CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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It doesn't matter how much progressives hate our freedom (the 9/11 hijackers hated our freedom too). America is going to remain free.
Progressives should also be placed in labor camps for reeducation like China is doing to the Uighurs.
What were you saying about 'freedom'?
Or maybe simplistic solutions tend to create simplistic problems such as being fire hazards and long established code violations. Locked doors and hardened windows truly are effective ways to keep students out of classes or stuck inside them. But screw the kids. Serious people understand the real issue here. Progressives have simply not been trashed enough.

Progress? Pffft! Only an idiot would want that.
You never heard of doors that can be only unlocked and opened from the inside?
Even bullet proof windows can be opened wide enough to provide egress in emergencies like fires.
You never heard of doors that can be only unlocked and opened from the inside?
Even bullet proof windows can be opened wide enough to provide egress in emergencies like fires.
Never heard that shooting someone requires a gun? Even kids in elementary school know that. The cops could just shoot anyone caught bringing a gun onto school property, including themselves. CHEAP! Simples!
Never heard that shooting someone requires a gun? Even kids in elementary school know that. The cops could just shoot anyone caught bringing a gun onto school property, including themselves. CHEAP! Simples!
A door lock is cheaper than paying cops not to do anything
Never heard of school doors having locks already? Regular windows that already allow egress in case of emergencies? I'd wager this fountain of useless suggestion flows straight from the gun industry and their paid lackeys like our 2Aguy at the very least. Hmm, decisions, decisions?.. shall we protect our children or bear arms? Those in saner parts of the world just shake their heads in disbelief. What a bunch o f c l o w n s.
It doesn't matter how much progressives hate our freedom (the 9/11 hijackers hated our freedom too). America is going to remain free.
What do you mean by free?

In political terms, it means freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech. So what's your interpretation?
Free to drive unlimited trucks through elementary schools and run over more kids faster than one could mow them down with a semi-automatic assault rifle or two. That is, given one could drive a truck through an elementary school.

Quit tryna wear me
All duh damn time time time
No more of your slime slime slime
I'm not a coat!
Not a coat!
Not a coat!

What do you mean by free?
In political terms, it means freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech. So what's your interpretation?
Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

People who do not have the right to keep and bear arms, are not free.
What were you saying about 'freedom'?
Progressives are bad for trying to abolish freedom in America.

Hmm, decisions, decisions?.. shall we protect our children or bear arms?
Since the two are unrelated, there is nothing preventing both from being done.

We are going to keep our guns no matter what. But I've no objection to doing both.

Those in saner parts of the world just shake their heads in disbelief. What a bunch o f c l o w n s.
As if "lack of freedom" equates to "sanity"?
Since the two are unrelated, there is nothing preventing both from being done.
Tell it to the parents of the dead Uvalde students. Is there truly nothing between your ears?
"America doesn’t stand out when it comes to the rate of mental illness, but we are unique among the world’s developed nations in that today the leading cause of death among children is no longer a car accident, is no longer illness or malnourishment. The leading cause of death among children is a firearm," Schumer said.
Just in the minds of certain wacky Americans.
No. In historical reality.

Here is what America calls the Second Amendment, as it existed in England 1400 years ago:

"Ceorl, also spelled Churl, the free peasant who formed the basis of society in Anglo-Saxon England. His free status was marked by his right to bear arms, his attendance at local courts, and his payment of dues directly to the king. His wergild, the sum that his family could accept in place of vengeance if he were killed, was valued at 200 shillings."

"Fyrd, tribal militia-like arrangement existing in Anglo-Saxon England from approximately AD 605. Local in character, it imposed military service upon every able-bodied free male. It was probably the duty of the ealderman, or sheriff, to call out and lead the fyrd. Fines imposed for neglecting the fyrd varied with the status of the individual, landholders receiving the heaviest fines and common labourers the lightest."
No. In historical reality.

Here is what America calls the Second Amendment, as it existed in England 1400 years ago:

"Ceorl, also spelled Churl, the free peasant who formed the basis of society in Anglo-Saxon England. His free status was marked by his right to bear arms, his attendance at local courts, and his payment of dues directly to the king. His wergild, the sum that his family could accept in place of vengeance if he were killed, was valued at 200 shillings."

"Fyrd, tribal militia-like arrangement existing in Anglo-Saxon England from approximately AD 605. Local in character, it imposed military service upon every able-bodied free male. It was probably the duty of the ealderman, or sheriff, to call out and lead the fyrd. Fines imposed for neglecting the fyrd varied with the status of the individual, landholders receiving the heaviest fines and common labourers the lightest."
Some are stuck in the past with those cranky wacky ideas. Many have moved on. Anyone who feels you're only free because you have the right to bear arms, needs to see their doctor because they've lost the plot
Some are stuck in the past with those cranky wacky ideas. Many have moved on.
America does not agree that freedom belongs in the past. We choose to retain our freedom forever.

And we are not the only ones. There is a swath of countries from Finland to Switzerland who also insist on remaining free.

Anyone who feels you're only free because you have the right to bear arms, needs to see their doctor because they've lost the plot
That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

People who lack the right to keep and bear arms, are not free.
America does not agree that freedom belongs in the past. We choose to retain our freedom forever.

And we are not the only ones. There is a swath of countries from Finland to Switzerland who also insist on remaining free.

That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

People who lack the right to keep and bear arms, are not free.
Like I said, the wacky believe that.

"We cannot move forward if we're always living in the past"
Auryn Hadley

PS - you're the first American (I assume you are) that has actually said what makes Americans feel free and everyone else isn't.

All I can say is, what a wacky idea it is. Only 20% of Americans own a passport, so at least 80% only have a CNN perspective of the world. I sincerely suggest you all get a passport and get travelling, go see the world, you might be surprised.
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