Gun control, open borders = 900% increase in Knife attacks in Germany

And America has never let in unvetted immigrants; it was a unique situation in Europe when the war in Syria was raging.
why do they keep calling them Syrian refugees ?to legitimize them some how ?most Syrian refugees are not even in Europe .Syrians mostly walk not float across the med on soros ngo cruise lines .

people from other nations we're taking advantage ...mmmmmm maybe

Germany also full of crazy turks to who have become more radicalized

western Europe gonna look like this one day...... cause i'm an islamaphobe
Warheads On Foreheads! – James Woods Just Tweeted This Allahu Akbar Masterpiece…
Posted by Kane on March 7, 2019 1:35 pm
Still trying to track down where this clip originated…
James Woods
Bringing a knife to a gunfight...
5:22 AM - Mar 6, 2019
Warheads On Foreheads! – James Woods Just Tweeted This Allahu Akbar Masterpiece… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Do not skip, the equalizer begins at 0:55… Allahu Akbar

if it were up to me? most of the Muslim world would be hiding under a rock and you wouldn't hear a peep outta them for 100 years...but thats just me and bush is a pussy.
on sept 11 i saw the second plane hit the tower with my own eyes.

the guy i was renting to on the third floor was a professional photographer who worked for some publishing house in midtown.... i forget which one
they had a shit load of magazines ..up on the roof i got to watch people hanging out the windows through his little scope as he was snapping pictures with a telephoto ..i was out of 35 MM for the pentax but i did have two disposable Kodak cameras in the kitchen draw ..still in the package ..i still have the pictures.
from my bedroom i had a view of most of the skyline but from the roof ya had the whole skyline in front of ya

what you didn't see on the news after 911 in the middle of the garment center thiers quite of bit of middle easterners plying the textile trade
the fbi and nypd raided a few and knocked on more than just some doors was something to see

don't get me wrong midtown ive been in between deals amongst Muslim and an old Persian Jew who fled Iran in 79 .
i've turned Muslim bodega owner on to Jefferson while he was frying up the morning bacon...sadi was cool ,what a character ..believe me he was happy to be here didn't give a rats ass about Islam...

they like stabbin ....Ive also had one threaten to stab me cause i may of told him that Mohammad was a murdering sicko freak pedophile and Islam is in serious need of a reformation. we're talking way over due by like hundreds of years ...pretty much told him Cmon and get some ya fuck Ill snap you in two LOL I swear on MY white Christan god :04:....that one i thought about dropping a dime on for sellin no tax smokes but i'm no rat

one way or another sooner or later ...western Europe will be rivers of blood again .. and ill just call it cultural enrichment


allahu akbar
And America has never let in unvetted immigrants; it was a unique situation in Europe when the war in Syria was raging. They had to do something with these people waiting in herds outside their borders and it was too chaotic to properly figure out who was who. That has never and will never be the situation here.

"never let in unvetted immigrants". Seriously? What do you call the millions here illegally? Millions sneaked through undetected. Millions more were caught and released in this country. None are vetted and the majority who were caught and released will not show up for their court date. Many who have been caught were found to have been deported numerous times. By allowing the criminals to control the border, we will continue to have millions of unvetted illegal aliens pouring in.

We don't allow unvetted immigrants to become citizens but the problem is the millions of criminals who come and go as they please.
Can we deal with one threatening foreign group at a time, please?
And America has never let in unvetted immigrants; it was a unique situation in Europe when the war in Syria was raging.
why do they keep calling them Syrian refugees ?to legitimize them some how ?most Syrian refugees are not even in Europe .Syrians mostly walk not float across the med on soros ngo cruise lines .

people from other nations we're taking advantage ...mmmmmm maybe

Germany also full of crazy turks to who have become more radicalized

western Europe gonna look like this one day...... cause i'm an islamaphobe
Warheads On Foreheads! – James Woods Just Tweeted This Allahu Akbar Masterpiece…
Posted by Kane on March 7, 2019 1:35 pm
Still trying to track down where this clip originated…
James Woods
Bringing a knife to a gunfight...
5:22 AM - Mar 6, 2019
Warheads On Foreheads! – James Woods Just Tweeted This Allahu Akbar Masterpiece… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS
Do not skip, the equalizer begins at 0:55… Allahu Akbar

if it were up to me? most of the Muslim world would be hiding under a rock and you wouldn't hear a peep outta them for 100 years...but thats just me and bush is a pussy.
on sept 11 i saw the second plane hit the tower with my own eyes.

the guy i was renting to on the third floor was a professional photographer who worked for some publishing house in midtown.... i forget which one
they had a shit load of magazines ..up on the roof i got to watch people hanging out the windows through his little scope as he was snapping pictures with a telephoto ..i was out of 35 MM for the pentax but i did have two disposable Kodak cameras in the kitchen draw ..still in the package ..i still have the pictures.
from my bedroom i had a view of most of the skyline but from the roof ya had the whole skyline in front of ya

what you didn't see on the news after 911 in the middle of the garment center thiers quite of bit of middle easterners plying the textile trade
the fbi and nypd raided a few and knocked on more than just some doors was something to see

don't get me wrong midtown ive been in between deals amongst Muslim and an old Persian Jew who fled Iran in 79 .
i've turned Muslim bodega owner on to Jefferson while he was frying up the morning bacon...sadi was cool ,what a character ..believe me he was happy to be here didn't give a rats ass about Islam...

they like stabbin ....Ive also had one threaten to stab me cause i may of told him that Mohammad was a murdering sicko freak pedophile and Islam is in serious need of a reformation. we're talking way over due by like hundreds of years ...pretty much told him Cmon and get some ya fuck Ill snap you in two LOL I swear on MY white Christan god :04:....that one i thought about dropping a dime on for sellin no tax smokes but i'm no rat

one way or another sooner or later ...western Europe will be rivers of blood again .. and ill just call it cultural enrichment


allahu akbar


Because they live and die by lies.
Why the hell do you think that I'd even want to do something like that? Are you sick or obsessed with death or something?
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.
Actually in the Middle East terrorists prefer bombs over anything else… Stay in your lane
Actually (and I knock wood as I type this), Americans' attempts at making bombs have not been all that successful. Not so easy as it looks in Rumiyah.
The reason why terrorista love bombs in the Middle East, it’s much more effective than firearms, At terrorizing.
Muslims live for violence
Terrorists live for violence. Not all Muslims are terrorists. That's where your argument keeps failing.
Islam is all about hate, violence, Intolerance and control....
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.

Firearms are always going to be obtainable, no matter how strict the laws are. Look at Chicago's strict gun laws and the sheer number of shootings they have. Look at Mexico: Strict firearms laws yet they have shootings every day, even with fully-automatic weapons which are supposed to be unobtainable.
What I'm thinking is, most guns used in crimes are stolen and sold illegally. So maybe if there were less guns laying around to steal, there would be less to illegally sell and people would have to go back to knife fights, which are awful but the murder rate would go down, I'm positive, because it takes some courage to walk up to a person and stab them in the back or the gut and it leaves you open to retaliation or maybe a knife wound of your own. Plus you get goo on your shoes.
So a lot less guns, a lot less shootings. After awhile.
Lots of legal gun ownership guarantees lots of illegal ownership.

So your only solution is to punish legal gun-owners for the actions of the illegal ones? Isn't that like "sharing the pain"?

How socialist of you.
If by punish you mean lower crime.

Penalize law-abiding citizens because someone else broke the law? That is completely contrary to the presumption of innocence. I can't claim that you raped some girl just because someone else did, and then expect you to be charged because well, you "might" commit the crime at some time in the future. That's idiocy.
Can't say I feel any sympathy for the Germans. They elected their Government after all. A Government that has let thousands of unvetted death cult members into their country.

They are getting exactly what they voted for.

Oh and none of them have guns because their Government disarmed them for their "own safety."

Sucks to be them.
And all those people needed a place to go because we messed up the Middle East. Way to go Bush.

Do you also believe that 9/11 was "our fault"? IN case you're out of the loop, Shia and Sunni Muslims have been fighting with each other long before we got there. You're probably referring to Syrian refugees, which are the primary refugees going to Europe. How is that "our fault" when Assad backed by the Russians, is using chemical weapons on his own people?

How is with all the time we spent in Iraq and Afghanistan, there aren't millions of refugees streaming out to find refuge in Europe?

I know, it's always "our fault" with you guys and girls, but you had no problem with Obama making the Middle East much worse than it was, with his and Hillary's hare-brained foreign policies. Thank God the adults are running this country now: Adults like President Donald . Trump, who accomplished in less than a year, what Obama and Hillary couldn't get done in eight.
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.
Actually in the Middle East terrorists prefer bombs over anything else… Stay in your lane
Actually (and I knock wood as I type this), Americans' attempts at making bombs have not been all that successful. Not so easy as it looks in Rumiyah.
The reason why terrorista love bombs in the Middle East, it’s much more effective than firearms, At terrorizing.
Muslims live for violence
Terrorists live for violence. Not all Muslims are terrorists. That's where your argument keeps failing.
Islam is all about hate, violence, Intolerance and control....

Surrender and submission. That's what the definition of Islam means.
21-foot rule. An assailant armed with a knife and intent on doing you harm can cover 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds. That's why police officers qualify at 7 yards.
Yes. But you can't knife someone driving by in your buddy's car and you can't knife 58 people to death and injure 400 more within ten minutes while standing on the balcony of your hotel room either.

Why the hell do you think that I'd even want to do something like that? Are you sick or obsessed with death or something?
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.

Firearms are always going to be obtainable, no matter how strict the laws are. Look at Chicago's strict gun laws and the sheer number of shootings they have. Look at Mexico: Strict firearms laws yet they have shootings every day, even with fully-automatic weapons which are supposed to be unobtainable.
What I'm thinking is, most guns used in crimes are stolen and sold illegally. So maybe if there were less guns laying around to steal, there would be less to illegally sell and people would have to go back to knife fights, which are awful but the murder rate would go down, I'm positive, because it takes some courage to walk up to a person and stab them in the back or the gut and it leaves you open to retaliation or maybe a knife wound of your own. Plus you get goo on your shoes.
So a lot less guns, a lot less shootings. After awhile.

"Less guns lying around to steal"?

How about this: "If only there were less drugs lying around for the cartels to sell..."

"If only there were less young girls wandering around, that can be forced into sex slavery..."

"If only there were fewer traded and national secrets, so the Chinese wouldn't steal them..."

Do you seriously think criminal organizations which depend on firearms to run their operations, are going to have trouble finding firearms?
Knife attacks are a problem. Of course, German authorities decided never to reveal the nationalities of most perpetrators. They even tried to hide the details of a double murder when a small child was decapitated. They denied it and when they could no longer do that, they claimed it was out of respect for the family.

German officials now have a history of protecting the Muslim immigrants. They allowed them in and now will not admit that they made Germany a more dangerous place.

We won't even get into the statistics for increases in rapes of women and children.

  • "Police reported more than 4,100 knife-related crimes in 2018, compared to around 3,800 reported during 2017 — and only 400 in 2008. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 900% — from one a day to more than ten a day.

  • German media do not report most knife-related violence. Crimes that are reported are often dismissed as "isolated incidents" that are unrelated to mass immigration. Moreover, many crime reports, including those in police blotters, omit references to the nationalities of the perpetrators and victims — apparently to avoid inflaming anti-immigration sentiments.... Many Germans have the sense that danger lurks everywhere, but the lack of official statistics seemingly allows German authorities to pretend that the problem is imaginary.

  • Germany's knife-crime epidemic has continued nonstop into 2019. During the first 45 days of 2019, police reported more than 500 knife crimes — an average of 11 a day."

Germany: Stabbings and Knife Crimes at Record High
That's no excuse to give everyone a gun again, though, is it?

Do you think the average female can defeat the average male in hand to hand that is why normal people need guns...they are always at a disadvantage when they are facing a violent criminal or criminals who are likely armed and ready to hurt or kill their victim.
And America has never let in unvetted immigrants; it was a unique situation in Europe when the war in Syria was raging. They had to do something with these people waiting in herds outside their borders and it was too chaotic to properly figure out who was who. That has never and will never be the situation here.

It is the situation now on the border......floods of people trying to enter the country...
Knife attacks are a problem. Of course, German authorities decided never to reveal the nationalities of most perpetrators. They even tried to hide the details of a double murder when a small child was decapitated. They denied it and when they could no longer do that, they claimed it was out of respect for the family.

German officials now have a history of protecting the Muslim immigrants. They allowed them in and now will not admit that they made Germany a more dangerous place.

We won't even get into the statistics for increases in rapes of women and children.

  • "Police reported more than 4,100 knife-related crimes in 2018, compared to around 3,800 reported during 2017 — and only 400 in 2008. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 900% — from one a day to more than ten a day.

  • German media do not report most knife-related violence. Crimes that are reported are often dismissed as "isolated incidents" that are unrelated to mass immigration. Moreover, many crime reports, including those in police blotters, omit references to the nationalities of the perpetrators and victims — apparently to avoid inflaming anti-immigration sentiments.... Many Germans have the sense that danger lurks everywhere, but the lack of official statistics seemingly allows German authorities to pretend that the problem is imaginary.

  • Germany's knife-crime epidemic has continued nonstop into 2019. During the first 45 days of 2019, police reported more than 500 knife crimes — an average of 11 a day."

Germany: Stabbings and Knife Crimes at Record High
A knife is the best weapon, it quite, clean, and does not get much detection when used in the right way.

21-foot rule. An assailant armed with a knife and intent on doing you harm can cover 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds. That's why police officers qualify at 7 yards.
Yes. But you can't knife someone driving by in your buddy's car and you can't knife 58 people to death and injure 400 more within ten minutes while standing on the balcony of your hotel room either.

But you can rent a truck and kill 86 and injure 435 in 5 minutes of according to you, all trucks need to be banned...right?

Vegas shooter.... killed, 58

Muslim terrorist in Nice.....with rental truck...killed 86.
Knife attacks are a problem. Of course, German authorities decided never to reveal the nationalities of most perpetrators. They even tried to hide the details of a double murder when a small child was decapitated. They denied it and when they could no longer do that, they claimed it was out of respect for the family.

German officials now have a history of protecting the Muslim immigrants. They allowed them in and now will not admit that they made Germany a more dangerous place.

We won't even get into the statistics for increases in rapes of women and children.

  • "Police reported more than 4,100 knife-related crimes in 2018, compared to around 3,800 reported during 2017 — and only 400 in 2008. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 900% — from one a day to more than ten a day.

  • German media do not report most knife-related violence. Crimes that are reported are often dismissed as "isolated incidents" that are unrelated to mass immigration. Moreover, many crime reports, including those in police blotters, omit references to the nationalities of the perpetrators and victims — apparently to avoid inflaming anti-immigration sentiments.... Many Germans have the sense that danger lurks everywhere, but the lack of official statistics seemingly allows German authorities to pretend that the problem is imaginary.

  • Germany's knife-crime epidemic has continued nonstop into 2019. During the first 45 days of 2019, police reported more than 500 knife crimes — an average of 11 a day."

Germany: Stabbings and Knife Crimes at Record High
A knife is the best weapon, it quite, clean, and does not get much detection when used in the right way.

21-foot rule. An assailant armed with a knife and intent on doing you harm can cover 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds. That's why police officers qualify at 7 yards.
Yes. But you can't knife someone driving by in your buddy's car and you can't knife 58 people to death and injure 400 more within ten minutes while standing on the balcony of your hotel room either.

Why the hell do you think that I'd even want to do something like that? Are you sick or obsessed with death or something?
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.

And what is more cool? The 1.1 million Americans who actually stop rape, robbery and murder each year, on average with their legal guns.....saving more lives than criminals take when they illegally use guns.....

Those are lives saved, more lives saved with legal guns in the hands of normal citizens.
Knife attacks are a problem. Of course, German authorities decided never to reveal the nationalities of most perpetrators. They even tried to hide the details of a double murder when a small child was decapitated. They denied it and when they could no longer do that, they claimed it was out of respect for the family.

German officials now have a history of protecting the Muslim immigrants. They allowed them in and now will not admit that they made Germany a more dangerous place.

We won't even get into the statistics for increases in rapes of women and children.

  • "Police reported more than 4,100 knife-related crimes in 2018, compared to around 3,800 reported during 2017 — and only 400 in 2008. Overall, during the past ten years, knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 900% — from one a day to more than ten a day.

  • German media do not report most knife-related violence. Crimes that are reported are often dismissed as "isolated incidents" that are unrelated to mass immigration. Moreover, many crime reports, including those in police blotters, omit references to the nationalities of the perpetrators and victims — apparently to avoid inflaming anti-immigration sentiments.... Many Germans have the sense that danger lurks everywhere, but the lack of official statistics seemingly allows German authorities to pretend that the problem is imaginary.

  • Germany's knife-crime epidemic has continued nonstop into 2019. During the first 45 days of 2019, police reported more than 500 knife crimes — an average of 11 a day."

Germany: Stabbings and Knife Crimes at Record High
That's no excuse to give everyone a gun again, though, is it?
We have seen shootings are far more dangerous. German homicide rate a small fraction of ours.

No....rental trucks are far more dangerous....

Vegas shooter....58 killed.

Muslim terrorist in Nice, France with a rental truck.... 86 killed, 435 injured, in 5 minutes of driving.
21-foot rule. An assailant armed with a knife and intent on doing you harm can cover 21 feet in about 1.5 seconds. That's why police officers qualify at 7 yards.
Yes. But you can't knife someone driving by in your buddy's car and you can't knife 58 people to death and injure 400 more within ten minutes while standing on the balcony of your hotel room either.

Why the hell do you think that I'd even want to do something like that? Are you sick or obsessed with death or something?
Not meant as the personal "you." Just pointing out some of the very cool easy murders one can commit with a gun that are impossible with a knife.

Firearms are always going to be obtainable, no matter how strict the laws are. Look at Chicago's strict gun laws and the sheer number of shootings they have. Look at Mexico: Strict firearms laws yet they have shootings every day, even with fully-automatic weapons which are supposed to be unobtainable.
What I'm thinking is, most guns used in crimes are stolen and sold illegally. So maybe if there were less guns laying around to steal, there would be less to illegally sell and people would have to go back to knife fights, which are awful but the murder rate would go down, I'm positive, because it takes some courage to walk up to a person and stab them in the back or the gut and it leaves you open to retaliation or maybe a knife wound of your own. Plus you get goo on your shoes.
So a lot less guns, a lot less shootings. After awhile.

Mexico has only one gun store, it is controlled by the Mexican military, and only select citizens can buy the few hand guns they have for sale...their gun murder rate is higher than ours....

You don't know what you are talking about.

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