Guess who was responsible for the USA being world's largest OIL producer?

Unbelievable. CNN actually wrote a half-honest story.

In your article it points out DumBama had little to do with oil. Advanced technology in fracking is what caused the over supply, and even your article points out how DumBama placed more restrictions on it. Highlights from you article:

*Energy experts argue Obama's policies overall have neither been a positive nor a negative for oil production.

*Obama did place some restrictions on fracking, though he hasn't moved to ban the controversial tactic as Bernie Sanders and other environmentalists want.

*On the other hand, under Obama and the GOP-led Congress, the U.S. also removed the 40-year ban on crude oil exports, potentially allowing production to increase once prices rise.

So what this article is basically talking about is our great strides in oil production and trying to give that big-eared clown the credit simply because he didn't stop it. Obama is a liar.
If he didn't stop it, then he helped it.

Oh, these Republicans. They just can't give Obama credit for the good things he did.

No wonder they want to take credit for taking down Bin Laden.

When are you going to quit lying and getting proved a liar just like your lying treasonist messiah
I remember when Dem politicians shit themselves.

Gas prices had spiked under Obama due the Dem's war on oil, people started bitching about the high price of gas but Dem's refused to listen. UNTIL voters including many Dem voters ripped into Dem politicians about the high price of gas then Dem politicians fearing a voter backlash overnight started advocating drill baby drill right on que.

Naturally once things calmed down and gas prices lowered Dems broke all their drill baby drill promises and renewed their war on oil.

In reality gas prices spiked under Bush 43. It bounced back after the recession but never got as high again, yet.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Your deflection is noted. And when Dem politicians shit themselves under Obama, did a 180 and advocated for more oil drilling? Got anything to say about that? No, we didn't think so. lol

Calling out your lie that gas prices spiked under Obama is not a deflection. Production increased more due to crude oil prices rather than any thing the government did or didn't do.

Not because of Obama, in spite of Obama. Remember how the left lost their shit over fracking here I'll just laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:
If he didn't stop it, then he helped it.

Luaghing animated .gif

Oh, these Republicans. They just can't give Obama credit for the good things he did.

No wonder they want to take credit for taking down Bin Laden.

Nobody wanted credit. We just pointed out the truth which was the hunt for Bin Laden started under Bush. It only materialized under DumBama, but that doesn't mean he single handedly found him. The only thing we objected to was DumBama taking all the credit.

Unbelievable. CNN actually wrote a half-honest story.

In your article it points out DumBama had little to do with oil. Advanced technology in fracking is what caused the over supply, and even your article points out how DumBama placed more restrictions on it. Highlights from you article:

*Energy experts argue Obama's policies overall have neither been a positive nor a negative for oil production.

*Obama did place some restrictions on fracking, though he hasn't moved to ban the controversial tactic as Bernie Sanders and other environmentalists want.

*On the other hand, under Obama and the GOP-led Congress, the U.S. also removed the 40-year ban on crude oil exports, potentially allowing production to increase once prices rise.

So what this article is basically talking about is our great strides in oil production and trying to give that big-eared clown the credit simply because he didn't stop it. Obama is a liar.
If he didn't stop it, then he helped it.

Oh, these Republicans. They just can't give Obama credit for the good things he did.

No wonder they want to take credit for taking down Bin Laden.

How, pray tell did Obama "help" oil and gas production when it decreased on the land that he had control of? The only reason it increased is that he couldn't stop more drilling and the use of fracking on privately held lands! For him to turn around now and claim increased gas and oil production as something that HE did is downright laughable! The sad thing is that it simply underscores how little he really DID accomplish with the economy when he has to take credit for something he KNOWS he had nothing to do with!

Unbelievable. CNN actually wrote a half-honest story.

In your article it points out DumBama had little to do with oil. Advanced technology in fracking is what caused the over supply, and even your article points out how DumBama placed more restrictions on it. Highlights from you article:

*Energy experts argue Obama's policies overall have neither been a positive nor a negative for oil production.

*Obama did place some restrictions on fracking, though he hasn't moved to ban the controversial tactic as Bernie Sanders and other environmentalists want.

*On the other hand, under Obama and the GOP-led Congress, the U.S. also removed the 40-year ban on crude oil exports, potentially allowing production to increase once prices rise.

So what this article is basically talking about is our great strides in oil production and trying to give that big-eared clown the credit simply because he didn't stop it. Obama is a liar.
If he didn't stop it, then he helped it.

Oh, these Republicans. They just can't give Obama credit for the good things he did.

No wonder they want to take credit for taking down Bin Laden.

How, pray tell did Obama "help" oil and gas production when it decreased on the land that he had control of? The only reason it increased is that he couldn't stop more drilling and the use of fracking on privately held lands! For him to turn around now and claim increased gas and oil production as something that HE did is downright laughable! The sad thing is that it simply underscores how little he really DID accomplish with the economy when he has to take credit for something he KNOWS he had nothing to do with!

He's such a Clinton that guy. He said "under him" which implies it was because of him. He was in the right place at the right time, and now wants credit for that.
Isn’t it wierd that with all the wonderful things obama did none ofthem seem to happen until Trump was elected. Wierd huh.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

So what is the point of the statement, OIL production rose IN SPITE
OF the sorriest sob to ever be called an American. It was due to private development opening closed leases, to shit in his face not by opening the government leases that oshitscum closed.

He was the most economically successful President in history and it just kills Republicans who hate to give credit to a black man.
Isn’t it wierd that with all the wonderful things obama did none ofthem seem to happen until Trump was elected. Wierd huh.

MSM is pretty quiet about it and I can't blame them. But imagine if in Bush's first two years if he tried to take credit for something Clinton did.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

So what is the point of the statement, OIL production rose IN SPITE
OF the sorriest sob to ever be called an American. It was due to private development opening closed leases, to shit in his face not by opening the government leases that oshitscum closed.

He was the most economically successful President in history and it just kills Republicans who hate to give credit to a black man.

I'll give anybody credit that deserves it. But things that happened under DumBama doesn't mean it was orchestrated by him. The economy is a good example. DumBama was the most anti-business President in our lifetime.
It is irrelevant anyway. America is still only 11'th in proven oil reserves...miles behind the leaders (Canada, for example, has almost 5 times the proven oil reserves than America does).

All that is changed from a few years ago is America is now taking a MUCH higher percentage of her proven reserves than other top producing countries.
Which means she will run out of oil long before they do.

Country Comparison :: Crude oil - proved reserves — The World Factbook - Central Intelligence Agency
Isn’t it wierd that with all the wonderful things obama did none ofthem seem to happen until Trump was elected. Wierd huh.
What is "wierd" is how people like you can't even spell "weird" EVEN with the little red dotted line helping you. But that goes to prove how truly ignorant people like you are.
Tell me "WIERDO" who do you think cared about the environment more... Obama or Trump?
I'll give you a hint. Which would do more damage to the environment: 1 million barrels of oil traveling one mile on the open ocean or 700 barrels of oil traveling one mile on land?
Now a further hint "WIERDO"! Which President wanted to see 1 million barrels travel on the open ocean and which President said it was safer to join the other 185,000 miles of
petroleum pipelines and have JUST 700 barrels travel on DRY LAND! Give you a hint! It was not the President that approved the 700 barrels traveling on dry land BUT the President who said the following:
generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth.
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy
Obama’s control freak nature hindered oil exploration on private lands... fuck barry
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

So what is the point of the statement, OIL production rose IN SPITE
OF the sorriest sob to ever be called an American. It was due to private development opening closed leases, to shit in his face not by opening the government leases that oshitscum closed.

He was the most economically successful President in history and it just kills Republicans who hate to give credit to a black man.

Get serious! He oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and The Great Depression! His LACK of a plan to grow the economy turned a recession into The Great Recession! His skin pigmentation has zero to do with the fact that he essentially gave up on the economy after his stimulus didn't create jobs. Most Americans can't name WHO his economic advisors became after Larry Summers and Christina Romer both quit and ran back to tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley! The reason they can't is that the economy got put on a back burner as Barry concentrated on "social issues" and blaming Republicans for anything that wasn't working right which is rather ironic since the next thing up on the Democratic agenda before they got smoked in the 2010 mid terms was passing Cap & Trade legislation. That would have really FUBARED an economy that was already barely growing! Why would anyone even consider something like that with millions out of work for YEARS? Because liberals cared more about their agenda than they did about people!
you dont have to be a geologist or a historian to know that oil is somewhere deep down in everyone's emotions under two other names: wealth and power
I remember when Dem politicians shit themselves.

Gas prices had spiked under Obama due the Dem's war on oil, people started bitching about the high price of gas but Dem's refused to listen. UNTIL voters including many Dem voters ripped into Dem politicians about the high price of gas then Dem politicians fearing a voter backlash overnight started advocating drill baby drill right on que.

Naturally once things calmed down and gas prices lowered Dems broke all their drill baby drill promises and renewed their war on oil.

In reality gas prices spiked under Bush 43. It bounced back after the recession but never got as high again, yet.

U.S. All Grades All Formulations Retail Gasoline Prices (Dollars per Gallon)

Your deflection is noted. And when Dem politicians shit themselves under Obama, did a 180 and advocated for more oil drilling? Got anything to say about that? No, we didn't think so. lol

Calling out your lie that gas prices spiked under Obama is not a deflection. Production increased more due to crude oil prices rather than any thing the government did or didn't do.

Not because of Obama, in spite of Obama. Remember how the left lost their shit over fracking here I'll just laugh in your face :auiqs.jpg:

Here is from a guy who should KNOW!

Hofmeister said Obama opposed the energy industry at every turn with his actions against offshore drilling and his handling of the Keystone Pipeline.

“If anything, he was trying to frustrate the efforts by taking federal lands off of the availability list — putting them just, no more drilling [sic]. He shut down the Gulf of Mexico for a period of six months,” he said. “[He] changed the regulations from an average of 60 to 80 pages per permit to 600 to 800 pages per permit. He also never approved the Keystone XL pipeline after dangling all the potential customers for eight years. And it was in the eighth year when he said no Keystone Pipeline.”

“I would say that he was not a leader when it comes to energy,” Hofmeister said.
Former Shell Oil President Says Obama Had Nothing To Do With Increased Fuel Production

Remember these Obama statements about oil, gas prices and utilities!
Encouraged Brazil's oil production by telling them USA be their best customers! So much for USA energy independence!
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy
Obama’s control freak nature hindered oil exploration on private lands... fuck barry

That's correct.

Oil production increased while Zero was President but it did not
increase because Zero was President.

It was the States working with the Oil Companies and following
those ludicrous regulations that Zero was tossing at them. As long
as it was State Business...Zero couldn't get near it.

He did fight anyway he could. He put more land under Federal
Control and would not allow exploration. He closed the entire
Gulf of Mexico for 6 months. He put off the Keystone Pipeline
to his last year and then said..."No Way."

He cost the American Taxpayer 500 million bucks with his Solyndra

Oil production didn't increase because of increased in spite of

Now he lies. That is to be expected. He is Black and the first 10 things
that come out of his mouth will be lies. He can't help it. It's a "Black Thing,"
y'all wouldn't understand


along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it
What a bitch..


Nope, Obama is right. His policies did increase oil and gas drilling and immensely increased production of both.

Where the OP gets it wrong, is in comparing the number of oil and gas leases under Bush and Obama. Obama cancelled a lot of old leases on low yield lands where the tenant had held the lands for years and wasn't drilling. The leases he granted were to lands which showed strong potential and where the lessee had a proven success record in drilling. The result was a much higher production yield on the leases he granted.

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

So what is the point of the statement, OIL production rose IN SPITE
OF the sorriest sob to ever be called an American. It was due to private development opening closed leases, to shit in his face not by opening the government leases that oshitscum closed.

He was the most economically successful President in history and it just kills Republicans who hate to give credit to a black man.

What did he do?

You have to be the biggest Obama Kool aid drinker here..

He didn't do anything to help the economy, it was all Janet


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