Gun Control and Logic

If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.
This is just NONSENSE. The only reason anyone would be attacked by multiple people is because o something he did?

Anyone can find himself in a bad situation through no fault of his own.

True dat, look at Jussie Smollette ;)
you said you are the master of your fear,,,

so do you have a smoke detector???if so why

do you wear your seat belt?? if so why???
I have gun(s) and I am not the least bit afraid the government will ever take it/them. Not because the right is mounting some brave fight to keep them but because the very idea is ludicrous. For every one of you people who see guns as a political statement there are many more who do not fetishize guns. People have guns for protection, hunting and leisure, that's fine, but when they start talking about civil wars and government conspiracies they are not helping their side of the argument.

that wasnt my question,,,
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
you said you are the master of your fear,,,

so do you have a smoke detector???if so why

do you wear your seat belt?? if so why???
I have gun(s) and I am not the least bit afraid the government will ever take it/them. Not because the right is mounting some brave fight to keep them but because the very idea is ludicrous. For every one of you people who see guns as a political statement there are many more who do not fetishize guns. People have guns for protection, hunting and leisure, that's fine, but when they start talking about civil wars and government conspiracies they are not helping their side of the argument.

that wasnt my question,,,
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
What kind of gun? I hope it wasn’t semi-automatic. And what if that snake was a bear? Would you still prefer the stick? I live close to the Jersey border in PA. NJ has retarded bear hunting laws and surprise suprise, they have a brown bear problem. A bear problem that spills over into my neck of the woods. News flash, bears are huge dicks. They WILL fuck you up if you startle them, they have Cubs...or if they’re hungry they’ll eat you alive ass first (true story).
I have gun(s) and I am not the least bit afraid the government will ever take it/them. Not because the right is mounting some brave fight to keep them but because the very idea is ludicrous. For every one of you people who see guns as a political statement there are many more who do not fetishize guns. People have guns for protection, hunting and leisure, that's fine, but when they start talking about civil wars and government conspiracies they are not helping their side of the argument.

that wasnt my question,,,
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
that wasnt my question,,,
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I'll answer your questions as I see fit. I understand your argument so I will answer specifically. I have a smoke detector but I do not think it protects me from the government. I wear a seat belt but I do not think it protects my individual rights.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
when youre up against several people intent on killing you it helps, and will most likely save your life,,,,

If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.

I was going to the grocery store for food,,,,what about that needs rethought???

If you are in danger going for food I suggest you move to an area where you can reasonably go to the market safely and so can your family. But if you enjoy having to go armed at all times, by all means, stay there.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

The supreme court already ruled on that and you are wrong. Hate to break it to you but the 2nd amendment only limits the Federal Government and only says that you have the right to protect your HOME with a reasonable handgun, nothing more. All the other regs and freedoms come from the States themselves.
it would be pretty stupid if you did think those things,,,
they arent a gun after all,,,which as we know not only protects you from not just the government but criminals as well,,,and it is what protects your rights,,,
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

I am quite right and you know it. It's been upheld in the courts. And the Municipals have even more power along those lines. Yah, I know, it's all against the Constitution and it's a Conspiracy and all that.
just because some dem or repube judge said its true doesnt mean its true,,,

It means it's legal. You can call it right or wrong but in the end, it's legal.
My gun only ever protected me once, from a snake. I would have rather had a good stick.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

I am quite right and you know it. It's been upheld in the courts. And the Municipals have even more power along those lines. Yah, I know, it's all against the Constitution and it's a Conspiracy and all that.
just because some dem or repube judge said its true doesnt mean its true,,,

It's legal. You want it to change, change the laws. Simple as that. Get off your ass and get your own candidates into office.
I like the law the way it reads,,,its dems and repubes that have the problem,,,,its them we need to get rid of

Actually, as of last week, so do I. In Colorado, the last piece fell into place. We don't need anymore gun laws. And it's working. Now, if only Kansas would stop selling our border people firearms without back ground checks we would be much happier. Same goes for Oklahoma and Arizona. But that is such a small amount it's really not worth worrying about. We went from the #1 Mass Shooting State to the Zero Mass Shooting State. We also keep over 120 vicious felons per year from buying guns with our background checks by busting them and getting them back into Prison. Funny about that, the gunnutters say they want to be tough with the criminals yet when we stop them from buying guns that they clearly are not supposed to have and send them back to prison for buying those guns then we are inhibiting their rights. Then they say that we need to be tougher on criminals. Which is it? Meanwhile, over 600K of background checks were done successfully.

In a couple of months, I need to purchase a little 380. It will take me about 10 minutes time from the time I enter the store to the time I walk out of the store with the gun. Or maybe a little 38 special 5 shot revolver. Either way, it's no big thing Like I said, I like the laws as they are. We have enough. Not too many and not too few.
If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.
So shall we assume you own nothing of value and are completely immune to crazy people?

If not, your life options must consist of hiding in your mom's basement 24/7.

I have a choice where that basement is. And the Neighborhood would never put up with the nonsense that you obviously put up where you live. If you want to live in a battle field, that's your choice. I choose to live in an area where there are enough of us that ARE armed that no everyone needs to be armed to live here. And the Bad Guys no it. WE also have a high degree of Retired Veterans here. Not all veterans own guns. But you have to ask yourself a question, is the one you are fucking with one of the ones with guns or not. We'll never tell. And that gives us a very safe place to live. Obviously, much safer than that slum you live in.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.
Yeah tough guy already been there, and you don't know who I am, all you are is fucking liar.
They didn't used to be. But they tried to enforce your stupid ideas and got bit in the ass and it cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in the process along with a whole bunch of high dollar sponsors.
If we stop pushing for more gun freedoms, we will end up with fewer.

If the commies would stop trying to pass more restrictive legislation, we would leave well-enough alone. They push. I push.


Hate to break it to you but most of us are happy with the gun regs we currently have. And you pushing to get rid of them just pisses us off. We like our gun regs and know they work. It's like the Porridge. It's not too cold and it's not too hot.
If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.
This is just NONSENSE. The only reason anyone would be attacked by multiple people is because o something he did?

Anyone can find himself in a bad situation through no fault of his own.


The only time I found myself in that situation was in the Military and you bet I had an option. I also almost found myself in that situation in 1971 in Baltimore and I exercised my option NOT to be in that situation'; I simply left the area. If you find yourself in that situation, take a good hard look at your own way of life. Chances are, there were better solutions that you could have preempted the situation with like I did on the second case.
They didn't used to be. But they tried to enforce your stupid ideas and got bit in the ass and it cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in the process along with a whole bunch of high dollar sponsors.
If we stop pushing for more gun freedoms, we will end up with fewer.

If the commies would stop trying to pass more restrictive legislation, we would leave well-enough alone. They push. I push.


Hate to break it to you but most of us are happy with the gun regs we currently have. And you pushing to get rid of them just pisses us off. We like our gun regs and know they work. It's like the Porridge. It's not too cold and it's not too hot.

Well, perhaps you need to wake the hell up, because Democrats don't agree with you.
depending on the snake a stick will work just fine,,,better to just leave it alone,,,
Not an option when a copperhead decides it wants to get in your boat. At least I only had to fix one hole.
Were you in the water with your boat, or was the copperhead already in the boat and scurried when you turned on the engine? Again what kind of gun did you use?
I go into the swamps looking for interesting logs and driftwood, snake fell in the boat as I was pulling up to the bank, shot him with a cheap-ass 38 special I take out there for just such an occasion.
What kind of hull does your boat have?
Aluminum, why? Are you looking to buy?
Got my own. Fiberglass so no thanks. So, you expect me to believe that you drew and shot a copperhead, that caught you off guard, with a 38 revolver (13 lb trigger pull),with one shot...instead of, I don’t know grabbing an oar or a fishing rod on board. You shot a hole in your aluminum boat that most likely doesn’t have a bilge pump, since you can pretty much only take John boats in the swamp...Made it back to wherever you needed to get back too without sinking...And then, I don’t know I guess welded your aluminum hull, and trust that aluminum weld enough to take your John boat out on the water again.

Smollettes story sounds more plausible. Shooting snakes with mechanical revolvers is stupid shit you see in westerns. Revolvers, practical self defense wise, are stupid. Yea there are some badass revolvers I wouldn’t mind to have for fun, but they’re hard enough getting on target at the range with all the time in the world. It takes the type of practice that only “gun nuts” (you’re clearly not a “gun nut”) take the time to do to be somewhat a decent shot with revolvers because they take so much power to squeeze. Your talking about hitting a 2 inch wide snake, probably scurrying around scared in a matter of seconds with 1 shot. Into your alumin hull, that you then welded together. Aluminum takes skill and special material and tools to weld, and even then the welds aren’t the best.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.

I've seen the bravest talking, most fearsome person get under fire and curl right up into a ball. You have no idea what you are going to do no matter how brave you talk. Most ones that talk the bravest are the ones that are the ones that you have to watch closely because they are the most likely to do something stupid under fire. It's the quiet ones that are the ones that generally are the best ones. You bare close observation.
Yeah tough guy already been there, and you don't know who I am, all you are is fucking liar.

I stand corrected. For you I have a different plan. Get up, clean up (Shit Shower Shave) Shoot you in the foot, go to breakfast, go out into the field, get the job done, return to base, end the day. And we all live to see another day including you.

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