not if you are black, anyway. I'm still waiting for you guys to cite a case where a white child was killed playing with a toy.
Perhaps if the black men stopped resisting arrest and going for a gun when the cop told them to stop? Would that make difference?
And they caught the guy who shot the San Antonio cop....
You'll never guess what color he was.

If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.
Hey retard, cops did not kill 600 blacks this year. Not even close.
Since those endless murders of young black men are actually committed by other young black men maybe you black men should be doing something about it and stop blaming the cops

You don't get away with something bad by pointing out something else is bad.

Yes, we have too much crime in our streets. That's what happens when you combine racism, poverty and easy access to guns.

It doesn't excuse cops who use excessive force against unarmed people because they are black.
Are they unarmed?
If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.
Will you give me $10 for every link I can provide of people supporting or justifying murderering cops?
There are 30 million plus people in this country, of which less than 13% are on, if you can prove all of these people support this bs your talking about

s0n......hope you are enjoying the bumpy cucumber way up there for the last 2 weeks!! :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.
You are preaching to the wrong crowd as these young people need manners and its not up to "whitey" to teach other peoples children manners.

Heard today Memphis murder rate through the roof.....:disbelief:.....will soon be uninhabitable except for the savages.:gay:

Memphis homicide rate nearly doubles that of Chicago this year

Curious people looking in on threads like this need to realize.........progressives have been telling tall tales about the race stuff for decades. The situation with blacks had a lid on it until about 5 or 6 years ago but its very. very close to being out of control in many parts of the country. Wont happen in NYC because they know better...............NYPD will bust balls. But all these other shithole cities like Chicago, Memphis, Philly and St Louis will soon be Mad Max times. People need to ammo up............

Add keep yourself informed about the real poop..... Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL never reports shit on this stuff because it kills the ghey narrative............
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They should make sure those "toys" really look like toys. Once they take out that little red plastic cap off the end, they can look like a real gun. Better idea is to not be out in public playing with a toy gun.

well, not if you are black, anyway. I'm still waiting for you guys to cite a case where a white child was killed playing with a toy.

Well this kid wasn't black (does Hispanic count?) ......
Calif. cops shoot 13-year-old boy armed with toy gun dead

Or maybe this one....2 black cops murder a man and his son for no apparent reason....
2 officers arrested in shooting death of Louisiana boy -

Maybe white parents have taught their kids not be foolish and run around outside with toy guns that look real? Just a thought. Some young kid on Halloween was dressed up (face covered) and was carrying a gun that did look pretty real. A friend posted about it on FB....just giving people a heads up because you never really know nowadays. Of course nothing happened, but someone COULD HAVE mistaken it for real and did something stupid. It's happened too many times...why take that chance with your kid?
If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.

Maybe you should move to CA and secede
If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.
Will you give me $10 for every link I can provide of people supporting or justifying murderering cops?
you can start with his post, his justifying the killing of police is just as good as supporting the killing in the first place.
If you think anyone here is okay with all these cops being murdered by the hands of young black men, than your crazy. We all grieve for the loss, all of us do, all nationalities, all colors, etc.

However, if you also think the endless murders of young black men that has been going on for years will all go away with peaceful protest, than you and the rest of this country are mistaken. These young men, are just as angry, just as frustrated, just as violent as the cops that kill them, even more so and the framework our justice system created by allowing these unarmed murders to continue without any justice given to these families, only solidifies the violence we're seeing today.

Thus far this year, over 600 blacks have been killed by cops. Most murdered for crimes that any other citizens in this country would walk. Despite the crime, all citizens are entitled to a trial, something young black men do not recieve because they're killed first.

Lets continue to grieve and show support for our law enforcement, but lets not sweep under the rug, like we always do, the endless plight innocent blacks have to endure in this country...of racial profiling, harrassment, constant danger from all spectrums of life and the possibility of being pulled over and killed because your hands moved the wrong way or your body language was suspect...anything other than committing suicide when approached by the law.

Its very scary being black in this country being a hard working law abiding citizens when dealing with white cops.
Will you give me $10 for every link I can provide of people supporting or justifying murderering cops?
There are 30 million plus people in this country, of which less than 13% are on, if you can prove all of these people support this bs your talking about

The blacks comitting over half of ALL violence in America are young black males....who only compose about 2% of the total pop. in America.

I agree most blacks are not 'radicalized' and do not support violence or terroristic behavior..........yet for the most part they do not speak up about the thuggish behavior of so many young black males.

Many are afraid to aka............snitches get stitches...others simply do not care have no interest in the community or in some cases secretly laugh when they hear of some whites getting beat up or murdered by young black males...sort of a vicarious sense of pleasure sorta like when some football team you identify with beats another team. Make no mistake...many blacks do hate white folks or at the very least blame them for all their problems.

In a nutshell there are many excuses...........but few folks trying to solve the problem or even contemlating it......this includes politicians of all stripes....effectively rendered impotent because if one even dares mention the problem much less try and implement some program to help these radicalized and thuggish young black males they are labeled waycist thus any politician who cares about his 'career' will not dare go there....and that includes black politicians.

All the blacks really care about is how much da white boys gonna give em...aka welfare, some kinda gubmint check etc.
They should make sure those "toys" really look like toys. Once they take out that little red plastic cap off the end, they can look like a real gun. Better idea is to not be out in public playing with a toy gun.

well, not if you are black, anyway. I'm still waiting for you guys to cite a case where a white child was killed playing with a toy.

Well this kid wasn't black (does Hispanic count?) ......
Calif. cops shoot 13-year-old boy armed with toy gun dead

Or maybe this one....2 black cops murder a man and his son for no apparent reason....
2 officers arrested in shooting death of Louisiana boy -

Maybe white parents have taught their kids not be foolish and run around outside with toy guns that look real? Just a thought. Some young kid on Halloween was dressed up (face covered) and was carrying a gun that did look pretty real. A friend posted about it on FB....just giving people a heads up because you never really know nowadays. Of course nothing happened, but someone COULD HAVE mistaken it for real and did something stupid. It's happened too many times...why take that chance with your kid?

Like in any profession ...some police are incompetent, sadistic etc.etc. for example --I am a law abiding white male but I have never had a pleasant experience with a police officer...thus I have a negative attitude towards them...I have found them to be arrogant and lacking much common sense...and I am hardly alone in my assessment of them...yet I do understand they have a tough job and no doubt there are many good cops though I just have never had the luck to run across no doubt we need to do better in hiring and training police officers....especially since we give them guns and the power to use them any time they see most cases all they have to say is I thought he was going for a gun...aka they have the ability to take a life and in most cases get away with it no matter how unjustified the shooting may have been..........however....such attitudes that so many blacks have aka that the problem with police is racist does nothing to solve or even identify the fact such attitudes tend to stifle any sort of progress in regards to improving police attitudes and behavior because unless you can identify the solution is possible.

The fact is cops kill more whites than they do blacks.......and that takes into account the percentage factor i.e. that there are more white folks than blacks in the total pop.

So the blacks are on the wrong foot from the gitgo...screaming racism...which they have done so often...blaming practically every problem under the sun on racism....the majority now ignore that old story we all heard in school of the boy cryng wolf.

Yet I do understand how it is so easy for them to really believe the cops are out to get them...easy to think that if you are black...but the facts and stats do not support that.

5 Statistics You Need To Know About Cops Killing Blacks
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Joe has never seen a real gun

uh, dude, I was in the army for 11 years, and my MOS was 76Y- which includes- wait for it- Armorers. (The guy who runs the arms vault.)

I've probably handled more guns than you have, ever.

Got anything else stupid to say?
Yeah I believe that

Whiners like you don't make it through boot

Never cite any of your 'accomplishments' on a message one will believe you.

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