CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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You'll notice he cherry picks his data, if you look at suicide rates for 2022 for example the figures are somewhat different. Suicide rates change year on year in any event Suicide Rate by Country 2022 US is 16.1, Japan 15.3 so his argument is meaningless, just a pathetic attempt to deflect from you point about gun suicide.

That is data point is the best example of cherry picked data you will ever find.....that is the only year where U.S. beat Japan in suicide...and you bring it up as some sort of gotcha moment....every other year Japan has far higher suicide rates, in non-pandemic years, with extreme gun control......

It only took the Chinese flu and the democrat party shutting down their cities, killing old people in their care homes, masking children for two years to get to that point....

You are the king of Cherry picking...
Again, free because of a gun equates to, "Not firing on all 4 cylinders"

The worst person to own a gun is someone who's willing to shoot someone, that they choose to. That's bad gun culture and the root of America's problem, and those misfiring on a cylinder or two call them the good guys.

America needs to break this teaching of bad gun culture to kids, let the infected generations die out. You have highlighted who instigates the gun problem.

Thank you for explaining to us why Red Flag laws must be stopped.....

You create the ultimate Catch-22.....I want a gun to defend myself if I am attacked.....oh, so that means you would be willing to kill someone with a gun? No gun for you....
Thank you for explaining to us why Red Flag laws must be stopped.....

You create the ultimate Catch-22.....I want a gun to defend myself if I am attacked.....oh, so that means you would be willing to kill someone with a gun? No gun for you....
We all know most people who own firearms never want to use them to harm anyone.

If they do it is because they are forced to by people who threaten the lives of them or their loved ones.

Cavemoron thinks it's better to watch his loved ones get brutalized
Have you been to Iceland? Obviously not. Thinking you need a gun to be "Free" goes to show how retarded some can be.

Needing a gun for self defence is a proven fallacy.

They have huge numbers of gun, I took that from your link...and almost no crime....which just reinforces the point that gun ownership does not increase crime rates....

What increases crime rates?

Importing 3rd world males who do not respect Icelandic culture and laws...which is happening now as crime is beginning to increase in Iceland....with more gun I pointed out with my link.....

You are wrong on every do not understand human history or human nature......
Surrrre you just don't need to defend yourself from the pieces of shit that commit violent crimes.

A firearm is the single best tool for self defense
No, you use reasonable force -

There have been prominent cases in the UK where reasonable force was used correctly and incorrectly. One where a pensioner struggled with a burglar who brandished a screwdriver. A fight took place and the intruder got stabbed by the screwdriver, fled the scene and died. It was proven reasonable. A farmer shot a burglar trying to get out of the property and died, and put lead lead shot into the backside of the other burglar running away outside. The force he used in the circumstances was not deemed reasonable, plus, he didn't have a valid shot gun certificate.

The link clearly explains self defence in the UK. I know you won't read it because it'll update your knowledge on a different country. By and large, most Americans are ignorant of world affairs and other countries, but convinced they're the best at everything.

Sounds like in America, you shoot at will for the most irrelevant incidents and then ask questions. And it's deemed justifiable, makes you free, and whoop whoop slap slap. Unfortunately, someone in a safe gun culture looking in on America, think you're off your bloody rockers.
They have huge numbers of gun, I took that from your link...and almost no crime....which just reinforces the point that gun ownership does not increase crime rates....

What increases crime rates?

Importing 3rd world males who do not respect Icelandic culture and laws...which is happening now as crime is beginning to increase in Iceland....with more gun I pointed out with my link.....

You are wrong on every do not understand human history or human nature......
I think you should change your name to "Fallacy 2aguy", you're riddled with them.
There are plenty of European countries (a swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom. Only some European nations lack freedom.

Which western European countries lack freedom in the way you imagine?
We do not carry guns for self defense because of need.

We carry guns for self defense because we choose to do so.

...and that might be part of the problem. I think you guys see threats in everyone around you. Certainly moreso than a healthy mental state. That's not an insult, there are things I fear that are quite irrational. They may be somewhat rational fears but exploded out of proportion.

So you arm yourself to ensure you are ready for the threats.

And in turn you have helped turn our country into a killing field. NOT because YOU are killing anyone, but because you and the thousands and thousands of other Americans who live in similar fear and take up arms to protect themselves from their neighbors have helped instill in the greater population a certain anti-social approach to everything.

Guns solve all problems in your world. And that isn't really rational or healthy.

And your sickness has infected the rest of the nation.

As free people, we don't have to justify our choices to anyone.

You have to justify it to your fellow citizens. You know, the folks you are arming yourself against all the time.

You guys are living a Wild West Movie fantasy and f'ing up everything for those of us who don't want to live your blood-soaked, bullet-riddled fantasy world.
...and that might be part of the problem. I think you guys see threats in everyone around you. Certainly moreso than a healthy mental state. That's not an insult, there are things I fear that are quite irrational. They may be somewhat rational fears but exploded out of proportion.

So you arm yourself to ensure you are ready for the threats.

And in turn you have helped turn our country into a killing field. NOT because YOU are killing anyone, but because you and the thousands and thousands of other Americans who live in similar fear and take up arms to protect themselves from their neighbors have helped instill in the greater population a certain anti-social approach to everything.

Guns solve all problems in your world. And that isn't really rational or healthy.

And your sickness has infected the rest of the nation.

You have to justify it to your fellow citizens. You know, the folks you are arming yourself against all the time.

You guys are living a Wild West Movie fantasy and f'ing up everything for those of us who don't want to live your blood-soaked, bullet-riddled fantasy world.

No.....the democrat party has turned neighborhoods in the cities they control into killing fields....everywhere else, where we have lots of guns but low crime rates, are just fine. The democrat party is more than happy to release violent criminals into black neighborhoods......they vote democrat over 95% of the time so the democrats don't care what happens to them.....

If you want to stop gun crime in this country, vote out democrats....
No.....the democrat party has turned neighborhoods in the cities they control into killing fields

And you know you really can't support that claim. You guys LOVE to focus on the urban areas (wink, wink) but the real feature of the sickness is that this killing is NOT limited to the inner city.

It's visiting us everywhere in this country.

....everywhere else, where we have lots of guns but low crime rates, are just fine.

Was Uvalde, TX the "inner city"? Was Newtown, CT the "inner city"? Was Parkland, FL the "inner city"?

The democrat party is more than happy to release violent criminals into black neighborhoods

I'm utterly fascinated by this gambit. America has the highest rate of prisoner incarceration on the earth and you want MORE? You see that some low-level drug offender gets released because of catastrophic overcrowding and you think that accounts for America's off-the-charts gun homicide rate? LOL. That's beggaring imagination how one could arrive at that thought.

If you want to stop gun crime in this country, vote out democrats....

Is that why the DEADLIEST MASS SHOOTING IN US HISTORY occurred when TRUMP was president? Remind me again, was Trump a Democrat? Hmmm, that doesn't sound right.

In fact all your "hypotheses" are nothing more than desperate attempts to divert attention from the gun.

And they all fall flat in the light of day.
And you know you really can't support that claim. You guys LOVE to focus on the urban areas (wink, wink) but the real feature of the sickness is that this killing is NOT limited to the inner city.

It's visiting us everywhere in this country.

Was Uvalde, TX the "inner city"? Was Newtown, CT the "inner city"? Was Parkland, FL the "inner city"?

I'm utterly fascinated by this gambit. America has the highest rate of prisoner incarceration on the earth and you want MORE? You see that some low-level drug offender gets released because of catastrophic overcrowding and you think that accounts for America's off-the-charts gun homicide rate? LOL. That's beggaring imagination how one could arrive at that thought.

Is that why the DEADLIEST MASS SHOOTING IN US HISTORY occurred when TRUMP was president? Remind me again, was Trump a Democrat? Hmmm, that doesn't sound right.

In fact all your "hypotheses" are nothing more than desperate attempts to divert attention from the gun.

And they all fall flat in the light of day.

The majority of all gun murder is concentrated in tiny areas of our democrat party controlled cities......that is a fact....

In 2019 there were 73 people murdered in mass public Uvalde, and Las Vegas and other mass public shootings are rare and are the tiniest of murders each and every year....

Meanwhile, gun murder from regular criminals in majority democrat party controlled cities accounted for 10,258 murdered in 2019

You guys focus on Mass public shootings because they get 24/7 coverage...while the actual slaughter is happening in democrat party controlled cities every single day, week, month and year........

Urban crime is where the most gun murder actually happens...but since the democrat party doesn't care about black Americans, in particular, young black males who are the majority of those victims....murdered by other young black males......they don't want to talk about stopping those murders.......
Thank you for explaining to us why Red Flag laws must be stopped.....
You create the ultimate Catch-22.....I want a gun to defend myself if I am attacked.....oh, so that means you would be willing to kill someone with a gun? No gun for you....
Red flag laws are just asking to be abused. They are no good.
Again, free because of a gun equates to, "Not firing on all 4 cylinders"
No. It is a historical fact that free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

The worst person to own a gun is someone who's willing to shoot someone, that they choose to. That's bad gun culture and the root of America's problem, and those misfiring on a cylinder or two call them the good guys.
America needs to break this teaching of bad gun culture to kids, let the infected generations die out. You have highlighted who instigates the gun problem.
Shooting to stop a horrific crime is good. Shooting to commit a horrific crime is bad.

There is no gun problem.

A farmer shot a burglar trying to get out of the property and died, and put lead lead shot into the backside of the other burglar running away outside. The force he used in the circumstances was not deemed reasonable, plus, he didn't have a valid shot gun certificate.
He'd have gotten a medal in Texas.

Texas law expressly states that citizens are allowed to lie in wait and shoot fleeing thieves in the back.

I think you should change your name to "Fallacy 2aguy", you're riddled with them.
I saw no fallacies in his posts. Can you point any out?
The majority of all gun murder is concentrated in tiny areas of our democrat party controlled cities......that is a fact....

Since this is very important for you: what are you doing to help out the inner cities?

In 2019 there were 73 people murdered in mass public shootings

So long as you use your preferred data set. Of course there is no specific definition so you find yourself in the ironic position of using Mother Jones. But you are just cherry picking. Uvalde, and Las Vegas and other mass public shootings are rare and are the tiniest of murders each and every year....

And I guess that's just the "cost of freedom" in your world?

Urban crime is where the most gun murder actually happens...but since the democrat party doesn't care about black Americans, in particular

I believe that is what you call "projection". Tell me what the GOP has offered to help the black community? Other than "what the hell have you got to lose?"

, young black males who are the majority of those victims....murdered by other young black males......they don't want to talk about stopping those murders.......

yeah, WE do on the Left. You guys on the Right are busy pushing for more prisons.

Let me know how well that works out.
Which western European countries lack freedom in the way you imagine?
The UK certainly.

It's also been established that Iceland lacks freedom.

I'm sure there are others.

...and that might be part of the problem. I think you guys see threats in everyone around you. Certainly moreso than a healthy mental state. That's not an insult, there are things I fear that are quite irrational. They may be somewhat rational fears but exploded out of proportion.
So you arm yourself to ensure you are ready for the threats.
And in turn you have helped turn our country into a killing field. NOT because YOU are killing anyone, but because you and the thousands and thousands of other Americans who live in similar fear and take up arms to protect themselves from their neighbors have helped instill in the greater population a certain anti-social approach to everything.
Guns solve all problems in your world. And that isn't really rational or healthy.
And your sickness has infected the rest of the nation.
I don't perceive any problem.

You have to justify it to your fellow citizens. You know, the folks you are arming yourself against all the time.
No. We don't.

We buy guns if we want to and it is none of anyone else's business that we do.

You guys are living a Wild West Movie fantasy and f'ing up everything for those of us who don't want to live your blood-soaked, bullet-riddled fantasy world.
The Wild West was a 20 year period in history. Freedom has been around for thousands of years.
Absolute Not. Lassiez faire on all guns seems to be exactly what the gun lobby and NRA wants, as well as a number of posters on this forum
Most of us would be happy to just have our civil liberties not be violated.

Fucking stupidity is doing the same thing over and over destroying innocent children's lives and families.
Unfortunately the left doesn't care about saving lives. They only want to violate everyone's civil liberties.

The right is too busy preventing the left from violating everyone's civil liberties to worry about anything else.
The UK certainly.

Do you want people to take your points seriously?

It's also been established that Iceland lacks freedom.

LOL. You wouldn't know. Those of us who have actually been to Iceland a couple times know you are wrong.

I'm sure there are others.

...but your geography knowledge is lacking and you can't think of any others?

The Wild West was a 20 year period in history.

And you guys obsess on it. That's the country you want.

Freedom has been around for thousands of years.

Really? Because according to you it seems no one but America has "freedom" and America hasn't been around for "thousands of years" (hopefully you know at least THAT much).
Most of us would be happy to just have our civil liberties not be violated.

Meanwhile the rest of us would just like to survive going to the grocery store but your hobby has made that difficult.

They only want to violate everyone's civil liberties.

Yeah, that's a pretty nuanced appreciation of the opposing side.

The right is too busy preventing the left from violating everyone's civil liberties to worry about anything else.

No, the Right is busy rubbing it's collective gun barrels.
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