Gun Confiscation Ongoing in the USA TODAY


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Legalized Theft of Guns

An anti-freedom policy has been spreading across United States police departments, the legalized theft of citizens guns.

Recently, it occurred in Georgia. I am not talking about forfeiture laws. They are related but have been covered elsewhere.

This is a problem in many urban areas, and it is spreading. The policy is to impound guns, in extreme cases, all guns that officers come across, whether involved in any crime or not, then to refuse to return the guns until a judge issues an order to return them. As the attorney fees needed to obtain a court order can easily be 10 times what the gun is worth, most people do not bother.

It is a form of legalized theft.

I first learned of this policy from students who were or who had lived in California. I had numerous students who had dealings with the LAPD. I started hearing stories about how guns were seized, even if there were no crime involved. If an officer came across a gun, it was seized, and it would not be returned until the LAPD received a court order demanding that it be returned. As hiring a lawyer to obtain a court order could easily cost thousands of dollars, very few people even tried. I also heard that some judges, who had a personal animus toward firearms ownership, simply refused to grant an order.

So the gun grabbing libtards are lying again.

No fucking surprise there at all.
Gets particularly interesting at 8:00

[ame=]Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns - YouTube[/ame]
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