Gun culture or parenting culture?

Nice try and deflection Ray. The point you were making was that Republicans don't try stop people from drinking alcohol.


As you can see, dry and partially dry are mostly in Republican areas.


The most northern county is Ochiltree,

Ochiltree County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2004, Ochiltree County 91.5 percent of voters (2,922) voted for George W. Bush"

" This is tied for the second-highest percentage of votes Bush received for any county in the US (in both 2000 and 2004), "

Oh, er... Republican, right? Massively Republican actually. One of the MOST Republican counties in the US. And it's DRY Ray. Oh, the Republicans don't want to stop people drinking.

Roberts county

Roberts County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2008 92% of voters voted for Republican John McCain versus only 7.92% for Democrat Barack Obama making it one of the most Republican counties in the United States."

Uh huh, another dry county which is totally Republican.

Let's look overall.
Presidential Election Results by County: Texas



And this map is a little weird, but those bottom counties all voted for Hillary.
Notice how none of the dry counties voted for Hillary?

Basically, being dry is a Republican policy Ray. So, that destroys your view that the Republicans don't tell people what to do. Yes, people can get up and leave their county, they can leave Texas, yes, they can leave the USA, that doesn't have anything to do with this argument, because it's still the REPUBLICANS telling people whether they can buy alcohol or not.

The point, Ray, isn't whether you see Jay-walking, it's that it actually exists. It exists because the automobile lobby went to govt and said "hey, we want cars to have supremacy on the roads" and the govt bent down, exposed their asses and took it.

But the fact that you want to impose this on people, after complaining about social engineering, is kind of funny.

We're not talking about terrorists here Ray, what you did was typically right wing reactionary, to equate Muslims with terrorists. Sorry, but most terrorists in the US seem to be Christians, Dylan Roof....

And I see your nice little slight of hand there, what "Republican representative", er... most Republicans aren't representatives Ray, but hey, you reduce the amount of people to hundreds rather than millions, and maybe you think you'll win some points, mainly because you know there are enough Republicans out there who DO call for the killing of Muslims.

And yet you can't name one.

People elect representatives to legislate their desires. If people want to be a dry city, district or county, they have every right to. It doesn't' mean some evil Republican leaders invaded a territory and forced them into being a dry whatever, and they had no choice but to give in.

Your map is from 2012. My statistics of seven counties are from 2016. In the late 1980's, there were 62 dry counties. Today, there are only seven. Do you know how that happened? People elected representatives that rescinded their prohibition on alcohol, or petitioned their current representatives to rescind the law.

Until today, our community has a Sunday (The Lords day) restriction on alcohol purchases. You can't buy alcohol beverages from our grocery store until noon. The wine aisle is fenced off until noon, but if you want to buy alcohol before that time, you can go to another district. And mind you, most all of our local politicians are Democrats.

Fuck off Ray. I can't name one person from your limited selection.

Please Ray, tell me how many 34 year old hermaphrodites, who like playing chess on Thursdays in a small shop in Alabama, while watching morning TV, think that you have nice hair. Come on, tell me?

Again Ray, I'm not here to play silly fucking games.

I must be drinking too much because your reply made absolutely no sense to me whatsoever.

And what do you mean by "my limited selection?" I'm asking you to give me the name of one prominent Republican that said we should kill all Muslims. There are hundreds of them in the house and Senate alone. I'm not talking about some kook with an internet site or some whacko in a church somewhere, I'm talking about any Republican with the ability to create laws or have a major influence on the public.

Why the fuck would I need to give you the name of "one prominent Republican"? Did I say "prominent Republicans said kill all Muslims"? No.

Hey Ray, you still haven't told me about the Hermaphrodite, and I'm going to keep banging on about it as long as you keep banging on about "prominent Republicans", because neither of them have sweet fuck all to do with this topic.

They don't? Then why did you bring them up?

When you said Republicans want to kill all Muslims, what Republicans are you talking about? That's all I want to know. Because I am a Republican, and I never heard anything like that from any Republican.

So you are lying and making shit up, or trying to convince me of something that is not. Either way, you painted yourself in a corner because you cannot back up your claims.

What kind of Republicans? Well, certain ones that come on sites like this.

MSNBC Guest: 'Nothing Says, Let's Go Kill Some Muslims, Like Country Music'

MSNBC Guest: 'Nothing Says, Let's Go Kill Some Muslims, Like Country Music'"

Court hears how Glendon Crawford was building an X-ray gun to kill all Muslims | Daily Mail Online

"Court hears how man was building an X-ray gun to kill all Muslims from the back of his van to 'help Jews get rid of their enemies'"

'Kill Muslims, Kill Them All!' Trump Supporter Shouts At Street Preachers | HuffPost


‘Kill Muslims, Kill Them All!’ Trump Supporter Shouts At Street Preachers"

'Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all': US TV commentator Erik Rush


'Muslims are evil. Let’s kill them all': US TV commentator Erik Rush provokes furious reaction with Boston bombing Twitter rants"

Do you want me to go on?

I never mentioned right or left.

I don't like to play that game we are talking about a philosophy

And specifically one of individual freedom vs collectivism

So, do you believe that the individual should always, in every instance, trump society?

any choice an individual makes that has no effect on another is completely acceptable.

And how many choices have no impact on anyone else? People don't have families now?

if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth
society moves in one direction or another as a result of the combines individual choices of the members of that society

and our entire system is based on people leading the government not the government leading the people

So... where do you see "the people" leading the govt? I don't see it. I see the rich leading the govt.

That is one of those choices people make
As a population less than half of all eligible voters vote in elections

so society has chosen what it wants and you should like that

So, just because society says something, you should be happy with it? So if society says that you should be locked up for no reason, you'd be happy with that?

all "society" is is the sum total of millions of individual decisions

so when we decide to lock people up for no reason it will be because many millions of individuals want it.

but we have already made the decisions about locking people up and we have the procedure to change those decisions ( constitutional amendment) so if and when "society" decides to do that it will be what we get

So, judging from this, if society decides to implement social engineering, you'd be right behind it.

I don't see tens of millions of people saying they want the government to tell them what to eat what not to eat what to drive how big a house they can have etc and to financially penalize them for not doing what they are told

It's always the minority who think they know what's "best" for everyone else

most people just want to be left alone
Right, for protection. Don't try that guilt trip on me. The second amendment doesn't give kids a constitutional right to illegally carry a firearm. That's why the kid is in jail today.

Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Well, there's a massive difference, most kids don't grow up in an environment where guns are tools any more. The reason to have a gun for many kids can be to be cool, to be hard, to increase your status within a tough environment. This isn't healthy and makes gang warfare even more dangerous and consuming.

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will
She said he was carrying it for protection. Why do you hate the 2nd Amendment?

Right, for protection. Don't try that guilt trip on me. The second amendment doesn't give kids a constitutional right to illegally carry a firearm. That's why the kid is in jail today.

Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?
So, do you believe that the individual should always, in every instance, trump society?

any choice an individual makes that has no effect on another is completely acceptable.

And how many choices have no impact on anyone else? People don't have families now?

if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
any choice an individual makes that has no effect on another is completely acceptable.

And how many choices have no impact on anyone else? People don't have families now?

if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks
Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Well, there's a massive difference, most kids don't grow up in an environment where guns are tools any more. The reason to have a gun for many kids can be to be cool, to be hard, to increase your status within a tough environment. This isn't healthy and makes gang warfare even more dangerous and consuming.

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.
She said he was carrying it for protection. Why do you hate the 2nd Amendment?

Right, for protection. Don't try that guilt trip on me. The second amendment doesn't give kids a constitutional right to illegally carry a firearm. That's why the kid is in jail today.

Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.
And how many choices have no impact on anyone else? People don't have families now?

if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.
if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.
Oh, yeah, sure thing Ray. Trying to preserve the free society by... by... stopping women being able to have abortions, stopping people being able to take drugs, drink alcohol, walk across the road, being Muslims.... should I carry on with the list of things the right want to do to restrict people's freedoms in the name of "liberty". Bullshit Ray, complete and utter bullshit.

What a stretch. What Republican wanted to stop people walking across the road? What Republican wanted to stop people drinking alcohol? What Republican wanted to stop anybody from being Muslim? And abortion is still legal in this country.

Correct, we do not want people taking recreational drugs. Many don't have the ability to work, end up homeless, or on a government program where taxpayers have to support them. They get involved in crime like robbing stores and homes. Drugs cause birth defects in children that may be a financial burden to society in the future. People kill themselves on drugs causing harm to the family, and that is increasing every year.

You want me to prove it? Did you not see how many dry counties there are in Texas?

Do you know about J-Walking and why it was enacted? Maybe you could go look it up. Supremacy of business over individuals, that's why.

No, Republicans don't want to stop people being Muslims, they just want to kill them.

Abortion is still legal in the US, no thanks to the Republican Party though.

Counties decide if they will be dry or not. If the people of any county don't want alcohol sold, then you just have to buy alcohol in another county. If enough people don't like living in a dry county, they can elect representatives that will rescind the law and become a wet county. As to an answer to your question, Texas currently has 7 dry counties.

I don't know about where you live, but I've never seen anybody get a ticket for jay-walking. I wish they would do it here; people running in front of your car causing you to stop.

Republicans want to kill terrorists no matter who they are. What Republican representative ever said they want to kill all Muslims?

Nice try and deflection Ray. The point you were making was that Republicans don't try stop people from drinking alcohol.


As you can see, dry and partially dry are mostly in Republican areas.


The most northern county is Ochiltree,

Ochiltree County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2004, Ochiltree County 91.5 percent of voters (2,922) voted for George W. Bush"

" This is tied for the second-highest percentage of votes Bush received for any county in the US (in both 2000 and 2004), "

Oh, er... Republican, right? Massively Republican actually. One of the MOST Republican counties in the US. And it's DRY Ray. Oh, the Republicans don't want to stop people drinking.

Roberts county

Roberts County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2008 92% of voters voted for Republican John McCain versus only 7.92% for Democrat Barack Obama making it one of the most Republican counties in the United States."

Uh huh, another dry county which is totally Republican.

Let's look overall.
Presidential Election Results by County: Texas



And this map is a little weird, but those bottom counties all voted for Hillary.
Notice how none of the dry counties voted for Hillary?

Basically, being dry is a Republican policy Ray. So, that destroys your view that the Republicans don't tell people what to do. Yes, people can get up and leave their county, they can leave Texas, yes, they can leave the USA, that doesn't have anything to do with this argument, because it's still the REPUBLICANS telling people whether they can buy alcohol or not.

The point, Ray, isn't whether you see Jay-walking, it's that it actually exists. It exists because the automobile lobby went to govt and said "hey, we want cars to have supremacy on the roads" and the govt bent down, exposed their asses and took it.

But the fact that you want to impose this on people, after complaining about social engineering, is kind of funny.

We're not talking about terrorists here Ray, what you did was typically right wing reactionary, to equate Muslims with terrorists. Sorry, but most terrorists in the US seem to be Christians, Dylan Roof....

And I see your nice little slight of hand there, what "Republican representative", er... most Republicans aren't representatives Ray, but hey, you reduce the amount of people to hundreds rather than millions, and maybe you think you'll win some points, mainly because you know there are enough Republicans out there who DO call for the killing of Muslims.

And yet you can't name one.

People elect representatives to legislate their desires. If people want to be a dry city, district or county, they have every right to. It doesn't' mean some evil Republican leaders invaded a territory and forced them into being a dry whatever, and they had no choice but to give in.

Your map is from 2012. My statistics of seven counties are from 2016. In the late 1980's, there were 62 dry counties. Today, there are only seven. Do you know how that happened? People elected representatives that rescinded their prohibition on alcohol, or petitioned their current representatives to rescind the law.

Until today, our community has a Sunday (The Lords day) restriction on alcohol purchases. You can't buy alcohol beverages from our grocery store until noon. The wine aisle is fenced off until noon, but if you want to buy alcohol before that time, you can go to another district. And mind you, most all of our local politicians are Democrats.

It was that way in the '50's in the Cleveland area. I thought by now it would have changed.
Why the fuck would I need to give you the name of "one prominent Republican"? Did I say "prominent Republicans said kill all Muslims"? No.

Correct. You said "Republicans" period.

No, I didn't.

I gave examples of where Republicans, not all Republicans, but where Republicans don't follow choice. At no time did I say it was all Republicans.

But you're just deflecting away from that FACT that I've shown that Republicans aren't exactly the believers in choice you seem to be making them out to be.
Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.
Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Well, there's a massive difference, most kids don't grow up in an environment where guns are tools any more. The reason to have a gun for many kids can be to be cool, to be hard, to increase your status within a tough environment. This isn't healthy and makes gang warfare even more dangerous and consuming.

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess
if a guy with 100 kids wants to eat Ice cream and pie every meal that's fine with me

Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

I call it minding my own business

you control freaks are the selfish ones because you want something so you think it's perfectly fine to tell people how to live and then punish them if they don't choose the "right" way according to you

I on the other hand don't want anything from anyone and have no need or desire to tell anyone what choices to make in his own life. So who is selfish?
Last edited:
Right, for protection. Don't try that guilt trip on me. The second amendment doesn't give kids a constitutional right to illegally carry a firearm. That's why the kid is in jail today.

Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?
Well, there's a massive difference, most kids don't grow up in an environment where guns are tools any more. The reason to have a gun for many kids can be to be cool, to be hard, to increase your status within a tough environment. This isn't healthy and makes gang warfare even more dangerous and consuming.

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

You guess. You guess? Yeah, great post. Something you "guess". Fucking hell.

3/4 of all murders in the US use guns.
Well you're not one of the kids.

If the guy with 100 kids, at the age of 35, suddenly dies of a heart attack because of his bad eating, then you have a single parent family. Then what?

then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

I call it minding my own business

you control freaks are the selfish ones because you want something so you think it's perfectly fine to tell people how to live and then punish them if they don't choose the "right" way according to you

I on the other hand don't want anything from anyone and have no need or desire to tell anyone what choices to make in his own life. So who is selfish?

Good for you.

You on the other hand try and twist the fuck out of everything so it looks good for you. I'm tired of this crap.

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