CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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per capita is a shitty way to get the results the left typically looks for when it is the metro areas that command the homicide rates by gun. It is also the areas that ban law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. One could argue that Chicago has a mass murder every weekend but that does not fit the left wing talking points
Your ignorance is noted. How many people live in Chicago, and how many in Roberts County, Texas?

From what I've heard, there is no magic bullet (get it?) but a mesh of gun control measures like they have in CA does work. Trivia note, I believe it was Ronald Reagan who signed the first gun control law into effect.
Bull crap, totally.
That's nice. But I have a question.

What does all this have to do with the price of tea in China?

Your failure to point out any errors in my posts speaks for itself.

American English is the only proper English.
The first part was obviously, although basic, far too complicated for you. You claim you go by facts, I gave you the facts about the Monarchy, you keep repeating we're ruled by the Monarchy.

American English is lazy English, it butchers the Queens English, now that's the cue for you to say we're ruled by the Monarchs in the UK :auiqs.jpg:
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A lot of people don't really understand how data works or what will make the most sense when dealing with data.
Data shows that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

The innumerate refuse to work. Whip 'em good!
I saw him in concert when he toured for that album.

Not my usual choice in music so I usually leave it off the list when I name all the concerts that I went to when I was young.

Although... Did you link the wrong video? I think your phrase "Whip 'em good!" is a better match to a certain Devo song.

The first part was obviously, although basic, far too complicated for you.
That I see no relevance to your trivia does not mean that I do not understand it.

You claim you go by facts, I gave you the facts about the Monarchy,
So you're just spouting irrelevant trivia.

you keep repeating we're ruled by the Monarchy.
No. My response to your irrelevant trivia is:
"African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants."

American English is lazy English, it butchers the Queens English,
American English is proper English. Someone should teach the queen to speak like an American.

now that's the cue for you to say we're ruled by the Monarchs in the UK :auiqs.jpg:
African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants.
Data shows that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

I saw him in concert when he toured for that album.

Not my usual choice in music so I usually leave it off the list when I name all the concerts that I went to when I was young.

Although... Did you link the wrong video? I think your phrase "Whip 'em good!" is a better match to a certain Devo song.

That I see no relevance to your trivia does not mean that I do not understand it.

So you're just spouting irrelevant trivia.

No. My response to your irrelevant trivia is:
"African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants."

American English is proper English. Someone should teach the queen to speak like an American.

African elephants have larger ears than Asian elephants.

Great link…. I am stealing it….
Data shows that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.


America second highest in the world for gun homicide
I take supposed "concern about suicide" from the left with a grain of salt. I have proposed measures to reduce firearms suicide, and leftists always disregard the proposals.

But yes, I would like to implement measures to reduce such suicides.

It should come as no surprise that I do not propose anything that would violate anyone's civil liberties.

That is probably why leftists disregard my proposals. Leftists never care about saving lives. They only want to violate people's civil liberties.

America second highest in the world for gun homicide
So what? Murder victims are just as dead when they are killed with some other kind of weapon.

It is no great surprise that in countries with few guns, murder victims are killed without guns. And in countries with lots of guns, murder victims are killed with guns.
I take supposed "concern about suicide" from the left with a grain of salt. I have proposed measures to reduce firearms suicide, and leftists always disregard the proposals.

But yes, I would like to implement measures to reduce such suicides.

It should come as no surprise that I do not propose anything that would violate anyone's civil liberties.

That is probably why leftists disregard my proposals. Leftists never care about saving lives. They only want to violate people's civil liberties.

So what? Murder victims are just as dead when they are killed with some other kind of weapon.

It is no great surprise that in countries with few guns, murder victims are killed without guns. And in countries with lots of guns, murder victims are killed with guns.
The Left? Going off at a tangent?

Your chances of suicide by gun increase, can't remember the stats for American blokes but it was 34% for American women. This is due to poor gun control.
The Left?
Yes. They are the ones who demand gun control.

Going off at a tangent?
No. The disingenuousness of calls for gun control is highly relevant when gun control is being discussed.

Your chances of suicide by gun increase, can't remember the stats for American blokes but it was 34% for American women. This is due to poor gun control.
About the only reply I have for that would be a direct copy and paste of most of my previous post.
Yes. They are the ones who demand gun control.

No. The disingenuousness of calls for gun control is highly relevant when gun control is being discussed.

About the only reply I have for that would be a direct copy and paste of most of my previous post.
Some Right Wingers ask for and enjoy gun control, it reduces deaths.

The right’s opposition to any kind of firearm database, even stolen firearms.

And you guessed it – the classic slippery slope fallacy: a database will result in ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations.’
It's a slippery slope. Is it not easier to locate all legally obtained firearms through the use of registration? And use those registration list during the forced government mandated buy back? Your brain has a fallacy if you can't see it. Isn't that what happened in Australia?
Except it is

Lawyers can't stuff their pockets suing doors, so the left and hood rats aren't interested in factual stuff. No bling for the hood rats' relatives either.
Some Right Wingers ask for and enjoy gun control, it reduces deaths.
As was proved earlier, gun availability has little to do with homicide rates. Therefore gun control does nothing at all to reduce homicides.

I take supposed "concern about suicide" from the left with a grain of salt. I have proposed measures to reduce firearms suicide, and leftists always disregard the proposals.

It should come as no surprise that I do not propose anything that would violate anyone's civil liberties.

That is probably why leftists disregard my proposals. Leftists never care about saving lives. They only want to violate people's civil liberties.
Here is some more.....

#8 In 64.1% of attempted and successful residential burglaries, someone is in the home


In 64.1% of the cases, someone is at home during a residential break-in or an attempt of a home invasion in the UK. Out of those who were home during these incidents, 43% were unaware of what was happening; 11% were aware but didn’t see the offender, and 46% were aware and saw the burglar.

OMG!!! 46% were aware and saw the burglar! Quick, Dierdrie, break out the Purdeys! Any idea what the result of these "sightings" were? Oh yes, look at #1 ...But even though this is a significant number, the numbers have slowly been falling since 2002. Proves my point.

Oh, #31 is interesting, and also supports my point, "It’s been proven that burglary rates in the UK are lower among households with at least one security measure. Some 32% of households have a burglar alarm, while 40% have a security camera. People are less likely to steal from a property with visible security measures in place. So investing in such initiatives is a good idea if you wish to protect your property."

Also #16 Of that 46%, only 27% state that any violence was used, although it was threatened in 48% of that 46% of cases.

Oh, you are aware these statistics, accurate or not, come from Insurance companies pushing their policies, so they spin the stats to frighten people into buying them, just like the gun industry, use fear to sell your product.
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