Gun Control and Logic

Why should I have a machine gun?

For many reasons, but the best/main reason is summed up by this Denis Leary Rant:

Why do I need to run around in a school naked strapped with a 100-round belt fed machine gun, with green jello all over my body reading playboy magazine? Because I might suddenly feel the need to. Okay, pal?

Fuck each and every last one of you motherfuckers who wants somebody else to stop me.

When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?

"9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?"

So your bottom line is that you just want to kill liberals?
I think if that was the case it would have already happened,,,its about being ready if that is needed
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Courage comes from having the spine to confront a vicious criminal trying to hurt or kill you and shooting them. spineless cowards like you could not do it.
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?

"9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?"

So your bottom line is that you just want to kill liberals?
How did you get to that conclusion?
Nuge is a dumbass -- #1 make the legal age to text 21.

more adults died from cell phone distractions than teenagers ...

2016 U.S. Cell Phone and Driving Statistics
  • Fatalities in distraction-affected crashes decreased from 3,526 in 2015 to 3,450 in 2016, or a decrease of 2.2 percent.
  • 263 teens (age 15 to 19) were killed as a result of distracted driving in 2016.

Uncle Ted is a fuckwad, and disgrace to hunters.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
So right wing political gun ownership is a Phobia? Kind of what I was saying.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
So right wing political gun ownership is a Phobia? Kind of what I was saying.
you said you are the master of your fear,,,

so do you have a smoke detector???if so why

do you wear your seat belt?? if so why???
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
when youre up against several people intent on killing you it helps, and will most likely save your life,,,,

If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
when youre up against several people intent on killing you it helps, and will most likely save your life,,,,

If you are up against several people intent on killing you I suggest you should have taken a good look at your life options before you got into that conundrum long before you bought that gun.

I was going to the grocery store for food,,,,what about that needs rethought???
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
So right wing political gun ownership is a Phobia? Kind of what I was saying.
Shit, didn’t realize that’d go that far over your. I honestly have to rack my brain to dumb that down even more for you. Give me minute while I think.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written
I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.
You would be stupid to think they won't try. They are communists.

Here, let me help feed your fear.

WE had a meeting and your name came up. We have decided to put your name near the top of gun confiscations. Get your guns all lined up, tagged and labeled to make your job much easier. We haven't decided on a specific date as of yet. But we are busy training using our own Fully Automatic Weapons and breach equipment along with our Black Choppers and Military Troop Transports with battering rams. We are coming for your guns.

Now, do you feel better? Don't you think that if anyone was coming for your guns it would have already happened with the Dems were in complete control of the Government? Be careful. They might start passing laws where stupid people will be denied guns and you may be very high on that list.
Be sure to double your monthly donation to the NRA to make sure that never happens.
The NRA is too weak for my tastes. I donate to organizations dedicated to preserving my right to own a motherfucking machine gun and to walk the streets of any American city or school carrying said machine gun.


They didn't used to be. But they tried to enforce your stupid ideas and got bit in the ass and it cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in the process along with a whole bunch of high dollar sponsors.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
So right wing political gun ownership is a Phobia? Kind of what I was saying.
Shit, didn’t realize that’d go that far over your. I honestly have to rack my brain to dumb that down even more for you. Give me minute while I think.
Take your time. It's not the first time the subject of courage has stumped someone on this board.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......

Who are "They"? am I part of the "They"? Get me a list of names of "they". Make it every one on the "They" list so can research it. "They" deserve to be rooted out.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
So right wing political gun ownership is a Phobia? Kind of what I was saying.
Shit, didn’t realize that’d go that far over your. I honestly have to rack my brain to dumb that down even more for you. Give me minute while I think.
Take your time. It's not the first time the subject of courage has stumped someone on this board.
you said you are the master of your fear,,,

so do you have a smoke detector???if so why

do you wear your seat belt?? if so why???
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

I am quite right and you know it. It's been upheld in the courts. And the Municipals have even more power along those lines. Yah, I know, it's all against the Constitution and it's a Conspiracy and all that.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

If you use the term "Assault Rifle" you are right. But when you use the term "AR-15 and it's various clones" then you are wrong in both the voters and the Courts. Stop making shit up.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Once again, you don't get that right from the 2nd amendment. That just means that the Federal Government can't deny you that right. It does leave it up to the States though who can regulate the firearms as the voters see fit.
WRONG AGAIN,,,the states have no power to do anything but follow the 2nd as written

I am quite right and you know it. It's been upheld in the courts. And the Municipals have even more power along those lines. Yah, I know, it's all against the Constitution and it's a Conspiracy and all that.
just because some dem or repube judge said its true doesnt mean its true,,,

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