Guess whos songs i blast from my radio today

You shouldn’t smoke Morti

With your weight you will not make 50

He doesn't work, doesn't have any physical hobbies, so he never gets stressed out enough to have a heart attack.

White people have been very very good to Mort. Eats all day, always has smokes, has an apartment with all the amenities, and free. Leaves him all day to dream up tales on how evul Whitey is n stuff, same as IM2 and Tammi.
Mort is headed for a heart attack or stroke at a young age.

Morbidly obese, no exercise, poor diet and a smoker

You sound jealous.

Smoking did kill my grandfather, though; keeled over at 93, after 75 years of chain smoking roll your owns.
You sound jealous.

Smoking did kill my grandfather, though; keeled over at 93, after 75 years of chain smoking roll your owns.

My Grandfather chain smoked three packs a day of non filtered Camels
He died at 59
Not a quick heart attack or stroke but five years of gasping for air
That's a great example of supportjing body positivity, and according to multiple obese people, they are in perfect health. Sounds like you are a fatphobic.

No, but I have seen what happens to people with horrible health habits
My Grandfather chain smoked three packs a day of non filtered Camels
He died at 59
Not a quick heart attack or stroke but five years of gasping for air
Smoking kills for sure but so does obesity, stress and just plain genetics.
IOW's we are all screwed.

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