CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Interesting facts on the US in that link, gun regs reduced gun incidents.

The UK's last school shooting was in 1996. It overhauled its gun-control laws after and there hasn't been another.

Last school shooting 1996. I do believe America has had 27 school shootings this year, and 200+ mass shootings.

Here.....which British gun control law....which gun license....which registration paperwork....physically kept this shooter in Cumbria from entering a school filled with children?


The Cumbria shootings was a shooting spree which occurred on 2 June 2010 when a lone gunman, taxi driver Derrick Bird, killed twelve people and injured eleven others before killing himself in Cumbria,

Read the links

Don't have have to explain how your gun control laws physically stopped the Cumbria and Plymouth mass public shooters from walking into a public school and murdering children with their guns....

The Plymouth shooting occurred in Keyham, Plymouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom, on 12 August 2021. The gunman, 22-year-old Jake Davison, shot and killed five people and injured two others before fatally shooting himself. Devon and Cornwall Police have not identified a motive. It was the first mass shooting in the UK since the 2018 Moss Side shooting.

Interesting facts on the US in that link, gun regs reduced gun incidents.
The UK's last school shooting was in 1996. It overhauled its gun-control laws after and there hasn't been another.
Last school shooting 1996. I do believe America has had 27 school shootings this year, and 200+ mass shootings.
So what? Murder victims are just as dead when they are killed with some other kind of weapon.

It is no great surprise that in countries with few guns, murder victims are killed without guns. And in countries with lots of guns, murder victims are killed with guns.

Interesting facts on the US in that link, gun regs reduced gun incidents.

The UK's last school shooting was in 1996. It overhauled its gun-control laws after and there hasn't been another.

Last school shooting 1996. I do believe America has had 27 school shootings this year, and 200+ mass shootings.

Now, thanks to Wikipedia highlighting the attempted mass public shooting in Mossside, England.....

You have to explain to us how this guy, with a shotgun in his possession, outside of a gun club.....was stopped by a gun license law, and a gun registration was he se physically stopped from entering a local school and murdering children.....


On Sunday, 12 August 2018, a mass shooting happened in the Manchester neighbourhood of Moss Side. It was the first mass shooting in the UK since the Cumbria shootingsin 2010.[2][3] The weapon used was believed by Greater Manchester Police to be a shotgun. There were no fatalities.


Twelve people were injured, with ten hospitalised, and one of these in serious condition. Nine of those injuries were said to be gunshot pellet wounds, the other was a man's broken leg. Two of the injured were children, one aged 12 and the other a teenager.[5] Later in the day, Detective Superintendent Debbie Dooley confirmed that "most [of the injuries] do not appear to be life-threatening at this time".[2] Several people remained in hospital overnight.[7][8]

On 11 September two men, aged 24 and 30, were arrested on suspicion of attempted murder and on suspicion of possession of a firearm.[9]

No you haven't.

I have just listed 3 mass public shootings in Britain since 2010....2 successful, one that injured 12, no one died......

That falls in line with the number of mass public shootings in Britain before you banned and confiscated guns...showing that your gun control laws did not, in fact, stop mass public shootings in Britain..... have to explain how these individuals were physically kept from entering a school and murdering students and staff by your gun licenses and registration laws....

who gives a fuck, fact is 20-30 people are shot in Chicago every weekend and they don't allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves. You are too fucking stupid to address the issue

STATEMENT: Who gives a fuck ... You are too fucking stupid to address the issue.

RESPONSE: I Care; it is you and others who allow those who murder to have guns in their possession.

Every person who owns and has in their possession hand guns & long guns have a duty to protect them from theft, or giving or selling to another person, should have a duty to notify with the serial number and the name and address of a transfer of a firearm to an FBI data base, and wait at least 10 days to complete the transaction.

Every firearm stolen must immediately notify their local law enforcement agency, and the LE agency if stolen in another jurisdiction.
STATEMENT: Who gives a fuck ... You are too fucking stupid to address the issue.

RESPONSE: I Care; it is you and others who allow those who murder to have guns in their possession.

Every person who owns and has in their possession hand guns & long guns have a duty to protect them from theft, or giving or selling to another person, should have a duty to notify with the serial number and the name and address of a transfer of a firearm to an FBI data base, and wait at least 10 days to complete the transaction.

Every firearm stolen must immediately notify their local law enforcement agency, and the LE agency if stolen in another jurisdiction.

If it is in your home you have secured it…if it is it is in your car it is secure…..if someone takes it from either place we already have laws to arrest them and lock them up.

Registering guns, which is what you are calling for is simply so you can later ban and confiscate them.

If democrat party prosecutors refuse to prosecute gun offenders caught with illegal guns, how is that the fault of gun owners who are the victims of theft?

America second highest in the world for gun homicide

So is Brazil in the lead?? How did they beat America? Have we lost a step? Well, since America is still better than the absolute worst country I guess we are W-I-N-N-I-N-G!
Not really. People who CARE are willing to burn down their own home just to make a statement proving to the world how much they CARE.

Clearly you do not CARE nearly as much as you pretend.

and wait at least 10 days to complete the transaction.
Unconstitutional. There is no reason why a background check cannot be completed within 24 hours.
Do you think gun regs and laws in the likes of the UK, Iceland, NZ, Australia, European countries etc.. is responsible for low gun crime.
There are plenty of European countries (a swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom. Only some European nations lack freedom.
There are plenty of European countries (a swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom. Only some European nations lack freedom.
Again, anyone who thinks owning a gun equates to freedom is not compos mentis.

You are washed up on a deserted island. Tell me how free you are and what makes you free? (Please do keep in mind there are no gun shops on a deserted island)
Needing a gun for self defence is a proven fallacy.
A fallacy indeed. The fallacious part is this meaningless term "need".

Americans are free people, not serfs.

We do not carry guns for self defense because of need.

We carry guns for self defense because we choose to do so.

As free people, we don't have to justify our choices to anyone.
Thinking you need a gun to be "Free" goes to show how retarded some can be.
Again, anyone who thinks owning a gun equates to freedom is not compos mentis.
That is incorrect. Free people have the right to keep and bear arms.

That has been a fact of history for thousands of years.

I know the left is always denying history and reality, but history and reality persist despite leftist denials.
Yeah...if you read either of those links you would see how they are lying to you....

Gun suicide? Yeah, tell that to Japan, China and South Korea.....with higher levels of suicide than the U.S....which is the important number......but as you can see....they anti-gun fanatics lie about the issue by just saying "gun suicide," hiding the fact that the U.S. does not have the highest rate of suicide in the world.....I don't know if we are even in the top 10.....

And yet Scotland has a higher suicide rate than the U.S......Japan, where only criminals and cops have guns, has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Sweden has a higher suicide rate than the U.S....Denmark has a higher suicide rate than the u.S.....





New Zealand




South Korea


15.7 suicides per 100,000

In 2019?

16.7 suicides per 100,000.

And in the U.S.?

13.93 per 100,000

Suicide facts and figures

Changes in Suicide Rates — United States, ...

South Korea 24.7

Hungary 21

Japan 19.4

Belgium 18.4

Finland 16.5

France 14.6

Austria 13.8

Poland 13.8

Czec Republic 12.7

New Zealand 11.9

Denmark 11.3

Sweden 11.1

Norway 10.9

Slovac Republic 10.9

Iceland 10.3

Germany 10.3

Canada 10.2

United States 10.1

A new report by Unicef contains a shocking statistic - New Zealand has by far the highest youth suicide rate in the developed world.
A shock but no surprise - it's not the first time the country tops that table.
The Unicef report found New Zealand's youth suicide rate - teenagers between 15 and 19 - to be the highest of a long list of 41 OECD and EU countries.

The rate of 15.6 suicides per 100,000 people is twice as high as the US rate and almost five times that of Britain.
Somehow suicide by gun is worse than the literally hundreds of other ways a person can commit suicide
A fallacy indeed. The fallacious part is this meaningless term "need".

Americans are free people, not serfs.

We do not carry guns for self defense because of need.

We carry guns for self defense because we choose to do so.

As free people, we don't have to justify our choices to anyone.
People do need guns for self defense because the Supreme Court has ruled that no police officer has any legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone
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