Gun culture or parenting culture?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.
answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them
It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....

That's bullshit. There aren't 1,500,000 knife attacks IN the US in a year.

There were fewer than 1,500 murders committed by knife in 2013. And nearly 15,000 murders were committed by gun that same year. Are you suggesting that for every murder committed by knife, 1,000 people are saved. Why are there not news reports of all these attacks and brave citizens.

Every time you gun nuts try to prove that guns keep you safe, you use provably false information.


What part of "knife attacks and other violent criminal attack..." did you fail to read? That means of the 1,500,000 defensive gun uses....a lot of them involved thugs with the attack just a day or two ago in Texas.....that was allegedly stopped by a concealed carrier....

And for 2013...according to the FBI there were 8,454 gun murders....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8


And here you go genius...notice.....both bill clinton and barak obama both have studies that show 1,500,000 defensive gun uses......

Self defense with a gun......40 years of actual research...first is the name of the group that conducted the research, then the year, then the number of defensive gun uses and finally wether the research contained police or military defensive gun uses....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.
answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

Hey moron....are you a psychic? Ask any victim of a violent criminal attack......see if they knew when they woke up that day of the attack if they actually knew they were going to be a victim of the rape, robbery or attempted murder.....

Are you this stupid in real life? Do you practice at being this stupid?

Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home? Do you look both ways before you cross a street?

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you? are really fucking stupid.......
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

Sounds to me like you are ignorant of firearms. A gun can't fire unless a cartridge is in the chamber. Guns also have safety locks on them to prevent accidental pulling of the trigger.
Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

I got my CCW about six years ago. The class was created and sponsored by the NRA. Half of the class is gun safety.
answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

Hey...shit for you think any of these guys thought they would need their gun when they woke up that morning...

Deputies: Osceola pastor shot church janitor in self-defense

According to deputies, Parangan pulled out a handgun and fired multiple shots at Pastor Terry Howell, who took out his own weapon and fired back, striking Parangan.

Howell was not injured, but Parangan was taken to Osceola Regional Medical Center in critical condition.

Deputies said several church employees witnessed the incident and gave similar statements.

this Psychiatrist was not an off duty cop.....

Penn. psychiatric center shooting intended mass killing: DA

The Pennsylvania patient accused of killing his caseworker in a psychiatric center shooting carried dozens of bullets — and he would have likely continued shooting if a doctor didn’t fire back, officials said.

Richard Plotts, 49, is expected to be charged with murder for allegedly opening fire at Sister Marie Lenahan Wellness Center in Darby Thursday.

After he killed his caseworker, 53-year-old Theresa Hunt, and shot his psychiatrist, Lee Silverman, the wounded doctor fired back, stopping the attack, District Attorney Jack Whelan said in a Friday press conference.

Plotts had 39 more bullets on him. He intended a mass shooting, Whelan said.

An Uber driver with a concealed handgun prevented a mass shooting in Chicago

A driver with the ride-hailing service Uber put a stop to a potential mass shooting in Chicago over the weekend.

Here's the Chicago Tribune, citing Assistant State's Attorney Barry Quinn:

A group of people had been walking in front of the driver around 11:50 p.m. in the 2900 block of North Milwaukee Avenue when Everardo Custodio, 22, began firing into the crowd, Quinn said.

The driver pulled out a handgun and fired six shots at Custodio, hitting him several times, according to court records. Responding officers found Custodio lying on the ground, bleeding, Quinn said. No other injuries were reported.

The Orlando night club shooter....faced 300 unarmed people and killed 49...this shooter was shot by a concealed carry permit a night club two weeks after Orlando...

This past Sunday, exactly two weeks to the day after the Pulse attack, there was a mass shooting outside a night club in South Carolina. I’m sure you haven’t heard about it, and for two good reasons. The first reason is that the attempted murderer was unsuccessful in killing any of his victims. The second reason is because the attempted murderer was stopped by a concealed carrier at the club drawing his weapon and putting a bullet into the bad guy.
Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Our last terror attack took place at an Ohio college. The attacker used his car and a knife.
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.
yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

well I obviously didn't endanger anyone since no one but me even knew I was carrying

I'm not scared of anything you are obviously scared of people legally carrying a weapon.

and I have lots of things that I might not ever need like homeowners insurance, term life insurance, disability insurance, car insurance but if I do ever need them I'll be god damned glad I had them

my firearm is self defense insurance and it is the least expensive of all of them

None of those insurance policies have the potential to kill the kid playing in your neighbor's yard. Since you say you haven't needed to use your gun for self defence for 25 years, the only two reasons you carry it are either, your fear that you aren't capable of surviving the same issues everybody else faces without a gun to boost your ego, or you're just nuts. When did your fear first start bothering you?

I have a ton of stories about "nuts" people who defended themselves from an attack with a firearm or saved others who were attacked. Would you like to read a couple?

When you go to sleep for the night, do you close your doors and lock them? Why would you do that unless you had a fear of something?

Being prepared for the worst is not fear, being prepared for the worst is proactive. Some people might live in places where a gun is unnecessary. Others live in places where a gun may just come in handy one day. I usually don't carry mine around during the day, but if I leave home at night, my gun is with me. I take it to the store, to my ATM machine, to visit friends or relatives, everywhere unless it's a gun restricted zone like a hospital or government outlet.

Locking the front door at night is a far cry from being so traumatized till you feel the need to be armed for combat before you have the courage to leave your front yard. Yes, if you are involved in an armed confrontation, that is combat.

The only one showing fear is you. I have yet to hear anyone carrying a gun for self defense state they were in a state of fear as they did it.

Fear is the emotion you have about guns....for gun owners, they are putting the weapon on their belt with the same emotion as they do their cell phone.....
then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

Who doesn't want to see their society improve? Everybody has their own idea how society should be improved, but some of us believe in improving society ourselves, and not have government force our will upon others.

People like you think that your ideas should be forced on people via government. Do you know what I ate for breakfast just now? I had a chocolate Hostess cupcake, and I'm going to have another one when I get to work. If it were up to you, those cupcakes would be taxed so it would cost me $5.00 each. That's what I'm against.

Well, by the looks of it, a lot of people don't want society to improve. They're more concerned only with themselves and couldn't give a stuff about others.

The problem is Ray, you're coming at me with stuff that doesn't work, for how to "improve" society. Seemingly there are people who want society to benefit them, and not others, and so want to keep people down for their own benefit. This isn't improving society.

The US is massively on the way down, it has so many problems that are just getting worse and worse.

Right, that's why so many are trying to sneak into this disastrous place.

A lot of people don't want society to improve? Not by the force of government we don't.
It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
Get ahold of an old NRA gun safety manual from at least 20 years ago. Before their focus changed from gun safety to gun sales. That will explain it quite well.
What a stretch. What Republican wanted to stop people walking across the road? What Republican wanted to stop people drinking alcohol? What Republican wanted to stop anybody from being Muslim? And abortion is still legal in this country.

Correct, we do not want people taking recreational drugs. Many don't have the ability to work, end up homeless, or on a government program where taxpayers have to support them. They get involved in crime like robbing stores and homes. Drugs cause birth defects in children that may be a financial burden to society in the future. People kill themselves on drugs causing harm to the family, and that is increasing every year.

You want me to prove it? Did you not see how many dry counties there are in Texas?

Do you know about J-Walking and why it was enacted? Maybe you could go look it up. Supremacy of business over individuals, that's why.

No, Republicans don't want to stop people being Muslims, they just want to kill them.

Abortion is still legal in the US, no thanks to the Republican Party though.

Counties decide if they will be dry or not. If the people of any county don't want alcohol sold, then you just have to buy alcohol in another county. If enough people don't like living in a dry county, they can elect representatives that will rescind the law and become a wet county. As to an answer to your question, Texas currently has 7 dry counties.

I don't know about where you live, but I've never seen anybody get a ticket for jay-walking. I wish they would do it here; people running in front of your car causing you to stop.

Republicans want to kill terrorists no matter who they are. What Republican representative ever said they want to kill all Muslims?

Nice try and deflection Ray. The point you were making was that Republicans don't try stop people from drinking alcohol.


As you can see, dry and partially dry are mostly in Republican areas.


The most northern county is Ochiltree,

Ochiltree County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2004, Ochiltree County 91.5 percent of voters (2,922) voted for George W. Bush"

" This is tied for the second-highest percentage of votes Bush received for any county in the US (in both 2000 and 2004), "

Oh, er... Republican, right? Massively Republican actually. One of the MOST Republican counties in the US. And it's DRY Ray. Oh, the Republicans don't want to stop people drinking.

Roberts county

Roberts County, Texas - Wikipedia

"In 2008 92% of voters voted for Republican John McCain versus only 7.92% for Democrat Barack Obama making it one of the most Republican counties in the United States."

Uh huh, another dry county which is totally Republican.

Let's look overall.
Presidential Election Results by County: Texas



And this map is a little weird, but those bottom counties all voted for Hillary.
Notice how none of the dry counties voted for Hillary?

Basically, being dry is a Republican policy Ray. So, that destroys your view that the Republicans don't tell people what to do. Yes, people can get up and leave their county, they can leave Texas, yes, they can leave the USA, that doesn't have anything to do with this argument, because it's still the REPUBLICANS telling people whether they can buy alcohol or not.

The point, Ray, isn't whether you see Jay-walking, it's that it actually exists. It exists because the automobile lobby went to govt and said "hey, we want cars to have supremacy on the roads" and the govt bent down, exposed their asses and took it.

But the fact that you want to impose this on people, after complaining about social engineering, is kind of funny.

We're not talking about terrorists here Ray, what you did was typically right wing reactionary, to equate Muslims with terrorists. Sorry, but most terrorists in the US seem to be Christians, Dylan Roof....

And I see your nice little slight of hand there, what "Republican representative", er... most Republicans aren't representatives Ray, but hey, you reduce the amount of people to hundreds rather than millions, and maybe you think you'll win some points, mainly because you know there are enough Republicans out there who DO call for the killing of Muslims.

And yet you can't name one.

People elect representatives to legislate their desires. If people want to be a dry city, district or county, they have every right to. It doesn't' mean some evil Republican leaders invaded a territory and forced them into being a dry whatever, and they had no choice but to give in.

Your map is from 2012. My statistics of seven counties are from 2016. In the late 1980's, there were 62 dry counties. Today, there are only seven. Do you know how that happened? People elected representatives that rescinded their prohibition on alcohol, or petitioned their current representatives to rescind the law.

Until today, our community has a Sunday (The Lords day) restriction on alcohol purchases. You can't buy alcohol beverages from our grocery store until noon. The wine aisle is fenced off until noon, but if you want to buy alcohol before that time, you can go to another district. And mind you, most all of our local politicians are Democrats.

It was that way in the '50's in the Cleveland area. I thought by now it would have changed.

Most of it did, but there are still pockets of places that still follow the tradition. I don't think it solves anything, but that's what they do.
It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

Hey moron....are you a psychic? Ask any victim of a violent criminal attack......see if they knew when they woke up that day of the attack if they actually knew they were going to be a victim of the rape, robbery or attempted murder.....

Are you this stupid in real life? Do you practice at being this stupid?

Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home? Do you look both ways before you cross a street?


I already told you lots of times that I don't have a problem with you strapping a fire extinguisher to your leg and prancing through town. It can't accidentally go off and kill someone.
still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

25 years of unnecessarily endangering the public by carrying a loaded weapon where it as not needed for no reason whatsoever. What scared you so bad till you felt the need to do that? You need counseling more than self defence.

HTF is carrying a loaded gun endangering the public????
Get ahold of an old NRA gun safety manual from at least 20 years ago. Before their focus changed from gun safety to gun sales. That will explain it quite well.

And that has what to do with my question????
No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Our last terror attack took place at an Ohio college. The attacker used his car and a knife.


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