CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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You'll notice he cherry picks his data, if you look at suicide rates for 2022 for example the figures are somewhat different. Suicide rates change year on year in any event Suicide Rate by Country 2022 US is 16.1, Japan 15.3 so his argument is meaningless, just a pathetic attempt to deflect from you point about gun suicide.
It's one of two things, he thinks people are daft and won't notice his deceitful attempts, or, he can't comprehend basic written English. Come to think of it, both.
Again, free because of a gun equates to, "Not firing on all 4 cylinders"

The worst person to own a gun is someone who's willing to shoot someone, that they choose to. That's bad gun culture and the root of America's problem, and those misfiring on a cylinder or two call them the good guys.

America needs to break this teaching of bad gun culture to kids, let the infected generations die out. You have highlighted who instigates the gun problem.
Yeah you seem like you have an underpowered brain ( only 4 cylinders)

Here in the US it's 8 cylinders which is why you are left in the dust
Again, free because of a gun equates to, "Not firing on all 4 cylinders"

The worst person to own a gun is someone who's willing to shoot someone, that they choose to. That's bad gun culture and the root of America's problem, and those misfiring on a cylinder or two call them the good guys.

America needs to break this teaching of bad gun culture to kids, let the infected generations die out. You have highlighted who instigates the gun problem.
The fact is that 99.99% of all legal gun owners will never shoot anyone.

So most people are not willing to shoot anyone nor would they choose to.

BUT they can be put in a situation where they are forced to.
What you want them to turn their house into a prison?

You people think that violent crimes don't ever occur and no one ever needs to defend themselves so why should anyone lock their doors?
But you want schools to be locking doors and turn them into prisons? You guys need to hold a meeting and decide what's on the gun nut song sheet before you all post any more comments.
But you want schools to be locking doors and turn them into prisons? You guys need to hold a meeting and decide what's on the gun nut song sheet before you all post any more comments.
Damn right I want schools to lock their doors but you idiots think locking a door turns a building into a prison.

Let's not forget I'm not the one denying that violent crime exists. You are

And I guess your 4 cylinder brain can't grasp the concept of sarcasm
Yeah you seem like you have an underpowered brain ( only 4 cylinders)

Here in the US it's 8 cylinders which is why you are left in the dust
Gun nuts struggle running on a couple of cylinders, so if you want to brag you have 8, the irony is, it makes you look even worse.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with 2 out 4, but your maths confirms my point!!
Absolute Not. Lassiez faire on all guns seems to be exactly what the gun lobby and NRA wants, as well as a number of posters on this forum

Fucking stupidity is doing the same thing over and over destroying innocent children's lives and families.

BTW, I'm well over 50 and I'm retired after serving for 32 years in Law Enforcement.
only because they have fathers that are pussies, like you, you are a lying fuck, no police officer agrees with you
Damn right I want schools to lock their doors but you idiots think locking a door turns a building into a prison.

Let's not forget I'm not the one denying that violent crime exists. You are

And I guess your 4 cylinder brain can't grasp the concept of sarcasm
My debate is consistent, and I'm consistent in thought. Those whole lie are all over the place. I notice your rhetoric is all over the place.
Gun nuts struggle running on a couple of cylinders, so if you want to brag you have 8, the irony is, it makes you look even worse.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with 2 out 4, but your maths confirms my point!!
Another fucking idiot, people that want gun control to the max are the criminals creating the problem
Gun nuts struggle running on a couple of cylinders, so if you want to brag you have 8, the irony is, it makes you look even worse.

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt with 2 out 4, but your maths confirms my point!!
I hit on all 8 cylinders.

Which is why you can't keep up
My debate is consistent, and I'm consistent in thought. Those whole lie are all over the place. I notice your rhetoric is all over the place.
Yes you deny that violent crime exists and no one on the entire planet will ever be in a situation where his life may be threatened by another.

Consistent all right. Consistently idiotic .
Yes you deny that violent crime exists and no one on the entire planet will ever be in a situation where his life may be threatened by another.

Consistent all right. Consistently idiotic .
Blimey, was it 2aguy that came out that stupid phrase last time. So I will repeat myself, you go and find any of my posts where I said I deny that violent crime exists.

If you can, I will ask a mod to ban me. If you can't, can you ask a mod to ban you. Your call kid.
Blimey, was it 2aguy that came out that stupid phrase last time. So I will repeat myself, you go and find any of my posts where I said I deny that violent crime exists.

If you can, I will ask a mod to ban me. If you can't, can you ask a mod to ban you. You're call kid.

you deny that anyone ever has to worry about self defense.

If violent crime exists then the need for self defense exists. If the need for self defense exists then the need for the best tool available for self defense exists. That tool is a firearm.
you deny that anyone ever has to worry about self defense.

If violent crime exists then the need for self defense exists. If the need for self defense exists then the need for the best tool available for self defense exists. That tool is a firearm.
Come on man up, go find my post or respectfully step down and get banned. Liars should be banned from USMB.
Only in your delusional state. Firstly, I stated that the Daily Fail is not a reliable source of factual data, but even if it were, there was no indication as to who started any violence during the course of said burglary. I stated that it was quite possible that any able bodied person encountering a burglar might well try to fight him off in defnce of his/her property, so what proportion of the alleged 59% of "violent encounters" was the violence instigated by the burglar against the victim, or vice versa. You signaly failed to answer. Repeating the same BS, merely demonstrates the weakness of your position.

The violence was initiated by the criminal entering the home......they created the event, so violence is on them...not the victim.
You'll notice he cherry picks his data, if you look at suicide rates for 2022 for example the figures are somewhat different. Suicide rates change year on year in any event Suicide Rate by Country 2022 US is 16.1, Japan 15.3 so his argument is meaningless, just a pathetic attempt to deflect from you point about gun suicide.

Yes...we have seen that Japan vs. U.S. data....for that one and only year....every other year Japan has far higher suicide rates than the U.S....and, you have to explain South Korea, the country that leads the world in Suicide...and China......then, of course you have to explain all the European countries and Canada, that have higher suicide rates than we do....
You need to PM a mod.

Violent crime exists, crime exists, car deaths exist, ladder accidents exist, falling down stairs exist.
Surrrre you just don't need to defend yourself from the pieces of shit that commit violent crimes.

A firearm is the single best tool for self defense
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