Gun control in the left will change the debate...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As I posted elsewhere....if the Paris attack had happened here first the anti gun left would have been all over it...demanding, again....

Assault weapon bans

Magazine bans

licensing gun owners

Registering guns

Universal background checks

the works.....and that would be before the blood had dried...,

Sadly for them, it happened in France first.....a country that has done every single thing the left wants here for gun control...and the French wheat even farther....they don't have assault weapon bans...they banned all military style guns for civilians..including pistols...they didn't limit magazines to 10 rounds...they banned all magazines....they license people who own hunting shotguns and require background checks and mental health checks

every last thing the American anti gun extremists only dream of when they are talking about gun owners and their sex organs......


it happened in France.....that is why the anti gun extremists have been so quiet about gun control....they hope we won't notice....

but we did notice...

Now thy have to do the magic trick......they have to change things around and where they argued that Europe was a gun control they have to convince everyone that Europe is really worse than we are....

that they never really argued that Europe was a gun control paradise...that France is actually worse than they argued it......and then they push this idea as if it was always what they believed......

Beware...the left wing gun grabbers are changing the debate....don't let them...
French: -requires license for a black powder gun if it fires metal projectile. (What the fuck it supposed to fire? Potatoes or some shit?)
- requires a permit to buy ammo and there is a limit how many cartridges one can buy in a year and justify the usage.
Gun related homicides per 100,000

France - 0.22 (2009)
USA - 3.55 (2013)

That is 16 times the gun homicide rate so if populations were equal France would have 1 person dying of a gun related homicide to every 16 Americans.
Dam I love the liberal mindset, totally irreverent, lost in space. Possibly we are now seeing the results attributed to smoking pot.
Gun related homicides per 100,000

France - 0.22 (2009)
USA - 3.55 (2013)

That is 16 times the gun homicide rate so if populations were equal France would have 1 person dying of a gun related homicide to every 16 Americans.

If you exclude gang murders (blacks killing blacks and spics killing spics), we have lower murder rate then France.

Maybe problem is not in guns.
Ah yes, the criminals got some guns on the street. So the obvious solution is to get more guns out there on the street. So damned reasonable. An American has more chance of being killed by a fellow American with a gun than does a Frenchman of being killed by a terrorist.


This year, deaths by firearms will probably exceed motor vehicle deaths this year. We can all be proud of that.
Ah yes, the criminals got some guns on the street. So the obvious solution is to get more guns out there on the street. So damned reasonable. An American has more chance of being killed by a fellow American with a gun than does a Frenchman of being killed by a terrorist.


This year, deaths by firearms will probably exceed motor vehicle deaths this year. We can all be proud of that.

Auto accidents are accidental, if you only include accidental deaths by guns it wouldn't even make it on the graph, because the number is about 500. BTW there are about 46 million more guns than cars.
OP- RW insanity. They should trade a low murder rate for the wild west? The left is always for those ideas, not being gun crazy/corporate NRA dupes...
Gun related homicides per 100,000

France - 0.22 (2009)
USA - 3.55 (2013)

That is 16 times the gun homicide rate so if populations were equal France would have 1 person dying of a gun related homicide to every 16 Americans.

Yeah….we go through that all the time….

As we saw friday and throughout the year, French criminals and French terrorists can easily get any weapon they want, including fully automatic rifles and grenades and explosives for suicide vests…..and in fact the fully automatic weapon is the weapon of choice for the European criminal class…

Their criminal culture for the most part does not use guns to murder people as often as our criminals do…that is also a cultural issue….and as I have pointed out…that is changing. They are probably at the 1980s level of gun violence that we had in the United States just before the days of the miami drug wars….and their gun crimes are beginning to go up. They have also imported lots of violent people who are hostile to European culture, and far more violence prone……

So European criminals have as much access to guns as American criminals do, they just don't use them to murder as often…

In fact…..more Americans own guns and the gun murder rate has gone down, not up… has gone down a lot……

and in each case of mass shootings in Europe, their death toll is far higher than ours because their anti gun culture has infected their police forces…leaving unarmed people vulnerable for longer periods of time….
OP- RW insanity. They should trade a low murder rate for the wild west? The left is always for those ideas, not being gun crazy/corporate NRA dupes...

The west was not wild…that is a movie myth.
The US IS the Wild West, thanks to the New BS NRA/Pub corporate brainwash and the dupes, and it's they who believe the myths.. Over 80% want reform here, but big money is running the country. Great job, New BS GOP.
The US IS the Wild West, thanks to the New BS NRA/Pub corporate brainwash and the dupes, and it's they who believe the myths.. Over 80% want reform here, but big money is running the country. Great job, New BS GOP.
Ah yes, the criminals got some guns on the street. So the obvious solution is to get more guns out there on the street. So damned reasonable. An American has more chance of being killed by a fellow American with a gun than does a Frenchman of being killed by a terrorist.


This year, deaths by firearms will probably exceed motor vehicle deaths this year. We can all be proud of that.

Auto accidents are accidental, if you only include accidental deaths by guns it wouldn't even make it on the graph, because the number is about 500. BTW there are about 46 million more guns than cars.

And cars are used millions more each day. Obviously something used millions more will have more accidents. But if you look at how much they are used the rate of accidents with guns is way higher than cars.
OP- RW insanity. They should trade a low murder rate for the wild west? The left is always for those ideas, not being gun crazy/corporate NRA dupes...

If they had as many shootings as us it would make them forget about their terrorist problem.
Ah yes, the criminals got some guns on the street. So the obvious solution is to get more guns out there on the street. So damned reasonable. An American has more chance of being killed by a fellow American with a gun than does a Frenchman of being killed by a terrorist.


This year, deaths by firearms will probably exceed motor vehicle deaths this year. We can all be proud of that.

Auto accidents are accidental, if you only include accidental deaths by guns it wouldn't even make it on the graph, because the number is about 500. BTW there are about 46 million more guns than cars.

And cars are used millions more each day. Obviously something used millions more will have more accidents. But if you look at how much they are used the rate of accidents with guns is way higher than cars.

Prove it, show me a study that compares the average number of accidents per use.
Ah yes, the criminals got some guns on the street. So the obvious solution is to get more guns out there on the street. So damned reasonable. An American has more chance of being killed by a fellow American with a gun than does a Frenchman of being killed by a terrorist.


This year, deaths by firearms will probably exceed motor vehicle deaths this year. We can all be proud of that.

Auto accidents are accidental, if you only include accidental deaths by guns it wouldn't even make it on the graph, because the number is about 500. BTW there are about 46 million more guns than cars.

And cars are used millions more each day. Obviously something used millions more will have more accidents. But if you look at how much they are used the rate of accidents with guns is way higher than cars.

Prove it, show me a study that compares the average number of accidents per use.

You doubt cars are used millions of times more? What could you possibly base that on?

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