Gun Confiscation Has Begun


Dec 23, 2012
The US, is among a very few countries that have the right to bear arms, but now the disarming of America has begun:

- [ame=]Gun Confiscation has Begun: Gun Owner Alert! - YouTube[/ame]
Go into any gun store these days......places are packed. I purchased a new Rossi R92 .44 Magnum lever action yesterday. What a sweet little rifle.....and fires a slug that can easily penetrate a garbage dumpster. Some guy was in there purchasing a handgun that made Eastwoods 357 Magnum look like a tinker toy.

The gun grabbers will fail although clearly the push is on by the big boys to disarm everybody. But have no fear.....there are tens of millions of Americans who would sooner die then turn in their weapons to the government. Expect some kind of false flag operation in the coming months though to renew the push, but make no mistake. The limpwristed dont want to know their country if the government pushes too far.......they really dont and just dont realize it.
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.

Why the hell don't you cop to being a limp wristed Liberal, Jake? Your insistence that you are the real "Republican Party" is very tired. We already have a party of namby pambys that think infringing the rights of the law abiding will make us "safer"

Please Jake, do us all a favor and change your affiliation to "Democrat".
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.

Why the hell don't you cop to being a limp wristed Liberal, Jake? Your insistence that you are the real "Republican Party" is very tired. We already have a party of namby pambys that think infringing the rights of the law abiding will make us "safer"

Please Jake, do us all a favor and change your affiliation to "Democrat".
I wonder what would happen if everyone just said they misplaced their guns years ago...
I got a pink bb gun. let's see them take that. Lol.

I'll shoot their eye out. :)
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.

Why the hell don't you cop to being a limp wristed Liberal, Jake? Your insistence that you are the real "Republican Party" is very tired. We already have a party of namby pambys that think infringing the rights of the law abiding will make us "safer"

Please Jake, do us all a favor and change your affiliation to "Democrat".

The Republican mainstream does not want the doosh yidnar or the doosh Ernie S

Your ways cost the GOP the election. That won't happen in 2016, because we won't put with you anymore.
Word is that the AWB ban, the mag ban and universal background checks will never see the SENATE floor.

Poor anti-gun loons -- better go pray for some more dead schoolkids.
Oh, for gosh sakes! National Guard at the Texas Independence Day celebrations? Wow! Whoulda' thunk that? Armed predators? Foreign takeover of America? Troops directing traffic in Austin? OOOOOO!

Claims by the hundreds..without one, single, solitary shred of evidence! Not one!

What kind of looney moron would believe this shit?
There are plenty of loony "maroons" who do believe this kind of nonsense. In fact, they thrive on it and the gun cartel knows it.

Its the lies that are selling the guns to the gullible.
I have found it consistently true that the baggage has already left the station, in advance, for people who get their information from Prison Planet.
Oh, for gosh sakes! National Guard at the Texas Independence Day celebrations? Wow! Whoulda' thunk that? Armed predators? Foreign takeover of America? Troops directing traffic in Austin? OOOOOO!

Claims by the hundreds..without one, single, solitary shred of evidence! Not one!

What kind of looney moron would believe this shit?

Why, they’re right here in this very thread.

More nitwits from the right will likely join them.
Can we get a link to the economiccollapseblog in here? We can start a feeding frenzy of paranoid nutbugs buying fear. Ladel it like chum onto your website's headlines, watch the mindless feeders gorge.

Economic collapse, zombies going to get you, gubermint gonna take the guns, yadda, yadda, these fruitloops are an endless source of wonder. Talk about spending big money on something that they will never use, and is far more likely to be used on them by friends or family than ever used in defense of the same.
The big guys are doing nothing of the sort.

The reactionaries, like the sheeple they are, are being led to the gun stores so the few can get incredibly rich.

Then how do you explain all the other crap thats going on? Personally I believe he's right.
Democrats hate large corporations,but for the wrong reasons. As a republican who is pro business what I'm seeing these days is disturbing to say the least.
We now have a homeland military with no connection to our military. Now why would they need something like that?
Way to much weird shit going on for my taste. I most definitely dont have the warm fuzzies these days.
If one wants to retain their property and fear it may be confiscated, one option is to bury it.
4-6 inch PVC pipe cut to length, and end caps glued on make a nice waterproof case for certain items one may be concerned about losing. Any metal item placed underground should have a light coating of machine oil to prevent oxidation. Remote caches, away from your home are one option. The danger is discovery by a stranger. Caches on one's property can be concealed by burying several metal objects around, below and above the cache. Old washing machines work great for this purpose.
If one wants to retain their property and fear it may be confiscated, one option is to bury it.
4-6 inch PVC pipe cut to length, and end caps glued on make a nice waterproof case for certain items one may be concerned about losing. Any metal item placed underground should have a light coating of machine oil to prevent oxidation. Remote caches, away from your home are one option. The danger is discovery by a stranger. Caches on one's property can be concealed by burying several metal objects around, below and above the cache. Old washing machines work great for this purpose.

Dont forget the sodium silicate packets.

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