CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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OMG!!! 46% were aware and saw the burglar! Quick, Dierdrie, break out the Purdeys! Any idea what the result of these "sightings" were? Oh yes, look at #1 ...But even though this is a significant number, the numbers have slowly been falling since 2002. Proves my point.

Oh, #31 is interesting, and also supports my point, "It’s been proven that burglary rates in the UK are lower among households with at least one security measure. Some 32% of households have a burglar alarm, while 40% have a security camera. People are less likely to steal from a property with visible security measures in place. So investing in such initiatives is a good idea if you wish to protect your property."

Also #16 Of that 46%, only 27% state that any violence was used, although it was threatened in 48% of that 46% of cases.

Oh, you are aware these statistics, accurate or not, come from Insurance companies pushing their policies, so they spin the stats to frighten people into buying them, just like the gun industry, use fear to sell your product.
And most burglaries happen in the hours where most people are at work and on the school run.

As you say, have a deterrent. I have two dogs and a Ring doorbell. But no matter the deterrent, burglaries will continue to happen, but deterrents reduce incidents. Same with gun regulations and laws, incidents will continue to happen, but they're greatly reduced.

In the vast majority of cases, the burglar is after your cash, jewellery, and TV, not a confrontation. So as soon as they hear a voice/shout, most flee. But American gun control will happen one day.
2aguy you love comparing America to other countries, why not compare St. Louis, Missouri to Iceland?

St. Louis, Missouri, which has a population slightly smaller than Iceland's, had 193 homicides linked to firearms last year.

Iceland have had no gun homicides since 2007. How on earth can that be. They don't have an army either, they must be living in fear over being invaded and their government going tyrannical. How are they surviving against all of your "facts" 🤔
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OMG!!! 46% were aware and saw the burglar! Quick, Dierdrie, break out the Purdeys! Any idea what the result of these "sightings" were? Oh yes, look at #1 ...But even though this is a significant number, the numbers have slowly been falling since 2002. Proves my point.

Oh, #31 is interesting, and also supports my point, "It’s been proven that burglary rates in the UK are lower among households with at least one security measure. Some 32% of households have a burglar alarm, while 40% have a security camera. People are less likely to steal from a property with visible security measures in place. So investing in such initiatives is a good idea if you wish to protect your property."

Also #16 Of that 46%, only 27% state that any violence was used, although it was threatened in 48% of that 46% of cases.

Oh, you are aware these statistics, accurate or not, come from Insurance companies pushing their policies, so they spin the stats to frighten people into buying them, just like the gun industry, use fear to sell your product.
UK has a 3d gun problem
2aguy you love comparing America to other countries, why not compare St. Louis, Missouri to Iceland?

St. Louis, Missouri, which has a population slightly smaller than Iceland's, had 193 homicides linked to firearms last year.

Iceland have had no gun homicides since 2007. How on earth can that be. They don't have an army either, they must be living in fear over being invaded and their government going tyrannical. How are they surviving against all of your "facts" 🤔

St. Louis, Missouri has had democrat party mayors since 1949…..the policies of the democrat party are directly responsible for gun crime and murder rates in the cities they control……

1) Attacking the police…..

2) releasing violent criminals, in particular, violent gun felons over and over again.

When Iceland is under the control of a political party that destroys their police, and at the same time releases the most dangerous and violent criminals over and over again, get back to me.
St. Louis, Missouri has had democrat party mayors since 1949…..the policies of the democrat party are directly responsible for gun crime and murder rates in the cities they control……

1) Attacking the police…..

2) releasing violent criminals, in particular, violent gun felons over and over again.

When Iceland is under the control of a political party that destroys their police, and at the same time releases the most dangerous and violent criminals over and over again, get back to me.
If Iceland destroyed their police, who is controlling the gun crime 🤔
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2aguy you love comparing America to other countries, why not compare St. Louis, Missouri to Iceland?

St. Louis, Missouri, which has a population slightly smaller than Iceland's, had 193 homicides linked to firearms last year.

Iceland have had no gun homicides since 2007. How on earth can that be. They don't have an army either, they must be living in fear over being invaded and their government going tyrannical. How are they surviving against all of your "facts" 🤔

Sooooo… your turn to explain….

Iceland is filled with guns……why don’t they have more gun crime and more gun murder……you guys tell us the mere presence of guns create gun crime and gun murder……..Iceland and the U.S. show you are wrong……..

For 27 years, from 1993-2015, the U.S. had a major increase in gun ownership, and 49% decrease in gun murder and a 75% decrease in gun crime…..

explain that…..

those downward trends ended in 2015….why?

In 2015, our democrat party decide that destroying local police forces would be their political strategy, and releasing the most violent and dangerous criminals would be their top policy goal…..

Those are the reasons why…..not gun ownership…

Iceland is filled with guns…….and don’t tell us It is their gun laws that stop criminals..since again, they have guns all over the place…..and mass public shooters are not stopped by licenses and gun registration…..
If I eland destroyed their police, who is controlling the gun crime 🤔

Who said Iceland is destroying their police…? Our democrats are doing that which is why our gun crime rates in the cities they control is so high….in non-democrat party controlled cities, our gun crime rates are low……with citizens owning guns….
And most burglaries happen in the hours where most people are at work and on the school run.

As you say, have a deterrent. I have two dogs and a Ring doorbell. But no matter the deterrent, burglaries will continue to happen, but deterrents reduce incidents. Same with gun regulations and laws, incidents will continue to happen, but they're greatly reduced.

In the vast majority of cases, the burglar is after your cash, jewellery, and TV, not a confrontation. So as soon as they hear a voice/shout, most flee. But American gun control will happen one day.

The majority of burglaries in Britain happen with people in the home…only 10% of American burglaries have people home.
Sooooo… your turn to explain….

Iceland is filled with guns……why don’t they have more gun crime and more gun murder……you guys tell us the mere presence of guns create gun crime and gun murder……..Iceland and the U.S. show you are wrong……..
Incorrect, why lie because you know I will pull you up on it. I will give $1m dollars were you can link where I've said, "The mere presence of guns". You know fine well that over the years on here, I have always said that citizens can and do enjoy guns, but just like with many other countries, with regulations and laws. Iceland have tighter controls than the UK, hence no gun homicides since 2007. They ban inappropriate guns from society and only the competent apply and own guns.

The argument is, the 2nd Amendment clearly allows and condones gun crime/deaths/incidents. Many countries with gun regulations and laws highlights and demonstrates that. And when confronted with facts, American gun nuts jump to cars, trucks, ladders, independence, tyranny, burglars, Monarchies and other bovine excrement.

I sincerely hope this has finally remained in your grey matter.
Who said Iceland is destroying their police…? Our democrats are doing that which is why our gun crime rates in the cities they control is so high….in non-democrat party controlled cities, our gun crime rates are low……with citizens owning guns….
Sorry, I skipped read your post and read it wrong.

So you believe people should be locked up for life? Do Republican States lock them up for life? When do Iceland release their criminals?

Do you think gun regs and laws in the likes of the UK, Iceland, NZ, Australia, European countries etc.. is responsible for low gun crime. In the UK, most prisoners are released after serving half their time, why aren't we swamped with gun crime?

Thank you for your "opinions" though, any chance of linking them to reality?
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OMG!!! 46% were aware and saw the burglar! Quick, Dierdrie, break out the Purdeys! Any idea what the result of these "sightings" were? Oh yes, look at #1 ...But even though this is a significant number, the numbers have slowly been falling since 2002. Proves my point.

Oh, #31 is interesting, and also supports my point, "It’s been proven that burglary rates in the UK are lower among households with at least one security measure. Some 32% of households have a burglar alarm, while 40% have a security camera. People are less likely to steal from a property with visible security measures in place. So investing in such initiatives is a good idea if you wish to protect your property."

Also #16 Of that 46%, only 27% state that any violence was used, although it was threatened in 48% of that 46% of cases.

Oh, you are aware these statistics, accurate or not, come from Insurance companies pushing their policies, so they spin the stats to frighten people into buying them, just like the gun industry, use fear to sell your product.

lol cuz, like, dude, if they only kill half of people then it's okay n stuff!!!! Burglar's and Home Invaders' Lives Matter!!! Nobody else's does!!! lol you're truly disturbed; quit the dope.
Incorrect, why lie because you know I will pull you up on it. I will give $1m dollars were you can link where I've said, "The mere presence of guns".
Then why all the complaints about us having guns?

You know fine well that over the years on here, I have always said that citizens can and do enjoy guns, but just like with many other countries, with regulations and laws.
America has had laws regulating guns for more than 50 years.

Iceland have tighter controls than the UK, hence no gun homicides since 2007.
Does being killed with a different kind of weapon make Icelandic murder victims any less dead?

They ban inappropriate guns from society and only the competent apply and own guns.
Guns that are effective for self defense are not inappropriate.

What is inappropriate is Iceland's lack of freedom. America chooses to remain free.

The argument is, the 2nd Amendment clearly allows and condones gun crime/deaths/incidents. Many countries with gun regulations and laws highlights and demonstrates that.
Does being killed with a gun make a murder victim "more dead" than if they had been killed some other way?

And when confronted with facts, American gun nuts jump to cars, trucks, ladders, independence, tyranny, burglars, Monarchies and other bovine excrement.
a) can we dispense with the name-calling?

b) our facts are just as valid as your facts.

Do you think gun regs and laws in the likes of the UK, Iceland, NZ, Australia, European countries etc.. is responsible for low gun crime.
There are plenty of European countries (the swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom.

Lack of freedom may well result in fewer guns being involved in crimes, but that is hardly meaningful.

Being murdered with a knife is just as bad as being murdered with a gun.

Being raped at knifepoint is just as bad as being raped at gunpoint.

Being robbed at knifepoint is just as bad as being robbed at gunpoint.

Thank you for your "opinions" though, any chance of linking them to reality?
He offered facts not opinions. Facts are linked to reality by their very nature.
Then why all the complaints about us having guns?

America has had laws regulating guns for more than 50 years.

Does being killed with a different kind of weapon make Icelandic murder victims any less dead?

Guns that are effective for self defense are not inappropriate.

What is inappropriate is Iceland's lack of freedom. America chooses to remain free.

Does being killed with a gun make a murder victim "more dead" than if they had been killed some other way?

a) can we dispense with the name-calling?

b) our facts are just as valid as your facts.

There are plenty of European countries (the swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom.

Lack of freedom may well result in fewer guns being involved in crimes, but that is hardly meaningful.

Being murdered with a knife is just as bad as being murdered with a gun.

Being raped at knifepoint is just as bad as being raped at gunpoint.

Being robbed at knifepoint is just as bad as being robbed at gunpoint.

He offered facts not opinions. Facts are linked to reality by their very nature.
Idiot Brits like living under the thumb of government and can't stand it when others reject their desire for everyone to be controlled
Brits like living under the thumb of government and can't stand it when others reject their desire for everyone to be controlled
I've no objection to them living without freedom if that is truly what they want for themselves.

But they should accept that we will not be doing the same here in America. Neither will people in the swath of European countries from Finland to Switzerland.
Then why all the complaints about us having guns?

America has had laws regulating guns for more than 50 years.

Does being killed with a different kind of weapon make Icelandic murder victims any less dead?

Guns that are effective for self defense are not inappropriate.

What is inappropriate is Iceland's lack of freedom. America chooses to remain free.

Does being killed with a gun make a murder victim "more dead" than if they had been killed some other way?

a) can we dispense with the name-calling?

b) our facts are just as valid as your facts.

There are plenty of European countries (the swath of nations from Finland to Switzerland) that still have freedom. It isn't correct to use Europe as a whole as an example of a place that lacks freedom.

Lack of freedom may well result in fewer guns being involved in crimes, but that is hardly meaningful.

Being murdered with a knife is just as bad as being murdered with a gun.

Being raped at knifepoint is just as bad as being raped at gunpoint.

Being robbed at knifepoint is just as bad as being robbed at gunpoint.

He offered facts not opinions. Facts are linked to reality by their very nature.
When posters do all that multi quoting, I can never be bothered to read them. Hence they rarely get a reply from me. They're just there so you have to read your own post in interrupted bits, separated by opinions.
When posters do all that multi quoting, I can never be bothered to read them. Hence they rarely get a reply from me.
That sounds like an excuse for avoiding facts. Quoting specific points makes it much clearer what is being responded to. If you say 20 things and I merely reply with "that is wrong" it would not be at all clear what specific point I was saying is wrong. And it isn't at all difficult to read such posts and respond to them.

They're just there so you have to read your own post in interrupted bits, separated by opinions.
That is incorrect. Facts that prove you wrong are not opinions.

You live under the governments thumb in America. They control you.
That is incorrect. We are allowed to have guns that are appropriate for self defense in America. And without having to justify our choices to anyone.
That sounds like an excuse for avoiding facts. Quoting specific points makes it much clearer what is being responded to. If you say 20 things and I merely reply with "that is wrong" it would not be at all clear what specific point I was saying is wrong. And it isn't at all difficult to read such posts and respond to them.

That is incorrect. Facts that prove you wrong are not opinions.

That is incorrect. We are allowed to have guns that are appropriate for self defense in America. And without having to justify our choices to anyone.
Nope, I just can't be bothered having to read my own posts again.

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