Gun culture or parenting culture?

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

You guess. You guess? Yeah, great post. Something you "guess". Fucking hell.

3/4 of all murders in the US use guns.
if it's so much easier to use a gun why would anyone get stabbed or beaten to death?

people kill people
people will always kill people

so you can choose to defend yourself with the best tool possible or not

see once again I do not presume to tell people what choice to make
then what?
Don't know don't really care
I am from a single parent family and did just fine

no matter what happens it's not up to you to tell a person what to eat drink smoke etc

I know that really irks the shit out of a pathological control freak like you but it's the truth

Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

I call it minding my own business

you control freaks are the selfish ones because you want something so you think it's perfectly fine to tell people how to live and then punish them if they don't choose the "right" way according to you

I on the other hand don't want anything from anyone and have no need or desire to tell anyone what choices to make in his own life. So who is selfish?

Good for you.

You on the other hand try and twist the fuck out of everything so it looks good for you. I'm tired of this crap.

says the control freak trying to justify forcing people to live the way he says is "best" for them
No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

You guess. You guess? Yeah, great post. Something you "guess". Fucking hell.

3/4 of all murders in the US use guns.
if it's so much easier to use a gun why would anyone get stabbed or beaten to death?

people kill people
people will always kill people

so you can choose to defend yourself with the best tool possible or not

see once again I do not presume to tell people what choice to make

But your logic isn't very logical.

People kill more efficiently with a gun than with a knife.

The simple fact is, in the US there are 4 times more murders than in almost all other first world countries. Why? What's the difference? In most cases it's the guns.

In Switzerland where they have guns, sort of, but less of a carry guns around with you and to the bar culture, they still have a higher rate of gun murder than the UK, but a lower murder rate, which is hardly surprising seeing their GDP.

People will always kill, but not everyone will kill, and some people might try and kill but will fail. The better their weapon, the more chance they have of killing successfully.

No, once again you don't presume to tell people, but you stand by clapping their decision to see 4 times more people get killed. There lies the problem. You're willing to see the shit hit the fan far too often.
Your post is nothing worth replying to, but I see you're on to attacks and shit.
so what do you call a person who wants to tell people how to live their lives and then use taxes and price manipulation to do so?

I call them control freaks

Good for you.

What do you call people who don't want to improve their society, don't want to try and reduce the problems that exist? I call them selfish.

I call it minding my own business

you control freaks are the selfish ones because you want something so you think it's perfectly fine to tell people how to live and then punish them if they don't choose the "right" way according to you

I on the other hand don't want anything from anyone and have no need or desire to tell anyone what choices to make in his own life. So who is selfish?

Good for you.

You on the other hand try and twist the fuck out of everything so it looks good for you. I'm tired of this crap.

says the control freak trying to justify forcing people to live the way he says is "best" for them

Fine, fuck it, i'm done with these attack. Piss off.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

You guess. You guess? Yeah, great post. Something you "guess". Fucking hell.

3/4 of all murders in the US use guns.
if it's so much easier to use a gun why would anyone get stabbed or beaten to death?

people kill people
people will always kill people

so you can choose to defend yourself with the best tool possible or not

see once again I do not presume to tell people what choice to make

But your logic isn't very logical.

People kill more efficiently with a gun than with a knife.

The simple fact is, in the US there are 4 times more murders than in almost all other first world countries. Why? What's the difference? In most cases it's the guns.

In Switzerland where they have guns, sort of, but less of a carry guns around with you and to the bar culture, they still have a higher rate of gun murder than the UK, but a lower murder rate, which is hardly surprising seeing their GDP.

People will always kill, but not everyone will kill, and some people might try and kill but will fail. The better their weapon, the more chance they have of killing successfully.

No, once again you don't presume to tell people, but you stand by clapping their decision to see 4 times more people get killed. There lies the problem. You're willing to see the shit hit the fan far too often.
it's not guns

we have the same murder rate as we did in 1950 and the murder rate is in fact decreasing and we have more guns now than then

most gun murders happen in shithole urban areas in fact just a handful of cities skew the murder rate for the entire country

most murderers have prior criminal records as do most murder victims

people who buy guns legally are not the cause of our murder rates
Well, there's a massive difference, most kids don't grow up in an environment where guns are tools any more. The reason to have a gun for many kids can be to be cool, to be hard, to increase your status within a tough environment. This isn't healthy and makes gang warfare even more dangerous and consuming.

Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?
Does the 2nd have an age limit?

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

You guess. You guess? Yeah, great post. Something you "guess". Fucking hell.

3/4 of all murders in the US use guns.
if it's so much easier to use a gun why would anyone get stabbed or beaten to death?

people kill people
people will always kill people

so you can choose to defend yourself with the best tool possible or not

see once again I do not presume to tell people what choice to make

But your logic isn't very logical.

People kill more efficiently with a gun than with a knife.

The simple fact is, in the US there are 4 times more murders than in almost all other first world countries. Why? What's the difference? In most cases it's the guns.

In Switzerland where they have guns, sort of, but less of a carry guns around with you and to the bar culture, they still have a higher rate of gun murder than the UK, but a lower murder rate, which is hardly surprising seeing their GDP.

People will always kill, but not everyone will kill, and some people might try and kill but will fail. The better their weapon, the more chance they have of killing successfully.

No, once again you don't presume to tell people, but you stand by clapping their decision to see 4 times more people get killed. There lies the problem. You're willing to see the shit hit the fan far too often.

No...twit...our non gun murders are more than the entire murder numbers of other isn't guns.

90% of murder is committed by people who have long histories of crime and violence and previous felony convictions....

And as more Americans bought, owned and carried guns...our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%....our violent crime rate went down 72%...

Britain banned guns in 1996....their gun crime rate in London is up 42% last year, and up in every major British city.....and theri violent crime rate is through the roof, over 90% increase in some3 areas of Britain....

guns are not the problem....criminals are the problem.
Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....
No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....

Sorry. You've proven yourself to be brain dead. I might read your posts, but I can't give anything you might say any credibility.
Thanks, you've made my point. It isn't the guns. It is us. We are doing it, the big cities. We create the culture of violence and immaturity where many kids and people can no longer be trusted to handle guns responsibly. But the answer isn't gun control, infringing on good people's rights, it is to stop messing up kid's minds in the public schools making them grow up that way. We need major reform in our educational system. As it is now, try to take away the guns, not only do you just disarm the law-abiding people so they can't protect themselves and take freedom from our society, but the unhinged fringe of our society, if they can't get guns, will just find something else to use.

No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

yeah we have snipers just roaming around killing people in every city and town.

People kill people
people will always kill people

Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?
Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....

Sorry. You've proven yourself to be brain dead. I might read your posts, but I can't give anything you might say any credibility.

You mean you refuse to address the truth, facts and reality because they all show that you are wrong...completely wrong about guns and crime in the U.S. and around the world.

The actual statistics show you have no idea what you are saying about guns.....and you have no idea about crime in this country, or over seas.
Well, when I was young, it was common for kids to have rifles in the back window of their vehicle going to school. They received firearms safety training very young. Even more so back in the 1700's. Guns were a survivor tool and you were taught how to handle them responsibly at an early age as soon as you were old enough to hold one. So, offhand I'd say the real problem is us, our modern culture of fear where we have removed them from our lives and made them a foreign item to so many, rather than just another tool around us.

Fear of a gun never put a bullet into anybody. Lack of respect for the rules of safety is the problem we have. My first safety course taught me that you never handle a fire arm unless you were in a safe place with minimal possibility of accidental firing, and always make sure it is unloaded FIRST and never load it unless you were at a proper place and fully prepared for hunting or target practice. That is what the NRA taught back then. Now they advocate for ANYONE to be able to carry a loaded gun anywhere and any time, regardless of training. The NRA is anti-gun-safety.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

Having taken an NRA gun safety course two years ago, you again have no idea what you are talking about.
No, it isn't guns. Guns don't kill people, people WITH GUNS kill people. Guns empower people, guns make crazy people more dangerous. However it's got to the point where guns are having an adverse effect on society because of the way they vhange humans.

Yes, education needs to be reformed, society needs to be reformed, but none of this will happen with the current way of voting. As long as the two main parties are playing this bullshit partisan game, nothing will change, except the US gets weaker every year.

The question is why so many people reject change to Proportional Representation. The answer is simple, their rich overlords haven't told them to think this way, because it's not in the overlords's interests.
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....

That's bullshit. There aren't 1,500,000 knife attacks IN the US in a year.

There were fewer than 1,500 murders committed by knife in 2013. And nearly 15,000 murders were committed by gun that same year. Are you suggesting that for every murder committed by knife, 1,000 people are saved. Why are there not news reports of all these attacks and brave citizens.

Every time you gun nuts try to prove that guns keep you safe, you use provably false information.
what's the sense of carrying an unloaded gun for personal protection?

Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
people kill people with or without guns
always have always will

Guns just make it much quicker and easier.

yeah which is why knives are used to kill far more often than rifles or shotguns I guess

Is that why you hear about so many drive by knifings, or accidental knifings ? How exactly does a knife sniper go about his job? Does he dress in dark clothes, pick a hidden spot in the bushes a couple hundred yards from his victim, and then quietly pull out a really, really long knife?

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack 1,500,000 times a year....and knives kill more people than all rifles types.....over 1,500 people are murdered with knives every single year.....

That's bullshit. There aren't 1,500,000 knife attacks IN the US in a year.

There were fewer than 1,500 murders committed by knife in 2013. And nearly 15,000 murders were committed by gun that same year. Are you suggesting that for every murder committed by knife, 1,000 people are saved. Why are there not news reports of all these attacks and brave citizens.

Every time you gun nuts try to prove that guns keep you safe, you use provably false information.
if you bothered to read you would have noticed 2AG said

Americans use guns to stop knife attacks and other violent criminal attack ...

so you may want to slow down when you read and really it's OK to move your lips and follow along with your finger
Perfect example of the vast difference between what the NRA taught when I was a kid taking their classes on gun safety, and what they advocate now that they have dropped all that safety stuff and concentrated on nothing but increased gun sales.

so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?
so you think it's impossible to carry a loaded weapon safely?

An unloaded gun is much safer than a loaded gun. Duuuuuuh. Pay attention son. These aren't the hard questions. Of course, you wouldn't know that unless you took a NRA gun safety course at least 20 or so years ago. Recent ones don't do the safety part so much.

answer the question

do you think it's impossible to carry a loaded gun safely?

It's impossible to carry a loaded gun as safely as the same unloaded gun.

still won't answer the question

well I have carried a loaded gun in fact I have been carrying a loaded gun for the better part of 25 years with the exact same result as carrying an unloaded gun so it is possible to carry a loaded gun as safely as an unloaded gun.

but why anyone would carry an unloaded gun is beyond me
The exact same result? So loading it did you no good?

yes the exact same result

but unlike you if I ever need to draw my weapon it won't go CLICK

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