Guess who was responsible for the USA being world's largest OIL producer?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
On Tuesday night, former President Barack Obama made a claim that was so transparently false and self-aggrandizing that it staggers the imagination just to think of the arrogance and audacity of the man. Speaking before a crowd at Rice University’s Baker Institute, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary, Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s surge to become the top oil and gas producer in the world, saying, That was me, people.”

"I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look, I know, I know we’re an oil country and we need American energy, and by the way American energy production. You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And that whole, suddenly America’s like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people, I just wanted you to … so … so … it’s a little like sometimes you go to Wall Street and folks’ll be grumbling about anti-business and I said, “Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office, where they are now? What are you talking, what are you complaining about?
Just say thank you, please. Because I want to raise your taxes a couple percent?

WATCH: Obama Brags, Makes Most Outrageous Statement Ever

This from the IDIOT who as president could do just one thing to affect whether the USA would be the leading oil producer or not. I'm shouting now! SIGN FEDERAL LAND OIL LEASES!
But here is the reality!
AND this is the SAME idiot that told Brazil..

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”
said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Really and this idiot Obama has the stupidity to say "That was me people"
Obama cut the leases in half because he wanted to do two things, make oil expensive and scarce, and put coal miners out of business.


He simultaneously attacked The Coal Industry, while Attacking The Oil Industry and Flushing Millions in Subsidies down the drain on The Green Industry.

Obama attacked our energy industry with a vengeance.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy
And that carpet-headed, rodent-featured attention whore still loves to insult America every time he opens his fellatrix-hole. But that's not enough so he has to insult our intelligence by making grandiose claims about America's recent accomplishments that he spent his regime trying to subvert! That pig inherited his utter, complete lack of shame from his semen-disposal-unit whore mother.
On Tuesday night, former President Barack Obama made a claim that was so transparently false and self-aggrandizing that it staggers the imagination just to think of the arrogance and audacity of the man. Speaking before a crowd at Rice University’s Baker Institute, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary, Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s surge to become the top oil and gas producer in the world, saying, That was me, people.”

"I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look, I know, I know we’re an oil country and we need American energy, and by the way American energy production. You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And that whole, suddenly America’s like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people, I just wanted you to … so … so … it’s a little like sometimes you go to Wall Street and folks’ll be grumbling about anti-business and I said, “Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office, where they are now? What are you talking, what are you complaining about?
Just say thank you, please. Because I want to raise your taxes a couple percent?

WATCH: Obama Brags, Makes Most Outrageous Statement Ever

This from the IDIOT who as president could do just one thing to affect whether the USA would be the leading oil producer or not. I'm shouting now! SIGN FEDERAL LAND OIL LEASES!
But here is the reality!
AND this is the SAME idiot that told Brazil..

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”
said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Really and this idiot Obama has the stupidity to say "That was me people"
View attachment 231419
And to think all those gullible global warming zelots thought their messiah was against big oil, and was to save the planet.. Guess what retards? Fooled ya, again..

What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy
Sounds like you adore that 1/2 white faggot that caused more CO2 and the Earth to end in 10, no 100, no 1000 years,, maybe...You also are a hypocritical bitch for voting for that environmentally destroying asshat, not once, but twice..
History shows we've always been one of the top producers in the world. The latest increase is a result of the new technologies (brought on by the 100+ dollars a barrel oil of a few years ago), North Dakota, Texas and the Permian Basin. Furthermore Obama's offshore plan was more expansive that even 43's. If it weren't for the Horizon explosion.....
Obama is a narcissistic idiot. He didn't do one good thing for this country, except for leaving the White House.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

You lying twat...Obama was against fracking..

He hated it with a passion because he couldn't get gas prices up to combat his so called AGW.

I remember when Dem politicians shit themselves.

Gas prices had spiked under Obama due the Dem's war on oil, people started bitching about the high price of gas but Dem's refused to listen. UNTIL voters including many Dem voters ripped into Dem politicians about the high price of gas then Dem politicians fearing a voter backlash overnight started advocating drill baby drill right on que.

Naturally once things calmed down and gas prices lowered Dems broke all their drill baby drill promises and renewed their war on oil.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

^^^^complete unadulterated bullshit
On Tuesday night, former President Barack Obama made a claim that was so transparently false and self-aggrandizing that it staggers the imagination just to think of the arrogance and audacity of the man. Speaking before a crowd at Rice University’s Baker Institute, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary, Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s surge to become the top oil and gas producer in the world, saying, That was me, people.”

"I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look, I know, I know we’re an oil country and we need American energy, and by the way American energy production. You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And that whole, suddenly America’s like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people, I just wanted you to … so … so … it’s a little like sometimes you go to Wall Street and folks’ll be grumbling about anti-business and I said, “Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office, where they are now? What are you talking, what are you complaining about?
Just say thank you, please. Because I want to raise your taxes a couple percent?

WATCH: Obama Brags, Makes Most Outrageous Statement Ever

This from the IDIOT who as president could do just one thing to affect whether the USA would be the leading oil producer or not. I'm shouting now! SIGN FEDERAL LAND OIL LEASES!
But here is the reality!
AND this is the SAME idiot that told Brazil..

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”
said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Really and this idiot Obama has the stupidity to say "That was me people"
View attachment 231419

He is right, everyone has a mentor and someone who believes in them and they also use info by others. Its like a chain reaction and we all depend on one another. Trump didn't do it alone, he had major help from his daddy, the Russians and the Saudis, yet he said he did it on his own, LIE!
On Tuesday night, former President Barack Obama made a claim that was so transparently false and self-aggrandizing that it staggers the imagination just to think of the arrogance and audacity of the man. Speaking before a crowd at Rice University’s Baker Institute, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary, Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s surge to become the top oil and gas producer in the world, saying, That was me, people.”

"I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look, I know, I know we’re an oil country and we need American energy, and by the way American energy production. You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And that whole, suddenly America’s like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people, I just wanted you to … so … so … it’s a little like sometimes you go to Wall Street and folks’ll be grumbling about anti-business and I said, “Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office, where they are now? What are you talking, what are you complaining about?
Just say thank you, please. Because I want to raise your taxes a couple percent?

WATCH: Obama Brags, Makes Most Outrageous Statement Ever

This from the IDIOT who as president could do just one thing to affect whether the USA would be the leading oil producer or not. I'm shouting now! SIGN FEDERAL LAND OIL LEASES!
But here is the reality!
AND this is the SAME idiot that told Brazil..

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”
said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Really and this idiot Obama has the stupidity to say "That was me people"
View attachment 231419

You said I could "Watch" and yet I didn't see the video, can you supply that, thank you so very much.

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