Guess Who Wants To Temporarily Ban The 2nd Amendment For the Upcoming RNC?

‘“I don’t care if it’s constitutional or not,” Loomis said in an interview with CNN discussing a letter his organization sent to the governor, asking for help.’

It’s perfectly Constitutional.

Florida, for example, prohibits the open carrying of firearms.

The unconstitutional thing comes from the union guy wanting it to be an executive decree, not a legislative action.
Interesting. If i was a Black Repub I would be nowhere near that convention.
why, blacks are only shooting white cops
White cops starting shooting Blacks long ago. Obviously they want to suspend the 2nd so they can safely have target practice since Black people started shooting back.
I thought you said it was about black republicans at a gop convention.
The GOP hasn't been shooting anybody.
I did say it was about Black republicans at the GOP convention. i didnt say the GOP was going to be shooting them. I said the cops probably would. You need to focus if you want to talk to me. Dont make me have to correct you again when you can plainly read what I posted.
Why would cops shoot black people at a GOP convention?

Why would they do it anywhere, especially when black folk are unarmed? And why would wannabe cops do it to unarmed black teenagers anywhere?
Why would cops shoot black people at a GOP convention?
For the same reason they always do, unreasonable fear.

“Simply put, white cops are afraid of black men. We don’t talk about it, we pretend it doesn’t exist, we claim “color blindness,” we say white officers treat black men the same way they treat white men. But that’s a lie. In fact, the bigger, the darker the black man the greater the fear. The African-American community knows this. Hell, most whites know it. Yet, even though it’s a central, if not the defining ingredient in the makeup of police racism, white cops won’t admit it to themselves, or to others.”

― Norm Stamper, Breaking Rank: A Top Cop's ExposĂ© of the Dark Side of American Policing

There it is, shat yourself and shoot first. And in america all you have to say is "I was afraid so I killed" and that's considered "justifiable" thanks to ALEC and "stand your ground". If you have killed a kid on a sidewalk, why the damn kid was armed with a sidewalk, so there. Off scott free for murder. Even if is was a 13 year old kid with a toy gun? Yup, no problem, go getcha another.
I thought you said it was about black republicans at a gop convention.
The GOP hasn't been shooting anybody.
I did say it was about Black republicans at the GOP convention. i didnt say the GOP was going to be shooting them. I said the cops probably would. You need to focus if you want to talk to me. Dont make me have to correct you again when you can plainly read what I posted.
Why would cops shoot black people at a GOP convention?
Because they want to.
If I was a cop I wouldn't wanna go anywhere near that convention for fear of being shot by a black liberal
That's closer the truth than you're diatribe.
Thats probably why you are not a cop. Youre pretty timid and unable to handle the job.

Same with the "constitutional" right to bear arms. Many americans just aren’t emotionally fit/stable enough to carry or own. I realize that will never be taken into consideration and fully acknowledge the problem would be well who will determine who is emotionally fit/stable enough to carry/own. And that’s clearly a problem because we can’t even determine who’s emotionally fit/stable enough to be a cop with a gun.
‘“I don’t care if it’s constitutional or not,” Loomis said

As if the police not caring about the Constitution is some kind of revelation.

It’s perfectly Constitutional.

Florida, for example, prohibits the open carrying of firearms.

Correct, but since it is legal in Ohio it would take an act by the legislature to change it. The governor just can't wave his hand and decree it.

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