CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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America second highest in the world for gun homicide

Yeah...if you read either of those links you would see how they are lying to you....

Gun suicide? Yeah, tell that to Japan, China and South Korea.....with higher levels of suicide than the U.S....which is the important number......but as you can see....they anti-gun fanatics lie about the issue by just saying "gun suicide," hiding the fact that the U.S. does not have the highest rate of suicide in the world.....I don't know if we are even in the top 10.....

And yet Scotland has a higher suicide rate than the U.S......Japan, where only criminals and cops have guns, has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Sweden has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Denmark has a higher suicide rate than the u.S.....





New Zealand




South Korea


15.7 suicides per 100,000

In 2019?

16.7 suicides per 100,000.

And in the U.S.?

13.93 per 100,000

Suicide facts and figures

Changes in Suicide Rates — United States, ...

South Korea 24.7

Hungary 21

Japan 19.4

Belgium 18.4

Finland 16.5

France 14.6

Austria 13.8

Poland 13.8

Czec Republic 12.7

New Zealand 11.9

Denmark 11.3

Sweden 11.1

Norway 10.9

Slovac Republic 10.9

Iceland 10.3

Germany 10.3

Canada 10.2

United States 10.1

A new report by Unicef contains a shocking statistic - New Zealand has by far the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.
A shock but no surprise - it's not the first time the country tops that table.
The Unicef report found New Zealand's youth suicide rate - teenagers between 15 and 19 - to be the highest of a long list of 41 OECD and EU countries.

The rate of 15.6 suicides per 100,000 people is twice as high as the US rate and almost five times that of Britain.
Incorrect, why lie because you know I will pull you up on it. I will give $1m dollars were you can link where I've said, "The mere presence of guns". You know fine well that over the years on here, I have always said that citizens can and do enjoy guns, but just like with many other countries, with regulations and laws. Iceland have tighter controls than the UK, hence no gun homicides since 2007. They ban inappropriate guns from society and only the competent apply and own guns.

The argument is, the 2nd Amendment clearly allows and condones gun crime/deaths/incidents. Many countries with gun regulations and laws highlights and demonstrates that. And when confronted with facts, American gun nuts jump to cars, trucks, ladders, independence, tyranny, burglars, Monarchies and other bovine excrement.

I sincerely hope this has finally remained in your grey matter.

You can't explain how licensing normal gun owners stops criminals or stops people with a license from walking into their local school, gun license in hand....with their gun ...and shooting a whole bunch of people....

You guys think that saying the magic words..."license," "registration," are all you need and poof.......criminals don't use guns for crime, and people who plan on breaking the law by committing mass public murder are stopped by words......

You really don't understand the issue...
Yeah...if you read either of those links you would see how they are lying to you....

Gun suicide? Yeah, tell that to Japan, China and South Korea.....with higher levels of suicide than the U.S....which is the important number......but as you can see....they anti-gun fanatics lie about the issue by just saying "gun suicide," hiding the fact that the U.S. does not have the highest rate of suicide in the world.....I don't know if we are even in the top 10.....

And yet Scotland has a higher suicide rate than the U.S......Japan, where only criminals and cops have guns, has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Sweden has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Denmark has a higher suicide rate than the u.S.....





New Zealand




South Korea


15.7 suicides per 100,000

In 2019?

16.7 suicides per 100,000.

And in the U.S.?

13.93 per 100,000

Suicide facts and figures

Changes in Suicide Rates — United States, ...

South Korea 24.7

Hungary 21

Japan 19.4

Belgium 18.4

Finland 16.5

France 14.6

Austria 13.8

Poland 13.8

Czec Republic 12.7

New Zealand 11.9

Denmark 11.3

Sweden 11.1

Norway 10.9

Slovac Republic 10.9

Iceland 10.3

Germany 10.3

Canada 10.2

United States 10.1

A new report by Unicef contains a shocking statistic - New Zealand has by far the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.
A shock but no surprise - it's not the first time the country tops that table.
The Unicef report found New Zealand's youth suicide rate - teenagers between 15 and 19 - to be the highest of a long list of 41 OECD and EU countries.

The rate of 15.6 suicides per 100,000 people is twice as high as the US rate and almost five times that of Britain.
The link does say "Gun" suicide
Incorrect, why lie because you know I will pull you up on it. I will give $1m dollars were you can link where I've said, "The mere presence of guns". You know fine well that over the years on here, I have always said that citizens can and do enjoy guns, but just like with many other countries, with regulations and laws. Iceland have tighter controls than the UK, hence no gun homicides since 2007. They ban inappropriate guns from society and only the competent apply and own guns.

The argument is, the 2nd Amendment clearly allows and condones gun crime/deaths/incidents. Many countries with gun regulations and laws highlights and demonstrates that. And when confronted with facts, American gun nuts jump to cars, trucks, ladders, independence, tyranny, burglars, Monarchies and other bovine excrement.

I sincerely hope this has finally remained in your grey matter.

As Westwall would challenge you....

Show us the link between your gun laws and gun crime or mass public shootings......

This is where you go quiet and don't answer.
You can't explain how licensing normal gun owners stops criminals or stops people with a license from walking into their local school, gun license in hand....with their gun ...and shooting a whole bunch of people....

You guys think that saying the magic words..."license," "registration," are all you need and poof.......criminals don't use guns for crime, and people who plan on breaking the law by committing mass public murder are stopped by words......

You really don't understand the issue...
You need three things which I have said many many times. You need adequate gun regulations and laws. You need strict enforcement of said gun regulations and laws. You need a sensible gun culture that takes many decades to develop.
Sorry, I skipped read your post and read it wrong.

So you believe people should be locked up for life? Do Republican States lock them up for life? When do Iceland release their criminals?

Do you think gun regs and laws in the likes of the UK, Iceland, NZ, Australia, European countries etc.. is responsible for low gun crime. In the UK, most prisoners are released after serving half their time, why aren't we swamped with gun crime?

Thank you for your "opinions" though, any chance of linking them to reality?

Do you think gun regs and laws in the likes of the UK, Iceland, NZ, Australia, European countries etc.. is responsible for low gun crime.

No...not at the past, the destruction of World War 1 and 2 slowed down the destruction of the British family and your culture......while the U.S. was destroying our black and poor families with the "Great Society," you were dealing with the culture shock of the destruction of, you are catching up.....the violence among your teens...stabbing each other to death....and the violence of your 3rd world immigrant drug gangs, can't be is increasing...and with the growing aggressiveness of your criminals, they are turning to guns more and more....the British police state they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into Britain..... us exactly how gun laws in those countries keep criminals from getting us how the gun laws in those countries keep their nuts from getting a license, getting the gun registered, and then walking into the local school.....and murdering people...

This is a cultural, mental health issue, not a gun issue..

I showed you that for 27 years as more and more Americans bought millions and millions of guns and millions of Americans carry those guns in public for self defense, the gun murder rate went down 49%....the gun crime rate went down 75%....the violent crime rate went down 72%

You can't explain that....

I can.

The policies of the democrat party, the leftist party in this country....destroying local policing, and releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals no matter how many offenses they commit.....are directly responsible for our gun crime rate increase in democrat party controlled cities...

My explanation is true and accurate....yours is not.
You need three things which I have said many many times. You need adequate gun regulations and laws. You need strict enforcement of said gun regulations and laws. You need a sensible gun culture that takes many decades to develop.

We have all of those things...what we also have is a political party that has as its core missions to destroy local policing...and to release violent criminals into black and minority neighborhoods...
OMG!!! 46% were aware and saw the burglar! Quick, Dierdrie, break out the Purdeys! Any idea what the result of these "sightings" were? Oh yes, look at #1 ...But even though this is a significant number, the numbers have slowly been falling since 2002. Proves my point.

Oh, #31 is interesting, and also supports my point, "It’s been proven that burglary rates in the UK are lower among households with at least one security measure. Some 32% of households have a burglar alarm, while 40% have a security camera. People are less likely to steal from a property with visible security measures in place. So investing in such initiatives is a good idea if you wish to protect your property."

Also #16 Of that 46%, only 27% state that any violence was used, although it was threatened in 48% of that 46% of cases.

Oh, you are aware these statistics, accurate or not, come from Insurance companies pushing their policies, so they spin the stats to frighten people into buying them, just like the gun industry, use fear to sell your product.

59% of these encounters became know this since you were shown the then went on to say they became violent because of the home owner attacking the criminal...


Burglary victims attacked in their own home once every 30 minutes
A householder is attacked by a violent burglar every 30 minutes.

The shocking statistic exposes for the first time the epidemic of terrifying intruder confrontations taking place in Britain.


Of the burglaries in which the victim came face-to-face with the intruder, violence was either used or threatened in 59 per cent of crimes.
As Westwall would challenge you....

Show us the link between your gun laws and gun crime or mass public shootings......

This is where you go quiet and don't answer.

Interesting facts on the US in that link, gun regs reduced gun incidents.

The UK's last school shooting was in 1996. It overhauled its gun-control laws after and there hasn't been another.

Last school shooting 1996. I do believe America has had 27 school shootings this year, and 200+ mass shootings.
2aguy you love comparing America to other countries, why not compare St. Louis, Missouri to Iceland?

St. Louis, Missouri, which has a population slightly smaller than Iceland's, had 193 homicides linked to firearms last year.

Iceland have had no gun homicides since 2007. How on earth can that be. They don't have an army either, they must be living in fear over being invaded and their government going tyrannical. How are they surviving against all of your "facts" 🤔

And as I keep telling you guys.......immigrants moving into Western countries without any respect for Western culture or values is creating more and more violent crime in those countries.......

Iceland.......evolving criminals...even in Iceland..of all places..

But four shootings have now taken place in a little over a year, one of which was fatal.

In February 2021, a man was gunned down in a hail of bullets outside his home in a neighbourhood of the capital Reykjavik, a murder that shocked the nation.

The killing was linked to organised crime, police said.

"Criminal groups in Iceland are becoming more organised," said criminologist Margret Valdimarsdottir.

"They have more ties to international groups than what we've seen before, which may be a challenge for our police force."

In February, two separate drug-related shootings took place in Reykjavik two days apart, one in the city centre.

The gang violence is similar to that already seen in other parts of Europe.

"It takes five to 10 years for what is trending in Europe to show up in Iceland," said Runolfur Thorhallsson, superintendent of Iceland's elite police unit, known as the Viking Squad.

"Of course this is a concern for us."

- Unarmed police -

Iceland is one of the rare countries in the world where police are not armed in their daily duties.


Interesting facts on the US in that link, gun regs reduced gun incidents.

The UK's last school shooting was in 1996. It overhauled its gun-control laws after and there hasn't been another.

Last school shooting 1996. I do believe America has had 27 school shootings this year, and 200+ mass shootings.

You have had two mass public shootings since the ban and confiscation......which British gun control law, which gun licensing law, which gun registration law physically kept these shooters at Cumbria, and Plymouth from going into one of your public schools?

Blimey, I'm getting bombarded by gun mouth frothers. It's nearly 4pm in the UK, I have to go run some errands, back on tonight to read the rubbish.
You have had two mass public shootings since the ban and confiscation......which British gun control law, which gun licensing law, which gun registration law physically kept these shooters at Cumbria, and Plymouth from going into one of your public schools?

Read the links
The link does say "Gun" suicide
I take supposed "concern about suicide" from the left with a grain of salt. I have proposed measures to reduce firearms suicide, and leftists always disregard the proposals.

But yes, I would like to implement measures to reduce such suicides.

It should come as no surprise that I do not propose anything that would violate anyone's civil liberties.

That is probably why leftists disregard my proposals. Leftists never care about saving lives. They only want to violate people's civil liberties.

So it goes.
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