CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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People do need guns for self defense because the Supreme Court has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone
To anti-gunners, this term "need" refers to a policy of preventing people from having guns unless the government agrees with each person's specific reason for having each gun.

If the government decides that a given reason is not a good enough justification for having a gun, the government can prevent everyone from having guns for that reason.

If the government decides that a given reason is a good enough justification, but a certain individual is not in a situation where that reason would apply to them, the government can prevent that individual from using that reason for acquiring a gun.

And the government only allows people to have guns with limited capabilities that address only the specific use that the government has agreed to. So if the government has agreed that someone can be an Olympic biathlete, they can have a gun appropriate to the biathlon, but not have a gun that would be useful for hunting or self defense.

It works in the UK because they are serfs who are used to having their lord tell them what they are allowed to do.

But free people can have guns merely because they choose to do so. They don't have to have a reason, and they don't have to get anyone's approval. If a free person wants to have a gun, he simply goes and buys one.

People who have no experience with freedom and don't actually understand it will talk about "need" as if free people can be limited from having guns if the government doesn't agree that they need them.
To anti-gunners, this term "need" refers to a policy of preventing people from having guns unless the government agrees with each person's specific reason for having each gun.

If the government decides that a given reason is not a good enough justification for having a gun, the government can prevent everyone from having guns for that reason.

If the government decides that a given reason is a good enough justification, but a certain individual is not in a situation where that reason would apply to them, the government can prevent that individual from using that reason for acquiring a gun.

And the government only allows people to have guns with limited capabilities that address only the specific use that the government has agreed to. So if the government has agreed that someone can be an Olympic biathlete, they can have a gun appropriate to the biathlon, but not have a gun that would be useful for hunting or self defense.

It works in the UK because they are serfs who are used to having their lord tell them what they are allowed to do.

But free people can have guns merely because they choose to do so. They don't have to have a reason, and they don't have to get anyone's approval. If a free person wants to have a gun, he simply goes and buys one.

People who have no experience with freedom and don't actually understand it will talk about "need" as if free people can be limited from having guns if the government doesn't agree that they need them.
Scotus has given everyone a reason to own guns.
59% of these encounters became know this since you were shown the then went on to say they became violent because of the home owner attacking the criminal...
Only in your delusional state. Firstly, I stated that the Daily Fail is not a reliable source of factual data, but even if it were, there was no indication as to who started any violence during the course of said burglary. I stated that it was quite possible that any able bodied person encountering a burglar might well try to fight him off in defnce of his/her property, so what proportion of the alleged 59% of "violent encounters" was the violence instigated by the burglar against the victim, or vice versa. You signaly failed to answer. Repeating the same BS, merely demonstrates the weakness of your position.
UK has a 3d gun problem
Yes, Right-wing Conservative and Fascists seem to be very interested in this technology. I'll be more worried when they start 3D printing the ammunition for them. If/when these weapons become more common, I'll lose sleep over it and maybe print one off myself. But 4 guns in as many years, is not a problem yet.
And most burglaries happen in the hours where most people are at work and on the school run.

As you say, have a deterrent. I have two dogs and a Ring doorbell. But no matter the deterrent, burglaries will continue to happen, but deterrents reduce incidents. Same with gun regulations and laws, incidents will continue to happen, but they're greatly reduced.

In the vast majority of cases, the burglar is after your cash, jewellery, and TV, not a confrontation. So as soon as they hear a voice/shout, most flee. But American gun control will happen one day.
Spot on. Where I live just about everyone has a Ring doorbell so if any potential burglar manages to destroy mine, there would be a wealth of video footage of him/her going to my house, smashing the bell and then bashing their heads against my front door when they found they couldn't get in... :icon_lol:
STATEMENT: Who gives a fuck ... You are too fucking stupid to address the issue.

RESPONSE: I Care; it is you and others who allow those who murder to have guns in their possession.

Every person who owns and has in their possession hand guns & long guns have a duty to protect them from theft, or giving or selling to another person, should have a duty to notify with the serial number and the name and address of a transfer of a firearm to an FBI data base, and wait at least 10 days to complete the transaction.

Every firearm stolen must immediately notify their local law enforcement agency, and the LE agency if stolen in another jurisdiction.
that doesn't solve anything, it just goes to show how fucking stupid you are on the subject. Allowing police to do their jobs without being concerned about someone's feelings would correct this. Feelings is the root cause of all the issues of society these days. Unless you are over 50, you are in the fucking cry baby group that doesn't want to address the root cause
The link does say "Gun" suicide
You'll notice he cherry picks his data, if you look at suicide rates for 2022 for example the figures are somewhat different. Suicide rates change year on year in any event Suicide Rate by Country 2022 US is 16.1, Japan 15.3 so his argument is meaningless, just a pathetic attempt to deflect from you point about gun suicide.
Yes, Right-wing Conservative and Fascists seem to be very interested in this technology. I'll be more worried when they start 3D printing the ammunition for them. If/when these weapons become more common, I'll lose sleep over it and maybe print one off myself. But 4 guns in as many years, is not a problem yet.
Some creative person has come up with a 3D-printed sear that converts Glock handguns to full-auto.
Spot on. Where I live just about everyone has a Ring doorbell so if any potential burglar manages to destroy mine, there would be a wealth of video footage of him/her going to my house, smashing the bell and then bashing their heads against my front door when they found they couldn't get in... :icon_lol:
Obviously if you aren't home your life will not be endangered but all it takes is that one time when you are home.

Like what happened to this family.

Some creative person has come up with a 3D-printed sear that converts Glock handguns to full-auto.
Nothing new, when I was in the Army, some soldiers would convert SLRs into full auto by judicious use of a matchstick. Of course once the trigger was pulled, the whole mag would be emptied, so most never bothered.
AH HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Have you ever even set foot on Iceland?
As if people need to enter a country in order to learn about it??

Why do you guys INSIST on making such hilariously silly points?
I do not share the opinion that "love of freedom and civil liberties" is silly.

Is it a desperate act to let everyone know how limited your knowledge of the world outside of guns is?
My knowledge of the world outside of guns is sufficient that neither you nor anyone else is able to point out any untrue statements in my posts.
I know you prefer to speak from ignorance...
You don't know much about the world, so I'm guessing all this talk about "freedom and civil liberties" is pretty empty.
I recognize that it is the only thing that you are capable of, but your personal attacks are still not appropriate.

As to the substance of your personal attacks, your catastrophic failure to ever point out a single thing that I am wrong about shows quite clearly that you are the only ignorant person here.
Would you like to ban and confiscate guns?
Absolute Not. Lassiez faire on all guns seems to be exactly what the gun lobby and NRA wants, as well as a number of posters on this forum
that doesn't solve anything, it just goes to show how fucking stupid you are on the subject. Allowing police to do their jobs without being concerned about someone's feelings would correct this. Feelings is the root cause of all the issues of society these days. Unless you are over 50, you are in the fucking cry baby group that doesn't want to address the root cause
Fucking stupidity is doing the same thing over and over destroying innocent children's lives and families.

BTW, I'm well over 50 and I'm retired after serving for 32 years in Law Enforcement.

A fallacy indeed. The fallacious part is this meaningless term "need".

Americans are free people, not serfs.

We do not carry guns for self defense because of need.

We carry guns for self defense because we choose to do so.

As free people, we don't have to justify our choices to anyone.
Again, free because of a gun equates to, "Not firing on all 4 cylinders"

The worst person to own a gun is someone who's willing to shoot someone, that they choose to. That's bad gun culture and the root of America's problem, and those misfiring on a cylinder or two call them the good guys.

America needs to break this teaching of bad gun culture to kids, let the infected generations die out. You have highlighted who instigates the gun problem.
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