CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Check out 2aguy's hilarious attempts.

If I said A, you would say B. If I said B, you would say A. Some just like to argue for arguments sake.

And you still repeat the wacky idea that freedom is a gun. Haven't laughed so much for so long. Unfortunately, people want the freedom to live in a safe society, they no longer want to live in a "wacky free" dangerous society. American society is dangerous because citizens are brought up with a dangerous amendment. It's like in the UK. The travelling community, aka Pikey's, are brought up to steal, it's second nature to them. So they go out and steal, they steal from one another within their clan, and they fleece unsuspecting people from dodgy work. But they don't see anything wrong because they're brought up stealing, they don't find stealing bad.

In the UK, you are brought up that you don't walk about in public with a gun, you have a valid reason to have a gun, you keep it locked up when not in use, you religiously keep a tab on serial numbers etc.. Not doing any of those feels alien, doesn't feel right, and if the authorities find out about any gun safety breaches, you are in the shit. Americans don't have that, you find our system alien, we find yours alien. Our system results in low incidents, yours results in high incidents, but in America, they blame schools because they're not geared up to your gun violence. But, like the Pikey's, you're unable to see that because of your up bringing.

The problem America has got, you have nearly 250 years of raising kids in a bad gun culture. In the UK, we just observe the daft gun nut argument trying to support that type of culture. The world doesn't live in 1776, America doesn't live in 1776, but gun nut brains are ingrained in 1776.

It doesn't effect you, it won't likely effect your kids if the 2nd Amendment got scrapped because regulations and legislation happens over decades and centuries. You have it in your head that suddenly overnight, guns will disappear. It took 250 years to get where guns are in America, it will take nearly that to get them safe. Gun nuts don't want a safe America and they don't understand the gun problem. It's so blatant.

Yeah....freedom is dependent on guns......just not guns in the hands of the you guys saw just across the water...

It still boggles my mind that you can sit there, next to the Continent where 15 million innocent men, women and children were simply murdered.....not collateral damage from the war....dragged out of their homes, put on trains, and murdered.........and it didn't stop until Americans, with our guns, stopped it.......

At about 10,000 murdered with guns a year here in the U.S.....the majority of them were not innocent people...they were criminals living in the criminal lifestyle.....the majority of the rest were the friends and family who were hit in the crossfire of their criminal relations.........and if you put all of those murders together, it beginning in 1939 when the murders really began in earnest in don't even come close to matching the murder by European socialists and their conquered victims.......

Not even close....

And you think that people should give up their guns, in the hopes that that never happens again...considering just recently the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans....?

Just crazy......

And you think that your criminals will stay the same over time...even as they begin to shoot each other more and more...and your teens are knifing each other to death....

You don't understand human history or human nature, and shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.....ever.
Yeah....freedom is dependent on guns......just not guns in the hands of the you guys saw just across the water...

It still boggles my mind that you can sit there, next to the Continent where 15 million innocent men, women and children were simply murdered.....not collateral damage from the war....dragged out of their homes, put on trains, and murdered.........and it didn't stop until Americans, with our guns, stopped it.......

At about 10,000 murdered with guns a year here in the U.S.....the majority of them were not innocent people...they were criminals living in the criminal lifestyle.....the majority of the rest were the friends and family who were hit in the crossfire of their criminal relations.........and if you put all of those murders together, it beginning in 1939 when the murders really began in earnest in don't even come close to matching the murder by European socialists and their conquered victims.......

Not even close....

And you think that people should give up their guns, in the hopes that that never happens again...considering just recently the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans....?

Just crazy......

And you think that your criminals will stay the same over time...even as they begin to shoot each other more and more...and your teens are knifing each other to death....

You don't understand human history or human nature, and shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.....ever.
Having a gun has nothing to do with freedom, whatsoever.
I live in NYC. Right now it takes $400 or so in fees and 3-6 months just to be able to legally purchase a revolver to keep in my own apartment. That's infringement, and that's the minimum the left wants for the rest of the country.
You are cheap

If a gun is so important to you, fork out the $400
They're bad because they want to limit YOUR freedoms or bad because they want to protect the freedoms of people you don't like?
Progressives are bad because they want to abolish freedom.

And it continues!!!! Lol
2aguy is telling the truth.

Having a gun has nothing to do with freedom, whatsoever.
That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

People who don't have the right to keep and bear arms are not free.

You are cheap
If a gun is so important to you, fork out the $400
So that means it is OK to require people to pay $400 to vote in an election?
Say you respond, "Dagnabbit! Wuddaya mean conservatives blindly pursue change?"
To which I say, "See, whenever we achieve any progress you conservatives work your little BLIND butts off to CHANGE it back again!"
If conservatives work to oppose positive change on some issue, it is fair to condemn them for that. And I would not oppose that condemnation so long as I agreed that it was fair and accurate.

But when it comes to guns and the Second Amendment, it is progressives who are doing all of the evil. Therefore it is proper that they receive all of the condemnation for that evil.

No, you're no "peasant," nor a dictionary -- obviously
That is incorrect. There is no nobility or royalty in the US. There is also no longer any slavery.

nor convincing, thankfully, no matter how often you repeat your inane flames against progressives.
Fair condemnation of actual wrongdoing is not flaming.

Progressive denials of reality do not make reality go away.
Check out 2aguy's hilarious attempts.
All he is doing is telling the truth. Nothing wrong about that.

If I said A, you would say B. If I said B, you would say A. Some just like to argue for arguments sake.
People are contradicting you because what you saying is wrong. If your posts were correct, people would not contradict you.

Well, progressives would probably contradict you then, I guess. But people who are interested in the truth would not contradict you for telling the truth.

And you still repeat the wacky idea that freedom is a gun.
I do not share the opinion that accurate language is wacky.

Unfortunately, people want the freedom to live in a safe society, they no longer want to live in a "wacky free" dangerous society.
You don't speak for America. You also don't speak for a lot of Europe.

Not to mention the fact that this crusade against freedom doesn't even begin to make anyone any safer. Wherever freedom is abolished, people remain just as unsafe as they were before, only now they are no longer free.

American society is dangerous because citizens are brought up with a dangerous amendment.
There is nothing even remotely dangerous about freedom.

In the UK, you are brought up that you don't walk about in public with a gun, you have a valid reason to have a gun, you keep it locked up when not in use, you religiously keep a tab on serial numbers etc.. Not doing any of those feels alien, doesn't feel right, and if the authorities find out about any gun safety breaches, you are in the shit. Americans don't have that, you find our system alien, we find yours alien.
I would find the claims that "the UK is happy with their lack of freedom" more plausible if they didn't always seem so bitter at the US for choosing freedom.

I'm willing to let the UK be without freedom if that is what they truly want, but I would prefer it if they were willing to allow America to remain free because that is what we want.

The problem America has got, you have nearly 250 years of raising kids in a bad gun culture.
There is nothing bad about gun culture. The US doesn't have a problem.

Name calling brings down the tone of your entire post.

The world doesn't live in 1776, America doesn't live in 1776,
Freedom is not an obsolete concept that only applies to people in the past.

America (and a lot of Europe) will remain free forever.

It doesn't effect you, it won't likely effect your kids if the 2nd Amendment got scrapped because regulations and legislation happens over decades and centuries. You have it in your head that suddenly overnight, guns will disappear.
Lack of freedom affects everyone immediately.

It took 250 years to get where guns are in America, it will take nearly that to get them safe.
America is already safe.

they don't understand the gun problem. It's so blatant.
There is no gun problem.
Investigations for gun permits cost money
When you have to do background checks on voters, get back to me
If that is all that is needed to for a poll tax to be Constitutionally legitimate then I'm sure the right can come up with excuses for investigating voters.

Election security I would imagine.
So I guess poor NY'ers don't deserve to be able to defend themselves?

How Limousine liberal of you.

Let them eat cake?
When you are paying $4000 a month for rent, what’s $400 for a gun license?
It still boggles my mind that you can sit there, next to the Continent where 15 million innocent men, women and children were simply murdered.....not collateral damage from the war....dragged out of their homes, put on trains, and murdered.........and it didn't stop until Americans, with our guns, stopped it.......

That's pretty dismissive of the efforts of the Allies. America was critical to winning the War but America didn't win everything by itself.

Radar was jointly developed in the US and UK.

And if it weren't for a gay British dude inventing "computers" but also breaking the Enigma code, a lot (a lot a lot a lot) of Americans would have died. Even the atomic bomb which ended the war was originally predicated on work done in Europe by Europeans.

So let's not get TOO full of ourselves.

You don't understand human history or human nature, and shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.....ever.

I'm afraid you seem to have the view of history that O'Brien had in 1984 : "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- for ever.'" You realize that the choice ISN'T just rampant murders in schools and grocery stores OR vicious murderous genocidal dictators.

When you are paying $4000 a month for rent, what’s $400 for a gun license?

Only the hispters yuppies and bougie types pay $4000 for rent, outer boros outside the trendy places you can get a 1 bedroom for $1450.

Also, would you be OK with a $400 fee for an abortion, above the cost of the abortion?
Yeah....freedom is dependent on guns......just not guns in the hands of the you guys saw just across the water...

It still boggles my mind that you can sit there, next to the Continent where 15 million innocent men, women and children were simply murdered.....not collateral damage from the war....dragged out of their homes, put on trains, and murdered.........and it didn't stop until Americans, with our guns, stopped it.......

At about 10,000 murdered with guns a year here in the U.S.....the majority of them were not innocent people...they were criminals living in the criminal lifestyle.....the majority of the rest were the friends and family who were hit in the crossfire of their criminal relations.........and if you put all of those murders together, it beginning in 1939 when the murders really began in earnest in don't even come close to matching the murder by European socialists and their conquered victims.......

Not even close....

And you think that people should give up their guns, in the hopes that that never happens again...considering just recently the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans....?

Just crazy......

And you think that your criminals will stay the same over time...even as they begin to shoot each other more and more...and your teens are knifing each other to death....

You don't understand human history or human nature, and shouldn't be anywhere near the levers of power.....ever.
Our nation has never needed privately held guns to assure freedom

Only the hispters yuppies and bougie types pay $4000 for rent, outer boros outside the trendy places you can get a 1 bedroom for $1450.

Also, would you be OK with a $400 fee for an abortion, above the cost of the abortion?
Sorry but that makes zero sense
If it is OK to place a $400 fee on gun ownership, it is also OK to place a $400 fee on abortions. Or on voting. Or on the right to a jury trial.
The fee pays for background checks

Not needed for abortion
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