CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Not in the United States. You keep trying to squirm out of answering truthfully. Here, let me re-post what I just said for you.

“The data shows that Americans are more effective at killing with guns. You just don’t like it.”

Notice the part that I bolded and underlined. Did you miss it (again) or are you just being dishonest when you respond?

Again…….our trucks don’t work?
Right. And from the data we have now, mass killers are more effective with guns than with vehicles.


Nope….not when one truck attack murdered more people than every single mass public shooting……and more people than every single year of mass public shootings except for two…..
Nope….not when one truck attack murdered more people than every single mass public shooting……and more people than every single year of mass public shootings except for two…..
Not in this country. Why do you keep squirming out of answering what I asked?

"The data shows that Americans are more effective at killing with guns." Yes or no? Admit it.
Do you masturbate thinking about guns? Cause every time we talk guns you guys start talking about sex and intimacy with guns.....

Get help before you hurt yourself...
My comment was a question, sadly you could not respond to a simple question. The only gun I own is locked in a lock box that has not been opened since my retirement.
The 2nd Amendment is outdated as well as it's text because it seems to be the most thing argued about in America. If the SCOTUS chop and change their rulings, that's evidence it's badly written.

It just looks that way on message boards and the MSM; the fact is most people who own firearms here do not care much what the govt. does, they aren't going to be handing them over, so it is a moot issue in real life. This is especially the case in most southern states, the Mid-west and west, and the notion that the Feds will then go house to house and sieze them if people don't comply is at best a laughable fantasy for leftwingers and the 'elite's' dreams of disarming all those uppity proles.

All they will get is many many millions of court cases and jails full of citizens over claims 'I lost them while I was out jogging' or 'they got stolen just the other day', that sort of thing, and there will never ever be enough Feds to do house to house searches even in the commies' wildest dreams. There isn't a hood rat felon in the entire country that doesn't have two or three stashed somewhere.

And then there is that pesky problem of our porous borders and trying to keep smugglers out; that would create another problem for the open borders types and their idiot delusions. They can't even enforce traffic laws in this country with any great success.
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All they will get is many many millions of court cases and jails full of citizens over claims 'I lost them while I was out jogging' or 'they got stolen just the other day', that sort of thing, and there will never ever be enough Feds to do house to house searches even in the commies' wildest dreams.
Don't forget the great classic: "I lost my guns in an unfortunate boating accident." :cool:
Admitting that here in America have a gun problem would be a start. Pro gun, anti gun worship.
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