Gun Control and Logic

Regulation within reason of anything is the key phrase.
With "reason" being they key word - reasoned arguments by people capable of arguing with reason
Arguments for the necessity of a law based on fallacious appeals to emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty aren't reasoned, and the people who present such arguments aren't reasonable
Regulation within reason of anything is the key phrase. Overregulation has negative effects. In the the case of guns, you can overregulste to the point where the law has essentially ceded to adversaries and rendered more risk and less rights to the law abiding citizen.
You know, that's an interesting point.

It was government over-regulation (the 18th Amendment prohibition on alcohol) that created the need for more government over-regulation (1934 Firearms Act). Government created a black market for alcohol, then had to go after a weapon of mobster choice (the Tommy Gun) with more government action.

Over-regulation not only frustrates the liberty of those over-regulated, but it also creates the necessity for MORE over-regulation. It's a vicious cycle of government intrusion.

There are COUNTLESS examples of government over-reach creating the need for MORE government over-reach. Thomas Jefferson had foreseen it and lamented the inevitable course all governments take.

Government is rarely the solution, but does a great job of providing more solutions to the problems it creates, which were created to solve some other problem...probably created by government.

Government: The cause of....and solution to....all of life's problems.

Arguments for the necessity of a law based on fallacious appeals to emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty aren't reasoned, and the people who present such arguments aren't reasonable
...and said people are typically up to no good, and must therefore be swiftly taken to the nearest and busiest local street intersection and hanged by the neck until dead, the body to remain in state until the flesh is picked from the bones by the crows and vultures, as a warning to all other potential usurpers.

Arguments for the necessity of a law based on fallacious appeals to emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty aren't reasoned, and the people who present such arguments aren't reasonable
...and said people are typically up to no good, and must therefore be swiftly taken to the nearest and busiest local street intersection and hanged by the neck until dead, the body to remain in state until the flesh is picked from the bones by the crows and vultures, as a warning to all other potential usurpers.
I'd first give them the opportunity to change their mind, but...
Daryl Hunt believes in the damaging, horrible Leftist policies that create gun violence......therefore he will always fail to see that those policies are the problem, and NOT the guns.
For those with a reasonably intact mind, here's a short history of the NRA. It was formed in 1871 by two Union soldiers who had concerns that their troops couldn't hit anything with a rifle. Its mission was to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis". The weapons involved were the same as those used by the military, and though NRA programs have been expanded this pattern continues to this day, i.e. well trained civilian marksmen, able to defend themselves, their loved ones, and our country.

The "military vs civilian" firearms is a ruse concocted by anti-gun Leftists/Marxists, and promoted by radicalized flunkies such as Daryl Hunt.

Bottom line, there has always been a strong connection between firearms used by the military and those used by civilians, because true Patriots see no separation in ideology between these groups. The NRA has never strayed from this mission.

doesnt the NRA support banning of "WEAPONS OF WAR" style firearms???

as well as other restrictions???

oh how times have changed

No, the NRA is against almost all gun regs. They didn't used to be. They supported the 1934 Firearms Act but stopped supporting it sometime in the 70s. Before the 70s, the NRA worked with the Schools, Boy Scouts, etc. for gun safety and more. Their programs were the top programs in the nation. The go to for every one. Today, they do less and less of this and are primarily working towards getting rid of any and all gun regs through their political wing using litigation using large donations from the various gun manufacturers. They sell guns in a round about way and protect the assets of the Gun manufacturers above all else.

I used to be a NRA member until they changed under new management.

you ever gonna step up and tell us what you think the 2nd should say???

and sorry youre wrong about the NRA and their record proves it

You first. You tell me what it should read. I think you know it is too ambiguous as it is written. Especially the part about the Militia which no longer applies and hasn't since 1917. And please, don't just use those few words of the last phrase. Modernize it.

And nope, I am not. I used to be a NRA member. I left it sometime in the 70s when it got a change in management and completely changed it's mission. It no longer did all the really good things as it's sole mission anymore. It started working for the Gun Manufactures instead of the greater good of the young people.
as I've said several times, its fine as written,,your turn

and sorry the NRA's record speaks for itself

What you are really saying is that you have no room for discussion. That pretty well ends any discussion on this end as well. Have a nice day.
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?
You'll get no argument from me.
There still is a cult. You are part of that cult. But it's getting smaller every day. But it's fighting to keep from shrinking with all it's might. It was created by the NRA to sell more guns after some really radicals took control of it. The NRA of the 40s and 50s would never have done what the modern NRA does today. The old NRA was truly a Godsend for gun safety and training. Today, it's become the political arm of the Gun Manufacturers.

How can I be part of an AR 15 cult when I have never owned one?

In fact none of the rifles I own have pistol grips or pic rails and all of them would be 100% legal in any state that has an "assault weapon " ban. Unlike you I know that add on doodads don't do shit to make any rifle "more deadly"

You are buying into the NRA AR-15 Card Carrying Cult Club whether you deny it or not.

Yes and we all know your opinion is fucking gospel right?

Any MORON who who thinks a pistol grip makes a gun more dangerous that the exact same gun without a pistol grip is the one buying into the fucking Groupthink. FYI that would be you

And any gunnuter that doesn't know that the cult of the gun needs to be taken as a mental disease needs to do a self evaluation.

How many guns do you own?

I could call you a gun nut too and a control freak , and a groupthinker of the first order and a fucking idiot

You can call me anything you want. In fact you already have. But if you haven't noticed, I am a party of one. It's a very small group that I think in. Of course, when one thinks independent that group will always be much smaller than the one of the many. The first order to becoming part of a cult it to group think and you seem to be doing that in a very large way. So you keep repeating the groups phrases over and over and claiming the I am what you really are by deflection and your fearless leaders will be so proud of you.
doesnt the NRA support banning of "WEAPONS OF WAR" style firearms???

as well as other restrictions???

oh how times have changed

No, the NRA is against almost all gun regs. They didn't used to be. They supported the 1934 Firearms Act but stopped supporting it sometime in the 70s. Before the 70s, the NRA worked with the Schools, Boy Scouts, etc. for gun safety and more. Their programs were the top programs in the nation. The go to for every one. Today, they do less and less of this and are primarily working towards getting rid of any and all gun regs through their political wing using litigation using large donations from the various gun manufacturers. They sell guns in a round about way and protect the assets of the Gun manufacturers above all else.

I used to be a NRA member until they changed under new management.

you ever gonna step up and tell us what you think the 2nd should say???

and sorry youre wrong about the NRA and their record proves it

You first. You tell me what it should read. I think you know it is too ambiguous as it is written. Especially the part about the Militia which no longer applies and hasn't since 1917. And please, don't just use those few words of the last phrase. Modernize it.

And nope, I am not. I used to be a NRA member. I left it sometime in the 70s when it got a change in management and completely changed it's mission. It no longer did all the really good things as it's sole mission anymore. It started working for the Gun Manufactures instead of the greater good of the young people.
as I've said several times, its fine as written,,your turn

and sorry the NRA's record speaks for itself

What you are really saying is that you have no room for discussion. That pretty well ends any discussion on this end as well. Have a nice day.
to have a discussion I would need to know what your thinking,,,

you said the 2nd needs updated so I asked what you think it should say,,,whats so hard about that???
For those with a reasonably intact mind, here's a short history of the NRA. It was formed in 1871 by two Union soldiers who had concerns that their troops couldn't hit anything with a rifle. Its mission was to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis". The weapons involved were the same as those used by the military, and though NRA programs have been expanded this pattern continues to this day, i.e. well trained civilian marksmen, able to defend themselves, their loved ones, and our country.

The "military vs civilian" firearms is a ruse concocted by anti-gun Leftists/Marxists, and promoted by radicalized flunkies such as Daryl Hunt.

Bottom line, there has always been a strong connection between firearms used by the military and those used by civilians, because true Patriots see no separation in ideology between these groups. The NRA has never strayed from this mission.

True in 1791. True in 1851. No longer true in 1865.
You do realize you're just spouting meaningless numbers here, right? You should check back with your handlers, you're really blowing this one!

I have already presented the background on the importance of those dates. Does your brain remember any longer than a house fly?
You are buying into the NRA AR-15 Card Carrying Cult Club whether you deny it or not.
For those with a reasonably intact mind, here's a short history of the NRA. It was formed in 1871 by two Union soldiers who had concerns that their troops couldn't hit anything with a rifle. Its mission was to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis". The weapons involved were the same as those used by the military, and though NRA programs have been expanded this pattern continues to this day, i.e. well trained civilian marksmen, able to defend themselves, their loved ones, and our country.

The "military vs civilian" firearms is a ruse concocted by anti-gun Leftists/Marxists, and promoted by radicalized flunkies such as Daryl Hunt.

Bottom line, there has always been a strong connection between firearms used by the military and those used by civilians, because true Patriots see no separation in ideology between these groups. The NRA has never strayed from this mission.

doesnt the NRA support banning of "WEAPONS OF WAR" style firearms???

as well as other restrictions???

oh how times have changed

No, the NRA is against almost all gun regs. They didn't used to be. They supported the 1934 Firearms Act but stopped supporting it sometime in the 70s. Before the 70s, the NRA worked with the Schools, Boy Scouts, etc. for gun safety and more. Their programs were the top programs in the nation. The go to for every one. Today, they do less and less of this and are primarily working towards getting rid of any and all gun regs through their political wing using litigation using large donations from the various gun manufacturers. They sell guns in a round about way and protect the assets of the Gun manufacturers above all else.

I used to be a NRA member until they changed under new management.

Not one proposed gun law in the past 10 years would keep a fucking criminal from getting a gun. Every gun law in the past 10 years has been targeting legal gun owners who will never commit any crime never mind a gun crime
This is as ignorant as it is ridiculous and wrong.

OK so give me some proof that any mass shooting was stopped because of a gun law. Give me proof that any crime that would have been committed with an illegally obtained gun was stopped by a gun law
How can I be part of an AR 15 cult when I have never owned one?

In fact none of the rifles I own have pistol grips or pic rails and all of them would be 100% legal in any state that has an "assault weapon " ban. Unlike you I know that add on doodads don't do shit to make any rifle "more deadly"

You are buying into the NRA AR-15 Card Carrying Cult Club whether you deny it or not.

Yes and we all know your opinion is fucking gospel right?

Any MORON who who thinks a pistol grip makes a gun more dangerous that the exact same gun without a pistol grip is the one buying into the fucking Groupthink. FYI that would be you

And any gunnuter that doesn't know that the cult of the gun needs to be taken as a mental disease needs to do a self evaluation.

How many guns do you own?

I could call you a gun nut too and a control freak , and a groupthinker of the first order and a fucking idiot

You can call me anything you want. In fact you already have. But if you haven't noticed, I am a party of one. It's a very small group that I think in. Of course, when one thinks independent that group will always be much smaller than the one of the many. The first order to becoming part of a cult it to group think and you seem to be doing that in a very large way. So you keep repeating the groups phrases over and over and claiming the I am what you really are by deflection and your fearless leaders will be so proud of you.

Yeah you are a party of one that drank the Kool Aid and now believe that a little plastic add on to a gun makes it an assault weapon. I have not bought into anyone's rhetoric. I don't need to be told that a pistol grip or a pic rail makes a gun more deadly because I know they don't.

I think an AR 15 is a waste of money as I have no need for a small caliber rat gun but I also know that millions of people own them and they don't all of a sudden become mass murderers

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