CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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I'd answer you with a reasoned, nuanced and thoughtful response, but I know what you'd do with it. I've simply seen you lie too many times about what a post actually says to think you are here for anything even remotely serious.
Actually you won't answer it because...
  1. There is no number of deaths from guns that you will accept.
  2. Every gun death will illicit a call for more restrictions from you.
  3. Your logical conclusion is banning and confiscating.
Banning and confiscating guns is the logical conclusion for people who have zero tolerance for gun violence and gun accidents.

Are 0.3 per 100,000 persons dying from gun violence an acceptable number of deaths?
Statement: "I stand with the constitution, go fuck yourself fucktard"

Response: More worthless posting, thus the ignore button was my response.
Good because you are stupidest fucking idiot I have ever encountered. If you were my neighbor, you would have blood spewing out of you a lot.
What about anti-tank weapons?
They wouldn't be covered by the Heller ruling. But they would be covered under the Miller ruling if the courts ever decided to enforce that.

Maybe some tactical nukes?
Clean tactical nukes (especially those new B61-12 bombs that we're about to deploy in Europe to deter Russian aggression) would be useful to a militia that was repelling a foreign invasion, but they would not be possessed by individuals.

I can see wealthy individuals donating money for the militia to buy them if the government declined to provide them directly.

I've simply seen you lie too many times about what a post actually says to think you are here for anything even remotely serious.
I suppose I'm fairly new here, but I've never seen him lie.
Cardinal Carminative Captain Caveman

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, WHO ARE PEACEABLE CITIZENS, from keeping their own arms; …"

Samuel Adams quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"
Cardinal Carminative Captain Caveman

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, WHO ARE PEACEABLE CITIZENS, from keeping their own arms; …"

Samuel Adams quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"

...and that is important to the discussion...why?
If you had a point other than an untrue personal attack, you failed to make it sufficiently clear. I had thought that your only point was the untrue personal attack.
Oh, don't act so stunned. I learned my point long ago from reading 2nd Amendment nuts like you droning on and on about it:
Now it's "arms," but the topic is about "guns," i.e. "firearms" which didn't exist "thousands of years ago."
Part of your mission from the gun manufacturers association (NRA) is annoyingly correcting everyone who says "gun" here instead of "firearm." It's in your employment contract. Best read it while you still can. They may just stop paying you and start paying me instead.

The larger point is that, while gunpowder was invented in the 9th century, there was no knowledge of it in Europe until the 12th century -- long after 1066.

By the way, useful "debate" requires both of the elements the provided above. Not just opinion asserted as though fact, but a linked authoritative source provided which essentially states the same in a coherent, compelling manner, and with sources of its own provided demonstrating a well informed product as opposed to just some hack on the internet pretending to know everything. But I digress.

The earliest recorded use of the term "gonne" was in a Latin document circa 1339.
as understood today, guns and firearms did not exist in 1066 and, like it or not, this topic is about guns, not just any old "arms." Now continue dividing and trolling like the silly goose you are..
the gun manufacturers association (NRA)
That is factually incorrect. The NRA is not the gun manufacturers association.

The NRA is an organization that is devoted to protecting people's civil liberties. Kind of like the ACLU but actually for real.

The NSSF is the gun manufacturers association.

The larger point is that, while gunpowder was invented in the 9th century, there was no knowledge of it in Europe until the 12th century -- long after 1066.
After the spread of guns in England, it didn't take very long at all (1541 as I recall) before it was codified into law that English commoners had the right to have guns, the right to practice shooting guns, and the right to use guns to defend their homes from common criminals.

By the way, useful "debate" requires both of the elements the provided above. Not just opinion asserted as though fact, but a linked authoritative source provided which essentially states the same in a coherent, compelling manner, and with sources of its own provided demonstrating a well informed product as opposed to just some hack on the internet pretending to know everything. But I digress.
The left likes to claim that "fact is opinion" because leftists really really hate facts. Facts always undermine the left's demented ideology.

But no. Fact is not opinion no matter how much leftists hate reality.

If you'd like a cite for a factual claim that you find questionable, feel free to ask for one.

as understood today, guns and firearms did not exist in 1066 and, like it or not, this topic is about guns, not just any old "arms."
The right to keep and bear arms is highly relevant here even though the origin of the right did not involve guns.

Now continue dividing and trolling like the silly goose you are..
Your accusation of trolling is false and untrue.

Your accusation of divisiveness is hypocritical, as the most divisive statements here are coming from those who espouse an anti-freedom agenda.
Unfortunately the assault weapons ban from the late 90's to the early 2000's did seem to correlate with a significant drop in mass shootings.

I generally tend to agree. But gun restrictions MUST be considered as part of the overall "fix". We need improved social safety nets and better welfare programs as well as a general strengthening of control over the guns (or at least oversight).

I agree. We REALLY need to deal with poverty and social inequality in this country and that might move the ball down the field moreso than what we've tried so far.
The 94 AWB’s effectiveness was mixed at best:

Even if a new ban were enacted, some 40 million assault weapons would remain in the possession of gunowners.

The only viable solutions are those that don’t involve the regulation and restriction of firearms.
I don't know anyone like that. I just know peaceable law abiding citizens who can't understand why gun nuts want to take away their constitutional rights because someone else broke a law.

In America we have individual rights, not group rights.
Yes, you guys run on Toxic Individualism. We know that. Forget the word "Rights" and replace in with "Responsibilities". Then embrace others and go and be "Responsible" in society.
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