CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Since your opinion is common to Europeans, I say we withdraw all support for Europe and see how you do with your armies and your "guns" on your own, including Ukraine. Good luck with China and Russia. I'm sure your militaries are up to the task.
The problem is, the Americans are daft enough to have army bases in the EU, so the countries bleed you of resources. And somehow, Americans feel proud. Double daft.
The problem is, the Americans are daft enough to have army bases in the EU, so the countries bleed you of resources. And somehow, Americans feel proud. Double daft.

I am not at all proud of that. Why we continue to ally ourselves with Europe is anyone's guess.
The problem is, the Americans are daft enough to have army bases in the EU, so the countries bleed you of resources. And somehow, Americans feel proud. Double daft.

We are just trying to keep you idiots from slaughtering each other again, forcing us to come back over, again, to stop have a fondness for mass murder and ethnic cleansing.....and on top of that, Russia would have taken over Europe if not for us.......
I am not at all proud of that. Why we continue to ally ourselves with Europe is anyone's guess.
Killing foreigners, especially the brown ones, is all we're good at anymore and most of the billionaires love it that way.. so we whore ourselves out for their fun and profit.

Is that why they want to join NATO.
Finns with privately owned guns are soon going to be contributing to NATO's defenses.

You do know that Finland has very strict gun control laws?
I'm not sure what you mean by "strict". All laws demand that people obey them.

If "strict" is supposed to mean rules that are oppressive enough to prevent widespread gun ownership, I have to disagree. Guns are widely owned in Finland.

While the majority of Finnish gun owners probably only have hunting guns, this widespread Finnish gun ownership does include plenty of privately-owned semi-auto rifles with detachable 30 round magazines.
If it wasn't for the French, the colonies would still be British.
So why didn't your "so called claimed guns" win, you needed the French?
We are grateful for France's help. But without the ability to rerun history to see how different choices turn out, I don't think it can be said that we definitely would have lost without them.

The problem is, the Americans are daft enough to have army bases in the EU, so the countries bleed you of resources. And somehow, Americans feel proud. Double daft.
Does the UK still station soldiers in Germany?

Why shouldn't we be proud of helping to defend our allies?
Killing foreigners, especially the brown ones, is all we're good at anymore and most of the billionaires love it that way.. so we whore ourselves out for their fun and profit.
Many foreigners are bad people who need killing. Remember Usama bin Ladn?

Just like good people, bad people come in all skin colors.
Because one day, even the US might have to ask for help if the likes of Russia and China combined decide to invade you.

....which has been held over our heads for decades now. Yes, yes, be our defacto military, you might need us someday!

This has gone on too long for a people who are open in how much they hate us.

No more. I'm not alone either.
We are grateful for France's help. But without the ability to rerun history to see how different choices turn out, I don't think it can be said that we definitely would have lost without them.

Does the UK still station soldiers in Germany?

Why shouldn't we be proud of helping to defend our allies?
The thing is, American culture is very narcissist. So the cliches you all come out with try to beef you up, trying to lower others in the invisible hierarchy, and omitting the correct detail that makes you look shit. Here's a link that adds a little detail -

I don't have a clue where UK soldiers are based, it's something that has never ever bothered or effected me. The thing is in the UK, we get up in a morning, work, leisure, interact with people, go to the pub etc.. We don't constantly feel the need or panic about arming up against home invaders and machete wielding manics, we don't feel the need to brag where army personal are.

Why don't you brag about Treaty of Ghent? The Brits don't, you obviously won't. But, the Brits are not narcissists.

So when you all start to lose debates, the bragging comes out, and when you read the link, that's what makes you ********* *whoop whoop slap slap * (and all that shite)
....which has been held over our heads for decades now. Yes, yes, be our defacto military, you might need us someday!

This has gone on too long for a people who are open in how much they hate us.

No more. I'm not alone either.
Well, if America tried to get on with others, everyone will help one another just fine. It's the arsehole that tends to sit in the corner on their own.
This has gone on too long for a people who are open in how much they hate us.
Not everyone in the EU hates us. Countries that escaped Communism tend to love America.

Really it's only the left who hates us. Leftists were hoping that Stalinision would extinguish global freedom, but it was leftist Stalinism that was extinguished.

American leftwingers hate America just as much as European leftwingers do. That's why American leftists saw the 9/11 hijackers as their allies and cheered for the attacks.

Europe is unfortunate to have a lot of leftists living there. But don't judge all of Europe by their leftists. There are plenty of non-leftists in Europe who don't agree with leftist hatred and oppression.
Because one day, even the US might have to ask for help if the likes of Russia and China combined decide to invade you.
Help is welcome, but we are able to take down Russia and China at the same time without help.

The war would wipe out the human race (or at least civilization), but we are able to wage it.

The thing is, American culture is very narcissist.
We have good reason to be happy with ourselves. We are pretty good people.

Plus, life for us is good overall. We like freedom and we are lucky enough to live in a country that allows us to be free.

So the cliches you all come out with try to beef you up, trying to lower others in the invisible hierarchy, and omitting the correct detail that makes you look shit. Here's a link that adds a little detail -
There is nothing negative about being satisfied with yourself.

I am not aware of any invisible hierarchy.

I do recognize that the US is free and that few other countries are. Since I highly value freedom, I am therefore very happy that I live in the US. But I don't think that makes people in the US "better" than people who lack freedom.

Many people who lack freedom tell me that they don't want freedom. If I take them at their word, then there should be no problem. They live in the situation that they say they want, and I live in the situation that I want. I question whether they truly dislike freedom as they claim however, since they always seem so upset at America for remaining free.

I don't have a clue where UK soldiers are based, it's something that has never ever bothered or effected me. The thing is in the UK, we get up in a morning, work, leisure, interact with people, go to the pub etc.. We don't constantly feel the need or panic about arming up against home invaders and machete wielding manics, we don't feel the need to brag where army personal are.
That is a serious oversight. If you don't arm yourself, you won't be able to defend yourself if you are seriously attacked.

Who is bragging about troop positions?

Why don't you brag about Treaty of Ghent? The Brits don't, you obviously won't. But, the Brits are not narcissists.
I don't know much about it. Is there something to brag about?

So when you all start to lose debates, the bragging comes out, and when you read the link, that's what makes you ********* *whoop whoop slap slap * (and all that shite)
I'm not sure what you are referring to. What debates?

Well, if America tried to get on with others, everyone will help one another just fine. It's the arsehole that tends to sit in the corner on their own.
I think we get along with good people just fine.

If someone has a problem with us, it is possible that they are a bad person.

Every situation is different though. I'd have to know the details of their complaint against us. It is possible that someone could have a legitimate grievance.
What do you mean by free?

In political terms, it means freedom of assembly, freedom of association, freedom of choice, and freedom of speech. So what's your interpretation?
Free people vote for their leaders and can remove them from power

People who aren't free are ruled by monarchs
The thing is, American culture is very narcissist. So the cliches you all come out with try to beef you up, trying to lower others in the invisible hierarchy, and omitting the correct detail that makes you look shit. Here's a link that adds a little detail -

I don't have a clue where UK soldiers are based, it's something that has never ever bothered or effected me. The thing is in the UK, we get up in a morning, work, leisure, interact with people, go to the pub etc.. We don't constantly feel the need or panic about arming up against home invaders and machete wielding manics, we don't feel the need to brag where army personal are.

Why don't you brag about Treaty of Ghent? The Brits don't, you obviously won't. But, the Brits are not narcissists.

So when you all start to lose debates, the bragging comes out, and when you read the link, that's what makes you ********* *whoop whoop slap slap * (and all that shite)

That's funny, since more home invasions happen in the U.K......our criminals do their best to invade empty they don't get shot......

An Englishman's home is his dungeon

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term.

Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present.

But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing. Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.

These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.

Finns with privately owned guns are soon going to be contributing to NATO's defenses.

I'm not sure what you mean by "strict". All laws demand that people obey them.

If "strict" is supposed to mean rules that are oppressive enough to prevent widespread gun ownership, I have to disagree. Guns are widely owned in Finland.

While the majority of Finnish gun owners probably only have hunting guns, this widespread Finnish gun ownership does include plenty of privately-owned semi-auto rifles with detachable 30 round magazines.
Erm, there are about 600,000 gun owners who between them have 1.5 million guns in a population of about 5.5 million people, WOW that's going to be a massive contribution to NATOs defences. Every gun owned in finland has to be registered, every owner has to be licenced and approved. Self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun. Finland's gun laws are roughly the same as other European countries, like France and Germany.
Erm, there are about 600,000 gun owners who between them have 1.5 million guns in a population of about 5.5 million people, WOW that's going to be a massive contribution to NATOs defences. Every gun owned in finland has to be registered, every owner has to be licenced and approved. Self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun. Finland's gun laws are roughly the same as other European countries, like France and Germany. don't have to keep telling us that you guys learned nothing from the slaughter of 15 million people...after they were disarmed by their governments.............

So, the gun is registered, they get their license.....what keeps them from walking into a school with their registered, licensed gun and murdering students and staff?

In the 1920s the governments of Europe registered guns...using the same arguments you use......don't need them, you'll be safer, the government will take care of you.....

15 years later the National Socialists used those registration lists to take guns away from Jews and their political enemies who they then went on to murder in the millions......
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