Gun Control and Logic

They didn't used to be. But they tried to enforce your stupid ideas and got bit in the ass and it cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in the process along with a whole bunch of high dollar sponsors.
If we stop pushing for more gun freedoms, we will end up with fewer.

If the commies would stop trying to pass more restrictive legislation, we would leave well-enough alone. They push. I push.


Hate to break it to you but most of us are happy with the gun regs we currently have. And you pushing to get rid of them just pisses us off. We like our gun regs and know they work. It's like the Porridge. It's not too cold and it's not too hot.

Well, perhaps you need to wake the hell up, because Democrats don't agree with you.

That's odd, the majority of the voters here are Democrats and they seem to like them just fine. Afterall, they voted them into being. Kind of makes you a real fruitcake.
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.
I have a choice where that basement is. And the Neighborhood would never put up with the nonsense that you obviously put up where you live. If you want to live in a battle field, that's your choice. I choose to live in an area where there are enough of us that ARE armed that no everyone needs to be armed to live here. And the Bad Guys no it. WE also have a high degree of Retired Veterans here. Not all veterans own guns. But you have to ask yourself a question, is the one you are fucking with one of the ones with guns or not. We'll never tell. And that gives us a very safe place to live. Obviously, much safer than that slum you live in.
You just exploded your own argument. I'm one of those armed veterans you depend on to protect you.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.
Yeah tough guy already been there, and you don't know who I am, all you are is fucking liar.

I stand corrected. For you I have a different plan. Get up, clean up (Shit Shower Shave) Shoot you in the foot, go to breakfast, go out into the field, get the job done, return to base, end the day. And we all live to see another day including you.
Make me.
It's a real shame that there are Americans so stupid they don't know how they got the freedom to be anti-gun. That's dumber than dead.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.
Don’t know who perry mason is. Matlock I’ve never seen as far as I can remember. If you shot a copperhead with a 12 gauge that you had on you in your boat because you were duck hunting, then had to drag through the swamp your now ruined John boat thats cheaper to buy a new hull for than pay for an untrustworthy repair...that’s believable. Even though it still doesn’t make sense how a copperhead, on log on the ground/floating on water would somehow fall into your john boat that probably sits a couple feet above water.

Being startled by a copperhead that fell into your boat, drawing on it (as opposed to grabbing an oar that you’d be retarded not to have in the swamp), and shooting it with a revolver is as fantastical as it gets. You sound like the hero in a romantic novel about a city slicker journalist who falls in love with the hero whose her guide through the swamp that saves her life (written by a women who knows jack shit about the swamp, boats, and even less about guns), by shooting a copperhead with one shot with a revolver. Like the entire storyline of Commando, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is more believable.
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?
-------------------------- good post , thanks Hale !!
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.
Don’t know who perry mason is. Matlock I’ve never seen as far as I can remember. If you shot a copperhead with a 12 gauge that you had on you in your boat because you were duck hunting, then had to drag through the swamp your now ruined John boat thats cheaper to buy a new hull for than pay for an untrustworthy repair...that’s believable. Even though it still doesn’t make sense how a copperhead, on log on the ground/floating on water would somehow fall into your john boat that probably sits a couple feet above water.

Being startled by a copperhead that fell into your boat, drawing on it (as opposed to grabbing an oar that you’d be retarded not to have in the swamp), and shooting it with a revolver is as fantastical as it gets. You sound like the hero in a romantic novel about a city slicker journalist who falls in love with the hero whose her guide through the swamp that saves her life (written by a women who knows jack shit about the swamp, boats, and even less about guns), by shooting a copperhead with one shot with a revolver. Like the entire storyline of Commando, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is more believable.
Sorry for calling you Perry Mason you are more like a demented Joe Friday.
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?
If guns lowered crime we would have the lowest crime rates in the world.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.
Don’t know who perry mason is. Matlock I’ve never seen as far as I can remember. If you shot a copperhead with a 12 gauge that you had on you in your boat because you were duck hunting, then had to drag through the swamp your now ruined John boat thats cheaper to buy a new hull for than pay for an untrustworthy repair...that’s believable. Even though it still doesn’t make sense how a copperhead, on log on the ground/floating on water would somehow fall into your john boat that probably sits a couple feet above water.

Being startled by a copperhead that fell into your boat, drawing on it (as opposed to grabbing an oar that you’d be retarded not to have in the swamp), and shooting it with a revolver is as fantastical as it gets. You sound like the hero in a romantic novel about a city slicker journalist who falls in love with the hero whose her guide through the swamp that saves her life (written by a women who knows jack shit about the swamp, boats, and even less about guns), by shooting a copperhead with one shot with a revolver. Like the entire storyline of Commando, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, is more believable.
Sorry for calling you Perry Mason you are more like a demented Joe Friday.
Whatever, still don’t know who that is either. Ya didn’t shoot a moving snake with a 38 revolver. You probably don’t own one either. There are intelligent people well versed in guns, and who’ve been in actual combat, who advocate for gun control (extremely limited gun control), you are not one of them. They don’t make nonsensical arguments like nugent believes courage comes from the barrel of a gun. That’s a stupid line that comes from people whose only experience with guns is seeing them in unrealistic movies, in attempt to characterize people who own guns as insecure or compensating for something. No, you sound like a trump supporter pretneding to be a black Obama supporter to gain cred by acting like you were on the other side but made the switch. Alarm bells immediately went off for me, first when you said you owned a gun after your silly first post. Even more when you claimed to have defended yourself against a snake, because there’s not any aggressive snakes in the US, so you would have had to stumbled across one and most likely not had time to shoot it in self defense (maybe if it was a shotgun). Nah, you’re story sounds like unrealistic movie shit, because that’s what it is. You could’ve given yourself some space by saying it was a super lucky shot, thank god...but you went with if you don’t believe that, then you won’t believe the other shit I do in the swamp. Instead, I’m expected to believe that your crocodile Dundee mixed with James Bond who uses a revolver instead of a semi auto because he likes the challenge.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.

As a regular shooter Depending on distance say 7 yards maybe a bit more shooting a snake with a hand gun depending on the gun with one shot is rather easy for a shooter who pratices regulary
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.

As a regular shooter Depending on distance say 7 yards maybe a bit more shooting a snake with a hand gun depending on the gun with one shot is rather easy for a shooter who pratices regulary
38 revolver, 13lb trigger pull, scared moving snake, startled shooter, one shot kill...oh not to forget...ON A FUCKING BOAT THATS GONNA BE ROCKING LIKE AN ANIMAL MOTHER WITH SCARED HUMAN AND SNAKE ON BOARD.

Seriously it’s more believable that he was in a shootout on the highway in a chase scene, hit the E brake, spun around 180 degrees, shot the other driver in the head, spun back around and kept on driving.
Last edited:
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.

As a regular shooter Depending on distance say 7 yards maybe a bit more shooting a snake with a hand gun depending on the gun with one shot is rather easy for a shooter who pratices regulary
38 revolver, 13lb trigger pull, scared moving snake, startled shooter, one shot kill...oh not to forget...ON A FUCKING BOAT THATS GONNA BE ROCKING LIKE AN ANIMAL MOTHER WITH SCARED HUMAN AND SNAKE ON BOARD.

Seriously it’s more believable that he was in a shootout on the highway in a chase scene, hit the E brake, spun around 180 degrees, shot the other driver in the head, spun back around and kept on driving.
The snake shot is possible
38 revolver, 13lb trigger pull, scared moving snake, startled shooter, one shot kill...oh not to forget...ON A FUCKING BOAT THATS GONNA BE ROCKING LIKE AN ANIMAL MOTHER WITH SCARED HUMAN AND SNAKE ON BOARD.
Seriously it’s more believable that he was in a shootout on the highway in a chase scene, hit the E brake, spun around 180 degrees, shot the other driver in the head, spun back around and kept on driving.
So everyone is a liar except you, we get it. This is the mind of an anti-gunner; he claims to be all-seeing all-knowing, but from his narrative it's very likely he's never touched a firearm in his life.

Rave on, but you're not convincing anyone but yourself.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.
You mean like the democrats who want to confiscate guns or the demo congressman who talked about using nukes on Americans.
During the war for independence from england Patriots not only had to fit the british but americans who were loyal to the crown this also happened during the civil war when Americans who wanted slaves tried to leave the union.
At times Americans have taken up arms aginst their fellow Americans to fight for the values they believe in.
In both instances the right side won and in both instances the gun settled the debate.
Or second Amendment is there to assure that freedoms of the American public are assured for those willing to fight for their rights and others to be free.
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
Who do you think you are? Perry Mason? Or Matlock perhaps? If you cant believe that I could shoot a snake you definitely wouldn't believe the other stuff I do out in the river swamps.

As a regular shooter Depending on distance say 7 yards maybe a bit more shooting a snake with a hand gun depending on the gun with one shot is rather easy for a shooter who pratices regulary
38 revolver, 13lb trigger pull, scared moving snake, startled shooter, one shot kill...oh not to forget...ON A FUCKING BOAT THATS GONNA BE ROCKING LIKE AN ANIMAL MOTHER WITH SCARED HUMAN AND SNAKE ON BOARD.

Seriously it’s more believable that he was in a shootout on the highway in a chase scene, hit the E brake, spun around 180 degrees, shot the other driver in the head, spun back around and kept on driving.
The snake shot is possible
In movies about Chris Kyle, with a sniper rifle, shooting a snake bathing in the sun. If the movie had Chris Kyle, drawing his gun and shooting a slithering snake in a rocky boat with a revolver in a matter of seconds like in high noon...I’d be upset at Hollywood’s over-dramatization. It’s equivelant to making a shot in pool all the way across the table, you have seconds to line up the shot, the pool table is rocking back and forth, the ball you’re trying to hit is moving, and you have to try to pull the cue back with 13lbs of force while keeping the cue perfectly steady.......and the pocket has only a mm clearance for the ball.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.
You mean like the democrats who want to confiscate guns or the demo congressman who talked about using nukes on Americans.
During the war for independence from england Patriots not only had to fit the british but americans who were loyal to the crown this also happened during the civil war when Americans who wanted slaves tried to leave the union.
At times Americans have taken up arms aginst their fellow Americans to fight for the values they believe in.
In both instances the right side won and in both instances the gun settled the debate.
Or second Amendment is there to assure that freedoms of the American public are assured for those willing to fight for their rights and others to be free.

Tell me, when has the 2nd amendment been pertinent in the last century? I know of only one time but I bet you don't. How about educating the rest of us in this. So far, you have been just sniping away with little or no substance to anything. What happened after 1865 is a different world than before. So let's hear how it applies after 1910 all the way until today.
38 revolver, 13lb trigger pull, scared moving snake, startled shooter, one shot kill...oh not to forget...ON A FUCKING BOAT THATS GONNA BE ROCKING LIKE AN ANIMAL MOTHER WITH SCARED HUMAN AND SNAKE ON BOARD.
Seriously it’s more believable that he was in a shootout on the highway in a chase scene, hit the E brake, spun around 180 degrees, shot the other driver in the head, spun back around and kept on driving.
So everyone is a liar except you, we get it. This is the mind of an anti-gunner; he claims to be all-seeing all-knowing, but from his narrative it's very likely he's never touched a firearm in his life.

Rave on, but you're not convincing anyone but yourself.
Mmm nugent is more of the raver, which is why I’m not the biggest fan of his, because I’m not the fan of strawmen arguments. I am a fan of calling people out on their shit, using their own premises against them as opposed to premises they don’t even believe in the first place. Arguments are like a table. You can try to take them down by constantly adding weight to them, or you can do it instantly by taking out one of the legs they stand on. I prefer the latter.

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