GUILTY: Bill Cosby Convicted on 3 Counts. America's #Metoo Girls can claim a new WIN!

Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...

Yeah if you have ever read the posts of this OP troll,he has no conscience whatsoever on right and wrong.His sick ilk are a disgrace to mankind,sure wish that would happen to HIM sometime indeed.

as i said before,this troll doesnt know the difference in no evidence of a crime and smokes crack everyday that the worst wrongful convictions that ever took place were sirhan sirhan and james earl ray.he cant get around those pesky facts that there was not a shread of evidence they were behind those crimes and can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is both on THAT subject AND this one.

there is a "100" TIMES more solid proof that Bill Clinton sexually assualted women and there is on Cosboy and ye that fucking sad excuse for a human being gets off scott free while and innocent man goes to it is a fucked up world.:mad:
Bill Cosby found guilty of sexual assault in retrial

:11_2_1043: :thankusmile: ALL the Jurors! :thewave:

The Pink Happy Face, as more need to FALL!
#metoo.. Girls please come forward and take these
assholes down. We need more Great Douche girls
to exposed the Orange Turd!

Btw: Time for this guy too join the Great Douche Team!
Bill Cosby’s lawyer falls asleep during testimony

By the way since you KNOW NOTHING about LAW..

JUDGES ARE TELLING JURORS HOW TO VIEW A CASE WHICH IS ILLEGAL.. half the dumbed down public isn't even aware of that.....


We convicted them on three things, and we really didn't want to convict them on anything. But we had to, because of the way the judge said the only thing that you can use is what you get under the law... I would have loved to hold up a flag to show them we approved of what they were doing. It was very difficult for us to bring in that conviction.

The nullification principle involves the power to say no to the excesses of government, and thus serves as a final defense against tyranny. As Thomas Jefferson put it to Tom Paine in a 1789 letter, "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution." To get in touch with the fully informed jury movement write: Fully Informed Jury Association, Box 59, Helmville MT 5984, 406-793-5550

"If a juror feels that the statute involved in any criminal offence is unfair, or that it infringes upon the defendant's natural god-given unalienable or constitutional rights, then it is his duty to affirm that the offending statute is really no law at all and that the violation of it is no crime at all, for no one is bound to obey an unjust law." -- Chief Justice Harlan F. Stone

Jury Nullification: What lawyers and judges won't tell you about juries by Sam Smith, Progressive Review
That happens all the time in southern red WN States. Your point?
I can't count the times I've not like a judge's rulings. After being appointed. I'm for them
to stand for elections every 4-6 years So their worst case rulings can be judged by the public.
Same every 10 years for SCOTUS justices as well. Cosby claims to want to file an appeal. Have at it.
If it was up to me I'd have Cosby's dick cut off and stuffed in his mouth,,but that's just me
the troll,the OP as always is shitting all over the floor as always like the sad excuse filth he is a always.:9: His sick filth give the human race a bad name. like mindwars said so well and brilliantly,too bad no girl with no proof or evidence has said that about him and he is in jail for that which would be a great BLESSING on mankind.
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Two or more women, if you knew that bitch man hating attorney you would see why so many people DONT BELIEVE THEM.......

AND 50 WOMEN REALLY........... and not one of them pulled off a law suite fifty years ago... Mmmk

Where is HUGH HEFFNER in all of this how his he off scott free, why is he n ot responsible for UNDER AGE PARTING held at his mansion

Paid off, there are abilities do to this, cover ups ever hear of that. methods to do that are easy.

Open the eyes and and a whole new world of reality is given to those who think we have such HONEST PPL and LAWS we don't....... and it's in PLAIN VIEW......

Now i'm am NOT saying Cosby is totally innocent......

I AM ARGUING NO PROOF --------------
I AM ARUGING.. this is a danger to ALL MEN .......what about your sons
what about custody battles when a mother wants to keep those kids.....

are people in such a closet they aren't aware of what CROOKED BS ppl will do or say when it comes to MONEY, and or Power....

That GLORIA is a radical feminist man hating bitch so is her daughter they get off on going after men because she has an equality and mental issue against men.

They wrongfully go after men, there is a difference when you go after someone based solely on the JOB of the attorney to prove innocent or guilty, but when you are the mindset of these two losers ( her daughter too), then these women go for the juggler using emotions, vindictiveness, lies, and will stop at nothing to prosecute someone guilty or not..

It's not the best way to prove someone is guilty because you hate men,.


The feminist lawyer going after America's powerful men

I argue more tor the methods used against the law than arguing any of this based on a defense for Cosby......

It all comes down to if they can do this to him imagine what they can and will start doing to those who can't even come close to the money this guy has..........
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Do you realize how many LIE
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Do you realize how many LIE

well he LIES for the democrats CONSTANTLY here everyday and blatantly ignores their corruption which makes it pretty obvious he is on the DNC payroll. he had a banning recently,too bad it was not a PERM banning.
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Two or more women, if you knew that bitch man hating attorney you would see why so many people DONT BELIEVE THEM.......

AND 50 WOMEN REALLY........... and not one of them pulled off a law suite fifty years ago... Mmmk

Where is HUGH HEFFNER in all of this how his he off scott free, why is he n ot responsible for UNDER AGE PARTING held at his mansion

Paid off, there are abilities do to this, cover ups ever hear of that. methods to do that are easy.

Open the eyes and and a whole new world of reality is given to those who think we have such HONEST PPL and LAWS we don't....... and it's in PLAIN VIEW......

Now i'm am NOT saying Cosby is totally innocent......

I AM ARGUING NO PROOF --------------
I AM ARUGING.. this is a danger to ALL MEN .......what about your sons
what about custody battles when a mother wants to keep those kids.....

are people in such a closet they aren't aware of what CROOKED BS ppl will do or say when it comes to MONEY, and or Power....

That GLORIA is a radical feminist man hating bitch so is her daughter they get off on going after men because she has an equality and mental issue against men.

They wrongfully go after men, there is a difference when you go after someone based solely on the JOB of the attorney to prove innocent or guilty, but when you are the mindset of these two losers ( her daughter too), then these women go for the juggler using emotions, vindictiveness, lies, and will stop at nothing to prosecute someone guilty or not..

It's not the best way to prove someone is guilty because you hate men,.

View attachment 190450

The feminist lawyer going after America's powerful men

I argue more tor the methods used against the law than arguing any of this based on a defense for Cosby......

It all comes down to if they can do this to him imagine what they can and will start doing to those who can't even come close to the money this guy has..........
HUGH has been dead a while now
The RNC has not claimed that privilege. The DNC has been exposed as frauds and were sued by Bernie supporters, where their defense was to proudly admit it.

Who is running that outfit, anyway?
You forget the gop did the same thing to Ron Paul? They forced romney on you.
Can you cite the court case for us?
It didn’t go to court. Ron Paul didn’t push it.

Are you too young to remember?
Yes. Did the RNC's super duper delegates put Romney over the top, or did he own the RNC?
You know what I mean. Anyways my point is they are private organizations bothe the rnc and dnc. They can do what they want. What laws were broken?

Are you being petty? Because this is how you feel about stormy Daniels. And Russia collusion.

Do you even care about Bernie?

Not only have some of Mr. Cosby accuser's been caught in lies, but some have credibility issues due to their past legal problems and criminal histories. Former playboy bunny P.F. Masten, who is currently accusing Mr. Cosby of rape, once accused Marv Albert of rape when he was having his bout of legal trouble (back then she was referred to as Patricia Masten). Marv Albert was in hot water for allegedly raping and biting a woman. Masten joined the Gloria Allred-led lawsuit and claimed that Marv Albert had raped and bitten her, too.
Examining Bill Cosby's Accusers



something the LEFTIST are a little to stupid to realize " THIS STUFF REALLY GOES ON" In real life.

I argue for the STAUTE OF LIMITATIONS and not nec. if the ACT WAS DONE OR NOT..
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Two or more women, if you knew that bitch man hating attorney you would see why so many people DONT BELIEVE THEM.......

AND 50 WOMEN REALLY........... and not one of them pulled off a law suite fifty years ago... Mmmk

Where is HUGH HEFFNER in all of this how his he off scott free, why is he n ot responsible for UNDER AGE PARTING held at his mansion

Paid off, there are abilities do to this, cover ups ever hear of that. methods to do that are easy.

Open the eyes and and a whole new world of reality is given to those who think we have such HONEST PPL and LAWS we don't....... and it's in PLAIN VIEW......

Now i'm am NOT saying Cosby is totally innocent......

I AM ARGUING NO PROOF --------------
I AM ARUGING.. this is a danger to ALL MEN .......what about your sons
what about custody battles when a mother wants to keep those kids.....

are people in such a closet they aren't aware of what CROOKED BS ppl will do or say when it comes to MONEY, and or Power....

That GLORIA is a radical feminist man hating bitch so is her daughter they get off on going after men because she has an equality and mental issue against men.

They wrongfully go after men, there is a difference when you go after someone based solely on the JOB of the attorney to prove innocent or guilty, but when you are the mindset of these two losers ( her daughter too), then these women go for the juggler using emotions, vindictiveness, lies, and will stop at nothing to prosecute someone guilty or not..

It's not the best way to prove someone is guilty because you hate men,.

View attachment 190450

The feminist lawyer going after America's powerful men

I argue more tor the methods used against the law than arguing any of this based on a defense for Cosby......

It all comes down to if they can do this to him imagine what they can and will start doing to those who can't even come close to the money this guy has..........
HUGH has been dead a while now

I'm mention him because his accusers were at his home at the time they say Cosby did you mean to tell me " while alive" he never was accused either Mmm k.

funny how these GOLD DIGGER waited until he died to go after Cosby now isn't it.

Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...

I can see your point. If one comes forward claiming sexual assault, you can still look at these peoples total lifetime past if allowable, Or not with others. Both sides are allowed to bring this information into their cases, See what the judge allows. As to convicting them. Jurors are liars when they vote. Laws or instruction are just words. But, FFS.. If 40-60 claims the same treatments. You have a serial predator. I recall in the OJ trial, his past actions were allowed in many ways by both sides. There was no evidence he did anythang, and got the right verdict. Anyhow, Ron's daddy killed them both. As his son was dating a non jew. You need to have a baby with a Jewish women to be Jewish. Ron saw this murder and was going to call the police. So, Fred had to do the right thang and kill him as well..
Killing his son to keep the good family name.
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Two or more women, if you knew that bitch man hating attorney you would see why so many people DONT BELIEVE THEM.......

AND 50 WOMEN REALLY........... and not one of them pulled off a law suite fifty years ago... Mmmk

Where is HUGH HEFFNER in all of this how his he off scott free, why is he n ot responsible for UNDER AGE PARTING held at his mansion

Paid off, there are abilities do to this, cover ups ever hear of that. methods to do that are easy.

Open the eyes and and a whole new world of reality is given to those who think we have such HONEST PPL and LAWS we don't....... and it's in PLAIN VIEW......

Now i'm am NOT saying Cosby is totally innocent......

I AM ARGUING NO PROOF --------------
I AM ARUGING.. this is a danger to ALL MEN .......what about your sons
what about custody battles when a mother wants to keep those kids.....

are people in such a closet they aren't aware of what CROOKED BS ppl will do or say when it comes to MONEY, and or Power....

That GLORIA is a radical feminist man hating bitch so is her daughter they get off on going after men because she has an equality and mental issue against men.

They wrongfully go after men, there is a difference when you go after someone based solely on the JOB of the attorney to prove innocent or guilty, but when you are the mindset of these two losers ( her daughter too), then these women go for the juggler using emotions, vindictiveness, lies, and will stop at nothing to prosecute someone guilty or not..

It's not the best way to prove someone is guilty because you hate men,.

View attachment 190450

The feminist lawyer going after America's powerful men

I argue more tor the methods used against the law than arguing any of this based on a defense for Cosby......

It all comes down to if they can do this to him imagine what they can and will start doing to those who can't even come close to the money this guy has..........
HUGH has been dead a while now

I'm mention him because his accusers were at his home at the time they say Cosby did you mean to tell me " while alive" he never was accused either Mmm k.

funny how these GOLD DIGGER waited until he died to go after Cosby now isn't it.



  • AC685917-48F1-47CD-AD7A-E558B9AEACB1.jpeg
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Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill
Everyone read post #256 above again, and again till it sinks IN!
Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill

Two or more women, if you knew that bitch man hating attorney you would see why so many people DONT BELIEVE THEM.......

AND 50 WOMEN REALLY........... and not one of them pulled off a law suite fifty years ago... Mmmk

Where is HUGH HEFFNER in all of this how his he off scott free, why is he n ot responsible for UNDER AGE PARTING held at his mansion

Paid off, there are abilities do to this, cover ups ever hear of that. methods to do that are easy.

Open the eyes and and a whole new world of reality is given to those who think we have such HONEST PPL and LAWS we don't....... and it's in PLAIN VIEW......

Now i'm am NOT saying Cosby is totally innocent......

I AM ARGUING NO PROOF --------------
I AM ARUGING.. this is a danger to ALL MEN .......what about your sons
what about custody battles when a mother wants to keep those kids.....

are people in such a closet they aren't aware of what CROOKED BS ppl will do or say when it comes to MONEY, and or Power....

That GLORIA is a radical feminist man hating bitch so is her daughter they get off on going after men because she has an equality and mental issue against men.

They wrongfully go after men, there is a difference when you go after someone based solely on the JOB of the attorney to prove innocent or guilty, but when you are the mindset of these two losers ( her daughter too), then these women go for the juggler using emotions, vindictiveness, lies, and will stop at nothing to prosecute someone guilty or not..

It's not the best way to prove someone is guilty because you hate men,.

View attachment 190450

The feminist lawyer going after America's powerful men

I argue more tor the methods used against the law than arguing any of this based on a defense for Cosby......

It all comes down to if they can do this to him imagine what they can and will start doing to those who can't even come close to the money this guy has..........
HUGH has been dead a while now

I'm mention him because his accusers were at his home at the time they say Cosby did you mean to tell me " while alive" he never was accused either Mmm k.

funny how these GOLD DIGGER waited until he died to go after Cosby now isn't it.


You really mean....

Can't wait for some lying bitch to come and accuse one of you males for something 15 yrs ago and just cause she said you go to prison. LMFAO oh the irony the sad part missing you stupid asses fk yourselves with your own lustful greed of joy all the while being to stupid to realize the constitution doesn't exist to protect you any more thanks to pathetic leftist assholes who cheer shit like this......


Hey I was so stoned, I don't remember a thing but I was raped Mmmmmk.......

We here by sentence you to fifty years in prison......

Wait until one of you stupid asses get a vindictive wife that wants a divorce from you and wan'ts to make sure she GETS THOSE KIDS.... she'll just call you a child molester

There goes your innocence project LOL..

or another scenario ......... He raped me once and I didn't want to do it we were drunk and I didn't give my consent..

LMFAO you stupid leftist fks ...
If 2 or more women come out against you what then? Maybe there’s something to their stories.

Maybe bill thought like you. His word against hers. He didn’t realize 6 women would testify.

They weren’t lyin about bill
Everyone read post #256 above again, and again till it sinks IN!

None of the accusers whose testimony was an integral part of the case against Cosby had their claims investigated as the incidents were more than 30 years old. They had some things in common though, all were represented in civil suits seeking monetary damages by Gloria Allred, an attorney who has also represented accusers against Cosby whose stories were exposed as fabrications., all admitted to taking the drugs voluntarily and that Cosby swallowed them as well. Cosby himself admitted to sharing these drugs in his liaisons with women. What’s not reported is that this media hyped drugging was actually a voluntary shared experience, meant to increase pleasure. He also claimed that this pattern of drug sharing stopped early in his career. Also Constand initially declined to cooperate with the prosecution, but later changed her position. Why was she initially opposed? Was she threatened with a charge of perjury by prosecutors if she didn’t cooperate? Why was she quiet and subdued after the guilty verdict? Maybe only then did she realize that the scheme to extort almost 4 million dollars from Cosby would morph beyond her control into a veritable death sentence for her victim. Convicting anyone with absolutely no credible evidence, leaves the system broken and at the mercy of current public hysterics.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
None of the accusers whose testimony was an integral part of the case against Cosby had their claims investigated as the incidents were more than 30 years old. They had some things in common though, all were represented in civil suits seeking monetary damages by Gloria Allred, an attorney who has also represented accusers against Cosby whose stories were exposed as fabrications., all admitted to taking the drugs voluntarily and that Cosby swallowed them as well. Cosby himself admitted to sharing these drugs in his liaisons with women. What’s not reported is that this media hyped drugging was actually a voluntary shared experience, meant to increase pleasure. He also claimed that this pattern of drug sharing stopped early in his career. Also Constand initially declined to cooperate with the prosecution, but later changed her position. Why was she initially opposed? Was she threatened with a charge of perjury by prosecutors if she didn’t cooperate? Why was she quiet and subdued after the guilty verdict? Maybe only then did she realize that the scheme to extort almost 4 million dollars from Cosby would morph beyond her control into a veritable death sentence for her victim. Convicting anyone with absolutely no credible evidence, leaves the system broken and at the mercy of current public hysterics.

Okay, let's ratchet the hysteria down a bit.

Cosby got better legal representation than most poor black folks who find themselves in the Criminal Justice system.

when 65 women all tell the same story, this isn't just some fooling around that went off the rails, this is a serial predator.

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