Guess who was responsible for the USA being world's largest OIL producer?

oil has proved that it can be fool's gold.

the Shah of Iran was granted his most fervent wish, oil & wealth, and it destroyed him.

oil built up Mexico's economy, only to undermine it.

the Soviet Union squandered its enormous oil in an enormous military buildup and a series of useless and disastrous military adventures

and you about America's dependence on foreign oil.

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.

The only reason oil production rose was because most of it was drilled on private land; something the federal government has very little control over.

If it were up to DumBama, he would have stopped every drop of oil coming out of this country.

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.

The only reason oil production rose was because most of it was drilled on private land; something the federal government has very little control over.

If it were up to DumBama, he would have stopped every drop of oil coming out of this country.

As I said...private enterprise will prevail.

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.
Are you an idiot?
Do you think I have a "vaunted Big Government" attitude?
I was pointing out ONE simple FACT of the direct effect a President can have i.e. signing Federal leases! GEEZ and you interpret that as my "vaunted Big Government"?
Wow I truly now understand.
MAKE no mistake. I'm NOT a "big government" FAN! Contrary. That was my point about Obama signing all these executive orders, growing massively rules and regulations!
But you didn't get that did you?

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.
Are you an idiot?
Do you think I have a "vaunted Big Government" attitude?
I was pointing out ONE simple FACT of the direct effect a President can have i.e. signing Federal leases! GEEZ and you interpret that as my "vaunted Big Government"?
Wow I truly now understand.
MAKE no mistake. I'm NOT a "big government" FAN! Contrary. That was my point about Obama signing all these executive orders, growing massively rules and regulations!
But you didn't get that did you?

You are a Trump sheep, Trump is a big government dude, seems that makes you a big government fan.

According to Breitbart, he is about to sign a bumpstock ban.

Report: President Trump Signing Bump Stock Ban

View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.
Are you an idiot?
Do you think I have a "vaunted Big Government" attitude?
I was pointing out ONE simple FACT of the direct effect a President can have i.e. signing Federal leases! GEEZ and you interpret that as my "vaunted Big Government"?
Wow I truly now understand.
MAKE no mistake. I'm NOT a "big government" FAN! Contrary. That was my point about Obama signing all these executive orders, growing massively rules and regulations!
But you didn't get that did you?

You are a Trump sheep, Trump is a big government dude, seems that makes you a big government fan.

According to Breitbart, he is about to sign a bumpstock ban.

Report: President Trump Signing Bump Stock Ban

He then gets the support of the NRA dummy!
NRA Backs Regulation Of Bump Stocks, As Some Republicans Support A Ban
NRA Backs Regulation Of Bump Stocks, As Some Republicans Support A Ban
Trump opened ANWR as well as approved the major oil and gas pipelines needed to get the product to market. Obama did not allow the pipelines to be built. Obama was against oil and gas as energy sources.
View attachment 231636

along with Exxon and Chevron

Whomever is sitting in the White House ain't got jack shit to do with it

As I've pointed out countless times.... the ONLY direct way any President has any direct effect on the price of gas is:
1) signing or not signing Federal land leases to allow exploration on Federal lands. PERIOD!
2) The indirect methods are like what Obama did..
a) Executive orders to discourage oil exploration via EPA,etc. agencies rules and regulations.
b) Discouraging exploration by supporting taxes, ENCOURAGING foreign countries to increase their oil production by encouraging their sales in to the USA.
Obama did BOTH Direct by not signing leases and by discouraging oil exploration.

Those are the facts.

And yet, despite all that stuff from your vaunted Big Government, oil production still rose...because private enterprise will prevail.
Are you an idiot?
Do you think I have a "vaunted Big Government" attitude?
I was pointing out ONE simple FACT of the direct effect a President can have i.e. signing Federal leases! GEEZ and you interpret that as my "vaunted Big Government"?
Wow I truly now understand.
MAKE no mistake. I'm NOT a "big government" FAN! Contrary. That was my point about Obama signing all these executive orders, growing massively rules and regulations!
But you didn't get that did you?

You are a Trump sheep, Trump is a big government dude, seems that makes you a big government fan.

According to Breitbart, he is about to sign a bumpstock ban.

Report: President Trump Signing Bump Stock Ban

He then gets the support of the NRA dummy!
NRA Backs Regulation Of Bump Stocks, As Some Republicans Support A Ban
NRA Backs Regulation Of Bump Stocks, As Some Republicans Support A Ban

And that is all that matters, keeping groups happy so they will praise him holy name!
On Tuesday night, former President Barack Obama made a claim that was so transparently false and self-aggrandizing that it staggers the imagination just to think of the arrogance and audacity of the man. Speaking before a crowd at Rice University’s Baker Institute, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary, Obama claimed he was responsible for America’s surge to become the top oil and gas producer in the world, saying, That was me, people.”

"I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look, I know, I know we’re an oil country and we need American energy, and by the way American energy production. You wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And that whole, suddenly America’s like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people, I just wanted you to … so … so … it’s a little like sometimes you go to Wall Street and folks’ll be grumbling about anti-business and I said, “Have you checked where your stocks were when I came into office, where they are now? What are you talking, what are you complaining about?
Just say thank you, please. Because I want to raise your taxes a couple percent?

WATCH: Obama Brags, Makes Most Outrageous Statement Ever

This from the IDIOT who as president could do just one thing to affect whether the USA would be the leading oil producer or not. I'm shouting now! SIGN FEDERAL LAND OIL LEASES!
But here is the reality!
AND this is the SAME idiot that told Brazil..

“And when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers,”
said Obama to Brazil.
Obama Commits American Support to Brazilian Oil

Really and this idiot Obama has the stupidity to say "That was me people"
View attachment 231419
It was under Obama that we became the biggest oil producer, and at the same time he made fracking as safe as possible, dingbat.
History shows we've always been one of the top producers in the world. The latest increase is a result of the new technologies (brought on by the 100+ dollars a barrel oil of a few years ago), North Dakota, Texas and the Permian Basin. Furthermore Obama's offshore plan was more expansive that even 43's. If it weren't for the Horizon explosion.....
Another great GOP deregulation and corruption success!

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