CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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"Fyrd, tribal militia-like arrangement existing in Anglo-Saxon England from approximately AD 605. Local in character, it imposed military service upon every able-bodied free male. It was probably the duty of the ealderman, or sheriff, to call out and lead the fyrd. Fines imposed for neglecting the fyrd varied with the status of the individual, landholders receiving the heaviest fines and common labourers the lightest."
So "imposed military service" and fines made one a "free peasant" -- Wow, MAGA!
Personal attacks are a poor substitute for a sound argument.
You got that right, Bub. Now think about it.. that is, given something does exist between your ears..
I think suitable reparations should involve an infinite tax that strips progressives of 100% of their possessions and wealth. Progressives should also be placed in labor camps for reeducation like China is doing to the Uighurs. fountain of inane personal attack and divisiveness. What is your fucking problem anyway? Did you catch some card carrying "progressive" peeing into your Wheaties one morning or what?
So "imposed military service" and fines made one a "free peasant" -- Wow, MAGA!
Correct. Free people can be called up to serve in the militia, at least in countries where there still is a militia. I know of only two: Switzerland and Finland.

You got that right, Bub. Now think about it.. that is, given something does exist between your ears..
Think about what? You have not presented an argument, only personal attacks. fountain of inane personal attack
I seldom make personal attacks. When I do, it is because I have lost my temper due to personal attacks directed at me.

and divisiveness. What is your fucking problem anyway? Did you catch some card carrying "progressive" peeing into your Wheaties one morning or what?
Progressives keep trying to violate my civil liberties.

And not even for a good reason. Progressives just enjoy violating people's rights.

I dislike having my civil liberties violated.
Like I said, the wacky believe that.
It has been a core right of free people for thousands of years.

"We cannot move forward if we're always living in the past"
Auryn Hadley
This is why conservatives are good and progressives are evil.

Progressives are happy to make everything worse in their blind pursuit of change.

Conservatives protect us from progressives.

I assume you are
Yes. I'm American. Born in Michigan and live in Michigan. I live out in the open countryside far away from any population center.

All I can say is, what a wacky idea it is.
It has been a core right of free people for thousands of years.

Only 20% of Americans own a passport, so at least 80% only have a CNN perspective of the world. I sincerely suggest you all get a passport and get travelling, go see the world, you might be surprised.
I have an enhanced drivers license that allows me to travel to Canada and Mexico. I've been to Canada a few times, usually to go see Shakespeare plays at the Stratford Festival.

I don't really like traveling to a place where there is no freedom, but Shakespeare plays are worth a brief trip.

The last time I was to the Stratford Festival was in the fall of 2019 though. The pandemic has really curtailed my lifestyle. The last time I went to Chicago to visit a museum was the spring of 2019. The last time I traveled to a city to see a movie in a large premium theater was Star Wars 9 in December 2019. The last time I traveled to a music college to see a performance by a student symphony orchestra was very-early February 2020.

Now my recreation is just the internet, TV, and walks outside with my cats (I live on a 50 acre plot of land). I do have an extremely good TV though. And I subscribe to practically every streaming service available.
This is why conservatives are good and progressives are evil.

Progressives are happy to make everything worse in their blind pursuit of change.

Conservatives protect us from progressives.
So why is overstating such divisive, insulting, troll worthy, talking points so stupid, not to mention unhelpful, you again fail to ask? Here, I will show you.. once. Say I replied:
This is why progressives are good and conservatives are evil.

Conservatives are happy to make everything worse in their blind pursuit of change.

Progressives protect us from conservatives.
Say you respond, "Dagnabbit! Wuddaya mean conservatives blindly pursue change?"
To which I say, "See, whenever we achieve any progress you conservatives work your little BLIND butts off to CHANGE it back again!"

You know you're no better than anyone else. You ain't no "peasant" with 40 acres in Michigan to roam around upon either. You're just an old, whiny fart like the rest of us. Come join the club. Let's dance.
Gun deaths does not equal murders. Killings are not always murdered if two gangs kill each other, that is q benefit to society.
The biggest liars with gun stats are from those who are pro gun.
Nonsense. Name an untrue statement from the pro-gun side.

So why is overstating such divisive, insulting, troll worthy, talking points so stupid, not to mention unhelpful, you again fail to ask?
You mean when I tell the truth?

I fail to ask because I think that telling the truth is extremely helpful.

You ain't no "peasant" with 40 acres in Michigan to roam around upon either.
50 acres.
I fail to ask because I think that telling the truth is extremely helpful.
"the truth" being whatever feels good to you at the moment obviously.
Flaming is how most describe what you're calling "the truth." No business posting that here in the CDZ. The Rubber Room was created for that. Grow up and join the human race.
50 acres.
Right. You're no "peasant." Fine admission.. at long last.
"the truth" being whatever feels good to you at the moment obviously.
No. Progressives often claim that reality is whatever they want it to be at any given moment. But they are wrong. Further, I am not a progressive.

The truth is the truth, and in the real world reality doesn't change.

Flaming is how most describe what you're calling "the truth."
Those people are wrong.

Right. You're no "peasant." Fine admission.. at long last.
We don't have nobility or royalty here in America. We're an entire nation of free peasants.
Would you feel safer if anyone in your apartment building could go out and easily buy a gun?
During the Rodney King riots, I was in Redondo Beach, my son was in Long Beach where there was rioting going on. We kept in touch by phone. He told me the strip mall across the street was on fire and he was trapped in his apartment building.

A few minutes later he called to say that several armed tenants in the building were on the roof returning fire. They were driving the attackers off. He felt secure enough to go to bed.

The answer is a resounding YES I would feel safer with armed neighbors.
No. Progressives often claim that reality is whatever they want it to be at any given moment. But they are wrong. Further, I am not a progressive.

The truth is the truth, and in the real world reality doesn't change.

Those people are wrong.

We don't have nobility or royalty here in America. We're an entire nation of free peasants.
No, you're no "peasant," nor a dictionary -- obviously -- nor convincing, thankfully, no matter how often you repeat your inane flames against progressives.
Nonsense. Name an untrue statement from the pro-gun side.
Check out 2aguy's hilarious attempts.

If I said A, you would say B. If I said B, you would say A. Some just like to argue for arguments sake.

And you still repeat the wacky idea that freedom is a gun. Haven't laughed so much for so long. Unfortunately, people want the freedom to live in a safe society, they no longer want to live in a "wacky free" dangerous society. American society is dangerous because citizens are brought up with a dangerous amendment. It's like in the UK. The travelling community, aka Pikey's, are brought up to steal, it's second nature to them. So they go out and steal, they steal from one another within their clan, and they fleece unsuspecting people from dodgy work. But they don't see anything wrong because they're brought up stealing, they don't find stealing bad.

In the UK, you are brought up that you don't walk about in public with a gun, you have a valid reason to have a gun, you keep it locked up when not in use, you religiously keep a tab on serial numbers etc.. Not doing any of those feels alien, doesn't feel right, and if the authorities find out about any gun safety breaches, you are in the shit. Americans don't have that, you find our system alien, we find yours alien. Our system results in low incidents, yours results in high incidents, but in America, they blame schools because they're not geared up to your gun violence. But, like the Pikey's, you're unable to see that because of your up bringing.

The problem America has got, you have nearly 250 years of raising kids in a bad gun culture. In the UK, we just observe the daft gun nut argument trying to support that type of culture. The world doesn't live in 1776, America doesn't live in 1776, but gun nut brains are ingrained in 1776.

It doesn't effect you, it won't likely effect your kids if the 2nd Amendment got scrapped because regulations and legislation happens over decades and centuries. You have it in your head that suddenly overnight, guns will disappear. It took 250 years to get where guns are in America, it will take nearly that to get them safe. Gun nuts don't want a safe America and they don't understand the gun problem. It's so blatant.
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