CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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No...the data I showed points out that a truck was used to murder more people than all of the mass public shootings in the U.S...including all but two years where the 86 murdered was more than the entire years worth of mass public shooting deaths.....

That is the truth, the fact and the reality...
That was in France, not America.

Why is it that mass killers who use vehicles in America aren't very effective?

You can answer this time.
That was in France, not America.

Why is it that mass killers who use vehicles in America aren't very effective?

You can answer this time.

Doesn't matter.....the truck murdered more people than all of the mass public shooters in the U.S....that means it is deadlier than the mass public shooters using guns....
Doesn't matter.....the truck murdered more people than all of the mass public shooters in the U.S....that means it is deadlier than the mass public shooters using guns....
You can answer the question any time now. ;)

Why do you keep running away from it? :)
And that is why we secure the schools and add either armed security,
You're rather free with people's money. Once we secure schools which do we secure next, churches or hospitals?

or allow some teachers and support staff to have guns.....and get rid of the gun free zone, so that parents can carry their legal guns with them when they go to the school office...
Some parent comes to the school to complain about a test result and carries in a gun. What could go wrong?

Simply training some, not all or even most, simply some of the staff to carry guns, will stop these nuts..........
Professionals have problems in these situations and innocent people get hurt, you want some part-timer to face that situation? If that staff person shoots the wrong person, who is responsible?
Is that what I wrote?

I wrote it wouldn’t stop it and did not add anything about my opinion of what should be done, so tell me where I wrote what you claim I wrote because I will clearly show you that you are lying and adding as usual but nothing changes here with those like you…
You said reality is you will never stop someone. That sounds like someone throwing up his hands and giving up. Do you have a solution or did I get it wrong? keep saying "doing nothing," when we say several actual you think we won't notice you being an idiot...
You offer solutions, Peace did not. Are you and Peace a team of some sort? Does everyone on your side of the issue agree on solutions?
Bruce said
Doesn’t matter because reality is you will never stop someone
to be exact. So he's not only suggesting no solution, he's claiming nothing anyone suggests will ever work either. Defeatism's finest.
Not an acceptable answer, at least not to the parents of slain children.
Too bad. Their refusal to accept reality is not my problem.

I see, since there is no perfect solution, doing nothing is the only alternative. That doesn't sound like reality to me, it sounds more like denial.
If progressives want to engage in some virtue signaling to show the world how much they CARE, I suggest they all burn down their own houses.

Just think how impressed the world will be when they see that progressives CARE so much that they are willing to burn down their own houses just to make a statement.

(No insurance fraud please. Come clean with the authorities that you are voluntarily burning your own homes.)
"The data shows that Americans are more effective at killing with guns." Yes or no?

Is France in America? You’re having such a hard time with this.
It doesn't matter where France is. There is no magical law of nature that says it can't happen in America.

Seems like it does.
No. It doesn't matter where France is. There is no magical law of nature that says it can't happen in America.

The data shows otherwise.
Not by my reckoning.

Why is it that mass killers who use vehicles in America aren't very effective?
I do not accept the premise of the question.
Doesn’t matter because reality is you will never stop someone and let me point to Norway and remind you you can only do so much, so stop using dead children to win your argument…
I agree, but I just wanted to point out that this silly hysteria about dead children will never win any argument.
to be exact. So he's not only suggesting no solution, he's claiming nothing anyone suggests will ever work either. Defeatism's finest.
If progressives want to engage in some virtue signaling to show the world how much they CARE, I suggest they all burn down their own houses.

Just think how impressed the world will be when they see that progressives CARE so much that they are willing to burn down their own houses just to make a statement.

(No insurance fraud please. Come clean with the authorities that you are voluntarily burning your own homes.)
So you want nothing done and expect a stupid window to hold off the next psychopath. Noted.
windows in schools are already tempered glass

It would be relatively simple to add a couple layers of laminate to both sides so the widows will be harder to break

You really aren't very smart are you?

windows in schools are already tempered glass

It would be relatively simple to add a couple layers of laminate to both sides so the widows will be harder to break

You really aren't very smart are you?

Fine with me. Is anyone proposing this legislation?
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