Guess who started a fun club called "Fascism Forever"?

When and IF this ever confirmed as "a thing" -- I will apologize for moving it. For NOW -- there are no VALID sources for this fairy tale. Just a bunch of refutations.
You mean besides his High School Year Book and what he wrote in it.

When and IF this ever confirmed as "a thing" -- I will apologize for moving it. For NOW -- there are no VALID sources for this fairy tale. Just a bunch of refutations.
You mean besides his High School Year Book and what he wrote in it.


Yeah. Like that. Or the "Believer in the World According to Ward Committee to Reform the Beast --- which follows that "club".. School DENIES these were ever sponsored clubs. He was probably on Year book staff or had friends there. It's a punk. Ask Snopes. You live and die by Snopes --- Right????
Maybe if you wade thru all 6 hours of Congressional Committee hearings, you'll find SOMEONE who asked about that DAMNING HIGH SCHOOL affiliation -- right????
These days, any time right wingers hear something they don't like, they call it "fake news"....

These days anything you post is fake news. In fact, that has been the case for as long as I've been posting here.

Can you guess who that is? Hint, he will probably replace Scalia.

Imagine if Obama nominated someone who started such a club. Or a club called "Socialism Forever" or "Communism Forever"? What do you think Republicans would be doing?


C'mon.....he just wrote that to get the Democrats in the Senate to vote for his nomination.

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