Gun Control and Logic

He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
No hes patriotic and knows that it was the gun who helped get freedom at least those brave enough to pic one up
Patriots do not hate practically all Americans and talk about making war on them all the time.

Early Americans had to Hide their Firearms and stash other types of weaponry to keep the British from confiscating them in their attempt to subdue and subjugate the American People of the time. Thus the Wide freedom given to Gun Ownership. Tyrants hate guns in the hands of the general Populace. Makes absolute control improbable. Thank The Framers and Don't question their wisdom, They lived under tyrannical rule You never Have and never will thanks to Patriots like Ted Nugent !:Boom2: soooooo :anj_stfu:.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
Item 7 fails as a false comparison fallacy, for example.
Assuming you are correct that Nuge is making a false comparison (you're not), what's your counter-argument? Don't just drop the fallacy you have identified and run. Make an argument, bitch.

I think his string is broken. Every time you pull it you get the false fallacy statement. Of course, there were only three or four chants when the string was pulled anyway.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
Sorry, Ted spanked you:

“When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I’m looking to be left alone,” the letter reads.
“The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded. I don’t carry it because I’m afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid. It doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force. It removes force from the equation.”
“And that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act.”
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
It sure doesn't hurt in the ole courage department to be strapped with a means of defense, right?


I would much rather have a gun when somebody is shooting up a theater than be a sitting duck meat target.

I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.

They aren't clouding our judgement.....we know that the democrat party wants to ban guns, that is a fact. They will do it one gun, bullet or piece of equipment at a time, until they feel safe to do it all at fear, just understanding...the fear is on the part of the democrats, who fear guns and their owners.
i can live with 7 IF

7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.

When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?

Nugent is an idiot.

Item 7 fails as a false comparison fallacy, for example.
I have guns, they are my least used tools. I believe in the 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms responsibly but i'll be damned if I can even comprehend living in an all-consuming pit of fear that the democrats are going to take all your shit.

Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.
Because they tell us they are going to ban guns....all the time......
There is not even majority support for an assault weapons ban among democrats let alone a total ban on guns.

They yelled it out loud when they had the anti-gun, CNN townhall......they screamed it......

They are banning them at the local level so they don't have to lose seats in Congress to anti-gun votes...they pass the bans in these small cities, get democrat judges to say they are Constitutional, and hope that the Supreme Court won't take the cases........
There are certainly fanatical anti-gun people on the left but they do not speak for everyone. My complaint here is the fear. I am the master of my fears and I do not let them cloud my judgment.
who said it clouds our judgement???

I wonder if you have a smoke detector in your house?? if so why??

do you wear your seatbelt?? if so why??
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.

do you have a smoke detector???

do you wear your seat belt???
The right side of the gun debate is all hyperbole all the time to the point that you cannot stand the thought of even the most common sense gun laws. You can't talk about it at all without bringing in all these phantom fears of mass confiscation and evil tyrannies waiting to pounce. The right will eventually lose the gun debate if the question of gun ownership always devolves into preparation for a civil war.
And yet you cannot bring a rebuttal to a single point made in Post #1, and instead bring your own hyperbole. Rather ironic.
He's still an asshole who thinks courage comes from the barrel of a gun.
You just proved the OPs point. An agoraphobe walking down the street is a courageous act to them. So courage is an extremely subjective term, thus a stupid and illogical point to being up in an OP that’s calling out a group for being illogical in their position. The whole point of the OP was bringing up the fact the left abandons logic when it comes to guns. You immediately went to an emotional appeal, asserting an unkowable motive, that doesn’t really make any sense. It’s like someone just got you with a “yo mama,” joke, and you responded with “I know you are but what am I?”
When we hear about "gun control" from the Left, there is seldom any logic involved. Mr. Nugent presents nine points here with which I agree, and I challenge you to counter any of them. Please format your posts with his quote followed by your rebuttal.

Ted Nugent on Guns and Logic:

1 - Eleven teens die each day because of texting while driving. Maybe it's time to raise the age of Smart phone ownership to 21.
2 - If gun control laws actually worked, Chicago would be Mayberry.
3 - The Second Amendment makes more women equal than the entire feminist movement.
4 - Legal gun owners have 300 million guns and probably a trillion rounds of ammo. Seriously, folks, if we were the problem, you'd know it.
5 - When JFK was killed, nobody blamed the rifle
6 - The NRA murders 0 people and receives $0 in government funds. Planned Parenthood kills 350,000 babies every year and receives $500,000,000 in tax dollars annually.
7 - I have no problem with vigorous background checks when it comes to firearms. While we're at it, let's do the same when it comes to immigration, Voter I.D and Candidates running for office. Also for welfare recipients.
8 - You don't need a smoke detector; that's what the fire department is for. Now...if you think that sounds stupid, you know how I feel when you say I don't need a gun.
9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?

"9 - Folks keep talking about another Civil War. One side knows how to shoot and has a trillion bullets. The other side has crying closets and is confused about which bathroom to use. How do you think that's going to end?"

So your bottom line is that you just want to kill liberals?


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