CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Is suicide an accident or gun violence?

I honestly do NOT want to even get a glimpse of what you might think about this topic. Your point is becoming so tormented as to be nearly meaningless and since I don't respect you I can't stand the thought of hearing what you think about "suicide".
History disagrees with you.
Well, yes and no. There was no actual "right" to bear arms as such, as a right presupposes an element of choice. There was no choice whether or not to have/carry weapons; it was a legal requirement in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Incidentally, murder rates were dramatically higher in those days, possibly as a result of all those weapons being readily available.
Yeah because criminals never break in right?
Only when they are given the opportunity by careless "victims" who leave doors unlocked, windows open and/or have no security measures in place.
Windows are easy to break, doors can be breached.
Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional theives, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from. still can't explain, and your anti-gun buddies can't explain, how it is that South Korea, Japan, and China have higher suicide rates than we cherry picked the only year Japan had a higher suicide rate than we did.....the only year.......and didn't address South Korea, or China....or any of the dozen or so European countries and Canada that had higher suicide rates than we did.....
More drivel. Read the article, it contains all the "explanation" necessary. Suicide Rate by Country 2022
Well, yes and no. There was no actual "right" to bear arms as such, as a right presupposes an element of choice. There was no choice whether or not to have/carry weapons; it was a legal requirement in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Incidentally, murder rates were dramatically higher in those days, possibly as a result of all those weapons being readily available.
Interesting. Do you have a cite for it being a legal requirement back then?

I know later on it was a legal requirement, but I have not heard of it being a legal requirement before 1066.
Now it's "arms," but the topic is about "guns," i.e. "firearms" which didn't exist "thousands of years ago."
Other weapons existed thousands of years ago. The right to keep and bear arms predates guns.

Now it's "leftists" while before it was "progressives."
The two terms are interchangeable.

In any case, history and reality now have no choice but to declare you a name calling, shameless gasbag, trolling and gaslighting people here purely for the fun and profit of the weapons industry at the expense people's lives and limbs. Worse than any gun, you natter away about philosophical "freedom" in the face children's genuine fear of attending classes thanks to all the psychos being encouraged to shoot them daily by people like you.
That is incorrect. History and reality focus on the truth, and most of what you just said is untrue.
Well obviously in places with lots of guns, massacres will be committed using guns. And in places with few guns, massacres will be committed without guns.

I'm skeptical. I've seen reliable studies showing that magazine size restrictions make no difference.

Obviously someone has to be wrong. It remains to be seen who it is.

That's because they don't care about saving lives and only want to violate people's civil liberties.

Current restrictions on assault weapons have been sufficient to prevent criminal misuse for 90 years now. There is no justification for any such ban.

I endorse disbanding the American Psychiatric Association as a way to curb civil liberties violations in the US.
If anything is wrong, it'll be the studies that are exclusively found in gun nut pamphlets
Only when they are given the opportunity by careless "victims" who leave doors unlocked, windows open and/or have no security measures in place.

Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional theives, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from.

I lived in a crappy apartment and my door was locked but a couple guys with an axe broke it down while I was at work.

And any house is pretty easy to break into.

Widows are the obvious weak point

Any door with glass is an obvious weak point

How can you be so naive?
I honestly do NOT want to even get a glimpse of what you might think about this topic. Your point is becoming so tormented as to be nearly meaningless and since I don't respect you I can't stand the thought of hearing what you think about "suicide".
Just trying to figure out if their deaths are acceptable to you too.

You are ok with 0.3 persons per 100,000 persons dying from gun violence, right?
But I think you can extend the metaphor.

You know, like "free speech" still has limitations on it.
As long as it doesn’t limit the technology of the day that any light infantry ought to have which today is semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with high capacity magazines.
Other weapons existed thousands of years ago. The right to keep and bear arms predates guns.
Wow, you've now understood the premise so well you felt compelled to repeat it back to me! Great, now keep going.. Get to the point.. {hint: provided already as well}

While you're at it, tell us who continues to define legal terms like "arms" and "firearms" for us masses? Monarchs? The Founders? The Supremes? The MIC? Could it be Satan? Also, the year when you figure you'll be grown up enough to explicitly state upfront the limits of your intended meaning whenever using dramatic legal terms such as "arms" and "guns" while arguing for some supposed inherent natural right to "bear" them?
More drivel. Read the article, it contains all the "explanation" necessary. Suicide Rate by Country 2022

Not drivel when you refuse to explain how it is that countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than we do…..while you cherry pick the only year that we had a higher suicide rate than Japan…you know..the user we had the Chines flu and the democrats shut down our country and locked children out of school….
Well, yes and no. There was no actual "right" to bear arms as such, as a right presupposes an element of choice. There was no choice whether or not to have/carry weapons; it was a legal requirement in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Incidentally, murder rates were dramatically higher in those days, possibly as a result of all those weapons being readily available.

The weapons didn’t cause the problem…it was the primitive culture and their relaxed view of putting a sword into their enemies that drove the murder rates…….cultures evolve……….cultures,change……British criminals are evolving as they go from British citizens controlling the drug turf to 3rd world immigrants taking over…..who have no fear of the police and no respect for British traditions or culture
Only when they are given the opportunity by careless "victims" who leave doors unlocked, windows open and/or have no security measures in place.

Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional theives, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from.

Yep….and she deserved the rape cause she wore that short skirt…….she was just asking for it……Right?
Only when they are given the opportunity by careless "victims" who leave doors unlocked, windows open and/or have no security measures in place.

Maybe in the USA, but as I said most modern houses in the UK aren't easy to break into or force, many more have cameras and alarms which deter all but the most professional theives, and in those cases, they only target those who have something worth taking the risk to steal from.

And yet more British homes are invaded when people are home, while criminals in the U.S. do their best to avoid home owners………..
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