CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Erm, there are about 600,000 gun owners who between them have 1.5 million guns in a population of about 5.5 million people, WOW that's going to be a massive contribution to NATOs defences. Every gun owned in finland has to be registered, every owner has to be licenced and approved. Self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun. Finland's gun laws are roughly the same as other European countries, like France and Germany.
Self defense is the best reason to own a gun.

SCOTUS has ruled that police have absolutely no legal obligation to come to the aid of the public.

Knowing that, if you don't have the best tool for self defense then you are an idiot.
That's funny, since more home invasions happen in the U.K......our criminals do their best to invade empty they don't get shot......

An Englishman's home is his dungeon

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term.

Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present.

But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing. Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.

These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.
Ah, the usual cut and paste drivel 2Aguy resorts to when he's lost the argument. Finds an article from 2004 that fits his world view and we're off to the races. These articles make national headlines because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Burglaries have declined year on year in the Uk as more and more people adopt effective security measures. Mesures that don't require firearms. Firearms are for narcissists, it seems. don't have to keep telling us that you guys learned nothing from the slaughter of 15 million people...after they were disarmed by their governments.............

So, the gun is registered, they get their license.....what keeps them from walking into a school with their registered, licensed gun and murdering students and staff?

In the 1920s the governments of Europe registered guns...using the same arguments you use......don't need them, you'll be safer, the government will take care of you.....

15 years later the National Socialists used those registration lists to take guns away from Jews and their political enemies who they then went on to murder in the millions......
Finland has had 5 shootings in 30 years, how many has America had in that same time frame?
Since your opinion is common to Europeans, I say we withdraw all support for Europe and see how you do with your armies and your "guns" on your own, including Ukraine. Good luck with China and Russia. I'm sure your militaries are up to the task.
ROFL! This statement is beyond naive! Firstly, Europe can probably defend itself quite well on its own, thank you. NATO should have disbanded when the Soviet Union collapsed, but was kept in being by America as vital to it's national interests. America needs to be in Europe to influence events to protect itself. Europe is nothing more than a buffer zone for America, which is why all attempts at creating a pan European Army, navy and airforce have foundered over the decades, vetoed by America in favour of NATO
Erm, there are about 600,000 gun owners who between them have 1.5 million guns in a population of about 5.5 million people, WOW that's going to be a massive contribution to NATOs defences. Every gun owned in finland has to be registered, every owner has to be licenced and approved. Self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun.
National defense counts as a valid reason for privately owning semi-auto rifles with 30 round magazines in Finland.

If someone who privately owns such a weapon for national defense happens to use it to fend off a criminal, I doubt that they would be prosecuted for it.

Finland's gun laws are roughly the same as other European countries, like France and Germany.
Finland allows some gun collectors to own machine guns.

It is at the government's discretion. The license is not automatically granted just by meeting the qualifications. But it is possible for it to be granted.

ROFL! This statement is beyond naive! Firstly, Europe can probably defend itself quite well on its own, thank you.
Then why are they so eager for our new tactical nukes to start being deployed in Europe?

NATO should have disbanded when the Soviet Union collapsed, but was kept in being by America as vital to it's national interests.
Having Europe remain democratic is indeed in our national interest.

America needs to be in Europe to influence events to protect itself. Europe is nothing more than a buffer zone for America, which is why all attempts at creating a pan European Army, navy and airforce have foundered over the decades, vetoed by America in favour of NATO
It is the exact opposite. We are the buffer zone for Europe's protection. We are risking nuclear annihilation by providing Europe with a nuclear deterrent.
Ah, the usual cut and paste drivel 2Aguy resorts to when he's lost the argument.
How has he lost an argument? Can you point out any untrue statements in any of his posts? I've not noticed any errors in anything that he has said.

all attempts at creating a pan European Army, navy and airforce have foundered over the decades, vetoed by America in favour of NATO
America has done no such thing. We are all for Europe becoming militarily stronger.

I don't see how we would even have the power to issue such a veto even if we wanted to do so (which we don't).
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Erm, there are about 600,000 gun owners who between them have 1.5 million guns in a population of about 5.5 million people, WOW that's going to be a massive contribution to NATOs defences. Every gun owned in finland has to be registered, every owner has to be licenced and approved. Self defence is not a valid reason for owning a gun. Finland's gun laws are roughly the same as other European countries, like France and Germany.
You won't get through to a gun nut, they peddle the same nonsense. It's clear which group in America has the least brains, dragging their country down.
Ah, the usual cut and paste drivel 2Aguy resorts to when he's lost the argument. Finds an article from 2004 that fits his world view and we're off to the races. These articles make national headlines because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Burglaries have declined year on year in the Uk as more and more people adopt effective security measures. Mesures that don't require firearms. Firearms are for narcissists, it seems.

Wrong.....what those security measures do is ensure that criminals will confront homeowners to access their homes......they'll get them as they enter or leave.
ROFL! This statement is beyond naive! Firstly, Europe can probably defend itself quite well on its own, thank you. NATO should have disbanded when the Soviet Union collapsed, but was kept in being by America as vital to it's national interests. America needs to be in Europe to influence events to protect itself. Europe is nothing more than a buffer zone for America, which is why all attempts at creating a pan European Army, navy and airforce have foundered over the decades, vetoed by America in favour of NATO

Europe couldn't defend themselves if they tried.......until Trump demanded they actually pay their fair share of defense costs, they weren't even funding their militaries at the minimum level....

The creation of a European military force floundered because you guys don't want to spend that money on your defense, you have to pay to prop up your failing social systems....
Finland has had 5 shootings in 30 years, how many has America had in that same time frame?

Tiny country, but they still hold a higher body count than any mass shooting in the U.S.........more killed in that one shooting than in whole years of mass public shootings in the U.S.....

And....please pointed out that Finland has guns....

Explain why they don't have more mass public shootings.....again, registering their guns doesn't stop a mass public shooter, licensing the mass public shooter doesn't stop them from committing a mass public shooting......
Ah, the usual cut and paste drivel 2Aguy resorts to when he's lost the argument. Finds an article from 2004 that fits his world view and we're off to the races. These articles make national headlines because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Burglaries have declined year on year in the Uk as more and more people adopt effective security measures. Mesures that don't require firearms. Firearms are for narcissists, it seems.

What is it with you make statements that are not factual, I post the actual statistics, when those facts show you don't know what you are talking about, you move on to complaining about posting those facts.....
Ah, the usual cut and paste drivel 2Aguy resorts to when he's lost the argument. Finds an article from 2004 that fits his world view and we're off to the races. These articles make national headlines because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Burglaries have declined year on year in the Uk as more and more people adopt effective security measures. Mesures that don't require firearms. Firearms are for narcissists, it seems.

Here is some more.....

#8 In 64.1% of attempted and successful residential burglaries, someone is in the home


In 64.1% of the cases, someone is at home during a residential break-in or an attempt of a home invasion in the UK. Out of those who were home during these incidents, 43% were unaware of what was happening; 11% were aware but didn’t see the offender, and 46% were aware and saw the burglar.


Just the facts:
  • Blue States
  • Purple States
  • Red States
per capita is a shitty way to get the results the left typically looks for when it is the metro areas that command the homicide rates by gun. It is also the areas that ban law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. One could argue that Chicago has a mass murder every weekend but that does not fit the left wing talking points
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Your side relies on name-calling and personal attacks. Our side relies on facts and logic.
If you rely on facts and logic, you would have understood what a constitutional monarchy is an applied it in your posts. If you have an intellectual disability, you would still twaddle the same nonsense. So if you feel, or, decide to use fact, involve a dictionary first.
If you rely on facts and logic, you would have understood what a constitutional monarchy is
Since I know what it is, that's yet more evidence that my side relies on facts and logic.

an applied it in your posts.
It doesn't seem terribly relevant to anything that I am posting.

If you have an intellectual disability, you would still twaddle the same nonsense.
I do not share the opinion that facts are nonsense.

So if you feel, or, decide to use fact, involve a dictionary first.
No need. I am fluent in English.
Since I know what it is, that's yet more evidence that my side relies on facts and logic.

It doesn't seem terribly relevant to anything that I am posting.

I do not share the opinion that facts are nonsense.

No need. I am fluent in English.
The fact is, the UK has a constitutional Monarchy, so it adheres to the UK constitution. The UK's constitution is non codified, so it found in many documents and places. So the Monarchy is there to rubber stamp off what the Government wants, plus to attract tourism.

So there are the facts on the UK Monarchy again, and as you claim you go by facts, go back and read your posts. It's very clear we can smell bovine excrement.

And you're not fluent in English, you're fluent in American English, which is a butchered version of English.
The fact is, the UK has a constitutional Monarchy, so it adheres to the UK constitution. The UK's constitution is non codified, so it found in many documents and places. So the Monarchy is there to rubber stamp off what the Government wants, plus to attract tourism.
So there are the facts on the UK Monarchy again,
That's nice. But I have a question.

What does all this have to do with the price of tea in China?

and as you claim you go by facts, go back and read your posts. It's very clear we can smell bovine excrement.
Your failure to point out any errors in my posts speaks for itself.

And you're not fluent in English, you're fluent in American English, which is a butchered version of English.
American English is the only proper English.
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