Gun Control and Logic

He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

If you use the term "Assault Rifle" you are right. But when you use the term "AR-15 and it's various clones" then you are wrong in both the voters and the Courts. Stop making shit up.
Or IOW a common rifle chambered for 5.56 mm rounds that has some black plastic accessories
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.

That's why there are no Dem Patriots

Just because you say so? Get friggin real, cupcake.

And we are supposed to listen to you just because you say so?

I'll add hypocrite to my list of adjectives for you
Shit, didn’t realize that’d go that far over your. I honestly have to rack my brain to dumb that down even more for you. Give me minute while I think.
Take your time. It's not the first time the subject of courage has stumped someone on this board.
you said you are the master of your fear,,,

so do you have a smoke detector???if so why

do you wear your seat belt?? if so why???
I have gun(s) and I am not the least bit afraid the government will ever take it/them. Not because the right is mounting some brave fight to keep them but because the very idea is ludicrous. For every one of you people who see guns as a political statement there are many more who do not fetishize guns. People have guns for protection, hunting and leisure, that's fine, but when they start talking about civil wars and government conspiracies they are not helping their side of the argument.

that wasnt my question,,,
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.

The police have no legal obligation to come to your aid if you think the cops will stop some criminal(s) from invading your home, you sir are an idiot
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.

No one is going to be getting into a firefight in any self defense situation
Yea, but no. Revolvers are dumb for self defense, which is why the New Zealand’s new gun control laws the left is pushing for are bullshit. Change my mind. Less mantienance blah blah blah, I don’t care. It’s like, hey you can drive this old ass car with no power steering and breaks which means less maintainence and it’s got that classic look...nope, I’m good with the not so antiquated. Sorry if your a revolver guy, you’re not gonna shoot a snake on a rocking boat either. That’s just silly. You’d be lucky to do so with a sawed off.
Okay, I'll take the bait. You seem to consider revolvers obsolete; if this is what you believe, please explain your logic.
No bait, I thought that’s what you were getting hung up on. But yes, revolvers are kind of obsolete to a semi auto pistol. The trigger pull on them takes about 3 times the force as a semi auto. It’s like 5 lbs vs 12-15 lbs. Using that much force to pull the trigger tends to shift the gun, especially in a real life or death adrenaline fuels situation.
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He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.
Yeah tough guy already been there, and you don't know who I am, all you are is fucking liar.

I stand corrected. For you I have a different plan. Get up, clean up (Shit Shower Shave) Shoot you in the foot, go to breakfast, go out into the field, get the job done, return to base, end the day. And we all live to see another day including you.

So you fantasize about shooting people. Interesting
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WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

I am quite right and you know it. It's been upheld in the courts. And the Municipals have even more power along those lines. Yah, I know, it's all against the Constitution and it's a Conspiracy and all that.
just because some dem or repube judge said its true doesnt mean its true,,,

It's legal. You want it to change, change the laws. Simple as that. Get off your ass and get your own candidates into office.
I like the law the way it reads,,,its dems and repubes that have the problem,,,,its them we need to get rid of

Actually, as of last week, so do I. In Colorado, the last piece fell into place. We don't need anymore gun laws. And it's working. Now, if only Kansas would stop selling our border people firearms without back ground checks we would be much happier. Same goes for Oklahoma and Arizona. But that is such a small amount it's really not worth worrying about. We went from the #1 Mass Shooting State to the Zero Mass Shooting State. We also keep over 120 vicious felons per year from buying guns with our background checks by busting them and getting them back into Prison. Funny about that, the gunnutters say they want to be tough with the criminals yet when we stop them from buying guns that they clearly are not supposed to have and send them back to prison for buying those guns then we are inhibiting their rights. Then they say that we need to be tougher on criminals. Which is it? Meanwhile, over 600K of background checks were done successfully.

In a couple of months, I need to purchase a little 380. It will take me about 10 minutes time from the time I enter the store to the time I walk out of the store with the gun. Or maybe a little 38 special 5 shot revolver. Either way, it's no big thing Like I said, I like the laws as they are. We have enough. Not too many and not too few.

You do know it is illegal to buy a gun in another state without that gun being shipped to an FFL dealer in you state of residence don' you?

So I guess all those CO gun laws don't do shit to stop the illegal transfer of guns

An in CO an AR 15 is perfectly legal if it doesn't have a couple add on doodads
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?
If guns lowered crime we would have the lowest crime rates in the world.

I don't care if guns lower crime or not.
Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.

What common sense gun laws....? Please name them, then explain exactly what you think those "common sense" gun laws actually do.....

What phantom fears? You have various cities banning semi-automatic firearms...that would be almost every gun including revolvers, and semi-auto shotguns...and if they ban those, what makes you think they will stop there? We know from actual real world experience in Germany, France, Britain, Canada, Australia that first comes gun registration, and then, gun we are now seeing in New Zealand....

You don't understand the issue, you don't understand the mind set of anti-gunners...they want to ban all guns, not just some guns....
I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.

And no one is actually ‘anti-gun’ – there are those who advocate for a new AWB, for example, but they make up such a tiny minority that they render a new ban virtually impossible.

But conservatives are going to continue to propagate that unwarranted fear regardless the facts.

The entire leadership of the democrat party wants to ban private ownership of guns....that is a fact.....that "tiny minority" is in control of one of the two political parties in this country, and they plan on acting on their anti-gun beliefs if they finally get the judges they need to ban guns.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.
You mean like the democrats who want to confiscate guns or the demo congressman who talked about using nukes on Americans.
During the war for independence from england Patriots not only had to fit the british but americans who were loyal to the crown this also happened during the civil war when Americans who wanted slaves tried to leave the union.
At times Americans have taken up arms aginst their fellow Americans to fight for the values they believe in.
In both instances the right side won and in both instances the gun settled the debate.
Or second Amendment is there to assure that freedoms of the American public are assured for those willing to fight for their rights and others to be free.

The Second Amendment codifies an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to ‘fight crime’ or ‘oppose tyranny.’

The Framers did not amend the Founding Document to authorize the destruction of the Republic and Constitution they had just created.
Yes they did, we know this because they wrote a shit ton about the future possibility of having to fight the government they were creating, and why they put in the 2nd amendment. It’s also easy to infer since they were citizens, who had to overthrow their own government, in a war that started with that government sending troops to disarm them. It turns out, being able to read what people wrote about a subject is a great way to learn about their intentions. Ugh, Clayton go away, you’re like a flat earther when it comes to the founders intentions.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
…consistent with Second Amendment case law – neither the Federal government nor state governments may violate that case law.

Judges in the 4th, 9th and 2nd Circuit courts of appeal are already violating the Heller decision, the Caetano decision and ignoring Scalia and what he wrote in the Friedman v Highland park you are wrong....again.
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.

What common sense gun laws....? Please name them, then explain exactly what you think those "common sense" gun laws actually do.....

What phantom fears? You have various cities banning semi-automatic firearms...that would be almost every gun including revolvers, and semi-auto shotguns...and if they ban those, what makes you think they will stop there? We know from actual real world experience in Germany, France, Britain, Canada, Australia that first comes gun registration, and then, gun we are now seeing in New Zealand....

You don't understand the issue, you don't understand the mind set of anti-gunners...they want to ban all guns, not just some guns....
Technically not revolvers, not semi-auto. But those would obviously be next because they’re so evil with their ability to be concealed. After all, if you could conceal a hitler in your wasteband that you could pull out and start shooting holocuasts at people...wouldn’t you ban it if you could?
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
This “patriotic” guy intentionally shit his pants in public to get out of the draft.

So there’s that
Universal background checks take “liberty” away from who exactly?
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.

What common sense gun laws....? Please name them, then explain exactly what you think those "common sense" gun laws actually do.....

What phantom fears? You have various cities banning semi-automatic firearms...that would be almost every gun including revolvers, and semi-auto shotguns...and if they ban those, what makes you think they will stop there? We know from actual real world experience in Germany, France, Britain, Canada, Australia that first comes gun registration, and then, gun we are now seeing in New Zealand....

You don't understand the issue, you don't understand the mind set of anti-gunners...they want to ban all guns, not just some guns....
lol, these scum always cry common sense, and they NEVER name them.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
This “patriotic” guy intentionally shit his pants in public to get out of the draft.

So there’s that

And that is a lie...... He explains where that rumor came from in his interview with Joe Rogan on Rogan's podcast......
Universal background checks take “liberty” away from who exactly?

If it costs money, then it is taking a Right away from people who can't afford to pay for the check....that is taking liberty away from the poor....... especially minorities.

Also....what is it with you guys and Universal Background checks? Could you please explain what Universal Background checks actually do that makes you so in love with them?

Current, federally mandated background checks are avoided by criminals.....they use straw buyers...people who can actually pass the background check, which means they will be able to pass a universal background check for a private criminals won't be affected by them....or the criminal steals the gun, again, avoiding any background check.

Mass public shooters? Almost every single mass public shooter has passed every background check for every gun they purchased...including the Vegas shooter, the Orlando shooter, the Texas Church shooter.....and the ones who couldn't pass a background check...the Columbine shooters? They used a straw individual who passed background checks...

So again...why are you so in love with universal background checks? Please, explain this completely irrational love affair with this ineffective UBC fixation...
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.

That's why there are no Dem Patriots

Just because you say so? Get friggin real, cupcake.

Sorry pop my point stands.

"Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time."

Progs and Patriotism are diametrically opposing positions.

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